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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii)/Removed Areas

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This is a sub-page of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii).

Several single-player and multiplayer levels were made but eventually scrapped for various reasons. There are no unfinished playable levels, but there are leftovers and traces in the game's files and SDK.


Art Gallery

Only the skybox remains - it was ripped from "Crossing the Rhine" in Call of Duty 2. Presumably, the idea evolved into "Museum" in Modern Warfare 2.

Cobra Pilot


A USMC mission where you pilot a helicopter in a Middle Eastern city. The level was cut very late in production, as reference to it can be found in promotional material released shortly before the release of the game. A nighttime version of this level also existed, but is only referenced by name and does not have its own unique assets. Models of all the buildings in the level still exist in the SDK. Additionally, the following text strings can be found in the SDK:

20MM M197 20mm Cannon
FFAR LAU-61C/A Unguided Rockets
HELLFIRE AGM-114 Hellfire Anti-Tank
SIDEWINDER AIM-9 Sidewinder Air-to-Air
EDGE_OF_WORLD_WARNING Warning you are leaving the mission area! Turn back!
EDGE_OF_WORLD_FAIL You left the mission area! Mission failed!
OBJECTIVE_AMMO_RELOAD_POINT Objective indicator marks the ammo reload helipad
OBJECTIVE_DESTROY_TARGETS Destroy all targets. [&&1 Remaining] The string "&&1" is a common formatting string seen in many localized strings found in the SDK.
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - cobrapilot.str)


Another USMC mission. This one involves infiltrating an underground bunker to photograph and identify the remains of Al-Asad and other dead officers. The only remnants of this mission are a corridor in the mission Crew Expendable, the Camera "weapon", as well as the following text strings found in the SDK:

OBJ_DOCKS1 Eliminate the Axis naval artillery crews at the docks. [&&1 remaining] Leftover from the Call of Duty 2 mission "The End of the Beginning".
OBJ_ALASSAD Photograph and identify the remains of Al-Assad. At this point, the spelling of Khaled Al-Asad's last name had not been decided.
OBJ_PHOTO_BACKHALL Photograph the officer's face on the desk.
OBJ_PHOTO_BATHROOM Photograph the officer's face in the bathroom.
OBJ_PHOTO_DROPDOWN Photograph the officer's face under the rubble.
OBJ_PHOTO_FINAL Photograph the officer's face by the rubble.
OBJ_PHOTO_PRISON Photograph the officer's face by the jail cell.
OBJ_PHOTO_STAIRS Photograph the officer's face by the broken wall.
OBJ_DETPACK Plant a detpack on the compromised wall.
OBJ_SECURE Secure the Landing Zone.
HINTSTR_CAMERA_CLICK Pull [{+usereload}] to zoom in.\nPull [{+attack}] to take a picture. [{+usereload}] and [{+attack}] are formatting strings that would be replaced with the buttons bound to reload and attack, respectively.
HINTSTR_CAMERA_OUT Press [{+usereload}] to pull out your camera.
HINTSTR_DETPACK Hold &&1 to plant the detpack.
HINTSTR_FASTROPE Jump towards the cable to fast rope down.
TITLE Descent The name of the mission.
PLACE Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia At this point in the game's development, many of the USMC levels were explicitly stated to take place in Saudi Arabia.
DATE Day 6 - 1310 hr Assuming the game timeline was one week long as in the final version, this mission would have been a relatively late one.
INFO U.S. Marines entering underground command bunker
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - descent.str)

Designated Marksman

CoD4MW-Compass map marksman.png

Another late USMC mission, taking place in Saudi Arabia. This one would have involved defending a base and blowing up stuff like Overpasses and Satellite Arrays. Fun! Only the minimap image and the following text strings remain:

TITLE Designated Marksman
TIME Day 6 - 1500 HRS - 30 miles south of Riyadh - R.O.A. This mission was likely to take place directly after Descent.
NAME PFC Michael Carver, 1st BN, 7th Marines At this point in development, the final name of the USMC protagonist had not been decided.
ACTION ACTION HERE Likely insignificant placeholder text.
OBJ_DESTROY_OVERPASS Destroy the overpass and eliminate all hostile targets.
OBJ_SECURE_DROP_POINT Secure a drop point for reinforcements.
OBJ_CHECK_CAFE Check the ground floor of the Cafe for hostiles.
OBJ_SECURE_CONSTRUCTION_BUILDING Secure the top of the building in the construction yard.
OBJ_DESTROY_ANTI_AIR Destroy the enemy Anti-Air units. [&&1 Remaining]
OBJ_MARK_OVERPASS Mark the overpass pillars for destruction. [&&1 Remaining]
OBJ_MINIMUM_SAFE_DISTANCE Retreat to a minimum safe distance from the overpass area.
HINTSTR_DETPACK Hold &&1 to plant the detpack. This string is also in Descent's localized strings file.
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - marksman.str)

Designated Training

Yet another late USMC mission, also taking place in Saudi Arabia. This mission would involve storming and defending a construction site. Interestingly, the mission name implies that it would have been the standard introductory training mission, although its in-game assets refer to it under the development name "rallypoint". Despite the name, there is no clear connection between Designated Marksman and Designated Training.

