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Worms Armageddon (Windows)

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Title Screen

Worms Armageddon

Developer: Team17
Publishers: Hasbro Interactive (US), Team17 (EU, Steam, GOG.com), Imagineer[1] (JP)
Platform: Windows
Released in JP: May 28, 1999[1]
Released in US: May 31, 1999
Released in EU: January 29, 1999

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

To do:
  • Worms Knowledge Base lists that several unused weapons still have object classes and behaviors still in the game, such as the Gas Canister, Worm Strike and leftover Worms 2 weapons. See if we can hack them back into the game and record footage of them.
  • There's some unused graphics for the terrain editor...
  • Check if there's differences between the demos released and the final product.
  • Are there any more frontend things we forgot to cover?
  • Are we allowed to cover the large amount of updates Armageddon has, such as graphical changes, etc?
  • Investigate a possible CD authentication check.
  • There's a video of mod that brings swimming back into the game. Check out if we can do the same thing.
  • View the manual for more mistakes between descriptions and real game.
  • Starting from version 3.8, many mechanics that were previously unused without the RubberWorm mod have now been officially added into the game. This makes a massive amount of previously unused content now usable. Also, the Excellent, Perfect, and Amazing sounds are not used any more outside of game logic emulation of versions that did use them.

Originally planned as an expansion pack to Worms 2, Worms Armageddon is the second in line of the second-generation games in the Worms series to be released. With its own single-player campaign, and online play, it is considered to be the best game in the series. Unlike the others, it received many more updates compared to the other two second-generation games, even to this dayǃ

Unused Graphics

In-Game Sprites

WormsArmageddon-wflt2flt.gif WormsArmageddon-wdrown.gif WormsArmageddon-wswim.gif WormsArmageddon-wfloat.gif

Swimming sprites for worms are buried in the game's file for underwater sprites, Water.dir. It's possible a swimming mechanic could have been planned for Worms 2 and Worms Armageddon, as these sprites can be found in each of the games. These sprites were later deleted in Worms World Party.

"Hey batter, batter, batter, batter..." "Swingǃ"
Originally in Worms: The Director's Cut, worms could aim the Baseball Bat directly up and down. However, when making the transition to Worms 2, the aim of the bat was restricted to 75 degrees upwards, leaving certain angles unused. They can actually be seen using a glitch to aim another weapon, and then switching to the Baseball Bat.

WormsArmageddon-wsvblue.gif WormsArmageddon-wsvgreen.gif WormsArmageddon-wsvyellow.gif WormsArmageddon-wsvpink.gif WormsArmageddon-wsvcyan.gif
Worms wearing hats of each respective team colour. Only the red-hatted worms are used as NPCs who the player must protect in certain missions; no other missions use the other five colours.

Die monster, you don't belong in this worldǃ
A bible which still isn't used in the game. It had an icon in Worms 2 which has strangely been deleted from Armageddon.

WormsArmageddon-canister.png WormsArmageddon-canoff.gif WormsArmageddon-canon.gif WormsArmageddon-wcan.gif
Sprites exist for an unused Gas Canister weapon, which may have been rendered obsolete because of the Skunk. It would make a reintroduction in Worms 3D with a similar function.

WormsArmageddon-clone.png WormsArmageddon-clonewlk.gif WormsArmageddon-hcluster.gif WormsArmageddon-hclustlt.gif WormsArmageddon-hairmsl.gif WormsArmageddon-airjetb.png WormsArmageddon-sheepfal.gif
Various leftovers from Worms 2 can be found, such as the Cloned Sheep and its icon, the Homing Cluster Bomb and its clusters, the missiles and jet from the Homing Air Strike, and the Confused Sheep Strike's sheep.

A vital health crate. Health crates never get to be vital crates in any mission, so this goes unused. It would later see use in Worms World Party via user-created missions.

Each level theme has their own background debris, this generic square is found however in Gfx.dir instead of the level's actual graphics files.


Apparently, the buttons for the main menu and single player menu were originally going to have a 3D button effect.

The original preview graphic for colour maps, which was used until later updates gave Armageddon the ability to generate preview thumbnails for colour maps.

A block of text reading "IMG LEVEL". The size is identical to mission icons in the single-player campaign. Most likely used for when there isn't an icon available.

