Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra |
Also known as: Xenosaga Episode III: Zarathustra wa Kaku Katariki (JP) This game has unused areas. This game has a notes page |
To do:
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra is the third and final game in the Xenosaga series. As such, everything is brought to a dramatic and epic conclusion. At least there's still the same gameplay mechanics from the previous two games, along with all of the characters that you've spent many hours with.
The game is also somewhat of a rarity to find and thus goes for a pretty high price tag. Like the first game and unlike the second game, it was not released in Europe.
Notes |
Unused Cutscenes |
Debug Mode
Several debug menus can be re-enabled with the below code.
USA Code: Enable Debug Mode D0AA0C30 0000FFA0 00AA0C7E 000000E7 201BB87C 0C0962E4 201BB88C 24020402 201BB890 14510007 201BB898 0C0A2982 201BB89C 00000000 201BB8A0 10000003 201BB8A4 DFB00000 201BB8BC 0000102D 201BB8C0 03E00008 201BB8C4 27BD0020 20258E30 03E00008 20258E34 00000000 E005FFF9 004B3472 201827D4 00000000 201BD48C 0C0AAE54 201BC050 24020000 201BD638 0C06EDFC 201BD63C 00000000 E005FFF6 004B3472 201827D4 1040002E 201BD48C 0C06EFAA 201BC050 24420002 201BD638 3C031000 201BD63C 00431024 JP Code: (Map Select Only) 201BB1B8 24020000 2018268C 00000000 JP Demo Code (SLPM-61147): Enable Debug Mode 202572B0 03E00008 202572B4 00000000 201BA4E4 24020402 201BA4E8 14510007 201BA4F0 0C0A222E 201BA4F4 00000000 201BA4F8 10000003 201BA4FC DFB00000 201BA514 0000102D 201BA518 03E00008 201BA51C 27BD0020 201BA4D4 0C095C04 E005FFF9 004B15C2 2018268C 00000000 201BC0A4 0C0AA700 201BACA8 24020000 201BC250 0C06E912 201BC254 00000000 E005FFF6 004B15C2 2018268C 1040002E 201BC0A4 0C06EAC0 201BACA8 24420002 201BC250 3C031000 201BC254 00431024
With the above code on, press the following buttons to enable extra functionalities.
- L3 + R3 to enable debug mode.
- Select + Start to disable debug mode.
While in game, press the following buttons for debug menus.
- R2 + R3 for Test Menu.
- L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Start for Nakajima Test.
- L2 + R3 for Miscellaneous debug menu.
- L2 + L3 for Flag Editor debug menu.
Enabling Debug Mode will also put various numbers on screen when anything is loading. The numbers represent the remaining time until a file will be loaded. If you are using an emulator to view the debug menus, you must be in OpenGL mode or these screens will not render correctly.
Map Select
When debug mode is active at the main menu, selecting New Game or Load Game will bring you here. Only valid level IDs will work here. You can also select the character to play as. It's unclear what the Map: mode does. It can be set to Normal, Test and Check.
Flag Editor
You can set various flags here. You can also obtain all weapons and items using this menu as well as listen to SFX. There is an assortment of miscellaneous flags you can set, however it is unclear how those work.
Nakajima Test
The only thing notable here is that you can enter a test E.S battle screen. On the English version, the text will be corrupted.
Test Menu
A menu that lets you test various screen effects. Entering this menu then exiting it will crash the game.
Miscellaneous Debug Menu
Unfortunately, nothing works in this menu. Selecting anything will softlock the game.
Unused HaKox Cheats
Regular Cheats
Several hidden cheats for the mini game, HaKox can be re-enabled with the Debug Mode code on. There is also several debug cheats embedded within this cheat system as well. It even opens up thirty unused levels.
While at the Press Start Button screen, press the following buttons on controller 1 to activate these cheats.