The following text strings can be found in the SDK:

TITLE Designated Training
PLACE Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia
DATE Day 5 - 1746 hrs
OBJ_ANTI_AIR_UNITS Destroy all anti-air units in the area. [&&1 Remaining]
OBJ_CLEAR_TO_CONSTRUCTION_SITE Clear the way to the construction site.
OBJ_SNIPING_POSITION_CONSTRUCTION Take up a sniping position in the construction building.
OBJ_PROTECT_BRAVO_ONE Protect Bravo Squad as they destroy the anti-air unit.
OBJ_CLEAR_ROOFTOP_AREA Clear the rooftops and enter a sniping position in the top floor of the garage.
OBJ_PROTECT_BRAVO_TWO Protect Bravo Squad as they destroy the second anti-air unit.
OBJ_CLEAR_GARAGE_AREA Clear the garage area.
OBJ_PLANT_EXPLOSIVE_CHARGE Plant an explosive charge on the final anti-air unit.
OBJ_SECURE_BRIDGE_AREA Secure the overpass area.
OBJ_DEFEND_BRIDGE_AREA Defend the overpass area until reinforcements arrive.
ALLY_GETOVERHERE Over here, Private!
ENEMY_GUARDALERT Foreign Gibberish (Alert) This is the only in-game instance of enemy dialogue being "translated".
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - rallypoint.str)

Helicopter Ride


A mission where you would presumably ride in a helicopter. The only remains are an impressively old, largely unedited minimap image with references to "COD3" in the visible dev console text on it. It can be seen from the screenshot that the image was dated December 20, 2006, indicating that this level was worked on quite early in development.

Immediate Action

A cut mission set in the American Embassy in London. This mission is likely loosely based on the Iranian Embassy Siege of 1980. This mission would have included a Breaching mechanic. Only the following text strings remain:

DEBUGTXT_OFFICE_SECURED All hostages secure in office XX
DEBUGTXT_HOSTAGES_TIMER_EXT Rescue timer: extended
TITLE Immediate Action
PLACE London, United Kingdom
DATE 1942 Hours
INFO American Embassy
HINTSTR_SECURE_HOSTAGE Press USE to secure hostage
HINTSTR_DETONATE Press USE to detonate frame charge
HINTSTR_LADDER_DISMOUNT Press USE to dismount from ladder
HINTSTR_FASTROPE Press USE to attach to fastrope
HINTSTR_ROPE_GRAB Press USE to grab the rope
HINTSTR_ROPE_RAPPEL Press USE to start rappelling
HINTSTR_BREACH Press USE to give breach command
HINTSTR_LEVELEND LEVEL END (end sniper sequence disabled for now) Developers' notes like these were left in several missions.
HINTSTR_TAKERIFLE Press USE to take sniper rifle
EXPLOSIVES_PLANTED Explosives planted! Stand Back!
TIMER_LABEL Time left:
MISSION_FAILED_GENERIC Mission failed. The hostages were executed.
MISSION_FAILED_SNIPE_WRONG You shot the wrong terrorist!
MISSION_FAILED_SNIPE_TOO_EARLY You shot the terrorist too early!
MISSION_FAILED_SNIPE_WAIT You waited too long!
MISSION_FAILED_HOSTAGE_KILLED You killed a hostage. Mission failed.
MISSION_FAILED_HOSTAGE_KILLED_TER Terrorists killed a hostage. Mission failed.
OBJ_RESCUE_AREA1 Secure all areas in south offices. [&&1 remaining]
OBJ_INSERT Proceed to the insertion point
OBJ_WINDOW_BREACH Breach the window with a frame charge
OBJ_HOSTAGE_SECURE_OFFICE_1 Secure hostages in south offices [&&1 remaining]
OBJ_NAV_OFFICE_NORTH Proceed to the north offices
OBJ_HOSTAGE_SECURE_OFFICE_2 Secure hostages in north offices [&&1 remaining]
OBJ_BALCONY_FLANK Flank the enemy position from the balcony
OBJ_NAV_BANQUET_HALL Proceed to the banquet hall
OBJ_HOSTAGE_SECURE_BANQUET Secure hostages in banquet hall [&&1 remaining]
OBJ_BANQUET_HALL_REGROUP Regroup with team near the main dining table
OBJ_BRAVO_RV Rendezvous with team Bravo One
OBJ_RECEPTION_CLEAR Eliminate hostiles in main reception
OBJ_SKYLIGHT_BREACH Get into position to breach the skylight
OBJ_COURTYARD_COVER Cover Bravo's exfil from the barricades
OBJ_SNIPER_ASSAULT Assault the sniper position
OBJ_LIBRARY_BREACH Breach the library wall
OBJ_FINAL_BOSS Intercept X Ray One
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - embassy.str)