This... yellow water isn't used in the game. It however could be related to changing the water colour in Worms 2, a feature which Worms Armageddon lacks.

Used in earlier revisions of the Terrain Editor for rendering a map, now rendered unused due to map rendering becoming instantaneous in later updates.

The Terrain Editor button, which was used until the v3.6.22.1 update, which replaced it with a setting to change the team colour scheme.

WormsArmageddon-grave1.png WormsArmageddon-grave2.png WormsArmageddon-grave3.png WormsArmageddon-grave4.png WormsArmageddon-grave5.png WormsArmageddon-grave6.png
Before custom gravestones were thought of, these were used on the team editor screen for gravestones in the base version of the game (v1.0). The v3.0 patch added the ability to use the previously mentioned custom gravestones, and as such the game uses the actual sprites of the animated gravestones instead.

WormsArmageddon-resolution.png WormsArmageddon-resolution0.png WormsArmageddon-resolution1.png
Other unused button graphics based on the terrain editor button. One is greyed out, and the other two have "LORES" and "HIRES" in them. Given these are named "resolution", they may have been placeholders for the resolution setting.

A button intended for system options.

Unused Sounds

The following sounds can be found among the many soundbanks included with the game, as well as the game's sound effects:


Hmm.wav — Just "hmm". Could be used in a number of situations, but it most likely was used when the worm was conceived when pressing T. This is the same across all soundbanks.

Ouch.wav — Many similar sounds are used when being hurt. This particular one, however, isn't. But it does see use in the console versions of Worms Armageddon though.

Surf.wav — Might have been intended for worms skimming across water. Curiously, this is found only in the American soundbank, and also exists in one of the Worms 2 demos.

Uh-oh.wav — An "uh oh". Possibly intended for dying worms.

Wobble.wav — This was probably intended to be used when falling from a high distance, as in the first-generation Worms games. Like with Hmm.wav, this is the same across all soundbanks.

Unused Water Palettes

Worms 2 had the feature to change the water colour to one of five different colours in the terrain editor. For whatever reason, this feature was not brought back for Worms Armageddon, so it is only possible to have blue water in normal play. To access these unused palettes, swap the contents of the "Blue" directory in DATA\Water with the files from one of the other directories.

You can also swap colors by pressing PageDown button and type /h2so4. The color of the water will start cycling between colors. You can type /h2o to stop at the current color.

The extra water palettes do see use in the console versions of Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party, but are selected randomly when generating terrain.

Unused Deathmatch Names

Every AI team in the Deathmatch mode has a name for every possible worm a team can have. However, due to the number of enemy worms assigned for each rank, some worm names can never be seen in gameplay. TEAM17 never has more than six worms in any match, NASTY CREW never has more than four worms, and both DODGY8 and VENOM never have more than two.

All of these names can be seen thanks to the localization files. Unused names listed here are highlighted in italics.

Team Name Worm 1 Worm 2 Worm 3 Worm 4 Worm 5 Worm 6 Worm 7 Worm 8
ROYALTY The Queen Prince Charles Prince Andrew Prince of Persia Queen Mum Henry 8th King Canute Sal
TEAM17 Lambo Zelda Boggy B Spadge Satan Rob PC Randalism
NASTY CREW Vinny Jones Cilla Black Old Spice George Graham Bob Monkhouse Alex Ferguson Vera Lynn Spotty Spice
DODGY8 El Presidente The Intern Tony Blair Maggie T Dodgy Bloke Prince Charles Hector Flushwit Stub
VENOM Noggin Tebbitbreath Foul Stench Y Front Peuce Mucus Pustulous Spanner
(Source: Worms Knowledge Base)

Unused Text

To do:
There may be more unused text that I may have overlooked.

Crate Spy

English French
Crate Spy - Go on a window shopping spree.
Contenu des caisses - Lèche-vitrine à distance
German Spanish
Kistenspion - Ich seh' etwas, was du nicht siehst...
Espía de cajas - ¿Vámonos a mirar escaparates?
Шпион ящиков - давай глазеть на то, что на витринах

The Crate Spy has a description for it much like the weapons that can be edited in the scheme settings, however it isn't an option in the settings. Translations for this string in Portuguese, Italian, Dutch or Swedish do not exist.