Button Inputs | Reward | Notes |
L1, R1, L1, R1, L1, R1, Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, R2 |
FREE ALL STAGE! | Unlocks all stages except unused stages. |
Up, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, R2 | NOW SOUND TEST! | Unlocks sound test. Press Circle to hear a sound Press D-Pad Up / Down to move through the list. |
Square, Circle, Square, Circle, L1, R1, L1, R1, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, L1, R1, L1, R1, R2 |
EDIT UNLIMITED! / EDIT LIMITED! | Presumably removes edit mode limits. |
Up, Up, Down, Down, L1, R1, L1, R1, Circle, X | SECRET STAGE! | Doesn't appear to do anything. |
X, Circle, Square, Triangle, L1, L1, L1, L1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R2 |
STAGE RAPID LOAD! / STAGE ONMEMORY! | Speeds up stage loading time. |
Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Circle, Square, Up, Triangle, Up, Square, Up, X, Up, Circle, Down, Triangle, Down, Square, Down, X, Down, Circle, L1, R1, R2, L1, R1, R2 |
MASTER CODE ON! | Unlocks all of the above. Also unlocks three extra sections of unused levels, and a password system. |
Debug Cheats
In addition to the cheats, there is a few debug cheats that can be activated at anytime in HaKox mode.
Button Inputs | Reward | Notes |
L2 + R2 + X (on controller 1) | DEBUG MODE! / RETAIL MODE! | Has the same effect as the Master Code. Also enables the use of even more exclusive button inputs (seen below). |
Select (on controller 2) | PHOTO MODE / NORMAL MODE | Appears to have no effect. Needs Debug Mode on. |
L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Triangle (on controller 1) | CHEAT CLEAR | Instantly wins a level. Needs Debug Mode on. |
L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Square (on controller 1) | GAME OVER | Instant game over. Needs Debug Mode on. |
Unused HaKox Maps
Enabling the Master Code or the Debug Mode cheats from the above sections will unlock these unused stages, with full unused descriptions.
Unused HaKox Edit Mode Passwords
Enabling the Master Code or the Debug Mode cheats from the above sections will unlock these, ultimately unusable, options. It looks like this would have generated a password for the map you made, allowing you to share it with the world.
Unused Items
To do: More unused items. |
Several unused items can be obtained through the Flag Editor debug menu.
Item ID | Item Name | Item Description | Notes |
55 | HPUP100 | 0 | Increases max HP by 100. |
60 | HPUP200 | 0 | Increases max HP by 200. |
61 | HPUP300 | 0 | Increases max HP by 300. |
62 | EPUP10 | 0 | Increases max EP by 10. |
63 | EPUP20 | 0 | Increases max EP by 20. |
64 | EPUP30 | 0 | Increases max EP by 30. |
65 | iYan | (Has no description) | This doesn't do anything. |
66 | uardian | Stone | The game treats this as a STR item. It doesn't do anything. |
67 | uardian | Stone | Increases max STR by 10. |
Unused Database Summary Pages
Japanese | Translation |
#MESSAGE 0 ジンとスKOS‐MOSはグランディから少女を取り戻そうとするが、 その戦闘で少女とシオンが行方不明となってしまう。 ■応募に必要な作品 ゲームの企画書 シナリオなど ■備考 個人 グループまたは企業との期間契約についても ご相談承ります #MESSAGE 1 あいうえお あああああああ ああああああ ピクセルシェーダ #MESSAGE 2 A.D.20xx年 ケニア北部、トゥルカナ湖畔で 遺跡の発掘調査が行われた。 そこで発見されたゾハルもより、 ロストエルサレムは消失し、 人類は宇宙へと脱出する。 |
#MESSAGE 0 Jin and SKOS-MOS try to retrieve the girl from Grandi, but in the battle, the girl and Shion go missing. Required submissions include a game proposal, scenario, etc. Note that we are open to discussing period contracts with individuals, groups, or companies. #MESSAGE 1 A, I, U, E, O. Aaaaaaa. Aaaaa. Pixel Shader. #MESSAGE 2 In A.D. 20XX An archaeological excavation was conducted on the shores of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya. From the discovery of the Zohar, Lost Jerusalem disappeared, and humanity escaped into space. |
