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Keep circulating the games
This game was made unofficially by fans.
Anything pertaining to this game has no effect on the actual series and is not considered canonical in any manner.
This birb is mad 'cuz there's not enough done on this page.
This game is considered a high priority article.
More needs to be done for this article.


Hidden within the game's files is a configuration file that would have been used for debugging. This does not appear to be active or recognized in the final game.


StartMission = -1			// 開始ミッション番号 (Starting Mission Number)
PerformanceMeter = ON			// パフォーマンスメータの表示 (Display a performance meter)
DisableClipping = OFF			// クリッピング (Clipping)
CinemaScope = OFF			// シネスコ (Cinemascope)
ShaderDebugDisp = ON			// シェーダーデバック表示 (Display Shader Debug)
PushBufferInfo = OFF			// プッシュバッファ情報表示 (Display Push Buffer Info)

DrawFrame = ON				// イベント経過フレーム表示 (Display Elapsed Frames for Events)
GrobalFrame = OFF			// グローバルフレーム表示 (Display Global Frames)
FileAnalize = OFF			// ファイルアクセスデバッグ表示 (Display File Analyze Debug)
TextureAlphaRestore = OFF		// テクスチャαを強制的に2倍にする。旧ステージ用。
                                           (Forces a texture's alpha channel to be doubled. For old stages.)

CollisionDisp = OFF			// コリジョン表示 (Display Collisions)
MissionInfo = ON			// ミッション情報表示 (Display Mission Info)
SoundCountView = OFF			// サウンド発音数表示 (Display Number of Sounds Emitted)
ClothColiDisp = OFF			// 布用コリジョン表示 (Displays Collisions for Cloths)

PatternChangeForce = OFF		// 強制的にキャラのパターンチェンジをします 
                                           (Forcibly changes the character's patterns)

DebugFontPalette = ON		// フォントのパレットをデバック用黒ぶち付きにする
                                   (Attach black dots to the font's palette for debugging)

LoadAdjustScrEffect = OFF	// 調整用のスクリーンエフェクトパラメータをロードする (Load screen effect parameters for adjustment)

EventOutput = OFF			// イベントの出力 (Event Output)
MotionMatrixOutput = OFF		// マトリクス保存ファイル(.omr)の出力 (Matrix save file (.omr) output)
DBHddOutput = OFF			// デバステでHDDにログ保存 (Save logs onto a HDD in a debug station)

DisableCollision = OFF			// コリジョンを使用不能に (To disable collision)
DisableStage = OFF			// ステージを使用不能に (To disable stages)
DisableStgObj = OFF			// ステージオブジェを使用不能に (To disable stage objects)
DisableEffect = OFF			// エフェクトを使用不能に (To disable effects)
DisablePreloadStage = OFF	// ステージの先読みを使わない (Don't use stage look-ahead)

DebugWindowColR = 0			// デバッグウィンドウの背景色 (Debug Window Background Color)
DebugWindowColG = 0			//
DebugWindowColB = 0			//
DebugWindowColA = 128			//

EventSelectOn = OFF			// イベントセレクトをするか? (Do you want to select an event?)
ForceFrameDrop = OFF			// フレーム落ちさせます。(イベント布用) (Drop the frames. (For event cloths))
UseDebugWindow = OFF			// デバッグウィンドウを使用できるようにする (Make the debug window available)
CheckVisibleMatrix = OFF		// VisibleMatrixデバッグ(最大階層数表示(モデルマネージャーの階層数))
                                           (VisibleMatrix debug (maximum number of layers displayed (number of layers of model manager)))

RandomEncountLv = -1		// ランダムエンカウントのレベル(0~9) (Random Encounter Level (0-9))
BGMVolumeTest = OFF			// BGMのボリュームを設定するテスト (Test to set the BGM volume)

DebugSEReqName = OFF			// SE_REQネームを出力する (Output the SE_REQ names)
FileTimeOutTime	= 30			// ファイルのタイムアウト秒 (File time out in seconds)
MissionLoop = OFF			// ミッションをループします (Loops the missions)
EventLoop = OFF				// イベントをループします (Loops the events)

MissionRangeDisp = OFF		// ミッション付けレンジを表示 (Shows ranges for missions)
DebugStageStartPos = OFF	// デバッグ用ステージ開始位置を使用する (Use the debug stage start position)
OMZDebug = OFF				// OMZのデバッグができる (You can OMZ debug)

WeatherLittleRain = OFF		// 小雨降り (Small rainfalls)
WeatherRain = OFF			// 雨降り (Rainfall)
WeatherLittleSnow = OFF		// 小雪降り (Small snowfalls)
WeatherSnow = OFF			// 雪降り (Snowfall)

RainSnowEffectRange = OFF	// 雨雪発生時に×ボタンでエフェクトレンジが出るかどうか
                                   (Whether the effect range comes out with the X button when rain or snow occurs)

EventFrameSkip = ON			// イベントでのフレームスキップ (Frame Skip in Events)

PaletteAnimationTest = OFF	// パレットアニメーションテスト (Palette Animation Test)

FadeCtrlCancel = OFF		// フェードコントロールの無効(フェードはかかっているがαは0)
                                   (Disable fade control (fade is applied but the alpha is 0))

MssnSelectL2R2Jump00 = 0
MssnSelectL2R2Jump01 = 1000
MssnSelectL2R2Jump02 = 2000
MssnSelectL2R2Jump03 = 3000
MssnSelectL2R2Jump04 = 4000
MssnSelectL2R2Jump05 = 8000
MssnSelectL2R2Jump06 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump07 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump08 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump09 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump10 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump11 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump12 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump13 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump14 = -1
MssnSelectL2R2Jump15 = -1

