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Title Screen


Also known as: Zed
Developer: The Bitmap Brothers
Publisher: Virgin Interactive
Platform: DOS
Released in US: July 1996
Released in EU: July 31, 1996

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Z is a fast-paced real-time strategy game that has gained a cult following to this date. The game was later remade for Windows with a level editor and some additional missions.

Undocumented Parameters

To do:
What do /NOUV, /PRSYNC, and /YESUV do?
  • /VER will show the version number and quit. i.e.
    Version No:0.011862MM  Assembled on 12/07/96 at 17:18.00
  • /RAM should show a screen with system statics, but instead only crashes the game with an error screen:

Z-RAM Screen.png

Development Text

A variety of error messages can be seen in zed.exe:

CTRL/BREAK signalled
CTRL/C signalled
Jump Table address out of range!
Sprite number out of range!
Status panel value out of range!
Gunner trying to wander off !
Cpu stack error !
Sprite Load Attempt inside Ticker
Sprite List Overflow
Linked Sprite List Overflow
Robot speed PTR wrong again

There's also a block of text for profiling computer info in zed.exe at 0x18A545:

CPU Type :%d
CPU Speed :%d MHZ
Ticks used (Test %d):%d
Sprite Memory Used %d