An unknown level, only known as "cqb_2". This level appears in Build 253's MenuTest as "CQB Test", however, it is unable to be loaded on that build due to its missing .ff file (FastFile). Only a minimap remains.


An early mission involving use of a parabolic microphone to collect intel and save a prisoner. This is possibly an earlier version of Blackout, as they both involve BM21 rockets and both share many geometry assets viewable in the SDK's level editor. Only text strings and assets for the parabolic microphone remain.

OBJ_CONVERSATIONS Gather intel with the parabolic microphone
OBJ_CONVERSATION_01 Gather intel from the sentries on the bridge
OBJ_CONVERSATION_02 Gather intel from the sentry on his cell phone
OBJ_CONVERSATION_03 Gather intel from the officer on the river bank
OBJ_SAFEHOUSE_ASSAULT Assault the safehouse
OBJ_LOCATE_PRISONER Locate the prisoner
OBJ_DESTROY_ARTILLERY Disable all mobile artillery [&&1 remaining]
OBJ_EXTRACT_TO_LZ_CHARLIE Extract to the graveyard LZ
TIMER_LABEL Time left:
DEBUG_LEVEL_END End of currently scripted level. Proceed outside to see BM21 rocket test. Mention of a BM21 rocket further reinforces the theory that Parabolic was an earlier version of Blackout.
HINTSTR_MIC_TRIGGER Hold down [[{+speed}]] to target\nand amplify conversations
HINTSTR_FLASHBANG Use flashbangs [[{+smoke}]] to stun sentries.
HINTSTR_BREACH Press and hold [USE] to initiate assault.
HINTSTR_ALERT_GUNFIRE Enemies have been alerted by gunfire.
HINTSTR_ALERT_SPOTTED Enemies have spotted you.
HINTSTR_HUMANSHIELD_AIM Your weapon is slung. Line up your shot and wait for the signal.
HINTSTR_HUMANSHIELD_SHOOT Pull [[{+speed}]] or [[{+attack}]] to draw pistol.
MISSION_FAILED_HOSTAGE_KILLED Mission Failed: You killed the hostage.
MISSION_FAILED_HOSTAGE_TIMER Mission Failed: The hostage was executed.
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - parabolic.str)


Only a .vision file and a very short localized string file remain. The only two strings left for this mission were copied and pasted from Parabolic's localized string file.

(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - rivertown.str)



Only a minimap and localized strings file remains. However, the localized strings file is an identical copy of Designated Training's localized strings file.

Seaknight Assault

Only a small number of geometry assets viewable in the SDK's level editor remain. Appears to have been a Middle Eastern USMC mission.

Seaknight Defend

Likely an analogue mission to Seaknight Assault. A small number of geometry assets viewable in the SDK's level editor remain, as well as string files in the mod tools.

OBJ_LOCATE_CRASH_SITE Locate crash site.
OBJ_DEFEND_CRASH_SITE Defend crash site.
OBJ_DEFEND_BUILDING Defend wounded marines until extraction force arrives.
MISSION_FAILED_SITE_OVERRUN Crash site was overrun by enemy forces.
OBJ_SECURE_BUILDING Secure building to the south.
OBJ_OVERWATCH Cover retreating marines.
OBJ_ESCORT_TO_HUMVEES Escort wounded marines to the Humvees.
TIMER Extraction:
OBJ_CLEAR_DEBRIS Clear debris from trapped marine.
FOLLOW_ALLEYS Follow alleys to extraction point.
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - seaknight_defend.str)


Possibly a campaign version of Strike. Only a .vision file remains.