Unused Weapons

English French German
Homing Cluster
Homing Cluster Bomb
Homing Strike
Homing Air Strike
Worm Strike
Worm Strike
Cloned Sheep
Cloned Sheep
Wind Change
Wind Change
Bombe à fragm. télég.
Bombe à fragments téléguidés
Raid aérien
Attaque aérienne radioguidée
Attaque de vers
Attaque de vers
Mouton cloné
Mouton cloné
Changer le vent
Changer le vent
Spanish Portuguese Italian
Homing Cluster
Bomba Homing Cluster
Ataque Homing
Ataque Aéreo Homing
Ataque Worm
Ataque Worm
Oveja Clónica
Oveja Clónica
Cambiar el viento
Cambiar el viento
Ataque de Worm
Ataque de Worm
Carneiro-Bomba 2
bomba gr. aut.
Bomba a grappolo autoguidata
A. autoguidato
Attacco aereo autoguidato
Attacco dei vermi
Attacco dei vermi
Pecora clonata
Pecora clonata
Dutch Swedish Russian
Doelz. Cluster
Doelzoekende Cluster
K. Schapen
Jakt Splitter
Målsökande Splitter Bomb
Jakt Bomber
Målsökande Luftanfall
Klonat Får
Klonat Får
Самонаводящаяся осколочная граната
Самонаводящийся авиаудар
Самонаводящийся авиаудар
Удар червей
Удар червей
Клонированная овца
Клонированная овца
Смена Ветра
Смена Ветра

In-game labels for the scrapped weapons listed among all of the game's weapons, including short and long names. Curiously, the Gas Canister isn't listed. Additionally, an extra Utility called the Wind Change is listed, and even comes with a comment detailing what it would do.

# This utility, implemented in a test version of Silkworm, acts like Parachute except that it changes the wind depending on whether Left or Right are held down when Space is pressed
 to trigger it

Mission Difficulty Ratings

English French
This task is for rookies.
This mission is considered easy.
As far as difficulty goes, this one is ranked moderate.
This is a tough mission, for veterans only.
Only the best will complete this mission. Very difficult.
Cette tâche est pour les débutants.
Cette mission ne devrait poser aucun problème.
Cette mission est de difficulté modérée.
Cette mission est corsée, et ne s'applique qu'aux vétérans.
Seuls les meilleurs viendront à bout de cette mission. Extrêmement difficile.
German Spanish
Das ist eine Aufgabe für Grünschnäbel.
Dies soll eine kinderleichte Mission sein.
Diese ist nicht wahnsinnig schwer.
Dies ist eine harte Mission; nur für Veteranen.
Nur die Besten können diese extrem schwierige Mission abschließen.
Esta misión es para novatos.
Esta misión es bastante fácil.
En lo que a dificultad se refiere, esta misión es mediana.
Esta misión es difícil. Recomendable sólo para veteranos.
Sólo los mejores jugadores podrán completar esta misión. Es muy difícil.
Portuguese Italian
Esta tarefa é para principiantes.
Esta missão é considerada fácil.
Quanto a dificuldade, esta missão é considerada moderada.
Esta é uma missão dura, apenas para veteranos.
Apenas os melhores completarão esta missão. Muito difícil.
Questo compito è per reclute.
Questa missione è ritenuta facile.
Per quanto riguarda la difficoltà il grado è medio.
Questa è una missione dura, solo per veterani.
Solo i migliori completeranno questa missione. Molto difficile..
Dutch Swedish
Dit is een taak voor nieuwelingen.
Deze missie wordt als gemakkelijk beschouwd.
Wat de moeilijkheidsgraad betreft, dit is een middelmatige.
Dit is een moeilijke missie, alleen voor veteranen.
Alleen de besten zullen deze missie voltooien. Erg moeilijk.
Den här uppgiften är för gröngölingar.
Det här uppdraget betraktas som lätt.
När det gäller svårighetsgrad är den här rankad som medelsvår.
Det här är ett svårt uppdrag, bara för veteraner.
Bara den bästa kan slutföra detta uppdrag. Mycket svårt.
Это задание для новичков
Эта миссия считается легкой
Сложность растет, эта миссия умеренной сложности
Эта миссия достаточно сложна
Только лучшие пройдут эту миссию. Очень сложно

Missions were intended to be rated by difficulty, with a phrase to describe each difficulty.

Girders and Sheep Training

English French
This exercise requires you to lay a pontoon
bridge across the screen so that you can send
your sheep to knock the target into the water.

