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Time Gal (Sega CD)

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Title Screen

Time Gal

Developer: Wolf Team
Publishers: Wolf Team (JP), Renovation Products (US), Sega (EU)
Platform: Sega CD
Released in JP: November 13, 1992
Released in US: 1993
Released in EU: 1993

LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Topless Time Gal in the Japanese version.

Time Gal is yet another timing game originally by Taito.

Level Select

Time Gal SCD - Stage Select.png

At the main menu, press Left, Right, Right, Up and then select Game Start. Stage will change the starting time period, Scene will change the starting section, and the bottom option flips the stage's orientation.

In the Japanese version, this will also enable the ability to pause.

Regional Differences

Japanese International
TimeGal-WolfTeam-JP.png TimeGal-WolfTeam-EN.png

The international versions use an alternate version of the Wolf Team logo. Additionally, the text reading "A WOLF TEAM PRESENTS" has been removed.


Japanese International
TimeGal-OP-JP.png TimeGal-OP-EN.png

The Japanese version's intro uses redrawn scenes like the rest of the game, whereas the international versions opt for a compressed version of the original footage. The credits and lyrics in the Japanese version are also excluded from the international versions.


Japanese International
TimeGal-Options-JP.png TimeGal-Options-EN.png

In the options menu, "PLAYER" was changed to "LIVES," and "SE TEST" was changed to "EFFECTS."

Japanese International
TimeGal-Password-JP.png TimeGal-Password-EN.png

The international versions change the passwords for Visual Mode from words and names to gibberish. Additionally, "PUSH" was changed to "PRESS."


Japanese International
TimeGal-AD666-JP.png TimeGal-AD999-EN.png

The time period AD 666 was changed to AD 999 in the international versions.

Japanese International
TimeGal-PrayToGod-JP.png TimeGal-HopeForLuck-EN.png

The option to pray to God for help in 1941's Time Stop was changed to "HOPE FOR LUCK." Reika still becomes an angel regardless.

Japanese International
TimeGal-Ending-JP.png TimeGal-Ending-EN.png

The last line of the ending message was changed from "GOD BLESS TIME GAL." to "BLESS THE TIME GAL!"

Japanese International
TimeGal-SecretScreen-JP.png TimeGal-HighScore-EN.png

The secret screen that appears after beating Hard difficulty and waiting ten minutes after the credits has been removed.


Japanese International
TimeGal-Luda-JP.png TimeGal-GetReady-EN.png

In the Japanese version, every death is followed up by a clip of Luda laughing. The international versions cut straight to the "Get Ready!" screen, only showing Luda if the player gets a game over.

The pause function is disabled in the Japanese version unless the level select code has been inputted, the international versions let you pause by default.


The original audio track from the Japanese version has been almost completely replaced in the international versions, the only trace of the original being the ending scene.

Japanese International

The opening song "Jikuu wo Koete" had its vocals replaced with the melody, and the beginning of the song is slightly cut off.