Transformers (PlayStation 2, International)/Unused Textures
This is a sub-page of Transformers (PlayStation 2, International).
Early Light Unit Textures
The Starship level has a prop featuring a Light Unit being repaired on a table. As it turns out, the textures being used by this prop are actually a very early set of textures for the enemy, likely stemming from before September 2003. It's clear that these textures were created for the model present in Build 3944, evident by the head textures having the same dimensions. The textures give the Light Unit a predominantly gray color scheme with some subtle blue highlights - so subtle in fact that it's impossible to notice this in early gameplay footage or renders.
For some reason, Hasbro based their merchandise of the Light Unit on these early textures.
It's apparent that the Starship prop's head texture has much more detail when compared to Build 3944's.
Starship Prop | 3944 | Retail |
Early Dropship Textures
To do: The Decepticon insignia lacks transparency. Can it be removed or can transparency be applied correctly? |
Much like the early Light Unit textures, the Starship level also uses an early set of textures for the prop Dropships. The textures give the Dropship a rusty-metallic and aquamarine color scheme. A texture for the Decepticon insignia was not included in the Starship geometry files, suggesting that this iteration lacked one. This is reflective of early Dropship renders present in the Extras menu, which also lack an insignia.
The gray texture is half the resolution of retail's equivalent and the aquamarine body texture lacks certain details when compared to early renders of the Dropship in prototype builds. Something to note is that Build 5171's Starship level has a different texture for the main body, suggesting that the aquamarine body texture doesn't belong with this set.
Early | Final |
Another early set of textures can be found in the Mid-Atlantic's level files. There is no prop of the Dropship in this level, meaning these textures go unused. This particular color scheme is prominently seen in cutscenes present in Build 3944 and model renders of the Dropship in Build 5171. Once again, a texture for the Decepticon insignia was not included. The main body texture is half the resolution and missing a considerable amount of detail, suggesting that this texture preceded the Starship prop's version. The gray texture is also half the resolution of retail's.
Early | Final |
Lastly, a single unused texture belonging to the Dropship can be found in Alaska's geometry folder. The texture appears to be a later version of the texture found in the Mid-Atlantic.
Early | Final |
Unused Mini-Con Palettes
There is an unused green palette for the "Movement" (F1 car) Mini-Con body. By default, all the Mini-Con textures are green, so this palette is likely a byproduct of this.
There is an unused red palette for the "Exotic" Mini-Con body. This would have been used for the cut Endgame Mini-Con.
Unused Level Textures
The following textures aren't referenced to show up anywhere.
To do: CABLE.ITF texture. |
The research center had a fair amount of textures cut. At some point in development, there was supposed to be text and numbers on the buildings. "Hanger" is using the wrong variant of the word.
A notice sign which, as per earlier builds, was placed on the half-cylinder hangars. You can actually see this sign in the pre-rendered Starscream intro cutscene.
Earlier textures for the half-cylinder hangars exist. They are affixed with "BAK".
Unused | Used |
Some crates were cut. The texture sheet suggests they could possibly be placed directly in the snow or a surface with no snow.
A texture for a red generator exists. The generators used in-game are gray and have a different UV map.
A texture for a red cross is unused. The red texture has an alpha which gives the characteristic red cross appearance. As observed in Build 3944, this texture was pasted on top of a (also cut) building within the research station. Since the Red Cross organization is rather protective of its trademarked logo, it makes sense that this was cut from the game.
Lastly, the research centre had some miscellaneous textures cut, which includes a grill, a roof, and a support beam.
Some rocky environmental textures are also unused. The first three textures belong to a mountain while the fourth and fifth are a identified as "ROCKSHAPE." The sixth texture is an identical copy of a used texture.
Unused snowy textures are also present. This includes basic snow, icy snow, an ice column, two textures specified as being a platform, and some rocky snow textures. The last rocky snow texture has a very small resolution of 16x16.
A water texture is present which isn't referenced anywhere in the level.
In addition to all the research centre and environmental textures, an "invisible wall" texture is present. This texture isn't present in build 3944, but is present in build 5171.
Deep Amazon
An early sky texture is present. This texture has a similar atmosphere to Deep Amazon skies seen in prerelease media, though it's difficult to determine if this is the same texture seen in said prerelease media.
Unused | Used |
Duplicates of used tree textures are placed in this directory. These specific files aren't referenced anywhere, though.
Copies of textures used in the Amazon level are present but not referenced anywhere.
There's a slew of unused environmental textures. There's a series of cliff textures present. The first four are grouped together under the "STONE_CLIFF" classification while the fifth is "CLIFF_MOSS". The sixth is a transition from cliff to foliage.
Some textures with "JUNGLE_RIVER_FOLIAGE" in the filename are not used anywhere.