You have 60 seconds to achieve this.
Dans cet exercice, vous devez placer un pont
flottant afin que votre mouton puisse traverser
l'écran et faire tomber la cible dans l'eau.

Vous avez 60 secondes pour accomplir votre tâche.
German Spanish
In dieser Übung müssen Sie eine Pontonbrücke
über den Bildschirm legen, von der aus Ihre
Schafe das Ziel ins Wasser befördern können.

Dazu haben Sie 60 Sekunden Zeit.
Este ejercicio exige que tiendas un puente en
la pantalla para que puedas enviar a las ovejas
a que derriben el blanco y caiga al agua.

Tienes 60 segundos para conseguirlo.
Portuguese Italian
Este exercício requer que construa uma ponte flutuante
ao longo do ecrã, por onde os seus carneiros
possam passar para atirarem o alvo para a água.

Tem 60 segundos para conseguir fazer isto.
Per eseguire questo esercizio dovrai costruire sullo
schermo un ponte smontabile in modo da poter mandare
le tue pecore a colpire i bersagli nell'acqua.

Hai 60 secondi per farlo..
Dutch Swedish
Deze oefening vereist het leggen van een pontonbrug
over het scherm, zodat je je schapen erop af kan
sturen om het doel het water te krijgen.

Je hebt 60 seconden om dit te bereiken.
I den här övningen ska du bygga en pontonbrygga
över skärmen så att du kan skicka dina får
för att knuffa målet i vattnet.

Du har 60 sekunder på dig att åstadkomma detta.
Это упражнение требует установки понтонного моста
вдоль карты, таким образом, чтобы можно было
отправить по нему овцу и столкнуть цель в воду.

У тебя есть 60 секунд для достижения цели.

There was originally going to be a tenth discipline in Basic Training which required the player to build a bridge using Girders so a Sheep can destroy a distant target. The terrain and script files for the discipline, which would have been labelled "training10", no longer exist.

Mission Success

English French
You completed the mission with \1 seconds remaining.
You completed the mission with \1 units of energy remaining.
Congratulations, that's a new record for this mission!
Vous avez terminé la mission avec \1 secondes d'avance.
Vous avez terminé la mission avec \1 unités d'énergie restantes.
Félicitations, vous avez établi un nouveau record pour cette mission !
German Spanish
Sie haben die Mission \1 Sekunden vor Ablauf der Zeit abgeschlossen.
Sie haben die Mission mit \1 verbleibenden Einheiten Energie abgeschlossen.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie haben einen neuen Missionsrekord aufgestellt!
Has cumplido la misión con \1 segundos de sobra.
Has cumplido la misión con \1 unidades de energía de sobra.
¡Enhorabuena, has batido el récord de esta misión!
Portuguese Italian
Terminou a missão com \1 segundos de sobra.
Terminou a missão com \1 unidades de energia de sobra.
Parabéns, é um novo recorde para esta missão!
Hai completato la missione con \1 secondi residui.
Ha completato la missione con \1 unità di energia residue.
Complimenti, questo è un nuovo record per questa missione!
Dutch Swedish
Je voltooide de missie en hebt nog \1 seconden over.
Je voltooide de missie en hebt nog \1 energie eenheden over.
Gefeliciteerd, dat is een nieuw record voor deze missie!
Du slutförde uppdraget med \1 sekunder till godo.
Du slutförde uppdraget med \1 energienheter till godo.
Grattis, det är nytt rekord för det här uppdraget!
Миссия пройдена, в запасе осталось \1 секунд.
Миссия пройдена. В запасе осталось \1 единиц здоровья.
Поздравляем - это новый рекорд для этой миссии!

Missions were originally going to track how many seconds and how much energy they have remaining and save records accordingly.

System Options

English French German
System options
Change the system options.
Options système
Modifier les options du système.
Ändern Sie die Systemoptionen.
Spanish Portuguese Italian
Opciones del sistema
Cambiar opciones del sistema.
Opções de sistema
Alterar as opções de sistema
Opzioni del sistema
Cambia le opzioni del sistema.
Dutch Swedish Russian
Systeem opties
Verander de systeem opties.
Ändra systemalternativen.
Системные настройки
Изменить системные настройки

A menu description pertaining to the removed system options screen.