Japanese | Translation |
#MESSAGE 0 ■業務内容 ゲームの企画立案及びそのデータ作成 ■応募に必要な作品 ゲームの企画書 シナリオなど ■備考 個人 グループまたは企業との期間契約についても ご相談承ります #MESSAGE 1 あいうえお あああああああ ああああああ ピクセルシェーダ #MESSAGE 2 A.D.20xx年 ケニア北部、トゥルカナ湖畔で 遺跡の発掘調査が行われた。 そこで発見されたゾハルもより、 ロストエルサレムは消失し、 人類は宇宙へと脱出する。 |
#MESSAGE 0 Job description Planning and creating data for games. Works required for application Game plan, scenario, etc. Remarks Regarding term contracts with individuals, groups or companies We are open for consultation. #MESSAGE 1 A, I, U, E, O. Aaaaaaa. Aaaaa. Pixel Shader. #MESSAGE 2 In the year 20XX An archaeological excavation was conducted on the shores of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya. From the discovery of the Zohar, Lost Jerusalem disappeared, and humanity escaped into space. |
Japanese | Translation |
#MESSAGE 0 旧ミルチア宙域での戦闘から一年─── ゾハルが巨大なグノーシスに 飲み込まれてからというもの、 グノーシス現象はより頻繁に起こるようになり、 人々は常に驚異に晒されていた。 #MESSAGE 1 しかし、多くの星系がグノーシスによって 消失しているにも拘わらず、 異なる思想をもった人々は 依然としてお互い相認める事をせず、 ただ$rubyb;徒$rubys;いたずら$rubye;に無益な争いを繰り返すだけだった。 #MESSAGE 2 ミルチア紛争の背後に存在していた 移民船団、そしてゾハル─── 教皇セルギウスの語った真実─── オルムスこそゾハルの正当な所有者 という言葉が気になった私は、 ミルチア紛争とゾハルの関係について 独自に調べを進めていた。 #MESSAGE 3 そして半年前、 私は、偶然知り合った スキエンティアと呼ばれるグループの協力を得て、 レメゲトンと呼ばれる謎のプログラムに 絡んだ事件に関わることとなった。 #MESSAGE 4 レメゲトン── その正体は、ロストエルサレム時代に構築された ゾハル制御プログラムであった。 その制作者であるグリモアは、 意識体となっても尚、 U.M.N.を$rubyb;彷徨い$rubys;さまよい$rubye;“ある存在”を探していた。 #MESSAGE 5 ネピリム── #MESSAGE 6 そう、 彼女こそグリモアが探し求めていた存在── #MESSAGE 7 そして、そのグリモアを影で操っていた 組織の存在が判明することとなった。 ヴェクター特別技術推進部門─── 官民合同で運営されていたその部門は、現在でこそ、 その存在が抹消された部門ではあったが、 それは間違いなく 私の属する組織が創りだしたものだった。 #MESSAGE 8 そしてヴェクターは、 オルムスが関与していた U‐TIC機関に対しても接触をしていた。 だが、それらの証拠は$rubyb;隠蔽$rubys;いんぺい$rubye;され、真相は闇へと葬られた。 たった一つの事実を残して。 #MESSAGE 9 当時、その担当官庁の要職にあった者の名─── スオウ・ウヅキ─── 自らの父の名をそこに見つけた時、 驚きも、哀しみも、怒りも沸いてはこなかった。 #MESSAGE 10 心のどこかで予想していた事─── 来るべき時が来たにすぎない─── 私の中には そんな$rubyb;諦観$rubys;ていかん$rubye;にも似た思いがあるだけだった─── #MESSAGE 11 そして私はヴェクターを辞めた。 #MESSAGE 12 慣れ親しんだ面々─── KOS‐MOS─── あの人と私とを結ぶ たった一つの絆ではあったけれど、 自分がそこにいること自体に耐えられなかった。 犠牲となった人々へ$rubyb;の贖罪$rubys;しょくざい$rubye;か─── 母を見捨てた亡き父への抵抗か─── #MESSAGE 13 いいえ─── きっとそうではないのだろう。 #MESSAGE 14 多分───私は─── |
#MESSAGE 0 Since the battle in the old Milchia region a year ago, the Gnosis phenomenon had become more frequent and people were constantly exposed to the wonders since the Zohar had been swallowed by a giant Gnosis. #MESSAGE 1 However, even though many star systems disappeared due to the Gnosis, people with different beliefs still refused to recognize each other and only repeated useless disputes for fun. #MESSAGE 2 I was intrigued by the words of Pope Sergius, who claimed that the Ormus were the rightful owners of the Zohar. Behind the Milchia conflict were the immigrant fleet and the Zohar. I had been investigating the relationship between the Milchia conflict and the Zohar on my own. #MESSAGE 3 And six months ago, I happened to meet a group called Skientia, and I became involved in an incident related to a mysterious program called "Lemegeton." #MESSAGE 4 Lemegeton-- Its true identity was a Zohar control program constructed during the Lost Jerusalem era. Its creator, Grimoire, even in the form of consciousness, was wandering, searching for "a certain existence" within the U.M.N. #MESSAGE 5 Nephilim-- #MESSAGE 6 Yes, she is the existence that Grimoire was seeking-- #MESSAGE 7 And the existence of the organization manipulating Grimoire behind