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  • ...that the Amiga version of Final Fight has two lengthy diatribes by the author?
  • ...that Taito's Indiana Jones game hates checksum errors?
  • ...that The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds contains recreations of areas from A Link to the Past?
  • ...that the NES port of Donkey Kong has unused graphics for a bonus item that doesn't appear in any other version?
  • ...that Commando was originally called Combat, and was renamed Space Invasion in West Germany?
  • ...that DuckTales has a third ending with a very obscure unlocking method?

  • ...that Mega Man 7 has two somewhat hidden references to Nintendo hardware that were removed in later releases?
  • ...that the NES Tetris has a partially implemented two-player mode?
  • ...that the arcade version of Bubble Bobble has a complete set of slot machine graphics?
  • ...that many early Konami NES games have anti-piracy features designed to make the player's experience miserable?
  • ...that Side Arms Hyper Dyne uses "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to test the game's sound engine?
  • ...that there's space in the NES Metroid cart for a save battery?

  • ...that the 1978 game Orbit has hidden credits that could only be accessed by a removed button combination?
  • ...that Atomic Bomberman has many alternate line takes, including some pretty profane dialogue?
  • ...that Palmtree Panic from Sonic CD was once named Salad Plain?
  • ...that you could once kill people with dildos in Manhunt 2?
  • ...that Metroid Fusion has debug rooms that use graphics from Wario Land 4?
  • ...that Sonic Mega Collection has an unused video filmed in San Francisco?

  • ...that the 1986 game Ganso Saiyuuki has a filthy message from the game's designer?
  • ...that in Portal 2, the two people in co-op were once not robots, but Chell and Mel, a palette-swap?
  • ...that Donkey Kong Jr. was meant to appear in Donkey Kong 3?
  • ...that in Serious Sam 3: BFE, a giant invincible scorpion will spawn if the game detects that it's a pirate copy?
  • ...that Crocomire was set to appear in Metroid Zero Mission?
  • ...that Mega Man's Soccer has unused endings for the championship and tournament modes?

  • ...that several unused bosses exist in Cuphead's data?
  • ...that the Game Boy version of Yoshi's Cookie was once called Hermetica?
  • ...that Mega Man Zero 3 had e-Reader support that was cut from all non-Japanese releases?
  • ...that the PC version of Plants vs. Zombies has a page of unused minigames?
  • ...that Super Mario Sunshine had four areas and a railroad system that were cut from the final game?
  • ...that Shinobi III supports a then-unreleased controller through a cheat code?

  • ...that there are over 30 item icons, over 50 unused voice clips, and sprites for several unused moves for Richter in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night?
  • ...that there are 9 unused items in Lunar: Eternal Blue, including the famous Dark Scimitar weapon?
  • ...that Shang Tsung was meant to have a fatality in the arcade version of Mortal Kombat?
  • ...that Kintaro was originally meant to have an intro in Mortal Kombat II like Goro did in Mortal Kombat?
  • ...that graphics for an unused blimp object exist in Castlevania: Bloodlines?
  • ...that the instructions for reaching the final stage of the NES X-Men were hidden in the in-game text?

  • ...that the NES Star Trek: 25th Anniversary has two key items that were only ever seen in Nintendo Power?
  • ...that the Famicom Maniac Mansion has a hidden apology for its 104-character passwords?
  • ...that Samurai Shodown Anthology has movelists for the unplayable characters - but got all but one of Yumeji's moves wrong?
  • ...that the enemy troop leader in the arcade Alien vs. Predator actually has a name? And it may have been possible to fight him?
  • ...that the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Warrior III has Dragon Warrior IV-related content in it?
  • ...that Cheetahmen II was supposed to have two more levels?

  • ...that there's a cheat that gives Bond a paired rocket launcher and sniper rifle in the Japanese version of GoldenEye?
  • ...that Zeromus got a makeover in the Japan-exclusive Easy Type version of Final Fantasy IV?
  • ...that Joanna Dark is Asian in the Japanese version of Perfect Dark?
  • ...that Scorched Earth had a couple of very buggy lasers in Version 1.1?
  • ...that this website's prickly mascot was originally intended to appear in Super Mario 64?
  • ...that at one point in development, the green background in the 1990 Windows version of Solitaire could be changed to a bitmap image?

  • ...that The New Tetris contains a gigantic amount of hidden rants and ASCII art? And that it took hackers only three days to find?
  • ...that Star Fox was renamed Star Wing due to potential legal issues in Germany?
  • ...that RoboCop on the Game Boy and Alien vs. Predator on the SNES were both planned to have password screens, but they ended up scrapped?
  • ...that RoboCop vs. The Terminator thought that was a weird error, man?
  • ...that Monster Rancher has a slick techno track randomly put on the CD as filler?
  • ...that the Wii version of A Boy and His Blob has a Sam & Max: Freelance Police intro movie?

  • ...that Gremlins: Unleashed and Kirikou have a variety of hidden images and messages from the developers, including rants about crappy Windows dev environments?
  • ...that the Amiga version of Dragon's Lair has a message to crackers, asking them to wait a while before cracking the game...and it worked?
  • ...that Side B of the Apple II Karateka diskette has an upside-down version of the game?
  • ...that Journey to Silius started out as a Terminator game?
  • ...that due to the video game crash of 1983, Midnight Magic was released three years after it was completed?
  • ...that Lakitu's behavior in Super Mario Bros. is the result of a bug?

  • ...that the Atari 7800 port of Karateka wants to plant subliminal messages in your brain?
  • ...that ClayFighter 63⅓ has a character name graphic for a "HoboCop"?
  • ...that the Japanese version of Factory Panic has Gorbachev as the protagonist, but he was changed to a much more generic character in the International releases?
  • ...that the stage select in the Genesis version of Sonic 3D Blast doubles as an exception handler?
  • ...that the voice acting in The Town With No Name could have been worse?
  • ...that Pingus has an unused Pac-Man levelset?

  • ...that 360: Three Sixty has its own entire source code hidden inside?
  • ...that Chill has its own entire source code hidden inside?
  • ...that the Swedish release of Kung Fu Panda on PlayStation 2 has a hidden prototype build of the Wii version?
  • ...that Syphon Filter has an unused video from Bubsy 3D?
  • ...that Alien Storm has a hidden cheat that can be activated by many different button combinations?
  • ...that the Brazilian GameCube BIOS has a patch contained exclusively to fix a crash in NBA Courtside 2002?

  • ...that Deus Ex has cut models and textures referring to cut White House and moon levels?
  • ...that Donkey Kong 64 has a hidden rainbow coin collectible that took 17 years to be well known?
  • ...that Homefront: The Revolution contains almost the entirety of TimeSplitters 2?
  • ...that a Dreamcast port of Half-Life was finished but not released?
  • ...that PuLiRuLa has a hidden snowy stage in the game's code?
  • ...that Valve accidentally leaked cut weapon names in Team Fortress 2 then leaked the assets for said weapons almost two years later to the day?

  • ...that the original Xbox had an easter egg that went hidden for almost 20 years before a developer revealed it?
  • ...that multiple NES games have worse audio than intended, due to hardware reading the data backwards?
  • ...that the Atari version of Donkey Kong had an easter egg that took 26 years to discover?
  • ...that Persona 5 Royal has over two hours worth of unused cutscenes?
  • ...that Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf has an uncensored version of the South Park pilot episode?
  • ...that a demo of Mario Kart: Double Dash!! reveals the reverse cup was once planned for the game?