That's No Sandstorm


An early USMC mission involving border security patrol on the Omani-Saudi Arabian border. Only an untextured and flat shaded minimap image and the following text strings viewable in the SDK remain:

TITLE That's No Sandstorm
PLACE Omani-Saudi Arabian border
DATE Day 1 – 1012 hrs
INFO U.S. Marines on Border Security Operations
HINTSTR_C4PLANT Press USE to plant C4
HINTSTR_USE_VEHICLE_GUN Press USE to mount the 50cal machine gun
HINTSTR_TAKELAW Press USE to take LAW rocket
TEMP_PLAYER_HAS_LAW You have obtained a LAW rocket
OBJ_PATROL Patrol the Omani-Saudi Arabian border
OBJ_PATROL_DEFEND Defend the patrol with the 50 cal
OBJ_PERIMETER_DEFEND_A Defend the west perimeter
OBJ_PERIMETER_DEFEND_B Defend the east perimeter
OBJ_DESTROY_BMP_A Destroy the BMP Transport
OBJ_DESTROY_BMP_B Destroy the BMP Transport
OBJ_C4_WEAPONSCACHE Plant C4 on the base weapons cache [&&1 remaining]
OBJ_DEFEND_BASE Protect base interior from being overrun
OBJ_FIND_VEHICLE Locate transportation out of the base
OBJ_ENTERGARAGE Access the vehicle depot
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - sandstorm.str)



Training is another early USMC mission where you... get trained, surprisingly enough. Not to be confused with Designated Training, which was not a training mission at all. This mission was replaced with "F.N.G.". Only a minimap image and the following text strings remain:

