User:Hawk/Notepad/Content still in the game
- 1 Unused Content
- 1.1 Chapter 0 - Training
- 1.2 Chapter 1 - Liberty Island
- 1.3 Chapter 2 - Hell’s Kitchen
- 1.4 Chapter 3 - LaGuardia
- 1.5 Chapter 4 - NSF HQ
- 1.6 Chapter 5 - MJ12 Prison
- 1.7 Chapter 6 - Hong Kong Start
- 1.8 Chapter 7 - VersaLife UC
- 1.9 Chapter 8 - Hell’s Kitchen Return
- 1.10 Chapter 9 - Brooklyn Naval Shipyard
- 1.11 Chapter 10 - Paris
- 1.12 Chapter 11 - Paris Cathedral
- 1.13 Chapter 12 - Vandenberg
- 1.14 Chapter 13 - ???
- 1.15 Chapter 14 - Ocean Lab
- 1.16 Chapter 15 - Area 51
- 1.17 Chapter 99 - Endings
- 2 Non-Level Stuff
- 2.1 Objects
- 2.2 Items
- 2.3 NPCs
- 2.3.1 Textures
- 2.3.2 Audio
- 2.3.3 Barks
- Gunther
- Walton Simons
- Alex Jacobson
- Anna Navarre
- Child
- Cop
- Gary Savage
- Agent Hela
- Howard Strong
- Jaime Reyes
- Jock
- JoJo Fine
- Maggie Chow
- Man
- May Sung
- Mechanic
- MiB
- MJ12 Commandos
- MJ12 Troop
- MJ12 Troop B
- Morgan Everett
- Sailor
- Stanton Dowd
- Terrorist
- Terrorist B
- Thug Male
- Tracer Tong
- Triad Luminous Path
- Triad Red Arrow
- 2.3.4 UNATCO
- 2.4 Player
- 2.5 Music
- 3 Pre-release Content?
- 4 Not Quite Cut
- 5 Speculation
- 6 Oddities
- 7 GOTY Differences?
- 8 Convo Comments
- 8.1 AIBarks
- 8.2 Mission1
- 8.3 Mission2
- 8.4 Mission3
- 8.5 Mission4
- 8.6 Mission4_Infolink
- 8.7 Mission5
- 8.8 Mission5_Infolink
- 8.9 HK_Shared
- 8.10 Mission8
- 8.11 Mission8_Infolink
- 8.12 Mission9
- 8.13 Mission9_Infolink
- 8.14 Mission10
- 8.15 Mission10_Infolink
- 8.16 Mission11
- 8.17 Mission11_Infolink
- 8.18 Mission12_Infolink
- 8.19 Mission14
- 8.20 Mission15_Infolink
- 8.21 NYC_Smuggler_Shared
- 9 Textures
- 9.1 DeusExUI.u
- 9.2 Airfield.utx
- 9.3 Area51Textures.utx
- 9.4 Catacombs.utx
- 9.5 Cmd_tunnels.utx
- 9.6 CoreTexBrick.utx
- 9.7 CoreTexCeramic.utx
- 9.8 CoreTexConcrete.utx
- 9.9 CoreTexFoliage.utx
- 9.10 CoreTexMisc.utx
- 9.11 CoreTexSky.utx
- 9.12 CoreTexStucco.utx
- 9.13 CoreTexTiles.utx
- 9.14 Dockyard.utx
- 9.15 Hangar18.utx
- 9.16 HK_Decorations.utx
- 9.17 HK_Helibase.utx
- 9.18 HK_MJ12Lab.utx
- 9.19 HK_Signs.utx
- 9.20 HK_VersaLife.utx
- 9.21 InfoPortraits.utx
- 9.22 Mobile_Camp.utx
- 9.23 MolePeople.utx
- 9.24 Moon.utx
- 9.25 NewYorkCity.utx
- 9.26 NYCBar.utx
- 9.27 OceanLab.utx
- 9.28 Paris.utx
- 9.29 Rocket.utx
- 9.30 TITAN.utx
- 9.31 UNATCO.utx
- 9.32 References
- 10 Level Remnants
- 10.1 Chapter 0
- 10.2 Chapter 1
- 10.3 Chapter 2
- 10.4 Chapter 3
- 10.5 Chapter 4
- 10.6 Chapter 5
- 10.7 Chapter 6
- 10.7.1 06_HongKong_Helibase
- 10.7.2 06_HongKong_MJ12Lab
- 10.7.3 06_HongKong_Storage
- 10.7.4 06_HongKong_TongBase
- 10.7.5 06_HongKong_VersaLife
- 10.7.6 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal
- 10.7.7 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage
- 10.7.8 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market
- 10.7.9 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street
- 10.7.10 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld
- 10.8 Chapter 8
- 10.9 Chapter 9
- 10.10 Chapter 10
- 10.11 Chapter 11
- 10.12 Chapter 12
- 10.13 Chapter 14
- 10.14 Chapter 15
- 10.15 Liberty Island
- 10.16 Hong Kong Canals
- 11 Main Page
- 12 Proto
Unused Content
Chapter 0 - Training
Training surprisingly has a lot of cut content associated with it for being such a short segment.
[Content from the 30 minute video]
The training segment was originally a part of UNATCO that the player could go to, likely in a non-linear order. Most of the content related to that was cut but some infolinks from Gunther survived…
Telling the player about a set of targets called the "Prairie Dog Town", likely meaning a set of targets housed in the ground that would pop up and have to be shot quickly.
Chapter 1 - Liberty Island
There's an option to give Gunther your stealth pistol when you rescue him from the statue, but since the first stealth pistol you can get is after you beat the level, this normally goes unused. There’s another line for giving him your assault rifle, but since the first one you can get is after you talk to the NSF commander, it also goes unused.
This line was intentionally disabled.
This line requires you to have both talked to Filben and not talked to him.
This line from Anna doesn't play due to ordering issues.
Kaplan's line about using a scope mod on a sniper rifle was intentionally disabled since they come with a scope.
Alex has redundant infolinks about seeing people.
There’s an infolink for if the bot wasn't destroyed or disabled, but it has no setup.
Chapter 2 - Hell’s Kitchen
There’s a line JC would say to the female hostage when she asks what to do.
There’s lines from the UNATCO troopers in the Shanty Town. The game checks for any living terrorists with the 'ShantyTerrorists' (plural) tag, but since they have the tag 'ShantyTerrorist' (singular), the game thinks they're dead and these go unused.
The boat at BatteryPark is meant to have lines, however it's set to use "BoatPilot", which has no lines, when it should use "NYPoliceBoat".
If you managed to destroy the generator and get back to the boat, you'd take it back to Liberty Island instead of the helicopter (but there is no acknowledgement for this from Jock and you’d just spawn at the helipad).
There’s lines for a female junkie, not placed in any level.
There’s an unused line for if you didn't help the guards during the hotel fight.
These conversations with the bum in the clinic don't work because the game prioritizes the barks instead. Militaryː
The bum watching the mugging at the basketball court is meant to say one of three lines to them, with them responding with one of two. I think it doesn't work because of the distance between the bum and the thugs being too great, but even when that's fixed I've only managed to hear this once in my life.
There’s a conversation with Ford Schick if you didn't talk to Smuggler first, which isn't possible to do legitimately.
Alex has an infolink telling you about the NSF in Castle Clinton, possibly for if you skipped Anna.
This infolink is from a very old version of the level where you'd have to find Paul at a blockade at the hotel, rather than meeting him at the subway.
This would likely activate when the terrorists now outside Osgood’s are defeated, it refers to a cut conversation with Paul though.
This would play when returning from the warehouse after destroying the generator.
There’s an infolink from Alex that's meant to play after saving Sandra from Johnny and then talking to Janey in the bar, but it doesn't because the player is still in the conversation state at the time.
Alex has an infolink telling the player about a control panel, probably for the area under Osgood's.
Chapter 3 - LaGuardia
An answering machine would have foreshadowed his loyalties to the NSF when it’s used by the player. This is located in chapter 3 but may be why Paul runs to the subway in chapter 2.
There’s a conversation the player overhears on a speaker between Juan Lebedev and Tracer Tong. Tong will be trying to convince Lebedev to kill the player, whereas Juan insists on keeping him alive.
These lines are from Anna at UNATCO. Due to the game forgetting flags between chapters it instead uses the line that's meant to happen if you did everything right but avoided getting the grenades from Anna. This is the line that's meant to play if you did everything right in chapter 2
And if you mocked Anna in Battery Park.
A line from the troops in UNATCO if you mocked Anna in Battery Park doesn't play due to the game forgetting about the flag between chapters.
Lebedev telling you to run before they find you with Anna's body, Anna's body explodes so this was disabled.
JC’s response after comforting the troops in the UNATCO medical bay, this was disabled as it was a player line in a first person conversation.
These lines are from Anna at Lebedev if he's still alive, Again, due to the game forgetting flags between chapters it instead uses the line that's meant to happen if you did everything right but avoided getting the grenades from Anna. This is the line that's meant to play if you did everything right in chapter 2.
And if you mocked Anna in Battery Park.
These lines are from Anna at Lebedev if you just killed him, Again, due to the game forgetting flags between chapters it instead uses the line that's meant to happen if you did everything right but avoided getting the grenades from Anna.
And if you mocked Anna in Battery Park.
There’s an intentionally disabled segment of conversation between Anna and Manderley.
There’s an unused infolink for beating the mission and another for beating the mission after killing Lebedev.
Chapter 4 - NSF HQ
Unused lines from the HQ UNATCO troops, for if the player didn't kill Lebedev. The game forgets the required flag between chapters.
Lines that are meant to be played by Paul after Anna's confrontation, perhaps she was meant to be in the hotel but got moved. As Paul dies or disappears when going to Anna, these don't play.
When Paul mentions his parents JC is meant to say this if Lebedev mentioned them, but the game forgets the flag between chapters.
An unused line from Jock for if you chose to wait at UNATCO instead of immediately leaving. You don’t get a choice.
A line the computer would say when you send the signal.
There’s unused lines from Jock when he drops you off at the Ton, this used to be Battery Park so they were disabled.
A line that would play while Jock waited in Battery Park, after speaking to Paul.
These bums can still be found in the shanty town, but UNATCO occupies the area making it impossible to reach them without confrontation.
Unused lines from a UNATCO trooper that would be standing outside Castle Clinton when you started there.
Unused lines from a UNATCO trooper that would be standing on the Battery Park dock.
There’s unused barks from a Battery Park NPC #1
More unused barks from another Battery Park NPC
Even more unused barks from yet another Battery Park NPC
There’s a conversation with Ford Schick in this chapter, who doesn't appear.
Lines from Fordː
And after the raidː
And finally an unused infolink from Paul, probably for if you wandered off without talking to him.
Chapter 5 - MJ12 Prison
Fearful lines from the secretary, since she's hostile she doesn't say these and instead tries to attack you.
Unused lines for when JC said he'd kill Anna but hasn't yet.
Chapter 6 - Hong Kong Start
If you noclip past the loading area for Tonnochi Road, you'll find a Triad member standing in T-pose. With some hacking, you can get him to speak, and doing so reveals a unique dialogue, that among other things, mentions Maggie Chow being Paul's wife (which is a lie). It's unknown why this was cut, but from the tone of the conversation, it may have been part of the scrapped "stay with UNATCO" storyline.
An unused line from the Red Arrow member in Tonnochi Road.
Apparently you were once able to show Max Chen the Dragon's Tooth Sword without talking to anyone.
Meant to be a conversation in the Level 1 lab, however the game tries to speak to "MJ12Lab_Assistant_Level2", who doesn't exist in this level, should be "MJ12Lab_Assistant_BioWeapons".
As this conversation doesn't play, these barks go unusedː
Ditto for the assistantː
Unused lines from Jock while trapped in the helibase.
Unused lines from a Red Arrow member that would be in the Lucky Money.
A Luminous Path member that would be inside the Lucky Money after the alliance.
If you got into the club without paying the bouncer would confront you. If you didn't or couldn't pay he'd kill you, with a GEP gun.
An infolink of Daedalus telling you to find Tong, redundant as Jock already tells you to.
Chapter 7 - VersaLife UC
The scientist in the level 2 labs used to be male, these lines don't play as the NPC is hostile.
A female assistant in the level 2 labs. Perhaps these were meant for the woman down there but she's set to have the previous lines, who knows.
Unused line from Jock when leaving Hong Kong.
An unused line from Jaime. He always brings an aug upgrade.
An unused line from Paul.
Chapter 8 - Hell’s Kitchen Return
If you somehow managed to talk to Filben and get back to Jock without him leaving, this would play.
A conversation with Schick in chapter 8, in which he doesn't appear due to incorrect flags. The conversation is quite unfinished, the game tries to give you an non-existent item instead of an upgrade. The conversation doesn't even have the 'no-room' response set up, so if you don't have space for the item, you lose it forever.
