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Yo! Noid

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Title Screen

Yo! Noid

Also known as: Kamen no Ninja: Hanamaru (JP)
Developer: Now Production[1]
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: NES, Arcade (PlayChoice-10)
Released in JP: March 16, 1990
Released in US: November 1990

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

Avoid the Noid! Oh wait, he's trying to save New York City from a destructive fate by his duplicate Mr. Green? Then by all means, give him his pizza! But you won't see us avoiding his unused content, though. Yo! Noid!

The game originally released in Japan as Kamen no Ninja: Hanamaru and is not a licensed tie-in to a pizza chain starring a big creeper.

Hidden Credit

Only found in the Japanese version, at offset 0x1A807, are the following strings:


"Maajyan Higashio" refers to programmer Naoki Higashio.

(Source: GDRI)


Stage 13 Rest of Game
YN Noid early.png YN Noid final.png

The Noid sprites used during the 13th stage (the one where you have to scale a building) differ from those used throughout the rest of the game, most notably in the facial features. The Noid's graphics are stored multiple times, and the one for Stage 13 is the first one stored, which may suggest this is an early iteration that got overlooked.

Leftover Kamen no Ninja Intro

The Japanese version had a short intro which showed Hanamaru and his bird companion appearing on-screen, which for obvious reasons was disabled in Yo! Noid. Game Genie code GAUGILAE will access the intro upon startup, although the bird graphics will be glitched due to having been overwritten during localization.

Regional Differences

To do:
There are many, many other changes.

The game was originally released in Japan as Kamen no Ninja: Hanamaru. During the game's localization, Capcom teamed up with Domino's Pizza to promote the company's mascot, changing pretty much everything in the process.

Title Screen

Kamen no Ninja Yo! Noid
KnNH - Title.png YN - Title.png

The title screen was, naturally, completely overhauled. The eyes on the mask blink in Kamen no Ninja, a detail that was lost in Yo! Noid.


Kamen no Ninja Yo! Noid
KnNH Hanamaru.png YN Noid final.png

Kamen no Ninja: Hanamaru stars the titular masked ninja Hanamaru and his bird companion, which were, of course, replaced by the Noid and his "super yoyo".

Map Screen

Kamen no Ninja Yo! Noid
Kamen no Ninja - Hanamaru (Japan) overworld.png Yo! Noid (USA) overworld.png

Kamen no Ninja: Hanamaru takes place on an island theme park where children have gone missing. Yo! Noid instead takes place in New York City, with the map screen getting completely overhauled.


Despite being completely changed graphically, the actual level design is mostly identical between the two games.

Stage 1

Kamen no Ninja Yo! Noid
Kamen no Ninja - Hanamaru (Japan) gameplay.png Yo! Noid (USA) gameplay.png

The first stage was changed from a tropical island to a pier.


Japan US
Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru end-1.png Yo noid end-1.png
Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru end-2.png Yo noid end-2.png
Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru end-3.png Yo noid end-3.png
Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru end-4.png Yo noid end-4.png
Kamen no Ninja Hanamaru end-5.png Yo noid end-5.png
