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Translations:Help:Contents/Rules & Guidelines/4/zh-cn

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  1. 游戏中仍然存在的未使用内容。

  2. 调试功能。

  3. 泄露的游戏原型。

  4. 发行版本间的不同。

    • 比如: 记录游戏的日本版和北美版的 地区性 差异。记录游戏在相同地区的两个不同 版本 的差异。
    • 例外: 由不同开发者移植到不同平台的差异。
  5. 隐藏内容.

  6. 由于线上服务终止而无法访问的内容。

    • 比如: 只能线上游玩的关卡。
    • 例外: Server-side content that is removed from any MMO is not valid for documentation as it can no longer be verified.
  7. Sources for unsourced information.

    • Example: If you see information on a page that isn't cited properly, see if you can track down a source for it. If none exists, or the reliability of the source is in question, it should be removed. When in doubt, use the development article's talk page to discuss the matter with other editors.
  8. File paths for material described.

    • Example: When adding information about particular files, it can be useful to add a full path to where the file was found, including its file name.
  9. 隐藏/彩蛋