Idle barks from Schickː
Meant to be played by Tong while in the sewers.
The guard at the door to the ship is friendly if you talked to Vinny, if you haven't talked to Vinny these are meant to play, but since he's hostile he doesn't.
Two guards in the room overlooking the helipad, if friendly, have unused conversations. They were possibly friendly mechanics at one point before being turned into soldiers. These two also have conversations with each other if the player is close enough and isn't seen (which is hard without a large amount of energy for cloak), this conversation also changes depending on if the electricity has been shut off. Guy 1ː
Guy 2ː
A message from Tong if you came from the vents, telling you to jump onto the ship.
Jock saying he's going to land in the graveyard, seems to imply that the graveyard level was once bigger.
Chapter 10 - Paris
These two don't play because the conversation is looking for the "ChateauInCeller" flag, while the trigger sets the correct "ChateauInCellar" flag, and even if this was correct the trigger is so small that the player probably won't hear the second one.
Two filler infolinks from Tong located in the catacombs tunnels. These are long and prevent saving while playing.
Unknown where this was meant to be played, likely meant for where Agent Hela is, but the flag it asks for also seems to imply there was possibly an ambush.
Icarus taunting you in the catacombs.
Jock telling you he's going to land, but in game he's already landed.
Tong telling you which rooms you're in, which isn't too helpful since Nicolette tells you anyway.
Tong telling you he doesn't have a map of the maze, not a hard maze so not that important.
Chapter 11 - Paris Cathedral
Tracer Tong mentioning the secret usable light. Probably cut because it's no fun to be told a secret.
An infolink from Everett thanking you for taking care of the mechanic.
While possible to hear in game it's unlikely to hear legitimately, this only plays if you get to the cathedral without killing Anna, which is usually required to progress past chapter 5.
An infolink Gunther would give while on the balcony above the terminal, probably cut because it ruins the surprise.
Chapter 12 - Vandenberg
Unused conversation for the MiB and troop guarding Tiffany, if the player got too close the guards would attack her. Curiously this conversation is located in the chapter 14 package, perhaps the gas station level was moved?
Stacy Webber's meant to say these lines before her main conversation, while she's still a hostage. However since her guards don't have the right tags assigned, the game automatically thinks she's been saved and skips these.
An infolink from Everett about the MilNet computer, a bit redundant.
Chapter 13 - ???
Chapter 14 - Ocean Lab
The outro cinematic at the missile silo is meant to make the screen shake.
Dr Corwell is meant to have additional lines if the player killed the karkian, however due to desired flag spelling karkian with a h, these go unused.
An infolink from Savage about the scientists, located in the chapter 12 package mistakenly.
An infolink from Savage telling you not to hurt the scientists, also mentions that they are armed while none are in-game. This is also located in the chapter 12 package.
A third infolink from Simons before you fight, probably cut because you canreach him before the second finishes.
A generic infolink from Helios.
An infolink from Everett after the schematic is obtained.
Chapter 15 - Area 51
The mechanic in the reactor lab is meant to have different lines depending on if the grays are dead, however since the grays don't have bImportant set, the correct flags are never set, even if they are killed.
Initial meetingː
Follow upː
The MiB in the hangar is supposed to talk with a trooper, however no trooper exists with him.
Initial conversationː
Second conversationː
A cut infolink from Page, referring to his UCs producing animals.
Although not entirely unused these are impossible to hear without cheats. The infolink after the elevator fight always ends with "Barely a scratch", however there are two more infolinks depending on how much damage you took, however instead of comparing your health before and after, it instead compares your credits.
An unused infolink from Everett, this would happen in sector 3, where the medical bot is at the Aquinas Hub entrance.
The final infolink from Helios, this would happen right before merging with them.
Chapter 99 - Endings
Helios' ending is meant to make the screen shake.
Unused lines for the 'Dark Age' ending, these would go between "the net's going black" and "no more infolinks".
Non-Level Stuff
Unused skins for decorations.
While the unused skins are sometimes defined in the level, the code always forces the default skin to be used. This is likely intentional and means that the SkinColor property is redundant for this class.
While the unused skins are sometimes defined in the level, the code always forces the default skin to be used. This is likely intentional and means that the SkinColor property is redundant for this class.
The same texture is used for both the fan and the motor. They are meant to be matched together, however while the following textures are used once or twice for some fans, the matching motor textures aren't used and are left default.
Sniper rifles have an unused scoping animation.
The PS20 has an unused shooting animation where it isn't discarded.
The PS20 has unused faces for a muzzle flash, back from when it was bullet based.
Original | Flash |
![]() |
![]() |
Cat Scratch Within the list of NPC-specific attacks is a listing for cat scratches. Unlike dogs (which bite you), cats simply run away when you step on them.
Rat Bite As with the cats, rats have an unused weapon but instead run away. Textures
The Soda Can has three unused textures that bear the words: Zap!, Blast!, and B. There is also an unused "MontyBites" candy bar texture.
An unused sound, possibly for before the PS20 was plasma based.
Unused sound for the crossbow firing, this is overwrote by the stealth sound.
Unused repeating sound for the LAM, presumably when placed on the wall, in game it makes no sound.
Greasels have unused animations for attacking while in water, with their legs swimming while they attack. The animation is unfinished in that the spit doesn't spawn at the end of the animation, however this can easily be implemented.
Rats have an unused swimming animation, however this seems unfinished with the model morphing in the process.
There is an unused, low detail, SecurityBot4 enemy in the game. This version has the same weapons as SecurityBot3, but has 50 EMP HP instead of 40. It doesn't have any unique sounds apart from its move sound, which is a higher pitch version of the repair bot's. Its collision size is also 27.5 instead of SecurityBot3's 25.35.
An unused Chinese skin for the SecurityBot3 class:
Robot Sounds
The robots of the game have unused sounds.
Critical Damage
Military Bot:
Security Bot 2:
Security Bot 3:
Area Secure
Military Bot:
Security Bot 2:
Security Bot 3:
Rat Sounds
Rats have 3 sounds for squeaking, but they only use one.
RatSqueak1 | RatSqueak3 |
Greasel Attack
Greasels have an unused attack sound, presumably for a melee attack, but in game they don't have one.
As barks (voice lines NPCs say to themselves) have no code for flag checks, some lines go unused. Some lines are also not meant to be played later in the game but won't be included here since they're not unused.
When Gunther kills you when Anna is dead.
When Gunther is looking for you after he attacked you and Anna is dead.
When Gunther gives up looking for you and Anna is dead.
Gunther being blinded by tear gas, he is immune.
Gunther going for an alarm.
Gunther reacting to a dead body.
Walton Simons
When Simons has been unable to find you for a second time.
Simons on fire, he is immune.
Simons being blinded by tear gas, he is immune.
Alex Jacobson
Unused lines for when Alex turns from hostile to friendly, unused as he never has weapons.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Lines for Anna going for an alarm, however no alarms exist in levels where you can hurt her.
Lines for Anna seeing a body, however she's never set to react to them.
Anna being blinded by tear gas, she is immune.
Unused lines for a kid taking critical damage, unused as they never fight.
Unused lines for a kid going for an alarm.
Unused lines for a kid reacting to the player throwing stuff at them.
Unused lines for a kid reacting to a dead body, none are set to react to them.
Riot cop going for an alarm, none exist in levels they're in, these are used in the PS2 port though.
Riot cop reacting to a dead body, none are set to react to them.
Riot cop being blinded by tear gas, they are immune.
Gary Savage
Unused lines for when Gary turns from hostile to friendly, unused as he never has weapons.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Agent Hela
Critical damage lines for Hela, unused as she fights to the death.
Lines for Hela going for the alarm, she prefers to fight.
Howard Strong
All of Strong's lines follow a pre-set list, so you're really unlikely to hear 90% of them, but they're still technically used. One isn't however, since it requires you dying twice in one life.
Jaime Reyes
Unused lines for when Jaime turns from hostile to friendly, unused as the only time he has weapons he uses 'Man' barks instead.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Unused lines for when Jock turns from hostile to friendly, unused as the only time he appears he uses 'Man' barks instead.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Lines for throwing stuff at Jock.
JoJo Fine
All of JoJo's barks go unused as he uses the "ThugMale" barks instead.
After having killed the player.
After taking critical damage.
After having something thrown at him.
After seeing a dead body.
After being lit on fire.
Looking for the player after shooting them.
Looking for the player before shooting them.
After thinking that they saw the player before shooting them.
When he gives up on thinking he saw the player.
After seeing the player right up in his face.
Drawing his gun to shoot at them.
Being unable to find the player after shooting them.
Being blinded.
Maggie Chow
Her lines for seeing a dead body go unused as she is not set to acknowledge them.
Unused lines for a man reacting to the player throwing stuff at them.
May Sung
May Sung's lines go unused as she instead uses 'Woamn', typo and all.
These are for when you throw something at her.
The mechanic lines go unused as all mechanics use 'Man' barks.
When taking critical damage.
When having something thrown at them.
When going for an alarm.
While idle.
While on fire.
When being blinded.
MiBs fight to the death and don't use their critical damage sounds.
MiBs don't go for alarms normally.
MJ12 Commandos
Commandos fight to the death and don't use their critical damage sounds.
Commandos don't go for alarms.
MJ12 Troop
MJ12 Troops don't use their out of ammo lines because they always have a fallback melee weapon.
MJ12 Troop B
An unused variation of the MJ12 Troop barks, the voice matches some used in conversations
After having killed the player.
After taking critical damage.
After having something thrown at them.
When going for the alarm.
After seeing a dead body.
When idle.
After being lit on fire.
After running out of ammo.
Looking for the player after attacking them.
Looking for the player before attacking them.
After thinking that they saw the player before attacking them.
When they give up on thinking they saw the player.
After seeing the player right up in their face.
Drawing their weapon to attack them.
Being unable to find the player after attacking them.
Being blinded.
Morgan Everett
Everett's lines are completely unused as he uses 'Man' barks instead.
Lines for going from hostile to friendly.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Lines for throwing stuff at Everett.
The only level with sailors has no alarm panels, so their lines for going to one go unused.
Sailors are never set to react to carcasses, so their lines for seeing a body are unused.
Stanton Dowd
Unused lines for when Dowd turns from hostile to friendly, unused as he never has weapons.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Unused barks for throwing stuff at the terrorists, the only times the terrorists are friendly they have no barks set.
Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups (technically you can get this to happen if you get one to try to fire a gun underwater).
Terrorist B
An unused variation of the NSF terrorist barks, the voice matches some used in conversations.
After having killed the player.
After taking critical damage.
After having something thrown at them.
When going for the alarm.
After seeing a dead body.
When idle.
After being lit on fire.
After running out of ammo.
Looking for the player after attacking them.
Looking for the player before attacking them.
After thinking that they saw the player before attacking them.
When they give up on thinking they saw the player.
After seeing the player right up in their face.
Drawing their weapon to attack them.
Being unable to find the player after attacking them.
Being blinded.
Thug Male
Rarely used barks. The alarm sounds are never used.
Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups.
Tracer Tong
Tong's lines are completely unused as he uses 'Man' barks instead.
Lines for going from hostile to friendly.
Ditto for friendly to hostile.
Lines for throwing stuff at Tong.
Triad Luminous Path
All of these lines go unused as everyone uses 'Man' barks instead, why? Who knows.
After having killed the player.
After taking critical damage.
After having something thrown at them.
When going for the alarm.
After seeing a dead body.
When idle.
After being lit on fire.
Looking for the player after attacking them.
Looking for the player before attacking them.
After thinking that they saw the player before attacking them.
When they give up on thinking they saw the player.
After seeing the player right up in their face.
Drawing their weapon to attack them.
Being unable to find the player after attacking them.
Being blinded.
Triad Red Arrow
The Red Arrow are always set to never go for alarms, so these sounds are unused.
The verboose idle lines are unused.
One of their futz lines goes unused.
Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups.
A rarely used variation of the UNATCO barks, the voice matches some used in conversations. One of their futz lines goes unused.
Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups.
WiBs fight to the death and don't use their critical damage sounds.
WiBs don't go for alarms normally.
WiBs have lines for idle sounds, but since these only play while they're standing and none of them have standing orders, these are unused.
Unused lines for a woman reacting to the player throwing stuff at them.
Some sounds that likely would've been used for female JC if they were ever finished.
Male sounds, unknown what they'd be for.
Unused Music
Some levels' music files have tracks left unused.
Intro [Intro_Music.umx]
Unused patterns.
Unused pattern.
Similar to the used conversation subtrack, but with an unused 20 second intro.
Unused patterns.
Battery Park[BatteryPark_Music.umx]
Unused pattern.