Cheat Names

English French German
Box of fluff.
Splat Attack.
Sheep Upgrade
Freedom Mode.
Rock Solid!
Pineapple Power.
12Bore Shotgun.
The kindly grocer.
Robin Hood.
Boîte laineuse.
Moutons améliorés.
Mode liberté.
Dur comme de la roche !
Puissance de l'ananas.
Pistolet à 12 coups.
L'épicier du coin.
Robin des Bois.
Der freundliche Gemischtwarenhändler.
Robin Hood.
Spanish Portuguese Italian
Una caja de ovejitas.
Ataque sangriento.
Una oveja mejorada
Modalidad de libertad.
¡Más duro que una piedra!
Para repartir piñas.
Escopeta de 12 calibres.
Un plátano muy potente.
Robin Hood.
Caixa de penugens.
Ataque de madeira.
Actualização de carneiro
Modo liberdade
Duro como pedra!
Poder de ananás.
Espingarda de caça de calibre 12.
O merceeiro bondoso.
Robin dos bosques.
Scatola di pelo.
Forte attacco.
Potenzia pecora
Modalità libertà.
Duro come una roccia!
Bomba ananas.
Doppietta punta 12.
Il buon negoziante.
Robin Hood.
Dutch Swedish Russian
Doos met wol.
Splash aanval.
Schapen upgrade
Vrijheid modus.
12 cilinder jachtgeweer.
De vriendelijke groenteman.
Robin Hood.
Liten goding.
Uppgradering av får
En riktig klippa!
12Bore hagelbössa.
Den snälle specerihandlaren.
Robin Hood.
Пушистая овечка
Кровавая атака
Модифицированная овца
Свободный режим
Твердые камни!
Усиленная граната
Дробовик 12 калибра
Любезный бакалейщик
Робин Гуд.

These names for unlockable cheats are not referenced anywhere in the game. One of these names, "Freedom Mode", appears to have been for an unknown cheat that was cut during development.

Instant Replays

English French German
Let's catch that one again!
Let's take another look...
In case you missed it...
Incredible... replay coming up
That deserves a second showing...
We got that one on tape!
Watch closely...
See how it's done...
Blink and you'll miss it...
The action is really heating up!
That deserves another look
Regardons ça de plus près !
Examinons ça de plus près...
Au cas où t'aurais loupé ça...
Incroyable... voyons le ralenti
Ça mérite d'être vu une deuxième fois..
On a tout ça sur bande !
Regarde attentivement...
Regarde cette démonstration...
Si tu clignes des yeux, tu rates tout...
L'atmosphère commence à chauffer !
Ça mérite un autre coup d'oeil
Und nochmal von vorn!
Schauen wir nochmal...
Falls Du nicht aufgepasst hast...
Unglaublich... hier die Wiederholung
Das muss man sich nochmal ansehen...
Wir haben das auf Band!
Schau gut hin...
Zuschauen und lernen...
Nur jetzt nicht blinzeln...
Jetzt geht die Action so richtig ab!
Und nochmal ansehen
Spanish Portuguese Italian
¡Volvamos a ver eso de nuevo!
Echemos otro vistazo...
Por si te lo has perdido...
Increíble... ahora la repetición
Eso se merece una repetición...
¡Eso lo tenemos grabado!
Mira con atención...
Verás cómo se hace...
Si parpadeas te lo pierdes...
¡La acción se está calentando!
Eso merece volver a verlo
Vamos pegar essa de novo!
Vamos dar uma outra olhada...
Se você estava distraído...
Incrível... olha o repeteco
Vamos dar mais uma olhada nisso aqui...
A gente gravou isso na fita cassete!
Olha só, gente...
Olha bem como é que se faz...
Nem pisca que você vai perder tudo...
Gente, a ação está tinindo!
Vale a pena ver de novo
Diamoci un'altra occhiata...
Nel caso te lo fossi perso...
Incredibile... ecco il replay
Merita di essere rivisto...
L'abbiamo registrato!
Guarda da vicino...
Guarda come è stato fatto...
Attento o ti sfuggirà...
L'azione si sta facendo calda!
Merita un'altra occhiata
Dutch Swedish Russian
Dit moet je gezien hebben!
Laten we dat nog maar eens bekijken...
Voor het geval je het gemist hebt...
Te gek! Hier komt de herhaling
Dat moet ik je nog eens laten zien...
Die hebben we op de band staan!
Kijk nou eens wat er gebeurd is...
Zo moet dat dus...
Kijk uit, hier komt het...
Dit is pas echt actie!
Hier kun je wat van leren!
Vi tittar på reprisen!
Vi tar oss en titt igen...
Och om ni råkade missa det...
Otroligt... titta här på reprisen
Det förtjänar en andra visning...
Vi har faktiskt det där på band!
Titta noga...
Hur gick det till? Titta noga!
Håll ögonen öppna nu...
Nu höjs temperaturen rejält!
Det förtjänar en andra titt
Этот момент надо запечатлеть!
Давайте посмотрим еще разок...
Если ты пропустил...
Невероятно... посмотрим повтор
Это заслуживает повторного просмотра...
Мы записали это на пленку!
Рассмотрим поближе...
Посмотри, как это делается...
Если ты проморгал - повторяем...
Потрясающее зрелище!
Это заслуживает повторного просмотра