Lastly, there's a weird 16x16 cyan texture called "NORIPPLE".
The following textures can be found unused in both versions of the Mid-Atlantic level.
A low quality rock texture is present. This texture is a zoomed in, less colorful version of the used rock texture.
Unused | Used |
Another uninteresting rock texture.
An unused sea texture. For some reason, this texture is a whopping 24bpp texture with some random colors in the top left.
The following textures can only be found the warship variant of the Mid-Atlantic level.
Some environmental textures are lying around. This includes two sand textures and two sea textures. The latter sea texture has an alpha.
Plenty of textures were dropped from the aircraft carrier. Some textures prefixed with "TURRET" are present. These appear to be earlier textures for Tidal Wave's cannons (specifically, the actor loaded into the pre-boss version of Mid-Atlantic).
Eight green environmental textures were cut. In particular, the first texture is internally referred to as a "grey floor" despite being green. The last texture was supposedly part of a fan.
Some other metal-based environmental textures were also cut. Per the filename, the last texture is supposed to represent some lights which are turned off.
A throne was cut from the warship. Unfortunately, the model no longer exists.
Some textures which were likely intended to be used in the command centers are present. Three hologram textures are unused. While two of the textures are a plain lime green, their alpha channels reveal some art, one of which includes a wireframe of the Starship. The last hologram is a purple-tinted render of Hot Shot.
Two textures which appear to be computer panels were dropped as well.
A radar texture was also cut. Despite the filename suggesting that it's green, the radar is actually blue!
And lastly, what appears to be an overview of the Pacific Island level with some geographical differences. Note that it's difficult to ascertain if this texture was intended for Mid-Atlantic or an early iteration of Pacific Island. Speaking of which...
Present in Mid-Atlantic is what seems to be a massive amount of textures from a very early iteration of Pacific Island. This early iteration would have followed the concept art seen in the Extras menu, featuring Tidal Wave as the level boss. This level was entirely reworked, integrating elements from this early iteration of Pacific Island and the cut Volcano level, eventually becoming the Pacific Island level featured in the final game. The only footage available of this early iteration of Pacific Island is the level select video found in Build 3944.
There's a series of textures with the "BC_" prefix which go unused. Different variants of these textures are also found in Pacific Island's geometry folder, albeit unused as well.
A temporary grass texture and "volcanic light" texture are present. These textures are also present in Pacific Island's geometry folder..
The remaining textures appear to be unique to the Mid-Atlantic's geometry files. There's an unused sky texture present. It shares a filename with the sky texture present in Pacific Island.
A texture called "ROTUNDAL" is present. A rotunda is defined as being a round building. There exists concept art of Pacific Island showing off some round buildings.
Lastly, there are 63 unused environmental textures belonging to this early iteration of Pacific Island:
To do: LIGHTONBLUE.ITF needs to be added here. Doesn't seem to display correctly. |
Alaska's unused textures are comprised entirely of environmental textures (excluding a single Dropship texture). Almost half of the textures present in Alaska aren't used.
A texture for a pine tree is present. Compared to the used equivalent, it's higher quality but missing a branch.
Unused | Used |
A bunch of cave textures are unused.
There's some unreferenced ice textures present as well. The first texture is referred to as the floor for an ice cave. The last texture is a see-through ice texture with its associated alpha.
Some mountain and rocky textures go unused.
Lastly, some miscellaneous textures are present. This includes three ground textures, some wall textures (with one having an alpha), a waterfall with its associated alpha, and whatever "smalledge_1" is supposed to be.
To do: Is EX_MOUN_JOIN.ITF also unused? |
Starship doesn't have many unused textures. Some environmental textures are unreferenced by the level. The first one is an ice floor while the other two are mountain textures.
An unused texture called LIGHTMAP present.
Pacific Island
To do: Radar textures. |
There's a placeholder grass texture present. This texture is also unused in Mid-Atlantic.
A detailed smoke texture. There doesn't seem to be a copy of this texture located elsewhere in the game files.
Some unused flat neon color textures are present. In respective order, they are RIVFLOOR.ITF, OFLOOR.ITF, and TURNAROUND.ITF
There's some peculiar mechanical textures present. The filename for this predominantly gray texture suggests that it's part of some Decepticon HQ.
A variant of the "DEC_HQ" texture is also present, this time with a purple hue and split into four separate images. The filenames are now suggesting that they're part of a spaceship. The textures are much more detailed compared to DEC_HQ.
Three more unused mechanical textures with a purple hue are present.
Adding on to the peculiar mechanical textures, this one's called "UFO1".
"DETAIL02A" is of some bronze-colored pipes and wires.
The name for this unused texture suggests it's part of the aircraft carrier from Mid-Atlantic. However, Mid-Atlantic doesn't have a texture with this filename.