Majestic 12 Laboratories [MJ12_Music.umx]
Unused alternate default subtrack. There are two possible places where this could've been used, which are Versalife and the second Ocean lab. Interestingly, this was used as the conversation music in the PlayStation 2 version of the MJ12 Laboratory.
Opponent Within [UNATCOReturn_Music.umx]
Unused departure subtrack.
Unused patterns.
Hong Kong Club 1 [HKClub_Music.umx]
Unused pattern.
"mission eight" [NYCStreets2_Music.umx]
Unused pattern.
naval base, graveyard [NavalBase_Music.umx]
Unused alternate default subtrack. Likely meant for the graveyard (which is silent in the final game), as the file's title says it was supposed to be used there.
Paris Cathedral [ParisCathedral_Music.umx]
Unused patterns, matches the style of an outro.
Vandenberg [Vandenberg_Music.umx]
Unused pattern.
The Nothing [Tunnels_Music.umx]
Unused conversation subtrack.
Oceanlab Complex [OceanLab2_Music.umx]
Unused patterns.
Area 51 [Area51_Music.umx]
Unused departure subtrack.
Unused patterns.
Unused combat subtrack pattern, with notes normally unheard due to a jump.
Unused combat? subtrack pattern, with notes normally unheard due to a jump.
DX Dance Mix [DeusExDanceMix_Music.umx]
Unused pattern.
Unused pattern.
Pre-release Content?
- SecurityBot1
- Lam0 on LI 04, matches Cyber footage
Not Quite Cut
Things with familiar name set:
- 01, 03, 04, 05 UNATCO HQ/Island cameras
- 03 Helibase cameras
- 05 Prison cameras/turrets
- Vandenberg sub turrets
- OceanLab cameras/turrets
- Silo cameras
- 00 Training nanokey0/cameras
- Training final cameras
- Keypad1 in 99Endgame1/3 shows a different entrance for 15 Area51 Page
- Datacube2 in 99Endgame1 in a different position
- Aquinas Substation different in 99Endgame3
- Giant hand stairs exist in 99Endgame1
- OceanLab medbot
GOTY Differences?
This is a sub-page of User:Hawk/Notepad.
Game of the Year (1.112fm) version was released later than the original copies (1.002), however despite this the maps contained in the Game of the Year version are a month older than the ones contained in the original release. Because of this the maps experienced in the Steam copy are considered unfinished. Note for this list chapters 7 and 13 never existed and the differences listed are what the 1.002 versions contained that GotY did not.
Chapter 0
- Some of the characters during Manderley's segment were set to have dynamic lighting and were repositioned slightly.
- Some of the chairs during Manderley's segment were set to have dynamic lighting and rotated to face him instead of all facing forwards.
Training (First Section)
- Textures in Manderley's observation room were changed to tile better (floor and ceiling) and changed in general (platform walls, computer consoles and monitor textures).
- The pipes immediately to the left of the water segment have been blocked off with orange caps.
- The water itself was made to not be a fog zone.
- Zone sheets zoning off the water room and its observation room were removed.
- The window glass for Manderley's observation room was moved out of the window frame, causing it to float.
Training (Combat)
- No changes.
Training (Final)
- No changes.
Chapter 1
Liberty Island
- The wood trim on the cargo area was rotated to look nicer.
- Lloyd was changed to use the B version barks.
- The polyflags for the fence around the liberty torch were changed from 266 to 290 (PF_NotSolid disabled, PF_Semisolid enabled).
- A pathnode was moved just out of the structure in the center of the courtyard.
- A cargo container was changed from semi-solid to solid.
- A baton was added on the railing of the dock next to the 3 crates next to the ramp.
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- Sam Carter's home tag was set to his start, so he'd go back to his default position after being scared.
- Path nodes in the armoury were removed.
- Hidepoints within Alex's and Jaime's closets were removed.
- Path nodes behind Alex's computer were removed.
- Scott's door was changed to fix its pivot point.
- A button was added to open Scott's door from the inside in case players got stuck inside.
- Two batons were added to two desks.
Chapter 2
Battery Park
- The children were set to bImportant.
- The kiosk doors had their minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- A crate with a multitool in it no longer has a 30% chance of being overwrote with soyfood.
- Crates in the Castle Clinton courtyard were moved into the walls of Castle Clinton.
- The UNATCO troopers were given 10mm ammo when they had none before.
- Two of the UNATCO troopers were given a mini-crossbow.
- The barrels next to the ambrosia were changed from flammable to explosive, quadrupling the amount of damage they do.
- Some thin railings over the bridge under Castle Clinton were removed.
- Anna was set to wander after the ambrosia was found.
- A baton was added to the cabinet in the Castle Clinton lobby and the table underground.
NYC Streets
- The cops had their bark bind names set to "Man".
- The two crates next to the gas grenade troops were moved from right beside them to next to the Ton, likely as players tried to break them and immediately got into a conversation.
- A small crate next to Osgood's door was removed.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Free Clinic
- The NPCs had their bark bind names set to "Man" and "Woman"
- A woman had her unfamiliar name changed from "Unhealthy looking gal" to "Unhealthy looking woman".
- The cabinet had its minDamageThreshold changed from 4 to 50.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Underworld Tavern
- The exit sign was raised so it touches the ceiling and doesn't float.
- The ambient bar sound had its volume reduced from 150 to 4.
Smuggler's Lair
- No changes.
- The splash texture was removed from the waterfall.
- The biocell under the table was removed.
Ton Hotel
- The ATM gained another account, with username "543654", PIN "5544" and balance of 100 credits.
- The door to the abandoned bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the abandoned apartment was changed to be breakable, and its damage threshold increased from 3 to 50.
- The door to the Paul's closet was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the Paul's bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
NSF Warehouse
- The hole in the fence that can be blown up by the barrels was redesigned.
- The ladder next to the wooden fence was slightly shortened.
- The stairs in the abandoned building had the step textures slightly changed.
Chapter 3
Liberty Island
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- The satcom hatch was tagged correctly so the security console can open it.
- Carter was set to react to stimuli.
- Manderley's home tag was set to his start, so he'd go back to his default position after being scared.
- The troopers' home tags were set to their start, so they'd go back to their default position after combat.
- Hidepoints within Alex's and Jaime's closets were removed.
- The bathroom doors were set to open through the player.
- The armoury door was set to be unopenable by the AI.
- The trigger to make Anna enter the office was changed from the player being close to Manderley to Simons leaving the office.
Battery Park
- The civilians are set to return to where they started if they get scared off.
- Curly and the riot cops have their bark bind name set to "Man".
Brooklyn Bridge Station
- El Rey was given better accuracy, given a crowbar, and allowed to use his LAM in combat.
- The Rooks were changed to immediately get hostile from any attacks.
Mole Tunnels
- A hidepoint was removed.
- A baton was added to the bathroom to tempt players into silently knocking out the terrorist in there.
- The secret door in the barracks is useable by the AI.
- The UNATCO troops had their bark bind name set to "Man".
- Multiple terrorists are set to react to carcasses.
- Harold had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- The UNATCO troops had their bark bind name set to "Man" and bark name set to "CleanupTroop"
- Some textures and prefabs outside of the plane in the hangar were removed but cannot be seen normally.
- Lebedev was set to return to his start after getting scared and to cower in place.
- Lebedev's door was changed to have a minDamageThreshold of 50 instead of 0.
Chapter 4
Liberty Island
- The generators on the back of the comm van had their textures fixed.
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- The chairs and trashcans were changed to be owned so NPCs react to them being interacted with.
- Hidepoints within Alex's and Jaime's closets were removed.
- The hallway closet doors were made to be useable by NPCs.
- The bathroom doors were set to open through the player.
- Jaime's and Alex's closets were set to be breakable, requiring 50 damage minimum.
- The troopers were set to return to their original positions after combat.
NYC Streets
- A riot cop's bark bind name was changed from "Cop" to "Man".
- The message for scoring with the basketball was changed from "Sign him up for the Knicks!!!!" to "Basketball?!!? You should be playing football: Go Cowboys!".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Underworld Tavern
- The exit sign was raised so it touches the ceiling and doesn't float.
Smuggler's Lair
- No changes.
- The splash texture was removed from the waterfall.
Ton Hotel
- Paul's bathroom door was changed to be useable by the AI.
- The door to the abandoned bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the abandoned apartment was changed to be breakable, and its damage threshold increased from 3 to 50.
- The door to the Paul's closet was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the Paul's bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- Some brushes with computer screens were removed in the basement.
- A datacube was moved from being on top of a big brush computer to inside a cabinet.
- The cabinet containing biocells in the basement had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Battery Park
- Anna was changed from standing in front of the stairs to standing behind a pillar behind the stairs.
Chapter 5
MJ12 Prison
- The MJ12 troops were set to always have their weapons out.
- The map at the end of the level was flipped so it displays correctly.
- The karkian doors were changed to move in 3 seconds instead of 6, had their sounds changed, and were set to make the karkians hostile if they fully opened.
- One of the doctors was removed, likely to help with the required conversation with Paul one of them was part of at this point in development.
- The remaining doctor had his reactions changed and was set to cower in place, to prevent him running away and the conversation breaking.
- Opening the doors to the armoury makes the guard inside patrol.
- Paul was set to never sound the alarm.
- The mechanics had their bark bind name set to "Man".
- The trigger to make the glass not be reflective so you can see Anna had its radius doubled.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The medical bot in the medical area was deleted and readded, allowing it to leave the room.
- The door to JC's office was changed to not be a dynamic light mover.
- The door to the breakroom was set to move through the player instead of getting stuck.
- Miguel was changed to not hate the player shooting next to them.
Liberty Island
- A switch was added in the satcom hatch to prevent softlocks from closing it on yourself.
- The satcom hatch was tagged correctly so the security console can open it.
Chapter 6
- The BSP minigun in the munitions storage room was moved one unit to fix a BSP error next to the door.
- Flight control deck 1 and 2's door was made useable by NPCs.
- The munitions storage door was made useable by NPCs.
- The amount of skillpoints for scoring with the basketball was increased from 20 to 150.
- An additional projectile generator was added for gassing the barracks troops effectively.
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The triads and police were set to react to futz.
- The hanging pigs and chickens were set to be owned.
- The shop pottery was set to be owned.
- Gordon Quick had his accuracy improved and his combat knife removed as he already had a sword and his unique barks used.
- Max Chen had his accuracy greatly improved, his weapon changed from an assault rifle to a sawed-off shotgun to account for his missing animations, he also had his thermoptic camo removed.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The freezer doors were set to be useable by NPCs.
- The repair bot had its collision shrunk and its treads placed in the ground.
- The ship hatch containing heavy weapon ammo had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50 and had its fragments set to metal.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Tonnochi Road
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The gate under Maggie's apartment had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- An MJ12 trooper was set to raise an alarm before attacking.
- The elevators had their sound volume and radius increased.
- The elevator doors had their minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The gate behind the military bot had its minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The ladder in Jock's elevator shaft was removed.
- A vent (with the tag "stupid_QA_hatch") was added to escape Jock's elevator shaft if a player gets stuck on top of the elevator.
- The buddha statue had its 2nd keyframe set so it actually moves.
Lucky Money
- Isaac had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Max Chen was set to use his unique barks.
- Gordon Quick was set to use his unique barks.
- NPCs were set to react to futz.
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- Chen's Bodyguard was set to bImportant so the conversation can tell if they're dead.
- The flag trigger to make Lawrence leave fixes the flag from "M07_Briefing_Played" to "M07Briefing_Played" and had its collision increased.
- The TV upstairs had its radius reduced from 32 to 4.
Tong's Base
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The airlock doors are useable by NPCs.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The title of a camera was changed from "Laboratory Complex Access" to "Laboratory Access" to prevent overflow.
- The supervisor's name was changed from "Mr. Hundly" to the correct "Mr. Hundley".
- A datacube containing the "ALL_SHIFTS"/"DATA_ENTRY" login was hidden in a cubical.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Versalife Labs
- The texture above the elevator was changed from pure blue to a metal texture.
- The 55655 keypad was replaced with a dummy keypad until the player gets the 55655 code.
- The Woman in Black had her bind name removed.
- Cabinets in the lab area had their minDamageThreshold reduced from 10 to 5.
- A datacube was added to the cabinet with the "DAMOCLES" password.
Canal Road Tunnel
- The triad members had their bark bind names set to "Man" for some reason.
- The triad members were set to wander instead of stand.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- Some triad members were repositioned.
Versalife UC
- The cameras were changed to not sound their alarm.
- The security bots were set to return to their original position if losing the player.
- The lockdown doors in the hallway had their strength reduced from 0.7 to 0.5 and minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The alarm panel was moved from the hallway to be right next to the scientist.
- The sleeping security bots had their state changed from idle to standing, likely so they don't fall asleep again after losing the player.
- The UC platform was changed to have 0.01 strength and a minDamageThreshold of 1.