The in-game message ticker originally displayed messages whenever an instant replay happens in Worms 2. It seems this would have also occurred in Worms Armageddon.

Booby-Trapped Crates

English French German
** PIEGE **
** FALLE **
Spanish Portuguese Italian
** TRAMPA **
Dutch Swedish Russian

Booby-trapped crates were a feature in Worms Reinforcements and Worms 2 that would not return for this game.

Training Start

English French German
Get ready to rumble!
Are you ready?
Training about to commence...
Remember, practice makes perfect!
You can only get better!
Show us what you can do!
Give it some welly!
Quick, while no-one's watching...
How good are you?
Tenez-vous prêt, ça va bouger !
Vous êtes prêt ?
L'entraînement commence bientôt...
C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron !
Vous ne pouvez que vous améliorer !
Montrez-nous ce que vous savez faire !
Un peu d'efforts !
Vite, pendant que personne ne regarde...
Qu'est ce que vous valez ?
Es geht los!
Sind Sie bereit?
Gleich beginnt das Training...
Nur Übung macht den Meister!
Sie können nur besser werden!
Zeigen Sie uns, was Sie draufhaben!
Ein bisschen mehr Einsatz!
Schnell, bevor einer guckt...
Wie gut sind Sie wirklich?
Spanish Portuguese Italian
¡Enséñales lo que vale un peine!
¿Estás preparado?
El entrenamiento va a empezar...
¡Recuerda, la práctica hace al maestro!
¡Ya verás qué pronto aprendes!
¡Muéstranos de lo que eres capaz!
¡Tira pa'lante!
Venga, ahora que nadie está mirando...
A ver qué bueno eres
Preparar para a luta!
Está pronto?
O treino está prestes a começar...
Lembre-se de que a prática faz o mestre!
Só pode ficar melhor!
Mostre-nos o que pode fazer!
Dê-lhe com força!
Depressa, enquanto ninguém está a ver...
Quão bom é que é?
Preparati ad entrare in gioco!
Sei pronto?
L'addestramento sta per cominciare...
Ricorda, sbagliando s'impara!
Puoi solo migliorare!
Facci vedere cosa sai fare!
Dacci sotto!
Presto, quando non ti vede nessuno...
Cosa sai fare?
Dutch Swedish Russian
Maak je gereed om te knokken!
Ben je er klaar voor?
De training begint bijna...
Onthoud, oefening baart kunst!
Je kunt alleen maar beter worden!
Laat zien wat je kunt!
Doe een beetje je best!
Snel, terwijl niemand kijkt...
Hoe goed ben je?
Nu brakar det loss!
Är du beredd?
Träningen börjar strax...
Kom ihåg, övning ger färdighet!
Du kan bara bli bättre!
Visa vad du går för!
Ja, kom igen då!
Fort, när ingen ser på...
Hur bra är du?
Приготовься к канонаде!
Ты готов?
Тренировка до седьмого пота...
Запомни: тяжело в учении, легко в бою!
Ты становишься лучше!
Покажи на что ты способен!
Учиться! Учиться! И еще раз учиться!
Быстрее! Пока никто не видит...
Насколько ты хорош?

These messages would have displayed at the beginning of a training exercise after loading the map.


CPU Weapon Loadouts in Missions

Throughout the game's single player missions, enemy worms are assigned different weapons to use against the player. However, in some missions they may be given weapons that CPU players are not programmed to use, and as such the player will never see them use such weapons.

