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The Simpsons Game (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

The Simpsons Game

Developer: Griptonite Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in US: October 30, 2007
Released in EU: November 2, 2007
Released in AU: November 6, 2007

MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

To do:
  • Unused voicelines. There's a bunch of voicelines in this version that are exclusive in this version and unused voicelines you can hear in the credits. If anybody knows how to extract the files from the game let me know! --PolyMars

The Simpsons Game is what you get when you make a Simpsons game with every game genre.

The DS version is almost completely different from its console counterparts, except for the story. Because of limitations, a 3D action platformer becomes a 2D one, with the exception of stages featuring Marge. Also, for some reason the cutscenes in this version are CGI, which are seen in a somewhat less complete state in the Xbox 360 version's prototype.

The only "Simpsons Game" I can think of is the one where we all pretend Dad isn't an alcoholic!


Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Unused Sound Effects


Sounds Effects meant for a "Saxophone Attack". This suggests that Lisa was originally going to have her Saxophone Stun attack as seen in the console versions.

Filename Sound

Unused Videos

To do:
Find a way to get the ".vx" files extracted. Right now these cutscenes are being played in-game by replacing another ".vx" file, so the sound being played is from the Bartman Begins cutscene.


An early draft cutscene for Around the World in 80 Bites which is also used in the Wii version's prototype.


An animatic cutscene for the intro of The Land of Chocolate (which doesn't have an equivalent cutscene either).


Music Differences

The music in this version of the game seems to be based on early variants of tracks used as placeholders in early builds of the console versions.

Land of Chocolate Slow

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2

Land of Chocolate Fast

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 3

Bartman Begins

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3

The Treehugger

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 3

Mob Rules

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2

Enter the Cheatrix

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 2
Layer 3

Treehouse of Horror

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3

Bargain Bin

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3

Mythos of Marge

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3

Five Characters in Search of an Author

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3

Game Over

Layer DS Track Early Track (Console) Final Track (Console)
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3

Hidden Name in Cutscenes

In the opening cutscene of Mob Rules, if you listen closely when Marge says the name of the "sleazy video game producer," you can faintly hear her say something under the censor beep. By reversing the audio, it reveals the name that Marge says: Larry Probst, who was the CEO of Electronic Arts at the time. This name is also mentioned in the New-Gen E3 Build version of the cutscene.

Normal Audio Reversed Audio

Unused Victory Jingles

Some victory jingles, each representing one of the different stages. Likely meant to be used upon beating the stage, which doesn't happen since in-game the regular menu theme plays instead.