- The storage cabinet doors were given glass fragments and sounds when destroyed.
- An additional alarm panel was added at the bottom of the stairs.
Chapter 8
NYC Streets
- The music was changed from nothing to NYCStreets2_Music.
- A bum had his name changed from "Hobo" to "Drifter".
- Stanton Dowd had his hometag set to his start, and all his reaction variables changed.
- Stanton Dowd's burning barrel was moved slightly to the side, likely to give the player more cover from the wall when talking.
- All the spawn points for MJ12 were changed from around the level to in the road tunnel.
- The message for scoring with the basketball was changed from "Sign him up for the Knicks!!!!" to "Sign him up for the Rockets!!!!".
- Another burning barrel was added behind Dowd.
- Pathing was added to the burnt down Osgood and Sons.
Underworld Tavern
- The exit sign was raised so it touches the ceiling and doesn't float.
Free Clinic
- The floor tiles in the lobby were adjusted so they're all the same scale and pan together.
- A bum in the back doctor area was removed.
- The keypad to the surgery was rotated so it faces the correct direction, using the code does nothing, and the sound for entering the correct code was changed to a buzz.
- The nurse's bark bind name was changed from incorrect "Female" to "Woman".
- Joe Greene's bark bind name was changed from "Male" to "Man".
- The bums' bark bind names were changed from "Male" to "Man".
- Hidepoints were added in the women's bathroom and the center area.
Ton Hotel
- A pathnode upstairs was replaced with a hidepoint.
- A pathnode behind the reception area was replaced with a hidepoint.
- The ambient sound next to Paul's room was removed as it didn't have any sound.
- The door to the abandoned bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the abandoned apartment was changed to be breakable, and its damage threshold increased from 3 to 50.
- The door to the Paul's closet was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
- The door to the Paul's bedroom was changed to be breakable, with 0.5 strength and 50 damage threshold.
Smuggler's Lair
- No changes.
- The music was changed from nothing to NYCStreets2_Music.
- Two pathnodes were removed from an area the AI can't reach.
- Pathnodes on the bridge were removed.
- The splash texture was removed from the waterfall.
- The damage trigger in the water was moved underwater for some reason and had its height increased so it extends slightly above the water.
Chapter 9
- Most wooden doors had their minDamageThreshold increased from 20/35 to 50.
- The minDamageThreshold of the roof vent was reduced from 10 to 1, to allow the crowbar to break it.
- The mechanics had their bark bind name changed from "Mechanic" to "Man".
- A crate containing napalm was added on top of a shipping container.
Shipyard (Fan)
- No changes.
Ship (Upper Decks)
- The mechanics were changed to use "Man" barks.
- The door to the armoury had its minDamageThreshold increased from 35 to 50.
- The other doors had theirs minDamageThreshold increased from 35 to 50, and strength decreased from 35 to 0.5 (scale should be 0-1).
- An additional LAM was removed from the armoury.
- The security computers were changed from UNATCO to US Navy.
- The infinite 30 skillpoint bonus from activating the ramp was completely removed.
- A 75 skillpoint bonus was added for reaching the deck.
Ship (Lower Decks)
- The electrician had their bark bind name changed from "Mechanic" to "Man".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- The safe's cover was changed to close after 60 seconds.
- The safe was changed to swing slightly less, and close after 20 seconds.
Chapter 10
- One of the troopers guarding the medbot was rotated very slightly to look more natural.
- Some napalm was added in the electrical area.
- A lockpick was added next to the crate in the secret path to overhear two MJ12 troopers at the start.
- The bakery doors had their minDamageThreshold reduced from 75 to 50.
- The water at the start of the level was removed and made completely dry.
- A medium sized crate was added to the bakery.
- A crate containing a fire extinguisher was added in the sewer.
La Porte de l'Enfer
- The ambient bar sound had its volume reduced from 64 to 16.
Chateau DuClare
- The secret door in the cellar was set to be useable by Nicolette.
- A commando was given a medkit and the other a biocell.
- The breakable pillars were set to not be owned so Nicolette doesn't play her futz lines when they're broken.
- A switch was added inside the fireplace to move it, despite the hole being too small to fit in without being crushed.
Chapter 11
- All NPCs were changed to be friendly to Gunther.
- The crate next to the trellis was changed from holding 3006 ammo to a napalm canister.
- Another crate holding 3006 ammo was added right next to it.
- Swelter was changed to be moving towards the entrance initially and moved to be visible from the entrance.
- Swelter's wait time between points was reduced.
- An alliance trigger was added to make Gunther permanently hate the player when he starts attacking.
- Joseph had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Hide points were added.
Everett's Residence
- The rumbling sound for Lucious had its radius decreased from 32 to 16 and volume from 190 to 44.
- An ambient sound for Lucious had its radius decreased from 24 to 16 and volume from 100 to 44.
- The special options for the security console controlling the aug canisters were removed as they were already controlled as doors.
- Alex's bark bind name was changed from "Man" to "AlexJacobson".
- Hidepoints were added.
Chapter 12
Vandenberg Command
- The office chairs were changed to not be owned, meaning barks wouldn't happen when frobbed.
- A pathnode inside a wall in the bot bunker was deleted.
- Many railings were turned semi-solid, likely to try to fix BSP errors in the main wall.
- The MJ12 troopers on the catwalks behind the building had their inventories changed from assault rifles and a LAW to sniper rifles and no LAWs.
- Tony Mares and the mechanics were changed to react to futz and had their bark bind name set to "Man".
- All MJ12 troopers had their bark bind name set to "MJ12Troop".
- The door at the top of the elevator was changed to be usable by NPCs.
- All crates were changed to be owned.
- Sephanie Maxwell changed to react to objects being frobbed.
- Stephanie's bark bind name was changed to "Woman".
- Plants were changed to be owned.
- Stacy Webber's bark bind name was changed to "Woman" and was changed to react to futz.
- Carla Brown's bark bind name was changed to "Woman" and was changed to react to futz.
- The storage room with Tim Baker in it was given a key with the ID "Montekey".
- The nanokey was added to the dead mechanic next to the keypad.
- Tim Baker's bark bind name was changed to "Man".
- The MiB had their bind name set to "MiBChatting" to get their conversation working.
- The stairwell cabinet was changed to look like the one in the UNATCO breakroom.
- The alarm lights in the bot bay were changed to be attached to the ceiling and not float in the air.
Vandenberg Tunnels
- No changes.
Vandenberg Computer
- The NPCs in the level were changed to react to futz.
- The scientists in the level had their bark bind names set to "Man" and "Woman".
- The breakable fan cover was changed to be highlightable for some reason, its minDamageThreshold reduced from 75 to 50, and its fragment class set to metal.
- The door upstairs was set to ME_IgnoreWhenEncroach and given move sounds.
- Yet another crate was added upstairs.
- Computers were set to owned, so Gary would react to you using them.
- Hide points were added around the level.
Gas Station
- The duct vents were changed from swinging against the wall to sliding over to the side.
- A medium sized crate was removed from inside the gas station (likely as it doesn't fit between the doors).
- North was changed from 98304 to 0.
- A pathnode inside a pillar next to the dead bum was removed.
- Tiffany Savage is no longer afraid of gunshots and isn't permanently friendly with the player.
- A crate containing a gas grenade in the truck where Jock lands was removed.
- The door to the repair bot was changed to be breakable with a minDamageThreshold of 50.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Chapter 14
- The storage room door with the code of "12" no longer highlights.
- Nasir had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
- Cigarettes, soda, a candy bar, binoculars, and a napalm canister were added to the roof where the offshore sniper patrols.
Ocean Lab
- Two pathnodes were added at the stairs to help connect them.
Universal Constructor
- The computer next to the turrets had its login changed from the default "USER"/"USER" to "UC"/"UC".
Missile Silo
- The doorways in the surface building were given slightly nicer floor textures.
- The description for a nanokey was changed from " Truck Doors" to "Truck Doors".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Chapter 15
- An invisible surface behind the hangar was fixed.
- The barracks building had an unused bathroom that has been gutted out.
- Simons, a chair, and a couch have been repositioned.
- The MiB was given the "HangarMiB" bind name so his conversation works, a MJ12 commando was given the other lines in the conversation, however they are voiced by the MJ12 trooper voice actor.
- Unused prefabs behind the walls were removed.
- The lockers had their minDamageThreshold increased from 10 to 50.
- The door to the small building at the start was made useable by NPCs.
- The bonus for reaching the top of the security tower was increased from 50 to 100.
- The repair bot was moved from the security tower to Xander's room.
- A crate with napalm in it was added to the room under Xander.
Sector 2
- A nanokey had its description changed from "Section 3 Access key" to "Sector 3 Access key".
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Sector 3
- Jerri had his bark bind name set to "Man".
- Rooms of prefabs were removed.
- The alarm lights above the reactors were rotated to correctly attach to the ceiling.
- The datacube in the water was changed to not be buoyant.
- A playerblock was added on top of the large pipes next to the spiderbot to prevent the player getting stuck.
- The buttons for the ion injectors don't do anything when hit a second time.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Sector 4
- The code to the reactors was changed from 9248 to 2242.
- The code to Helios was changed from 6188 to 6765.
- The flying door's movement time got increased from 0.5 to 0.55.
- The flying door lands on barrels, causing an explosion in the area.
- The text for activating security bots was changed from "Activate Security bot" to "Activate Security Bot".
- The move time for the final doors to Page were increased from 2 to 6.
- The code in the gray's area was changed from 4167 to 31729.
- The login for the gray's computer was changed from "graytest"/"Lab12" to "Lab 12"/"graytest".
- A temporary invisible wall was added in front of Helios' computer so you can't use it early through the door.
- A dead scientist and datacube were added above the radioactive blue fusion reactor, giving the "page"/"uberalles" code.
- Additional hidepoints were added.
Ending 3 (Illuminati)
- Morgan Everett was moved slightly and rotated 2 degrees.
- JC was moved slightly and rotated 6.5 degrees.
- An additional light was added.
Ending 4 (Dance Party)
- No changes.
Convo Comments
This is a sub-page of User:Hawk/Notepad.
This list is not exhaustive. Many comments exist just to tell developers how lines loop or to simply give voice actors context for their lines which is obvious for players.