the scenes was revealed. The Vector Special Technology Promotion Department-- Although it is now a department whose existence has been erased, it was undoubtedly created by the organization I belong to. #MESSAGE 8 And Vector had also made contact with the U-TIC organization, in which Ormus was involved. However, the evidence of those interactions was concealed, and the truth was buried in darkness. Only one fact remained. #MESSAGE 9 At that time, the name of the person who held a high position in that government agency was Souw Uzuki. When she found her father's name there, she felt neither surprise, nor sadness, nor anger. #MESSAGE 10 Deep inside my heart, I had expected this. It's nothing more than the arrival of the inevitable. Within me, there was only a feeling that resembled resignation. #MESSAGE 11 And so, I quit Vector. #MESSAGE 12 The familiar faces—KOS-MOS. Although it was only one bond that connected that person and me, I couldn't bear being there myself. Was it an act of atonement for the people who sacrificed themselves? Or was it resistance against my deceased father, who abandoned my mother? #MESSAGE 13 No... It's probably not like that. #MESSAGE 14 Perhaps... I... |
Japanese | Translation |
#MESSAGE 0 T.C.4767にオルムスの教皇セルギウスによって 引き起こされた惑星ミルチア崩壊から半年後。 星団連邦の各星系で発生していた グノーシス現象は加速度的な広がりを見せ、 連邦内の30%以上の太陽系圏が 壊滅的な被害を受けていた。 この事態に、星団連邦政府及び各自治政府は、 対グノーシス用の一大計画 “プロジェクトゾハル”の推進を急務とし、 接触小委員会もその対応に追われていた。 #MESSAGE 1 そんなおり、 各惑星の主要都市がグノーシスによって 襲撃されるという事件が発生する。 局所的なグノーシス現象は 今までにも数多く確認されてはいたが、 今までのケースと違ったのは、 そのグノーシスが市街地だけを狙い、 一定時間内にすべて消滅しまうという点であった。 #MESSAGE 2 後に“グノーシス・テロ”と呼ばれるこの事件に、 人為的なモノを感じ取った接触小委員会代表委員の一人 “ユリ・ミズラヒ”は、 クーカイ・ファウンデーションに事件の調査を依頼し、 ジン・ウヅキがその任にあたる事となった。 #MESSAGE 3 辺境惑星のグノーシス襲撃現場を訪れたジンは、 破壊された市街地の調査中に、 自らをネピリムと名乗る少女に出逢う。 おびえる少女の前に現れる、謎の組織 “スキエンティア”のエージェント“ドクトゥス” ドクトゥスは少女を引き渡すよう、ジンに詰め寄る。 ジンは、 少女が今回の事件に何かしらの関わりがある事を直感し、 ドクトゥスから少女を保護、 そのままユリの下へ連れ帰るのだった #MESSAGE 4 接触小委員会の調査により、 ジンが保護した少女が、 特殊なレアリエンであることが判明し、 その疑似脳からは “レメゲトン”が発する波長と同じ波形データが 検出された。 #MESSAGE 5 レメゲトン。 それは、かつてロストエルサレムが存在していた時代に ゾハルの解析の為に構築されたプログラムであった。 しかしそのプログラムは ミルチア紛争の折に断片化してしまい、 現在は“レメゲトンの断章”と呼ばれる状態で U.M.N.の中に拡散してしまっていた。 #MESSAGE 6 少女とレメゲトンにどんな関係があるのか? 調査を進めるジンは、今回のグノーシス襲撃事件が、 “グリモア”と名乗る男によって 引き起こされている事実を突き止める。 だが、そのグリモアの操るグノーシスによって、 接触小委員会のラボが強襲され、 ジンも彼の仕掛けた罠にかかってしまう。 U.M.N.内でジンの前に姿を現したグリモアは、 少女もレメゲトンもすべては自分のものであり、 ある目的の為に必要なものだと語り、 ジンをU.M.N.に閉じ込めてしまうのだった。 #MESSAGE 7 グノーシスによって、 ラボを占拠されたユリは、 ヴェクターの第一開発局主任 “シオン・ウヅキ”に救助を依頼する。 要請を受けたシオンは、 コスモスKOS-MOSと共に 小委員会のラボに突入、 無事ジン達を救出するが、 その混乱の中、 再び出現したドクトゥスによって、 “レメゲトンの断章”と 少女をさらわれてしまうのだった。 #MESSAGE 8 少女の救出の為、 スキエンティアの拠点へと潜入するジン達。 一度は拘束されるジン達であったが、 突如グリモアの手によって生み出された 人の意識を持つグノーシス “グランディ”が拠点を襲撃。 その混乱に乗じて、 手ずから拘束を解いたジン達は、 再び少女の救出へと向かった #MESSAGE 9 ジンとスKOS‐MOSは グランディから少女を取り戻そうとするが、 その戦闘で少女とシオンが行方不明となってしまう。 #MESSAGE 10 シオンの生存が絶望視される中で、 一人、妹の捜索を続けるジン。 そのジンの目の前に幻の少女 “ネピリム”が出現する。 困惑するジンに、 グリモアを止めてほしいと告げるネピリム。 ネピリムの導きにより、 グリモアの居場所が UMN内のヴェクター重要管理領域である事、 そして、 そこにシオンと少女が捕らわれている事を知るジン。 #MESSAGE 11 ヴェクターの最高責任者にのみアクセスを許された その領域に存在するグリモア。 そして、グノーシスによって守られたU.M.N.。 ヴェクターはなぜ彼の存在を隠していたのか? 彼がなぜ、U.M.N.内で グノーシスを生み出すことができるのか? さまざまな疑問を抱えつつも、二人を救う為、 ジンはとKOS-MOSと共に 重要管理領域へのダイブを試みるのだった。 #MESSAGE 12 ヴェクターのガードとグノーシスの追撃を振り切り、 ついにその中枢で、グリモアを追い詰め、 無事シオンを救出するジンとコスモスKOS-MOS。 だがすでに少女は、グリモアによって その脳神経内にレメゲトンが組み込まれ、 覚醒を始めていた。 #MESSAGE 13 グリモアは、かつて4000年前に 自らの手によって失ってしまった娘の復活を望んでいた。 その為に自らが構築したプログラム “レメゲトン”を用いてグノーシスを操り、 そのレメゲトンを取り込む事のできる レアリエンを探していた。 彼は少女の脳神経──意識のネットワークを利用して レメゲトンを復元し、 少女の中に娘の意識を呼び戻そうとしたのだった。 #MESSAGE 14 すべては娘の復活の為。 だが、グリモアの願いは叶うことなく、 誰もが望む事のない最悪の結果を生み出してしまう。 覚醒した少女はその娘の意識を拒絶し、 自らグノーシスと化してしまうのだった。 少女の発するレメゲトンの波動は、U.M.N.内で 次々とグノーシスを生み出し やがてそれは全宇宙へと広まっていく。 #MESSAGE 15 このままでは、 グノーシスによって宇宙全体が飲み込まれてしまう。 暴走するレメゲトンの波動により、 すでに意識を失い グノーシスに取り込まれていく少女。 ジンはレメゲトンの波動を止め、 少女を苦しみから解放する為、 かつて少女であったグノーシスに対し、 その刃を向けるのであった。 |