The v3.6.30.0 update makes it possible to open saved replays of mission attempts and view the enemy teams' weapons in the weapon panel in order to see any unusable weapons. Alternatively, one can open the .wam files in the DATA\Missions directory in Notepad++. Listed below are all of the assigned weapons that cannot be used by enemies:

Mission Unusable Weapons
1 - Pumpkin Problems Dragon Ball x∞
3 - All Quiet in the Library? Mortar x∞
5 - Do the Locomotion Mortar x∞
6 - Sand in Your Eye Homing Pigeon x∞
10 - Jurassic Worm Blow Torch x2
13 - Who Left the Flood Gates Open? Homing Missile x2, Mortar x2, Longbow x5, Dragon Ball x2, Prod x∞, Blow Torch x∞, Girder x3, Baseball Bat x2, Ninja Rope x6, Patsy's Magic Bullet x1
16 - Trouble on Mount Wormmore Mortar x∞
18 - Rescue Agent Dennis Homing Missile x1, Blow Torch x∞
19 - Horny Nuke Mortar x∞
20 - Rumble in the Farmyard Dragon Ball x∞
26 - Mad Cows Blow Torch x2
27 - Bazooka on the Rocks Mortar x5

Not-So-Unlimited Shotgun Bullets

The briefing for mission 8, Big Shot, states that the player has an unlimited supply of shotgun bullets. That is not true, as the player's loadout for the mission consists of 3 Handguns, 2 Uzis, 2 Longbows, 3 Girders and an unlimited supply of Blow Torches.

Super Banana Bombs?

The unlockable Banana Bomb upgrade cheat is stated by the game to "upgrade any Banana Bombs to Super Banana Bombs". It doesn't actually do that at all, but instead makes Banana Bombs release 8 banana clusters each capable of dealing up to 100 points of damage.

Missing Weapon Description Translations

For some reason, the descriptions for super weapons and utilities at the weapon options screen have not been translated for Portuguese, Italian, Dutch or Swedish, and will display their English descriptions when highlighted. The only exception to this is the Mole Squadron.

Manual Differences

There's some differences between manual descriptions and the real usage of some utilites, these are:

  • Fast-walk in the actual game remains for one turn, but the manual believes that for a number of turns.
  • Laser Sight is called "Laser Target" and it's stated that it stays for five turns, but just like most utilities, it is only a single turn in the actual game.
  • Invisibility is the only utility that remains as long as you don't use any weapons with damage in the game, but ironically, manual says it remains just until the end of your turn.
  • Double Turn Time is called simply Double Time.
  • Damage x2 is called Double Damage.

Version Differences

Steam Release

Several soundbanks have been removed. These includeː

  • Angry Scots
  • Jock
  • Rasta
  • Team17 Test
  • The Raj

However, these soundbanks are still referenced in a file called "list", found in the DATA\User\Speech directory. If one possesses the original Worms Armageddon CD, these soundbanks can be restored by copying them into DATA\User\Speech.

Other changes include:

  • The MicroProse logo from the intro was removed. The logo still remains in the graphics directory, however.
  • The fanfare "Pervo Laugh" was renamed to "Crazy Laugh".
  • The Iraqi team flag was updated to use its present design.
CD Release Steam
WormsArmageddon-Iraqold.png WormsArmageddon-Iraqnew.png
  • The "Aphex" flag (based on musician Aphex Twin's logo) from the original CD release of Worms Armageddon was removed, possibly due to copyright issues.
  • Additionally, other flags like "Kamikaze" have been removed.
  • The "Euthanasia" training was renamed to "Advanced Weapon Training", much like in the console versions.
  • A digital copy of the manual is included in PDF form. Various errors found in the original manual are still present there.
  • The Steam release includes an empty steam.dat file. The Steam version of WA.exe will not start unless this file is present. Third-party software can check for the presence of this file to identify the Steam version.
(Source: Worms Knowledge Base)

GOG.com Release

The GOG.com release of Worms Armageddon is identical to the Steam version and has all the changes from that version, with the only differences being that the release includes dummy versions of the steam_api.dll and steam.dat files, and that all references to Steam are nulled in WA.exe. This, however, breaks compatibility with certain mods.

(Source: StepS)