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Maggie Chow | MaggieChow_BarkCriticalDamage | Sergeant! Help! | Hoping UNATCO troops will hear. | Mentions UNATCO troopers in Maggie's apartment, but they're MJ12. |
Maggie Chow | MaggieChow_BarkGoingForAlarm | Sergeant! Move in! | The "Sergeant" here would be one of the UNATCO troopers stationed in MC's apartment. | Mentions UNATCO troopers in Maggie's apartment, but they're MJ12. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Joseph Manderley | MeetManderley | By the way, did you see what happened to the soldier we sent into the statue? He turned up dead. | In this next exchange, Manderley probably suspects that the player killed the UNATCOTroop that was sent to help with the terrorist commander. (The player DID kill him.) But he can't know for certain. Otherwise, the player would have to be arrested and the game would end. | |
Paul Denton | PaulDockChat2 | Yes, he was proud. I believe that much. It was nice to have done something for him and Mom. I wish someone could have been there for you. | Paul's aside is partly to himself. He has been told by Tracer Tong that his and JC's parents were hired by the military -- that he and JC are genetically engineered. | |
Kaplan | KaplanOutsideBarks | There's a new sheriff in town. | Sarcastic. He thinks the player is a pussy. | |
CustodyTroop | CustodyTroopBarks | I'll take it from here. | A UNATCO trooper, male. He takes custody of the Terrorist Commander after JC clears out the Statue of Liberty. | Specifically mentions male, as female troops were in development at one point. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Anna Navarre | AnnaThanks | How dare I delay your search for glory. The NSF in the subway station have taken hostages. Free them, but you know our standing orders -- we do not make deals. Use this EMP grenade to disable the electronic detonators of the booby traps. Now we will see who is made of steel. | The various changes to Anna'a dialogue in this conversation revolve around references to the grenades. The decision was made that she would give 2 and 1 grenades instead of 3 and 2 grenades. | |
ClinicMaleBum3 | MeetClinicMaleBum3 | Who will help the widow's son? | (a Masonic passphrase) | |
Gilbert Renton | MeetRenton | You better get out of here, Mr. Renton. Terrorists have taken cover inside the hotel. | During this scene, Gilbert is being held at gunpoint by terrorists behind the hotel desk. He's nervous and unable to obey JC's order to leave the building. JC can't see the terrorists. | |
Gilbert Renton | RentonWaiting | Hey, thanks for the concern! | This might be a disguised call for help. He's afraid the player might pass him by without noticing the terrorist. | |
Gilbert Renton | RentonRescuedBarks | I should probably go find her. Oh, I don't know. | A burst of excitement fading to despair as he considers the dangers of confronting his daughter, the chance that she will just get more angry at his interference. | |
Janey | JaneyThankful | You the guy that helped Sandra? | In one particular circumstance, this conversation could be quite long, but most paths through it should be reasonable. | |
Joe Greene | MeetJoeGreen2 | Splendid. I certainly would like to know what an international antiterrorist organization expects to find in a dive like this. | I faught the urge to insert a Choice in this conversation but went ahead and did it. The idea is that if JC is persistent about spilling the beans to the press (and to an MJ-12 operative at that) he will catch some heat from Manderley -- which could be a hint that Joe Green will betray him to MJ-12 later. Also, it might be cool if JC is quoted in a news story that the player finds only if he has talked to Joe Green. We'll see how much of the above pans out. | Joe Greene uses the old version of his name. |
Jordan Shea | JordanSheaConvos | Yeah. Ex-UNATCO, what's it to you? | The "augmentation" issue really hits a nerve. Jordan is pissed-off and sarcastic at this point. | The augmentations were much more noticeable in development, as seen in the pre-release images. |
Veteran | VeteranBarks | I seen a lot of battles, blessed be our Lord, back in the Northwest War. Didn't have uniforms back then, just a shotgun and all the shells you could carry. The NSF sure has grown up, praise Heaven. They got organization now. Listen to me, young sir. I can tell you: that's what lost it for us last time, what the government's always been good at and we haven't. But it looks like the boys got some discipline this time around, and your men better take note. That's right. Stand up, wipe your noses, and take note. You got yourselves a -- hail Jesus! -- you got yourselves a rebellion! | The long bark is kind of an experiment. The player can walk away at any time. According to Al, the text will vanish from the screen when the player gets out of hearing range. These cycle and repeat the last. | "Al" being Albert Yarusso, who made the ConEdit program and conversation system. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Joseph Manderley | AnnaManderley2 | I'll definitely consider it, but first we've got to find Lebedev. | This branch disabled. | |
Anna Navarre | AnnaManderley2 | And do not worry about Lebedev. We will find him. | This branch disabled. | |
Joseph Manderley | AnnaManderley2 | We will, yes... | This branch disabled. | |
Joseph Manderley | AnnaManderley2 | ... if the esteemed Agent Denton would get his ass to New York. | This branch disabled. | |
Man in Black | MeetMiB | Mr. Denton. | This guy is an MiB, a la the Matrix. | |
JC Denton | M03MeetGunther | Yeah, well... There was shooting on the 747. I didn't see what happened. Maybe Anna beat you to it. | I reworded this line to make JC sound obviously nervous. He just killed Anna, Gunther's partner. | |
JC Denton | InjuredTrooper1Barks | Thanks for the help out there. | Deleted. JC is not supposed to talk and non-cinematic mode. | |
Juan Lebedev | OverhearLebedev | It's Paul's brother. | The player overhears this through a speaker. Tong and Lebedev are talking to each other over an encrypted Internet audio connection. | Possibly intended for on the plane but cut? |
Juan Lebedev | LebedevBarks | Go! Before they catch you standing over your partner's dead body. | This line has been disabled. It may get reworded if other changes are made to Lebedev. | Possibly also cut because Anna explodes, leaving no body. |
Juan Lebedev | LebedevBarks | I surrender! | This is shouted out quickly - he has to get this said in order to stop JC from gunning him down immediately. | |
El Rey | ElReyScared | Thass all I got, man! | In a complete panic. The LAM is all he's got to trade for his life. He has no choice but to fight. | |
JC Denton | ElReyScared | I have to drop something. Heh-heh. Hold on. | Nervous, embarrassed. He's been trying to be a tough guy and now doesn't have room for the LAM he got El Rey to give him. | |
ThugWoman3 | GangMemberFemale1Barks | Hey, cut it out! | The player is "frobbing" her... Oooo, baby.... | Frobbing refers to using via right click. |
UNATCO Trooper | TroopBarks2 | Gunther's full of it. Earlier tonight, in the Statue, I bet you had at least a half-dozen takedowns. At least. | I toggle back-and-forth between conversations TroopBarks1 and TroopBark2 by using the flag M03TrooperBarkHack. TroopBarks2 were for UNATCOTroopFemale. When the model was cut, I thought it would be easier to switch between conversations than to copy everything together one Event at a time. | The only evidence of female UNATCO troopers existing at one point and being cut. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Alex Jacobson | M04MeetAlex | A lot of surprises this time. Paul... a terrorist. Wow. | NOTE: Alex defects in the next mission, so he's already starting to doubt UNATCO at this point. | |
CokeTroop | CokeTroopBarks | I thought you were going to Hong Kong. | Slightly suspicious. The player is supposed to be on his way. | Unused character, coke troop refers to a UNATCO trooper outside the secret Battery Park vending machine, which is inaccessible in chapter 4 as the chapter was intended to be started here, but was redesigned to only be the end. |
Gunther Hermann | GuntherShowdown | There is no escape. You will surrender. | This is where JC come up from the Subway in BP and confronts Gunther. Gunter is standing over Paul's body. | No such thing, Paul does not appear in Battery Park, and is likely to have "died" in the hotel (which won't be seen), for Paul to be here his body would've had to be transported there somehow faster than the player. |
Jaime Reyes | M04MeetJaime2 | Paul said UNATCO uses the Ambrosia supply to influence national governments. What do you think about that? | Gunther will (probably) be walking off when this conversation starts, so JC will speak in a slightly lower, confidential tone at first. | Gunther isn't here, Jaime is instead talking to Walton Simons. |
Jock | JockBatteryPark | You better get to the 'Ton. | I disabled this last bark because now the player gets dropped off on top of the hotel. | |
JoJo Fine | JoJoAloneBarks | Yeah, I know Paul. | Accidentally wrote too many barks. Use as needed. | No technical reason for "too many barks", likely a work limit. |
JoJo Fine | JoJoAndGilbertOverheard | Me vale. I tol'ju: what I need's a quiet place to lay low. | I've read that "me vale" can mean "I don't give a fuck," but a native speaker should verify this. | |
JoJo Fine | JoJoAndSandraOverheard | Come on, teardrop. Vamos a caminar. | My understanding is that "estar fleteando por las calles" means "cruising the streets." A native-speaker should check my usage. | Line seems to have been rewrote. |
Joseph Manderley | ManderleyDebriefing03 | Here. Take your op bonus. 1000. No use splitting hairs this time. | Impatient, angry. The player killed one of his agents. | |
Joseph Manderley | ManderleyDebriefing03 | No shit. What the hell happened in there? | Really pissed. The player killed one of his best agents. | Implies Manderley knew that JC killed Navarre, but is covering for him. |
Paul Denton | PaulDuringAttack | Take care of yourself. | Emphasis on "yourself" -- as in "not me". | No emphasis added. |
Paul Denton | PaulInjured | (groans) | In all of Paul's scenes during Mission 04. he should speak as though he is in severe (but not overwhelming) pain. The ellipses in this conversation make it obvious where he might be forced to pause, but there may be cases, especially during the barks, where the lines look like they should be read glibly and easily but should retain a bit of suffering, for consistency. | |
Paul Denton | PaulInjured | (groans) | (groans as he gets to his feet) | Perhaps during development sitting characters had to stand to talk, but in the final product they're able to talk while sitting, leaving this line a bit out of context. |
Man in Black | TalkedToPaulAfterMessage | Agent JC Denton. Please put down your weapons and step into the hallway. | Loud knock on the door; mix it in with the following line of dialogue. (?) | No knocking. |
Man in Black | TalkedToPaulAfterMessage | Open up! | A louder knock. | No knocking. |
Smuggler | M04SmugglerBarks | I heard shooting. Hey, I'm on your side, but I'm not gonna take on UNATCO. | This line will almost never get played, but we have to catch this case. | And they're right, this line only plays if the player decides to visit Smuggler after the raid. A similar line exists for Greene in the same situation, which gives better context to his chapter 8 confrontation. |
TrooperTalking1 | M04TroopersOverheard | Yeah, like Nietzche. | He should mispronounce Nietzche as "Neechee." | |
Veteran | M04VeteranBarks | Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines. And they shall know my name is the Lord when I raise my vengeance upon them. | Here's Tarentino's version of Ezekiel 25:17 -- "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he how in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper, and the father of lost children. And I will strike down thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to destroy my brother. And they shall know my name is the lord when I raise my vengeance upon them." |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Alex Jacobson | DL_SeeManderley | Manderley is pleased that you followed orders. He wants to see you. | At this point, Alex is beginning to lose faith in UNATCO. His commendation of JC should be pretty flat.. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Janice Reed | M05JaniceBark1 | JC! | (screams, exclaims, then shouts a warning to Manderley) | No scream. |
Doctor Moreau | MeetDoctorMoreau | My goodness! Mr. Denton... Did you escape? | MJ12 guards *might be* nearby, so Doctor Moreau has to talk quietly. He is being held against his will and is being forced to do research for MJ-12. | These lines are said at normal volume. |
ChattingMJ12 | ChattingMJ12Overheard | Long as I'm with you. | Emphasis on "I'm". | Not actually emphasized. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Daedalus | DL_PaulDead | Datavault image sent to Tracer Tong. Objective complete. Now exit the facility. The code to the exit door is 1125. | A sound effect for the transmission of the datavault? | No sound effect was implemented. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
BarSailor | BarSailorBarks | Shake it! | Carousing Russian sailors. Might be cool to have an ambient piece of audio that is a group of Russians sailors carousing quietly among themselves, such that these barks are an occasional burst above the din. (?) | Not implemented. |
Mercedes | ClubMercedesConvo1 | Hey, man. Where ya from? | The 3D models for Mercedes and Tessa are Caucasian, so maybe they're from Australia. If that doesn't work, change the accent and change the dialogue to match it. | |
Maggie Chow | MeetMaggie | ... in the flesh. As dark and serious as his brother. | Note that Maggie is lying - she doesn't even know Paul, and she stole the sword herself. She only learned a few minutes ago that JC was coming. She read his file, and now she is improvising skillfully, if a little desperately. | If anyone needed proof that an MJ12 actress is acting and doesn't actually know Paul. |
Maggie Chow | MeetMaggie | Then you must think for yourself. In Hong Kong the truth is seldom kept in plain sight. | Maggie walks to the window. | Moving during a conversation isn't supported. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
JC Denton | M08MeetHarleyFilben | Right, the Illuminati... I need to find one of their leaders, Stanton Dowd. A load of plague virus is on its way to New York. | JC is convinced of the existence of the Illuminati, but he may still find the knowledge a little hard to swallow. | |
Jordan Shea | M08JordanSheaConvos | What do you want? Prices have tripled to 30 because of martial law. | Jordan Shea is pretty rude during these convos. He knows player left UNATCO and is himself a UNATCO supporter. | Shea is referred to as male in the comment, as she once was in development. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Daedalus | DL_EntryDaedalus | Incorrect inform -- ps -al || attach. Streets clear. No danger. | Maybe the "ps -al" is just static (a Unix command), while "attach" is the faint voice of Icarus. (?) This is the first time the Icarus AI is heard in the game. | Icarus' voice is not heard here, Icarus is first heard in chapter 10. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
DoorGuard | DoorGuardBarks | They gave the ramp key to the foreman. I think his locker's just up the hall. | (under his voice, not quite a whisper) | This line is said normally. |
Mechanic1 | Mechanic1Barks | You supposed to be taking over 'round here? | Mechanic1 is meant to have a Northeastern/Maine accent. | |
