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Half-Life 2 (Windows)/Revisional Differences

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This is a sub-page of Half-Life 2 (Windows).

To do:
  • Split pages into versions
  • Document anything different between the initial release of HL2 and its subsequent patches. The Orange Box and Steampipe updates in particular changed a lot of things.
  • YouTube video comparing the ragdoll physics between the initial and current versions.

Most of the below changes are as a result of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One moving to the Source 2009 engine from the 2004 and 2006 engine respectively. Half-Life 2: Episode Two was also updated to Source 2009 on this date, but it came with all the below changes already on Source 2007. This occurred on May 26, 2010, the same date the Mac OSX ports released, thereby dubbing it the "Mac Update."

Mac Update Changes


With the release of The Orange Box, Valve updated the model and textures for the Vortigaunts in Episode Two. This came to Half-Life 2 with the Mac Update.

2004/Release HL2 2010/The Orange Box
HL2-2004Vortigaunt.png HL2-2007Vortigaunt.png
2004/Release HL2 2010/The Orange Box
HL2-2004VortigauntTextureSheet.png Vortigaunt base.png

Combine Soldiers

With the Mac Update, Combine Soldiers received a unique skin for the shotgun-wielding soldiers from Episode Two. However, the Nova Prospekt guards wielding shotguns only have different eye textures.

2004/Release HL2 2010/The Orange Box
HL2-2004ShotgunSoldier.PNG HL2-NewShotgunSoldier.PNG
2004/Release HL2 2010/The Orange Box
HL2-2004ShotgunSoldier NP.PNG HL2-NewShotgunSoldier NP.PNG

Fire Effects

The fire particle effects were changed in the Mac Update. Speaking of particles, this update also changed the way particles worked, going from hard-coded particles to using .pcf files.

2004/Release HL2 2010/The Orange Box
HL2-2004Fire.gif HL2-NewFire.gif

Ragdoll Physics

The difference in ragdoll physics between the 2004 version and the current version of Half-Life 2 is that ragdolls in the 2004 release react more realistically when killed by weapons. But ragdolls in the current version react differently, giving them a strange falling effect. It is unknown when the change was made, but there is a theory that the change was made between The Orange Box version or the SteamPipe version. However, a way has been found to fix this change by copying the old version of the model's .phy file to the newer one, restoring the 2004 effect.

On Youtube, there are comparison videos of ragdoll physics between 2004 build and latest build.

Friends Menu


At this time, the Steam overlay didn't exist and you had to use a Friends menu to see your friends. When the Steam overlay was added in 2009, all Source Engine games were updated to remove the Friends menu.

The Friends menu doesn't function anymore as the old Valve servers are offline.