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Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

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Title Screen

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

Developer: Atlus
Publisher: Atlus
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: August 7, 2008
Released in US: July 1, 2008

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Trauma Center: Under The Knife 2 is another entry in the game series where you go places, do doctor things, and other stuff.

This game is also the origin of "Gentle Breeze", the song that nearly every YouTube veteran knows about.

Trauma Center: Second Opinion Leftovers

Several leftover portraits for Angie and Derek from the Wii game Trauma Center: Second Opinion along with a few unique placeholder portraits.

TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (5).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (14).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (15).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (16).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (17).png

TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (7).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (8).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (10).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (9).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (12).png

TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (3).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (11).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (4).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (13).png TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (6).png

The text in Derek's last portrait translates to "Operating".

TraumaCenterDS2 - UnusedPortrait (1).png

An unfinished grayscale portrait of Kafi Mugabe. The text translates to "320 Ordinary", followed by the name of said character.

Me when I look in the mirror.

A red image of Derek. The text translates to "Failure".

(Source: The Spriters Resource)

Debug Menu

US Version Japanese Version
TC UTK2 US Debug Menu.png TC UTK2 JP Debug Menu.png

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 contains a debug menu to test operations, cutscenes, and screens. The menu can be accessed in both the US and Japanese releases of the game with an Action Replay code.

Start In Debug Menu
52004004 F003FFFF
12000c6a 00002114
D0000000 00000000

Main Menu

JP Text Translation US Text Function
ゲーム開始 Start Game game start Starts the game normally.
手術 石井さん用 Surgery For Ishii-san's Use ope direct In the US Version this starts Chapter 1 Episode 3's operation. In the JP Version this starts the test operation.
手術 面セレクト E Surgery Stage Select E ope sele e Opens a debug episode selector and starts an operation in easy difficulty.
手術 面セレクト N Surgery Stage Select N ope sele n Opens a debug episode selector and starts an operation in normal difficulty.
手術 面セレクト H Surgery Stage Select H ope sele h Opens a debug episode selector and starts an operation in hard difficulty.
エピソード選択画面 Episode Selection Screen episode Opens the game's normal episode selector.
セーブロード画面 Save Load Screen save road Opens the game's save selection screen.
カルテ画面 Clinical Records Screen karte Starts the briefing for Chapter 1 Episode 1's operation.
リザルト画面 Result Screen result Opens an operation results screen.
ゲームオーバー Game Over game over Opens the game over screen for Chapter 1 Episode 1's operation.
ADVパート ADV Part ADV before Opens a debug episode selector and plays the pre-operation cutscenes.
ADVパート 手術後 ADV Part Post-Surgery ADV after Opens a debug episode selector and plays the post-operation cutscenes.
セーブフラグオン Save Flag On save on Sets every chapter/episode in every difficulty as completed.
セーブ消す Delete Save save clear Deletes save data.

Episode Selector

US Version Japanese Version
TC UTK2 US Debug Episode Select.png TC UTK2 JP Debug Episode Select.png
The debug episode selector.
The symbol 章 in the Japanese version means "Chapter".

The debug episode selector is used for the Surgery selection and ADV selection menu options. Selecting an episode that doesn't have a surgery for surgery selection or an episode that doesn't have a cutscene for ADV selection takes you back to the main menu.

X Operation Cutscenes

TC UTK2 US XOperation Cutscene.png

If an X Operation (Chapter 8) episode is selected for "ADV before" a cutscene with the same text as the surgery briefing takes place in an office in the "Suburbs" map. X Operation episodes normally skip straight to the surgery briefing when selected from the normal episode selection menu.

Test Operation

In the Japanese version, selecting "手術 石井さん用 (Surgery For Ishii-san's Use)" starts a test operation. The US version of the game normally prevents the test operation from being played. Because of this, the equivalent option in the US version "ope direct" defaults to Chapter 1 Episode 3's operation, but the test operation can still be accessible with a cheat.

Allow Test Operation
52004004 F003FFFF
120686CC 0000E001
D0000000 00000000

The operation consists of two tumor removal operations in a row with a constantly shaking screen. Failing the operation in the US version shows some corrupted untranslated text, though this is not the case for the Japanese version.

US Version Japanese Version
TC UTK2 US Test Operation Fail.png TC UTK2 JP Test Operation Fail.png
Translation: Tsukimori (Dr. Stiles), you're going too slow! I'll handle the rest!