#MESSAGE 0 Half a year after the collapse of the planet Milchia caused by Pope Sergius of Ormus in TC 4767. The Gnosis phenomenon that had occurred in each star system of the Galactic Federation showed an accelerating spread, and more than 30% of the solar system regions in the Federation had suffered catastrophic damage. In response to this situation, the Galactic Federation government and each autonomous government urgently promoted the major plan for Gnosis countermeasures, "Project Zohar," and the Contact Subcommittee was also busy with its response. #MESSAGE 1 At that time, an incident occurred in which major cities on each planet were attacked by Gnosis. Localized Gnosis phenomena had been confirmed many times before, but what was different from previous cases was that the Gnosis targeted only urban areas and disappeared completely within a certain period of time. #MESSAGE 2 One of the representatives of the Contact Subcommittee, Yuri Mizrahi, who sensed something artificial in the incident later called the "Gnosis Terror," requested an investigation of the incident from the Kukai Foundation, and Jin Uzuki was assigned to the task. #MESSAGE 3 Jin, who visited the site of the Gnosis attack on a frontier planet, met a girl who called herself a Nephilim while investigating the destroyed city. A mysterious organization called Scientia appeared before the frightened girl, and their agent, Doctus, confronted Jin, demanding that he hand over the girl. Jin had a hunch that the girl was somehow involved in the incident and protected her from Doctus, taking her back to Yuri. #MESSAGE 4 According to the investigation by the Contact Subcommittee, it was discovered that the girl Jin protected was a special rare alien, and the same waveform data as the wavelength emitted by "Lemegeton" was detected from her pseudo brain. #MESSAGE 5 Lemegeton. It was a program built for the analysis of the Zohar during the time when Lost Jerusalem existed. However, the program fragmented during the Milchen Conflict and is now in a state called "Lemegeton's Fragment" and has spread within U.M.N. #MESSAGE 6 What is the relationship between the girl and Lemegeton? Jin, who is investigating, discovers that the Gnosis attack was caused by a man named "Grimoire." However, the lab of the Contact Subcommittee is attacked by the Gnosis controlled by Grimoire, and Jin falls into his trap. Grimoire, who appears before Jin in U.M.N., says that the girl and Lemegeton are all his and necessary for a certain purpose, and locks Jin up in U.M.N. #MESSAGE 7 After the lab is occupied by the Gnosis, Yuri requests rescue from Shion Uzuki, the head of the first development department of Vector. Shion, who receives the request, rushes into the lab of the Contact Subcommittee with Cosmos KOS-MOS and rescues Jin and the others safely. However, in the midst of the confusion, the girl and the "Fragment of Lemegeton" are once again taken away by the appearance of Dóctus. #MESSAGE 8 Jin and the others infiltrate the Scientia base to rescue the girl. They are initially captured, but suddenly a Gnosis with human consciousness created by Grimoire, "Grande," attacks the base. Taking advantage of the chaos, Jin and the others who freed themselves from captivity head back to rescue the girl once again. #MESSAGE 9 Jin and KOS-MOS attempt to retrieve the girl from Grande, but