EffectTrackDebug = OFF		// 軌跡のデバッグを可能にする (Enables trajectory debugging)

IntroCharaDebug = OFF		// キャラ紹介を最初のフレームで止める (Stop Character Introduction on the first frame)


StartEvent = 9
DrawFrame = OFF				// イベントのフレーム数を表示 (Display the Event Frame Number)

LightAmbientR = 64
LightAmbientG = 64
LightAmbientB = 64

Light0Enable = ON

Light0ColorA = 255
Light0ColorR = 128
Light0ColorG = 128
Light0ColorB = 128

Light0VectorX = 1.0
Light0VectorY = -1.0
Light0VectorZ = 1.0

Light1Enable = OFF

Light1ColorA = 0
Light1ColorR = 128
Light1ColorG = 0
Light1ColorB = 128

Light1VectorX = -1.0
Light1VectorY = 0.0
Light1VectorZ = -1.0

Light2Enable = OFF

Light2ColorA = 255
Light2ColorR = 128
Light2ColorG = 128
Light2ColorB = 128

Light2VectorX = 1.0
Light2VectorY = -1.0
Light2VectorZ = 1.0

LightTestMode = OFF

ClippingCustomObject = ON

DisableStartSkip = OFF

Psychonauts Review Build


  • You have infinite lives
  • Some of the fires in Basic Braining do not hurt you (but the animation plays).
  • The smelling salts dialog can't be skipped.
  • There's a figment in Mila's Dance party (final section) that is almost impossible to get without some crafty levitation jumps on rounded pipes. It's out of the reach of the fan's airflow.
  • There's nothing to alert you when you've gathered all the safes, figments, or cobwebs in a level. However, there is for the baggage still.
  • The dowsing rod is messed up graphically while in the underwater section.
  • Ford's head is missing from the cutscene after you defeat the hulking lunkfish.
  • The newsflash music loops over the entire news "broadcasts" in the Lungfishpoplis level.
  • Brain jars will most of the time have the pictures are facing a wall, or where you can't see the pictures.
  • Tiny difference in Waterloo, it seems that they changed the hard-to-find fairy figment at the last minute. In this build, it's a Centaur instead of a Fairy.
  • Some graphical glitches in Gloria's Theater where the mood light would change the scenery.
  • When you get infinite ammo, the number that appears next to the Psi-Blast or Confusion icons is "01". It always stays at "01". Also, once you reach rank 95, the bonus it lists after obtaining infinite ammo is still "infinite ammo at rank 95".
  • The cart that helps you get around the map quickly has a glitchy animation that makes Raz float above the track and cart while it moves.
  • The "Brain Tumbler Experiment" level's name is "Nightmare in the Brain Tumbler" in this version of the game.
  • All movies in this game show in a tiny portion of the screen.

Shrek 2

Unused Graphics

Unused Used
Shrek 2-Legal NGC-psd.png Shrek 2 GC-Title-Used.jpg

An alternate version of the start-up screen can be found in the disc as Legal_NGC.psd. The only difference besides the lossy image compression is the copyright date.

Development Leftovers

Source Code Control files that would have been used with Visual Studio can be found on the disc in the music and voice folders.

The Dig

Unused Voices

Unused conversations with the Inventor regarding certain objects.

You lying thieving cheating scum-sucking dog-licking spit-swimming spider-eating goat-hugging dung-smearing pig-kissing frog-swallowing mud-biting cow-tipping toilet-swabbing cud-chewing window-washing half-warped apple-polishing worm-witted chicken-hearted lamb-lusting nefarious untrustworthy nasty person.

(Source: Andrew McCarthy)

Developer Text

Hidden inside the game's main executable, DIG.EXE, at 0x72939:

Aric disabled Monkey saves for some DIG thang!

Romancing SaGa

Confirm any of this.

Unused Items

(Source: Game Center GX)

Pokemon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire Credits

Since it seems the game never displays these (in the American and European versions), here's a full list of known staff.

Source: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/6420/staff/pokemon_pinad.html

Director: Masaru Kuribayashi
Programmers: Tsutoshi Matsumoto, Masamitsu Takami, Noriaki Teramoto
Graphics Design: Arito Choujou, Kouji Kiriyama, Norichika Meguro, Masanori Nishishita,
Noriko Shibuya, Naomi Sanada, Hiroshi Tanigawa, Tomoki Miyazaki, Masaru Kuribayashi
Sound: Kazuya Suyama, Auumi Sano
Pokemon Voices: Ikue Ootani, Satomi Koorogi
Debugging: Super Mario Club
Illustrations: Norichika Meguro
Artwork: Fujiko Nomura, Yasuko Takahashi, Mizue Hagiwara, Akiko Hirono
Special Thanks: Yuuri Sakurai, Hiroki Enomoto, Ken Sugimori, Gou Ichinose, Junichi Masuda, Takao Nakano, Azusa Tajima, 
Takemoto Mori, Masafumi Mima, Tomotaka Komura, Kenjioru Itou, Takanao Kondou, Rui Kawaguchi
Coordinators: Kyouko Watanabe, Retsuji Nomoto
Function Managers: Hitoshi Yamagami, Gakuji Nomoto
Producers: Hiroyuki Jinnai, Takehiro Izushi, Makoto Nakayama, Hiroaki Tsuru
Executive Producers: Satoru Iwata, Tsunekazu Ishihara

Things to check out