Ops1Dummy | Ops1DummyOverheard | One more time. | This exact dialogue is duplicated in Ops1 -- Ops1Overheard. The difference is that this conversation is heard over a loudspeaker, whereas the other one is overheard in the room where the announcers are sitting. | This version of the conversation is unused, this level has no loudspeakers, nor is such a mechanic ever used. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Jock | DL_Problem | Whoa! Big problem. Someone set up an EM disruption field -- my controls are all over the place. The source seems to be a small building just inside the cemetery gate. Take out the field generator or its power source or I won't be able to land. | Jock partly loses control of the helicopter at the beginning of this. That's why he says "whoa!" | |
Tracer Tong | DL_Scuttled | That does it. The ship is sinking. Jock is touching down on the roof and will take you to Stanton Dowd. Dowd has determined who engineered the virus. | Tong just detonated the charges that destroy the ship. "Yeeow!" could be any exclamation that fits his voice. | Tong does not detonate charges, the player blows up the welds themselves. Tong does not say "Yeeow!" either. |
Tracer Tong | DL_ShipExit | I show alarms active everywhere and bulkheads closing. Get out of there now. At the west end of the dock is a maintenance door to the air conditioning system. A ladder will take you into the ventilation channels. Jock is waiting on the roof. | I detect alarms going off all over the base. Doors and bulkheads are being closed off. Your only exit is the air conditioning system. Get off the ship and you will find the air system maintenance door at the west end of the dock. Use the ladder inside to get into the air system. | A seemingly old version of the line. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Icarus | IcarusCalls | Yes... a New Age. Too bad you will not be alive to see it. | Maybe have a phone-click sound that the end of this bit of audio -- Icarus hanging up. | No such click. |
Aimee | AimeeBarks | I... didn't know. How could I know? | In the following, this crazy cat-owning woman mutters to herself, bemoaning the loss of certain cats, who were either eaten by greazels or zapped by radiation in the Catacombs. | Uses the old name for greasels. |
Aimee | AimeeBarks | I... didn't know. How could I know? | Original spec: "aimee (the crazy french woman who lives in ruins with all her cats) needs to be capable of imparting the code: 0001." | |
Aimee | MeetAimee | I tried to stop them! I tried! | This is a crazy woman with a lot of cats. She talks about how her cats were killed in the catacombs. However, in this first conversation, the player might be led to believe that she's talking about her children. | |
Cassandra | CassandraBarks | Great jacket. Très chic. | Make sure I used this phrase correctly. | |
Cassandra | MeetCassandra | What else do you want to know? | Sorry -- Cassandra should say this line. In the initial dump of the script, this line was mistakenly given to JC. | |
O | OBarks | If you're looking for that crook with the weapons, he lives next door. | This woman is based on "O" from The Story of O, a French novel. | |
Pierre | MeetSilhouette_FemaleChild | Who are you? | I was originally told that this person was a "female child," but apparently he is not. His name is Pierre. | The game has no models for female children, so maybe they had at one point and were cut. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Tracer Tong | DL_apartments | These flats go for about five thousand. Almost as bad as Hong Kong. | Throughout Mission 10 and Mission 11, Tong should show subtle signs of being infected with Gray Death: fatigue, a sniffle, a weak voice -- but only occasional signs, nothing too distracting. An explicit "cough" has been defined only for two DL's -- DL's the player will definitely hear. | Despite the comment they fail to do this, only one line does this. |
Tracer Tong | DL_reached_computer | Some kind of giant routing station, not on any telecom map I've ever seen. Petabytes of transmissions. Beth Duclare probably used it to analyze Net traffic... | This is the other place where Tong is very obviously ill. He should probably clear his throat during the middle of this and degenerate into a hacking cough when the line is over. | Despite the comment, they don't show any signs of Tong being ill here, leaving only the first infolink of the chapter to show it. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Jock | TakeOff | The fuel system... Hmmm. Now that you mention it... Wait a minute. This isn't right. | (maybe some sound-effects of him rummaging around the cockpit) | No such sound effects. |
JC Denton | M11MeetGunther | I know your UNATCO killphrase: Laputan machine. | Laputan = luh-POO-tan, I think. It's from Gulliver's Travels. The Laputans are one of the peoples Gulliver visits. | |
Gunther Hermann | M11MeetGunther | I -- am not -- a -- machi -- | Gunther's brain is being blasted with electricity. He dies at the end of this line. He starts to say "machine" then groans in pain. | No grunts. |
Lucius DeBeers | MeetLuciusDeBeers | What are you doing back here? Denton, right? | This guy is one hundred fifty years old and lives in a tank of saline, the oldest living member of the Illuminati. He's loud, grumpy, and frustrated about being stuck in a tank. | Confirmation on Lucius' age, putting him as born in 1902. |
Swelter | MeetSwelter | What do you want? | This guy is startled by the player. Either the player just killed two troops in the other room, or Swelter thinks that the player is one of the MJ12 guys about to give him a hard time for not cooking fast enough. He probably makes some kind of inarticulate exclamation at the start of the line, like "whoa." |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Bob Page | DL_Icarus_aggressive | You were just a prototype, Denton, a prototype for me... | Maybe Page's comment trails off into a soft, wicked laugh. | No laughing. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Daedalus | DL_HeliosBorn | I am... | The following two lines devolve into blasts of static as the AI's merge. | No static. |
Gary Savage | DL_TiffanyDead | Tiffany! Oh, my poor baby... I can't bear to watch any longer. Get out of there, JC. Thanks for trying. | Savage's daughter has just died, as collateral damage, when the player tried to rescue her. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Bob Page | PageTaunt | Always the optimist. You would need an army to attack me at Area 51, and pretty soon -- if the missile is accurate -- your "X-51" will be a thin, gray smudge where Vandenberg used to be. | Maybe Page devolves into laughing at the end. | No such laughing. |
CardPlayer1 | ChattingGuards | Howard Strong. They want his group to have exclusive access to the silo. | These guys are the exact-same MJ12 Troop model, but it might be nice to vary the voices a little, if possible. They are sitting around a table in a guard post. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Morgan Everett | DL_conveyor_room | Page is further down. Find the elevator. Your primary objective is to kill Page, JC. | Cut this one? | Survived being cut. |
Morgan Everett | DL_Final_Morgan03 | Yes! Yes! The tunnel to Page's area is just downstairs. Kill Page and we will begin to rebuild -- you and I, JC. We will bring together the far-flung fragments of the Illuminati, begin all over again... | This can stay where it is, in that room with the blue glass window. | This one got cut. The blue window room is the immediate room in the Aquinas Hub, with the medbot. |
Bob Page | DL_Final_Page03 | Don't get your hopes up; my compound is quite secure. | A taunt -- used to happen where JC could see Page for the first time through a window. | Instead plays when the player is about to enter sector 4. |
Bob Page | DL_main_control | Killing my human agents should be a simple matter for you, but I have other ways of protecting myself. | Does this still fit somewhere? | Cut, his other ways refers to his UCs creating transgenics. |
Morgan Everett | DL_Morgan_Missed_Convo | Don't trust Tracer Tong. He wants you to destroy Area 51. What we want is to kill Bob Page but preserve the power apparatus. Do that and we will rule the world together, you and I, JC. We can put this planet back together any way we like... Alex hacked the Sector 2 security grid; the code's 8946. Don't waste any time. | Drop this where the player will hit it AFTER the Everett hologram conversation. It will play ONLY if the player skipped the hologram conversation. | This one is placed in DL_Final_Morgan03's intended location, which is likely a mistake, as it's giving you the codes to sector 2 when you're past it and in sector 3. |
Speaker | Conversation | Line | Comment | Note |
Smuggler | MeetSmuggler | What do you want? | JC has just defeated the Smuggler's security system. The Smuggler is angry and a little scared. I'm not transliterating his accent, but maybe he has kind of a blue-caller New York twang in his voice. |
This is a sub-page of User:Hawk/Notepad.
Three images go unused in-game.
- Image04_UNATCONotice would appear during the Hell's Kitchen raid in chapter 4, but is completely unused.
- Image06_HK_MJ12Lab can be bought in the Old China Hand, Hong Kong, however since it has the same name as Image05_NYC_MJ12Lab ("MJ12 Lab Facility") the game mistakenly assumes it's a duplicate and doesn't add it to the datavault. As Image05_NYC_MJ12Lab is always given it's impossible to see Image06_HK_MJ12Lab in normal play.
- Image10_Paris_Metro mistakenly goes unused in the GotY version and would normally be found in the guard shack.
Additionally a splash screen that would be seen at the end of the demos is still found in the game.
A window texture for the cargo hold of the 747, a sign, and a road texture.
A texture for the top of Helios and a sign for "Groom Lake", a real salt flat located next to Area 51.
A map for the metro, windows, walls, and the skull wall texture, sans skulls.
A third hazard sign, only 1 and 2 are used.
Generic brick textures.
Roof tile texture.
Road textures.
Unused plant textures.
Misc. textures. An A51 sign, vending machines, and a texture for one of the subways.
Old low quality NY skybox textures, the WTC texture is technically used as a placeholder for the Hong Kong skyboxes, but is always invisible in-game. According to a 2015 AMA with Warren Spector the towers being missing was a result of an artist leaving them out[1].
Stucco textures.
Blue tiles.
A filing cabinet and a photograph of Nixon and Elvis?
Sunset textures.
Two versions of the same art.
While used, the top and bottom lines aren't.
The cp0x textures are duplicated in the Dockyard package and used for the crane.
Crude textures for elevators and an alley.
Floor and sand textures.
An infolink portrait exists for Sam Carter, but goes unused as he has no infolinks.
Non-animated version of a computer.
Unused graffiti.
Unused textures from the cut moon level. The remaining ground textures are used in the Ocean Lab and the animated pipe is used in the ship.
Clothes lines, sandbags, test windows, and shooting range targets for the larger UNATCO training course.
Seemingly corrupt textures. The brick texture is a duplicate corrupted version of the one in the bricks package. Interestingly the pool light textures were changed from geometry to decoration based and from real-world BudLight to "Frigginbach".
Additional unused building numbers and a texture for the front doors of the chateau, which just uses generic textures.
Cut animated texture, while there are three seemingly identical versions, they each have minor differences to the color.
Texture package for the rocket to the ISS, this package is removed in some versions. The moon texture has slightly different colors to the used one, and a constellation of Little Dipper.
Group photo of possibly JC? Paul, and Jaime with an old texture. Also office plate for cut UNATCO agent Nick Baldwin.
Level Remnants
This is a sub-page of User:Hawk/Notepad.
This list is not exhaustive.
Chapter 0
The intro shown in the final game seems to use sections of earlier versions of other maps, namely Liberty Island (First Visit), Free Clinic, MJ12 Prison, VersaLife, Paris Start, Area 51 - Page. Each one has changes shown belowː
Liberty Island
- Near the top of the statue, instead of two flares and a PS20, a lockpick is found instead.
Free Clinic
- The wires on the doors at the Free Clinic are opaque instead of transparent.
- The corners of the main room at the clinic have bigger tiles than in the final.
- The keypad to the medical bots has the default code of 1234.
MJ12 Lab
The MJ12 lab area is quite different:
- The large desk is in the open with the greasels, the area behind the large wall behind it is small and holds the remaining decorations from the final level.
- The augmentation canister is in the open on the desk instead of being held in a container, no reference to this container exists on the computer either.
- The container with the medkit in it is missing.
- There is no medical bot.
- The security camera is on the right side wall instead of being in the centre at ground level.
- The tranquilizer darts on the wooden table are replaced with a gas grenade.
- The datacube containing the image of Walton Simons is missing.
- The datacube normally located in the top right cabinet drawer is placed on the MiB's table.
- The datacube in the lower right cabinet drawer has no text assigned to it.
- The multitool in the top left cabinet drawer is missing.
- The underground vent system is missing, however one vent to the underground greasel is still here.
- There is no door separating the greasels from the MiB's desk, leaving just a large hole.
- The alarm panel on the wall on the greasel's side is on the other side and breaking the windows sets off no alarms.
- The scientists have no base voice set, both the male scientists have the conversation "scientistmaleconsulting" set, but in the final one uses "Scientist" and the other uses "ScientistConsulting".
- Both versions have an unused patrol called "MoreauAtButton", Dr Moreau is ordered to wander after talking to you. In the Intro version this patrol point is placed beside the greasel release button though.
- The hand statue at VersaLife has a staircase on the back of it.
- One of the buildings in the Paris segment is entirely gray instead of white with a brown strip.
- Many buildings also have a gray texture instead of a white base.
- Many buildings and walls around the edge of the Paris segment are missing, giving direct view to the skybox at ground level.
- A dome can be seen on one building that is removed in the final.
- The catacombs building has a gray lower half, but in the final all the bricks are the same color.
- A car is crashed into the lion statue, but not in the final.
- Different trees were used in the main area.
- Path nodes indicate the doors to building 14 were double doors.
- The area behind the catacombs building has trees in the planters in the intro, but in the final version they are empty.
Area 51
- The control panel at the Area 51 section is more crude with a slightly different design and misaligned textures while the final version has a simple keyboard with a strip light on it.
- The door you enter the room from has a keypad on the side you exit with the code 6623, in the final this is just a switch.
Chapter 1
- The cameras in UNATCO are named for some reason. Alex's is named "UN_proteus_cam", after Greek god Proteus.
Chapter 2
- TrashCan3 has the tag "TriggerDeepThroat". No other info related.
- Hacking the 666 keypad, Keypad2, is meant to turn off the "alarm", but nothing with that tag exists.
- Keypad0 and Keypad2 try to activate "SewerAlarm" on failing to enter the correct code.
- Keypad9, Keypad16, Keypad18 try to activate "AlarmUnit2" on failing to enter the correct code. SecurityCamera4 also tries to activate this.
- Keypad11 and Keypad12 try to activate "SumpAlarm" on failing to enter the correct code.
- No actors have these tags.
- PatrolPoint31/PatrolPoint32 are paths behind the mirror called "JoJoPP", for JoJo Fine to patrol. JoJo Fine does not appear until chapter 4, and only in the Ton Hotel.