during the fight, the girl and Shion go missing. #MESSAGE 10 While Shion's survival is considered hopeless, Jin continues to search for his sister alone. A phantom girl, "Nephilim," appears before Jin. Nephilim asks Jin to stop Grimoire, leaving him puzzled. With Nephilim's guidance, Jin learns that Grimoire is located in the Vector Important Management Area within UMN, and that Shion and the girl are being held captive there. #MESSAGE 11 Grimoire exists in a Vector area accessible only to the highest officials, guarded by Gnosis and U.M.N. Why did Vector hide his existence? How can he create Gnosis within U.M.N.? Despite various doubts, Jin and KOS-MOS attempt to dive into the Important Management Area to save the two. #MESSAGE 12 Jin and KOS-MOS finally corner Grimoire in its central location, having escaped Vector's guards and Gnosis pursuit, and successfully rescue Shion. However, the girl has already had Lemegeton incorporated into her brain and begins to awaken. #MESSAGE 13 Grimoire had hoped to revive the daughter who was lost 4,000 years ago by his own hands. To do so, he used the program he built himself, "Lemegeton," to manipulate Gnosis and search for rare aliens who could incorporate that Lemegeton. He utilized the girl's brain and consciousness network to restore Lemegeton and attempted to call back his daughter's consciousness within the girl. #MESSAGE 14 Everything was for the sake of reviving his daughter. However, Grimoire's wish did not come true and resulted in the worst outcome that no one desired. The awakened girl rejected her daughter's consciousness and became a Gnosis herself. The wave of Lemegeton emitted by the girl created one Gnosis after another within the U.M.N. and eventually spread throughout the entire universe. #MESSAGE 15 At this rate, the entire universe will be swallowed up by Gnosis. The girl, who has already lost consciousness, is being taken in by Gnosis due to the out-of-control Lemegaton waves. Jin aims his blade at the Gnosis, who was once a girl, to stop the Lemegaton waves and free the girl from her suffering. |
Unused Maps
Regional Differences
- Blood was removed from the cutscenes in the North American version. However, the cutscenes were not revised to reflect this change, resulting in some moments where the removal of blood alters the intention of some scenes, sometimes to the point of absolute weirdness.
The Xeno series
| |
Xenogears | |
PlayStation | Xenogears |
Xenosaga | |
PlayStation 2 | Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht • Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose • Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra |
Nintendo DS | Xenosaga I & II |
Xenoblade | |
Wii | Xenoblade Chronicles |
New Nintendo 3DS | Xenoblade Chronicles 3D |
Wii U | Xenoblade Chronicles X |
Nintendo Switch | Xenoblade Chronicles 2 • Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition • Xenoblade Chronicles 3 |
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- To do
- Xeno series
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused cinematics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused items
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Nintendo > Games developed by Monolith Soft
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Bandai Namco
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2006
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 29
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 4
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 6
Games > Games by series > Xeno series