A texture for a whale bone is present. There aren't any animal bones present in the game.
Textures belonging to some man-made structures are present but aren't referenced anywhere. This includes some rusty metal walls, a marble texture, a "WHITEWASHED" texture (which looks like a wall texture), a "CHURCH_BOT" texture, and a stone wall.
Much like the Pacific Island leftovers present in Mid-Atlantic, there's also a series of "BC_" textures present. All of these files go unused and are likely leftovers from an earlier iteration of Pacific Island. These textures are different than the ones present in Mid-Atlantic.
Several textures referring to caves exist. There aren't any caves present in Pacific Island. However, concept art reveals that its earlier iteration was planned to have various caves throughout the island.
There's also a collection of textures intended for a sea cave. The filenames for these textures are reflective of an early storyboard image.
Six textures for sand are lying around.
A couple rocky textures. The first texture is a rocky road with the second one being its alpha. Variants of the third texture are present in the Mid-Atlantic geometry folder. A copy of the fourth texture is also present in the Mid-Atlantic geometry folder. The last texture is a transition from rocky to grassy.
Lastly, there's some textures for the sea. An alpha for the first image exists and is pictured next to it. The second image does not have an alpha.
The filenames classify these textures as part of the tan HQ building.
Per the filename, this is a temporary texture.
The filename states that this is supposed to be the top of a building. However, it's a flat light gray color.
What appears to be an artist's rendition of a nebula.
A portion of a stock photo of Kuwait. The road depicted is in-between the Al-Shamian Mosque and the Liberation Tower.
An image of the NGC 3603 Nebula.
A photo of Mars with some funky colors.
This rather large image is apparently a "planet glow." The alpha of this image is depicted.
Miscellaneous Textures
Placeholder Extras Menu Icons
Some placeholder Extras menu icons were left in the game. Compared to the used icons, these use text instead of illustrations and have some shading present inside of them. Some icons lack a used equivalent, instead either being split into different icons encompassing different aspects of its topic or were simply not updated.
Unused Extras Menu Icons
In addition to the placeholder extras menu icons, there are also some unused icons. This folder contains a few duplicates of the placeholder icons mentioned above, however some of these icons lack shading.
Other Unused Textures
A very tiny graphic depicting line-art of Drillbit from the Transformers: Armada cartoon. Build 3944 has this same graphic in much higher resolution.
Retail | 3944 |
An icon of a warpgate, which was likely used on some sort of menu.
A white box and a variant with a green check mark in it. The former image has its alpha channel displayed, as the image is purely white otherwise.
A mishmash of menu parts for an early menu. Each piece is 32x32 and can be combined to create a variety of differently shaped menus.
What's likely a placeholder graphic that would appear when picking up the Deep Amazon art Data-Con. The filename has a typo spelling "ATR" rather than "ART", which is probably why it wasn't overwritten by the final icon. The graphic itself is cropped from one of Amazon's storyboards.
File directory:\HUD
The Transformers: Armada logo and the Atari logo. This file is located with the rest of the in-game HUD elements, indicating that these logos were displayed in-game.
Some primitive graphics called "ZSPEED" and "ZBAR". Assuming they're related, perhaps it's a meter representing your speed. The alphas of both images are shown.
File directory:\FXTXTR
Some effects prefixed with "TURRETIMPACT". As evident by early footage, these effects appear to stem from the 2002 iteration's version of the turret.
An unused Atari Melbourne House (AMH) and Hasbro logo are present. These are intended to be shown upon booting the game up. Instead of using these graphics, AMH's is shown using an FMV while Hasbro's logo was shoved into the legal information graphic. Early prototype builds utilize unique images to display the Hasbro and AMH logos. While the Hasbro graphic is used in Build 5171, AMH's is unique as it seems to be dated sometime after Build 5171. There is no build available which actually uses this particular AMH logo.
Unused Fonts
File directory:\FONTS
To do: Needs some more investigation. |
BANKGOTHIC is a very old leftover, stemming from Men in Black II: Alien Escape. Evident by early footage, this font was actually used in the 2002 iteration for some debug readout information.
TARGW24 was used for the distance integer present above the reticle in-game. This functionality can be observed in Build 3944, Build 5171, and pre-release media.
WHITE18 stems from the Dreamcast version of Le Mans 24 Hours.
The following fonts are explicitly mentioned as being debug fonts in their filename. The alpha channel for the first image is shown, as it is purely black otherwise.
HUDFONT was used in earlier builds, such as Build 3944. When in the Mini-Con loadout menu in Autobot HQ, the "1020 40" numbers use this font.
SHAREDFONTS stems from the PS2 version of Grand Prix Challenge.