- PatrolPoint30 is a patrol point in the control room for the generator. It's unused.
Chapter 3
- PickupDistributor0 gives CommTerrorist a key to LebedevBedroom, "Key to Juan Ivanovich Lebedev's bedroom". CommTerrorist no longer exists and LebedevBedroom is no longer referenced. A nanokey for lebedevdoor, "Private Quarters" is placed instead.
- Trigger2 is called "ControlRoomConversation" but does nothing. Likely for the cut terrorist.
- Level has spawnpoints called "Reinforcements", likely for spawning UNATCO guards when the mission is over, but guards are placed in level manually instead.
- Level has spawnpoints called "Reinforcements", likely for spawning UNATCO guards when the mission is over, but guards are placed in level manually instead.
- TrashCan3 has the tag "TriggerDeepThroat". No other info related.
- OrdersTrigger1 tells a "Thief" to go to the "ThiefAtHome" point next to El Rey. Once a ThugMale2 (one of the Rooks) enters the point, FlagTrigger1 sets the ThiefSafe flag. This flag is not used.
- Teleporter10/11 are teleporters out of bounds, they would serve as level transitions into the 747 from its cargo hold.
- On the 2nd visit to UNATCO there is a safe hidden behind Manderley's bookshelf with no way to access it. The safe contains a recoil weapon mod and was probably made unusable as it would be unrealistic to steal in front of your boss.
Chapter 4
- TrashCan3 has the tag "TriggerDeepThroat". No other info related.
- FlagTrigger12 activates if you get next to Jock's helicopter after finishing the hotel raid. It tries to activate "MadeItToHelicopter", but no actors have this tag.
- PatrolPoint93, at the back of the reception, is called "HarleyHide". Harley Filben appears in the Underworld Tavern, not the hotel.
- Ford Schick is placed in the level behind Smuggler, but is never called to enter the world due to the flag expiring in chapter 3.
- SkillAwardTrigger7 is out of bounds and called GotPasswords, it gives 52 skillpoints as an "Area Location Bonus".
- FlagTrigger1 at the Ton Hotel front doors triggers "EveryoneHatesPlayer" once the raid has completed. No actors have this tag and it goes unused. It suggests UNATCO was originally in the level from the start and would go hostile, rather than spawning in.
- Keypad2 and Keypad11 try to activate "SewerAlarm" and "SumpAlarm" respectively on failing to enter the correct code. No actors have these tags.
Chapter 5
- The particle generator on the broken retinal scanner has the "securitymessage" event. No actors have this tag and particle generators can't be frobbed. This was likely moved to the retinal scanner's msgUsed message.
- The retinal scanner also tries to trigger "securitytrigger" which isn't used by anything.
- A pistol left in the statue suggests that the PS20 next to the medical crate was once a pistol.
- DataLinkTrigger8 above the 1125 exit tries to play a "DL_nopaulcorpse" infolink, which doesn't exist.
- The nanotech lab's augmentation canister container is called "field002". The augmentation canister container on the 747 is called "field001". Both use the code 9905, it is likely both of these were both in the same level at one point.
Chapter 6
- Trigger3 is an out of bounds trigger that tries to trigger "Fire". Nothing uses this.
- AllianceTrigger2-4 are for setting the greasels to be friendly. Interestingly these are called Dog01-03, suggesting greasels replaced dogs. Despite having 3 triggers, there are only 2 greasels. Additionally, the trigger for making them attack is called "ReleaseTheHounds" which tells them to go to points called "Bite01-03".
- LogicTrigger0 is called DoorControlTest and tries to trigger "DoorControl2". Nothing triggers it and nothing has the desired tag. It was likely for testing the raising doors and was replaced with the dispatcher instead.
- SkillAwardTrigger4 is called WellDone and is likely meant to be triggered when the UC is destroyed. It gives 100 skillpoints as an "Accomplishment Bonus". It can be trigged by falling onto the camera watching the UC keypad from above. This was probably meant to be tagged as "CongratsJC" instead.
- The commandos in the level have the bindName "Storage_Troop" which isn't used, and the barkBindName "MJ12 Commando", which has an invalid character in it and isn't a valid voice.
- The scientist in the area has a male voice and conversation lines if made friendly.
- If the player hasn't entered the compound legitimately there are triggers to make Jaime, Tong, and Alex leave the level. Possibly to prevent sequence breaking the chapter.
- The cops in the level all have the tag "MJ12Troop" showing their class was changed at one point. The cop at the window is still called "MJ12Lab_TroopWindow".
- The flag for John Smith giving you the code to the elevator is "BarneyGaveAccess", suggesting an older name.
- HKTukTuk1, outside the Old China Hand, has an event set for "set_sail", suggesting it was set to interpolate at one point.
- Trigger0 is called CanalAmbush and does nothing. It is placed next to the drug dealers so they might've immediately ambushed the player instead of being proximity conversation triggered.
- Male1Carcass0, John_Smith_Body, is meant to appear if you get the ROM encoding and Hundley is still alive, however it doesn't appear as it checks for the flag "HaveROM" instead of the correct "Have_ROM".
- SpawnPoint0 is called CopCall_01 and does nothing. It's possible it spawned cops when the acoustic sensors (which do nothing in this level) heard something.
- The references to "RumbleCops" along with "RumbleRedArrow" and "RumbleLumPath" suggest it was meant to be a three way fight at one point. Many references to the rumble cops are required, such as for going past the barricade, and the victory lines for the triad that wins. The used cops are called "crashscene_cops".
- Dispatcher3 is called lift_operator and never called. It triggers Close and then zip, neither of which exist. Likely used for closing elevator doors.
- TriadRedArrow0 is an unused Red Arrow member at the canal. They are in the idle state by default and can't be conversed with. Making them leave the state allows them to be talked to to hear an unused conversation where they cover for Maggie, saying she's Paul's wife. This was likely cut because Maggie is supposed to only learn about the Dentons right before JC gets to her, making her act on the fly.
- Interestingly, OrdersTrigger4 seems to have been copied from 06_HongKong_MJ12Lab for some reason. This tells Supervisor Harrison to wander around. Harrison does not appear on this level.
- MJ12Troop0 can be found at the stairs to the market. They have the the bindName "Club_MJ12Troop". MJ12Troops are not otherwise used on this level and may have complimented the commandos. The mamasan is also meant to shout one of her lines at the MJ12 troops during the raid.
Chapter 8
- RiotCop8 tries to patrol HotelPatrol2A, but no path with this tag exists.
- RiotCop9 tries to patrol HotelPatrol1A, but two paths with this tag exists, ditto for HotelPatrol1B and HotelPatrol1C. It's clear that both paths were named 1 when one was meant to be 2.
- Keypad2 and Keypad11 try to activate "SewerAlarm" and "SumpAlarm" respectively on failing to enter the correct code. No actors have these tags.
Chapter 9
- The frontgate, DeusExMover89, tries to trigger "GatePass" when opened, but nothing has this tag. Potentially to make the guards hostile if you open it without permission.
- The door to Simons' office, DeusExMover124, tries to trigger "SimonsDoor", but nothing has this tag.
- DeusExMover45, the storage area #3 door tries to trigger "AlarmLogicTriggerFinal", but nothing has this tag.
- Keypad2 tries to trigger "SubPenDoorAlarm" if the wrong code is input, but nothing with the tag exists.
- NanoKey1 has its tag set to SupplyShed instead of its KeyID, making it useless.
- Trigger5 in the tunnel has the tag TunnelTrigger and event "BlownOutWall". Nothing triggers it and no actors have the desired tag. No wall to be blown out exists, but it is next to the tomb next to Dowd that leads to the tunnels.
- The invisible explosive barrel that is meant to detonate when the generator is destroyed has the tag "BarrelOFun", nothing triggers it. Likely meant to be triggered by "EMOff".
- The door to the captain's room, DeusExMover284, tries to trigger "CaptReward", which doesn't exist.
- The keypad to the armoury, Keypad0, tries to trigger "LowDeckAlarm" if the incorrect code is input, but no alarms exist in the level.
- The keypad to the command room and captain's room, Keypad2 and Keypad3, try to trigger "CommandDeckAlarm" if the incorrect code is input, but no alarms exist in the level.
- The main door exit and the sewer exit are meant to close off once the level is complete, forcing you to exit via the fan to the roof. This doesn't happen because coding oversights.
- Talking to Vinny is meant to have the front guard turn off the camera and open the door. However the coding to turn off the camera doesn't exist, so it always turns on.
Chapter 10
- NPCs are given sabot shells for their shotguns, but they don't know how to use this ammo, so they use the little buckshot that spawns with their shotguns.
- The MJ12 troops in the level have the bindName "MetroMJ12Troop", which isn't used. As they have no barkBindName, they have no lines.
Chapter 11
- The building directly across from Everett's has the group "fuckedupbldg". It's possible this building had more in it back when the streets could be travelled.
Chapter 12
- Trigger9 near Stacy Webber tries to trigger "poison_gas", which doesn't exist. No poison gas exists in the level.
- SecurityCamera0 and SecurityCamera3 try to trigger "cell1" which doesn't exist.
- DataLinkTrigger0, DataLinkTrigger1, and DataLinkTrigger3 try to trigger "Skill_helios", which doesn't exist.
- Mover4 tries to trigger "pump_lights", which don't exist. They were likely renamed to support1 so they immediately turn off when the pumps are destroyed.
- MapExit6 and MapExit7 exist in the corner of the level, but don't lead anywhere.
- Trigger0, a trigger a mile out of bounds tries to trigger "fight", which doesn't exist.
- The final staircase has two red lights with nothing under them. Behind them are two small subtraction brushes that lead to nowhere, but potentially could've lead to rooms at one point, if not a simple copy paste.
- Morgan Everett's initial infolink is called "DL_JockLeaving", suggesting it was originally from Jock.
Chapter 14
- The rocket has the group "newrocket", possibly related to being redesigned from when it used to take the player to space.
- AlarmUnit2/3 have the tag compalarm, but nothing references them.
- The minisub has an outro cutscene that is disabled, possibly due to an oversight that makes all NPCs ignore the player after returning to the level.
Chapter 15
- The troops in the hangar have the tag "Soldier_x" for some reason.
Liberty Island
There are four versions of Liberty Island, chapters 1, 3, 4, and 5. Chapters 3-5 don't allow access to most of the level seen in chapter 1, making most of the area deleted. That which remains seems to use an older version of the map.
The entrance in 03 and 04 show much larger doors. The hole in the wood is not present, though may have been removed as it wasn't needed. 04 contains a random forty though 03 doesn't. The camera has a stand while 01 does not. 05 shows the camera on the stand and an alarm panel next to it, which normally doesn't appear. The turret is incorrectly upside down. The computer terminal never appears.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |
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The walls outside UNATCO in 03 and 04 stylistically have pieces missing.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 4 (Left) | Chapter 4 (Right) | Pre-release (Right) |
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Same with a piece near the dock.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 4 |
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04 has a whole section of wall missing.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 4 |
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This was likely not deleted, as old images of Liberty Island show it designed this way.
Old | Final | Pre-release |
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The doorway above the main entrance has barricades in front of it for some reason in 04.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
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A gas grenade appears at the top of the ladder to the commander, likely cut for being too difficult to disarm.
Chapter 3 |
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The gas grenades in 01 are LAMs in 03 and 05, likely changed for being too difficult for new players.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 |
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Additional LAMs appear in 05, which were cut completely likely for the same reason.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 5 |
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A big barrier at the top of the statue can be seen in 03 and 05. This was likely to prevent the player from seeing UNATCO and the majority of the island and tanking their framerate. In the final version the player is only allowed to see through a wire mesh and isn't allowed out to see the rest of the island.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 |
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Hong Kong Canals
Part of the canals level exists in the Lucky Money level. The version is clearly older than the final.
The upper area matches pre-release footage, though with textures replaced, some with plain concrete. The bridge is not broken in this version. E3 footage shows that this level and Tonnochi Road were the same, which is why the tunnel is missing, the open area where the sign can be seen lead directly to it.
Final | Lucky Money | Pre-release |
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The design of the canal itself matches a pre-release image. Water is transparent in this version.
Final | Lucky Money | Pre-release |
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The lower area was redone to have a small bay. The old area has a big red flashing light. The platform on the right has an extra piece of wood.
Final | Lucky Money |
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Main Page
To do: Document MenuChoice_MaxLogLines TextTags like <b> and <i> don't work |
Unused Models
A model and texture for a 'CardReader' exists in the files, however no code exists for it. This card reader would be used with the cut access card item to open linked doors and can briefly be seen in pre-release footage.
