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User:Manpaint/RuneScape (RS2+)/Development text

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RuneScape 3

Some placeholder text for interfaces can be found in the cache:

Interface ID Placeholder text
35 Getting Status....
58 By PlayerName
112 Line1
125 Player name
174 wom1 (continue to wom15)
187 Playing.............................
187 Unlocked:???
199 New Game In: 23:00
217 Button Text
219 [Hero Name]
219 Member Until : DD/MM/YY
222 Placeholder title
222 Placeholder description
227 mourning_deathalter_item1 (continue to 50)
231 RsPlayer
247 %TOTAL
247 %RESOURCE 1%
247 %NEXT
248 000,000,000,000 Coins
275 Item Name
255 Line 1 (to 8)
279 Player's Cat
279 Opponent's Cat
392 Current Reward Value: XXXXXXXXXX
398 Number Of Rooms: %1
407 Points:pest_points
449 You have X coin(s)
458 option1 (to 3)
478 IFSEdit:
478 ITEM:
478 @name imp_deposit_instructions
478 @type 3
478 @x 88
478 @wid 352
478 @hei 26
478 @lay
478 @lyid -1
478 @hide false
478 @scrw 0
478 @scrh 0
478 @col 16777215
478 @fill false
478 @tran 0
478 @swid 1
478 @idgr
478 @rot 0
478 @tile false
478 @outl 0
478 @scol 0
478 @hfli false
478 @vfli false
478 @idmo
478 @x2of 0
478 @y2of 0
478 @2xan 0
478 @2yan 0
478 @2zan 0
478 @zoom 400
478 @anim
478 @orth false
478 @font 1
478 @text Select an item or stack of items to deposit.
478 @vspa 0
478 @hcen 1
478 @vcen 0
478 @shad true
478 @opna
478 @tavb
478 @targ false
478 @onlo
478 @oncl
478 @onho
478 @onre
478 @onmo
478 @onml
478 @ondr
478 @ontl
478 @onte
478 @onvt
478 @onit
478 @onst
478 @onti
478 @onop
478 @ondc
478 @onda
478 @oncr
478 @onmr
478 @oscr
478 @iscp false
478 @drdz 0
478 @drdt 0
478 @op1 (continue to 10)
478 @drla
478 @drta false
478 @paus false
478 @tarm 0
478 @clie 0
478 @end
522 Monster name
525 This is an interface type test.
526 This is an interface type test.
528 Text
529 This is an interface type test.
530 This is an interface type test.
549 weaponslot
553 page%1 (continue to 23)
553 Book Title
553 line1 (continue to 23)
556 You have X coin(s)
655 Level X:
720 Here, the player will see an interface anim of the chocatrice hatching.
890 Player name
904 status 1 (continue to 3)
906 Display Name
907 There are currently no news articles to display.
907 There are no news articles to display under this category.
918 September 8888
924 weaponslot
937 line1 (continue to 22)
937 Book Title
941 YYY bamboo
941 available at XXX coins each.
941 (You currently own XXX)
946 Player ~ Name
951 Event Title
951 Event description - will be replaced
952 Items left: X
960 (Text)
1028 YYY bones
1028 available at XXX coins each.
1028 (You currently own XXX)
1029 Poll title
1029 Example option
1029 And here's an example of loads of random stuff as the description.
1029 asdhdakdhasd kjsdfk alfhsdkfh adskfha kfsjdhf askhfa kjhdask fdhaskdhas dkjah sdakshd askdh askd
1029 ETA: Sometime soon
1029 Poll Question
1035 Wins: XX
1035 Guards: XX
1049 Rand_Debug = True
1066 Lorem Ipsum Sub Rosa Dolores Clairborne.
1082 abcdefghijklmnop
1082 abcdefg
1083 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1086 clan_1_name
1086 clan_2_name
1087 winner_name
1087 clan_a_name
1087 clan_b_name
1095 Home World: 145
1101 Vote open for X minutes.
1101 Vote started by X.
1142 The Cake is a Lie
1142 Lorem Ipsum random flipsum gypsum ripsome ect
1144 Items found: 12345
1150 Page%1
1150 Page%2
1157 Player Name
1172 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1206 This is some text
1214 Skill 1 (continues to 3)
1257 Since the last build tick MemberName has produced:
1257 MemberName Resource Info
1268 Some text goes here
1270 this will be replaced
1274 33123456
1299 Te audiere non possum mussa sapientum fixa est in aure. Valce lacerete. Eheu vircuit vircui fert locustus.
1299 Chen...ima gibta se chen.
1302 Le Placeholder
1302 Test test test
1314 Interface title
1324 Test warning.
1329 Holder text
1420 Change the game mode to self-sufficiency mode, which prevents interacting with other players, or perma-death self-sufficiency mode, which adds permanent death. Once you die, the account cannot be used again.
1487 Suggestion 1 (continues to 3)
1497 Time remaining:(X Days X Hours X Minutes)
1497 Description of the mechanics involved with the vote.
1521 Showing this box when invited.
1521 WWWWWWWWWWWW has invited you to join the group: Dungeoneering (Frozen)
1546 E–N/A
1546 *Information text about rental goes here*
1546 *Information about perm unlock goes here*
1546 Bonds can be used for this selection.
1546 duration 1 (continues to 6)
1548 Select Read Title
1548 Remove Read Title
1606 Treasure Hunter Item Information
1607 Member Until:
01-Jan-1970 00:00 UTC
1607 Soloman's General Store
1609 This is where the title goes
1677 Meirditch
1678 null
1702 [MyClanName] MyName: MyMessage
1702 Short: [CC] MyName: MyMessage
1703 Fish 1 Name (continue to 3)
1703 P H
1732 null
1782 Filter 1
1782 Filter 2
1794 Current Reward Value: XXXXXXXXXX coins!
1812 Commune
1868 Description 1 Text - Blah blah blah blah blah
1868 PLACEHOLDER Mutator
1868 Description 2 Text - Blah blah blah blah blah
1868 Mutator 1 (continue to 3)
1898 Task title
1902 1 week 3 days 19 hours 45 minutes

(Source: Research done by manpaint (around 22 September 2017), data was in Index 3.)