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Mega Man: The Sequel Wars

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Title Screen

Mega Man: The Sequel Wars

Developer: Team Sequel Wars[1]
Publisher: Team Sequel Wars[1]
Platform: Unlicensed Genesis
Released internationally: May 24, 2023[2] ("Episode Red")

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

'Cactus the Shrew', my all-original OC! (Do not steal!)
This article is about a fan-made game project.
Articles about fan games require explicit permission from the administration.

Mega Man: The Sequel Wars is a fan-made followup to Mega Man: The Wily Wars, this time giving the 16-bit treatment to the last three NES titles along with adding numerous quality-of-life improvements, enhanced boss sprites with multiple moving parts, two remixed soundtracks, "EX" stages, and the ability to play as other characters, among other things.

Notably, this game was programmed in C and developed using the open-source Sega Genesis Development Kit (or SGDK). It even works on real hardware! The only potential downside (depending on who you ask) is that it's being released as "episodes".

The released game can be downloaded from Woodfrog's official itch.io page.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
MMSequelWars-MM4 Title.png
Episode Red
An episode about a new, evil doctor with new, evil ambitions!
Note: The sub-pages cover the unused areas and enemies.

Super Roll

As of the release of Episode Red, only Mega Man and Proto Man have the ability to use Adaptor Suits. However, the basics for a "Super Adaptor" for have been coded for Roll. Forcing RAM value 039A to 01 while selecting "Normal Roll" on the Mega Man 6 weapon screen will access this powerup.

Much like Super Mega Man from Mega Man 7, Super Roll is a combination of both the Power Adaptor and Jet Adaptor, allowing her to both fly and fire "Power Shots" at the cost of not being able to slide. She can, however, still "quick dash" by holding the Slide button and jumping, similar to Mega Man X4 and onward.

Play as a Metall

By setting RAM address 287E to value 04 on the pre-game options, one can uncover a hidden character: the humble Metall, lovable semi-mascot of the series! However, it is far from finished.

At this point in development, it seems to be an odd mix of "Man" using Mega Man's sprites, though some collision data has been changed. For example, it's impossible to use the Wire Adaptor, and the Balloon Adaptor can only be used from a jump. It also lacks all promised features of a Super Spin, the ability to swim, and the ability to hide under one's helmet.

Meep meep. (I'm using Ring Boomerang!) Meep! (Don't touch! I'm shy!)

Despite being very unfinished, the Metall has its own unique 1-up and Life Counter sprites. It's also addressed by name in the Cossack Stage 4 cutscene.

It's worth noting that the Metall was playable in the "Metall Party" survival mode of the SAGE 2022 demo, though it didn't have any of the proposed features listed above. Instead, it had a short dash and a Shockwave ability to bounce other players away.

Revisional Differences


  • Added Mega Man 4.
  • Added playable characters Protoman, Roll, and "Man".


  • Fixed some softlock issues.
  • Added "Infinite Ammo" option in pre-game options menu.[3]