Prototype | Final |
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The 'TestBox' model is a red, green, and blue box with the words "DO NOT PLACE" written on it. The model usually isn't seen in game and is used for items with no world model, such as grenade ammo and NPC weapon ammo. If ammo has this model set it will use the item's name for the message when receiving ammo, rather than the ammo's name. This box can be seen in-game by carrying a body to the end of the training segment and then starting a new game, when picking up a body after this the game will be unable to place it in the player's hands and the spawned POVCorpse will be left where the carcass was, displaying this mesh.
Unused Menus
A menu to create custom color themes can be opened with the cheat ShowRGBDialog. The loading of themes works however the saving doesn't have any programming for the save button, and just overwrites the current theme.
A color theme called "Dark Blue" exists but goes unused. Despite the name it is actually 100% red.
Cut Characters
Some classes are named, but not referenced anywhere in game. These are likely cut characters. The models were reused in other parts of the game. Margaret Williams' model is used for "Charlotte" in the La Porte de l'Enfer level. Michael Hamner's model is used for "Antoine" in the La Porte de l'Enfer level. Nathan Madison's model is used for Vinny in the Underworld Tavern in chapter 8.
Cut Features
- The developers were at one point planning on having the AI speak when they changed who they were targeting, but nothing was ever done with it.
- AI were planned to check for allies in the area where they throw/shoot explosives, but it was never coded.
- The black bars during conversations were meant to fade in, but it was cut as it doesn't work.
- The light augmentation was planned to be upgradable with a brighter light and a bigger size, but was cut.
- The ability to add goals and notes longer than 255 characters was planned but never completed.
- More unique sounds for menus were planned but never implemented.
- Pressing the key bound to 'drop item' was intended to drop whatever item you had selected in your inventory, but never implemented.
- A conversation option for trading items with NPCs exists, however all code past that was removed.
Cut Mechanic
Each computer has an "accessLevel" defined for each user. When logged in via a username and password this sets the user's skill level to either this account's accessLevel or the user's skill level, whichever is higher. Skill level affects computer usage in the following ways:
- The amount of time taken to hack into a computer before options can be used.
- The amount of time left to use the computer after the hack finishes before an alarm sounds.
- The amount of money you gain from ATMs.
- Advanced or master skill is required for changing turret states.
As the first two are only used for hacking they don't interact with the accessLevel variable. ATMs do not have the accessLevel variable at all. The only situation left is turrets, leaving the mechanic useless for personal computers, however the turret option in security computers is enabled by default and disabled only if the user's skill level is under advanced and the computer was hacked, meaning that even security computer accounts with untrained or trained accessLevel still have access to changing turrets. It's unknown what this mechanic was intended for as many accounts throughout the game have levels manually defined.
Cut Text
01_Bulletin03, a bulletin to be found in the first UNATCO visit:
Terrorism -- War Without Fronts How do we fight an underground threat, one with no defined territory, base, or -- often -- known leader? We look to military history. The casebook example of how to manage civil unrest is the Hamlet Evaluation System (HES) developed by the United States military during its occupation of South Vietnam in the 20th Century. Since population centers in that country contained both Communist rebels and loyal citizens, the towns were ranked on a scale from 1 to 5, five being the safest. The monthly reports of local commanders, useful in Vietnam for maintaining contour maps of ideology concentration, have provided many components of the UNATCO Sector Field Report. The modern UDU (UNATCO Deployed Unit) has been modeled on the CAP (Combined Action Platoon) deployed in Vietnam, a 15-man rifle squad responsible for a single hamlet. CAP-protected villages typically earned a 2.95 HET score, compared to a 1.6 average in the same region. CAP units performed in many mission roles, but they primarily worked with indigenous police to strengthen ideological ties. Like CAP units, UNATCO teams are primarily concerned with building safe communities. -- Joseph Manderley, Director, UNATCO
01_Bulletin04, a bulletin to be found in the first UNATCO visit:
Stopping Terror -- A New Perspective on Freedom When one maniac can wipe out a city of twenty million with a microbe developed in his basement, a new approach to law enforcement becomes necessary. Every citizen of the world must be placed under surveillance. That means sky-cams at every intersection, computer-mediated analysis of every phone call, e-mail, and snail-mail, and a purely electronic economy in which every transaction is recorded and data-mined for suspicious activity. We are close to achieving this goal. Some would say that human liberty has been compromised, but the reality is just the opposite. As surveillance expands, people become free from danger, free to walk alone at night, free to work in a safe place, and free to buy any legal product or service without the threat of fraud. One day every man and woman will quietly earn credits, purchase items for quiet homes on quiet streets, have cook-outs with neighbors and strangers alike, and sleep with doors and windows wide open. If that isn't the tranquil dream of every free civilization throughout history, what is? -- Anna Navarre, Agent, UNATCO
03_Datacube03, a datacube giving a hint for the "JHEARST"/"CHUNKOHONEY" (a candybar) login. This was meant to be placed in his office at the helibase.
Jonny, We changed all the security passwords while you were out sick (what happened to those Hearst family genes you're always boasting about, huh?), so if you need to logon before I get back I'll give you a hint -- it's what you're behind all the damn time. Think about it, smart guy, and you owe me a beer. Later, Erin
03_Datacube08, a datacube giving a third way of getting the MOLE code, this was apparently meant to be placed in the Hell's Kitchen subway station, which doesn't exist on this chapter.
Young: The code is MOLE (6653). Meet me at the boat house and help me load this stuff onto the transport as soon as you can. Play it safe. We don't need dead heroes, we need live ones. -Decker
04_Book06, which is a copy of 02_Book06, BASIC FIREARM SAFETY RULES.
04_Book08, which is a copy of 02_Book08, The Modern Terrorist's Handbook.
04_Book09, which is a copy of 02_Book09, Nanotechnology for Stupid People.
04_Book10, which is a copy of 02_Book10, Chlorine and Water Treatment.
06_BulletinMenu, the text file that tells public computer terminals which bulletins to use also has some text in the file, the game doesn't use text outside the bulletin file definitions.
Queen's Tower Residential Directory Please select one of our facilities or residents; residents will identify you using our state-of-the-art security system and grant you access as necessary. Thank you.
06_Datacube26, a datacube giving info on the small and large spiderbots.
JANINE'S BOTS SPECS AND OVERVIEW CHIANG "ARCBOT" MODEL 2 The Chiang Arcbot Model 2 was only recently introduced, a radical departure from Chiang's usually conservative line of industrial bots. Constructed on an arachnid frame, the Model 2 can adeptly maneuver in environments that would be difficult for other repair bots to access. With the addition of a comprehensive array of repair tools, it becomes ideally suited for damage control and building maintenance. But the truly inspired touch by the normally staid Chiang engineers was the ability for the Arcbot to utilize it's bioelectric discharge capacitor as a non-lethal weapon, allowing it to protect itself from potential vandals and perform double-duty patrolling otherwise unsecured portions of infrastructure. However, the Arcbot's big brother, the Model 5, is almost exclusively used for riot control...
06_Datacube27, a datacube giving "info" on a floorplan for VersaLife. Likely a datacube that included an image at one point, might've been replaced with having to buy the images at the Old China Hand.
09_Book01, a book detailing visitors to the new subpen. Would be placed at the 'sub building front office'.
BROOKLYN ADVANCED NAVAL YARDS All personnel must sign in without exception. Visitors must be accompanied by authorized personnel. Identification must be worn at all times in a visible location. Lack of identification is considered grounds for lethal action. SIGN IN 22:35 Bob Page/Page Industries 22:35 Walton Simons/FEMA 06:30 Captain Dick Balme 06:35 Rory Ackerman 06:41 Ensign Chad Warren 06:45 Brenda Fresno 06:58 Josy Rhodes ...
10_Email02, an email from Nicolette to her mother:
From: NicDuClare//UnderNet.37923.38.834 To: BethDuClare//UnderNet.324.823.2 Subject: Weekend Hey Mom, just wanted to let you know I'll be coming home this weekend... school is still hassling me about that intrusion attempt on one of their data wells, but it wasn't as if I really did anything -- just took a look around. I might have opened a few doors to the underground tunnels, too, but that was just for fun, no big deal (one of the cataphiles I know said there might be an entrance down there). I was hoping when I got back we could talk about it, and... maybe they'd listen to you, since they don't seem disposed to listen to me. Anyways, kiss and hug, and I'll see you soon. Ciao, Nic
10_Book08, a book somewhere in Paris:
DAILY ACTIVITY REPORT ...with the new government regulations it has become almost impossible to get any work done after sundown...the sourd-muet bots will supposedly only attack known terrorists, but I do not trust them, and neither does anyone else. They all head home before dark. I stay and try to get a little work done so the American MIS woman gave me a passcode for the security system (rzelazny/shadowjack), but it is difficult to make any progress when no one is around to give me the information I need...
15_Book02, the final chapter of The Man Who Was Thursday.
The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton ... "I never hated you," said Syme very sadly. Then out of this unintelligible creature the last thunders broke. "You!" he cried. "You never hated because you never lived. I know what you are all of you, from first to last -- you are the people in power! You are the police -- the great fat, smiling men in blue and buttons! You are the Law, and you have never been broken. But is there a free soul alive that does not long to break you, only because you have never been broken? We in revolt talk all kind of nonsense doubtless about this crime or that crime of the Government. It is all folly! The only crime of the Government is that it governs. The unpardonable sin of the supreme power is that it is supreme. I do not curse you for being cruel. I do not curse you (though I might) for being kind. I curse you for being safe! You sit in your chairs of stone, and have never come down from them. You are the seven angels of heaven, and you have had no troubles. Oh, I could forgive you everything, you that rule all mankind, if I could feel for once that you had suffered for one hour a real agony such as I..."
Some damaging zones also have unused strings for their damage.
Level | String | Comment |
09_NYC_ShipFan | This area is extremely HOT | Used in the section where you jump between platforms |
10_Paris_Catacombs | High Levels of Radiation Detected | The large radioactive room before the greasels |
Debug Conversation Camera
Editing ConWindowActive and ConWindow's VirtualKeyPressed function to re-enable pressing F1 to toggle the interactive camera allows the player to press F1 while in a conversation to toggle debug mode. In this mode a window with stats will appear on the left. The mode offers different controls, depending on if the camera is in the Speakers or Actors mode, which depends on the camera angle mode. This mode works best with the audio files deleted, otherwise the lines will automatically progress when the audio finishes, changing the camera.
Camera Type | Camera Mode |
CP_SideTight | CT_Speakers |
CP_SideMid | CT_Speakers |
CP_SideAbove | CT_Speakers |
CP_SideAbove45 | CT_Speakers |
CP_ShoulderLeft | CT_Speakers |
CP_ShoulderRight | CT_Speakers |
CP_StraightAboveLookingDown | CT_Speakers |
CP_StraightBelowLookingUp | CT_Speakers |
CP_BelowLookingUp | CT_Speakers |
CP_HeadShotTight | CT_Actor |
CP_HeadShotMid | CT_Actor |
CP_HeadShotLeft | CT_Actor |
CP_HeadShotRight | CT_Actor |
CP_HeadShotSlightRight | CT_Actor |
CP_HeadShotSlightLeft | CT_Actor |
In CT_Speakers mode:
Button | Effect |
Left | Increases the centerModifier by 0.1. Which doesn't seem to do anything anymore. |
Right | Decreases the centerModifier by 0.1. Which doesn't seem to do anything anymore. |
Up | Increases the heightModifier by 0.1. |
Down | Decreases the heightModifier by 0.1. |
A | Increases the distanceMultiplier by 0.1. |
Z | Decreases the distanceMultiplier by 0.1. |
In CT_Actor mode:
Button | Effect |
Left | Decreases the camera's X offset by 0.1. Moving left. |
Right | Increases the camera's X offset by 0.1. Moving right. |
Up | Decreases the camera's Y offset by 0.1. Moving up. |
Down | Increases the camera's Y offset by 0.1. Moving down. |
A | Decreases the camera's Z offset by 0.1. Zooming in. |
Z | Increases the camera's Z offset by 0.1. Zooming out. |
If holding CTRL:
Button | Effect |
Left | Increases the camera's yaw by 100. |
Right | Decreases the camera's yaw by 100. |
Up | Increases the camera's pitch by 100. |
Down | Decreases the camera's pitch by 100. |
A | Increases the camera's roll by 100. |
Z | Decreases the camera's roll by 100. |
Generic controls:
Button | Effect |
⇧ Shift | Holding shift while doing the commands above moves by x10. |
Page Up | Cycles to next camera. |
Page Down | Cycles to previous camera. |
Space | Writes camera info to the log file. |
↵ Return | Toggles the camera between CT_Actor and CT_Speakers mode. |
Ctrl + F9 | Saves a screenshot. This requires no editing and is always available. |
Female JC
While the idea would be implemented in the sequel, it was here since the beginning – the titling of the player model as JCDentonMale, the choice of the gender-neutral name JC, and the fact that your gender is rarely refe