OBJ_REGROUP_WITH_SQUAD Regroup with 2nd squad at the obstacle course.
OBJ_BASH_DUMMY Bash the dummy at the end of the obstacle course. At this point, your melee attack was bashing with the butt of your rifle instead of stabbing.
OBJ_GOTO_RIFLE Proceed to the rifle range.
OBJ_GET_RIFLE_AMMO Get ammunition for your M4 Carbine and load a magazine.
OBJ_ENTER_STALL Enter the fourth firing station and aim down range.
OBJ_HIT_RIFLE_TARGETS Hit the four targets.
OBJ_HIT_RIFLE_TARGETS_TIMED Hit four targets in six seconds.
OBJ_GOTO_SIDEARM Proceed to the side arm range.
OBJ_GET_SIDEARM_AMMO Get ammunition at the sidearm range.
OBJ_EQUIP_SIDEARM Switch to your sidearm and load it.
OBJ_HIT_SIDEARM_TARGETS Hit the target five times with your sidarm.
OBJ_GOTO_FRAG Proceed to the frag grenade training area.
OBJ_GET_FRAG_AMMO Pick up some frag grenades and go to the instructor.
OBJ_THROW_FRAGS Throw one frag grenade through each window and one into the dumpster. [&&1 Remaining]
OBJ_THROW_FRAGS_DONE Throw one frag grenade through each window and one into the dumpster.
OBJ_GOTO_LAUNCHER Proceed to the m203 training area.
OBJ_GET_LAUNCHER_AMMO Swap your current weapon for a M16A4 with a M203 grenade launcher attachment.
OBJ_HIT_WALL Hit the wall marked number 1 with the M203 grenade launcher.
OBJ_HIT_LAUNCHER_TARGETS Hit the three remaining targets with the M203 grenade launcher. [&&1 Remaining]
OBJ_HIT_LAUNCHER_TARGETS_DONE Hit the three remaining targets with the M203 grenade launcher.
OBJ_GET_EXPLOSIVES_AMMO Pickup an explosive charge.
OBJ_DESTROY_VEHICLE Destroy the civilian vehicle with an explosive charge.
HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_PAUSED Press [{pause}] to check your objectives.
HINT_CHECK_OBJECTIVES_SCORES Press [{+scores}] to check your objectives.
HINT_OBJECTIVE_MARKER The yellow circle in the compass tape at the bottom middle\n of your screen indicates the direction of your objective.
HINT_OBJECTIVE_REMINDER Your current objective is to regroup with your squad.\n Press [{toggle cl_paused}] to check your objectives.
HINT_OBJECTIVE_REMINDER2 Turn until the yellow circle in your compass tape\n lines up with the white ticks and head in that direction\n to locate your current objective.
HINT_ATTACK Pull [{+attack}] to fire your weapon.
HINT_ADS Hold down [{+speed}] to aim down the sights of your weapon.
HINT_ADS_TOGGLE Press [{toggleads}] to aim down the sight.
HINT_BREATH_MELEE Press and hold [{+melee_breath}] to steady your breathing.
HINT_BREATH_SPRINT Press and hold [{+breath_sprint}] to steady your breathing.
HINT_BREATH_BINOCULARS Press and hold [{+breath_binoculars}] to steady your breathing.
HINT_MELEE_BREATH Press [{+breath_binoculars}] near your target to strike it with your weapon.
HINT_MELEE Press [{+melee}] near your target to strike it with your weapon.
HINT_PRONE Press [{goprone}] to go prone.
HINT_PRONE_HOLD Press and hold [{+prone}] to go prone.
HINT_PRONE_TOGGLE Press [{toggleprone}] to go prone.
HINT_PRONE_STANCE Hold down [{+stance}] to go prone.
HINT_PRONE_DOUBLE Double tap [{lowerstacnce}] to go prone.
HINT_CROUCH_STANCE Press [{+stance}] to crouch.
HINT_CROUCH Press [{gocrouch}] to crouch.
HINT_CROUCH_TOGGLE Press [{togglecrouch}] to crouch.
HINT_STAND Press [{+gostand}] to stand up.
HINT_STAND_STANCE Press [{+stance}] to stand up.
HINT_JUMP_STAND While standing, press [{+gostand}] to jump.
HINT_JUMP While standing, press [{+moveup}] to jump.
HINT_SPRINT Press [{+sprint}] while moving forward to sprint.
HINT_SPRINT_BREATH Press [{+breath_sprint}] while moving forward to sprint.
HINT_HOLDING_SPRINT You don't have to hold [{+sprint}] down to continue sprinting.
HINT_HOLDING_SPRINT_BREATH You don't have to hold [{+breath_sprint}] down to continue sprinting.
HINT_RELOAD_USE Press [{+usereload}] to reload your weapon.
HINT_RELOAD Press [{+reload}] to reload your weapon.
HINT_MANTLE Touch the obstacle and press [{+gostand}] to\n mantle over it.
HINT_ADS_SWITCH Release and pull [{+speed}] to automatically\n switch to a nearby target.
HINT_SIDEARM_SWAP Press [{weapnext}] to switch to your sidearm.
HINT_PRIMARY_SWAP Press [{weapnext}] to switch to your primary weapon.
HINT_SIDEARM Press [{weaponslot primaryb}] to switch to your sidearm.
HINT_SIDEARM_RELOAD Press [{+reload}] to load your sidearm.
HINT_SIDEARM_RELOAD_USE Press [{+usereload}] to load your sidearm.
HINT_LADDER Look up the ladder and press forward to climb it.
HINT_FRAG Pull and release [{+frag}] to throw a frag grenade.
HINT_SWAP Approach the M16A4 and hold [{+activate}]\n to swap your weapon for the M16A4.
HINT_SWAP_RELOAD Approach the M16A4 and hold [{+usereload}]\n to swap your weapon for the M16A4.
HINT_FIREMODE Press [{+actionslot 2}] to switch to the M203\n grenade launcher attachment.
HINT_LAUNCHER_ATTACK Pull and release [{+attack}] to fire a\n 40mm grenade.
HINT_EXPLOSIVES Approach the explosive charges and press\n [{+activate}] to pick one up.
HINT_EXPLOSIVES_RELOAD Approach the explosive charges and press\n [{+usereload}] to pick one up.
HINT_EXPLOSIVES_PLANT Locate the glowing explosive marker and\n press [{+activate}] to plant the explosives.
HINT_EXPLOSIVES_PLANT_RELOAD Locate the glowing explosive marker and\n press [{+usereload}] to plant the explosives.
MARINE3_USE_SIDEARM Carver! Use your sidearm!
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - training.str)

Wet Work

A cut mission with no relation to the "Wet Work" multiplayer map. Only a .vision file remains.


A mission which is likely a precursor to Blackout, as prefabs in the level editor are mostly identical to those of Blackout and Parabolic. Only the skybox texture still exists, and was reused for Blackout. Additionally, a single string remains with no useful information:

OBJ_WHATEVER Temp text This mission was likely cut very early in production judging from the lack of localized strings.
(Source: Github - English-localized strings file - zipline.str)



A skybox and a script file remain.


Only a skybox remains.


Originally meant to be a night version of mp_convoy (Ambush). A skybox remains.



A small map centered around a jail cellblock in the Middle East. Only text strings and the minimap image remain.



A remake of the Call of Duty map Dawnville. Only a loadscreen image and an untextured and flat shaded minimap image remain.



An industrial facility of some sort. Only text strings and the minimap image remain.



Originally intended to be included in the Variety Map Pack, where its minimap was found. Recycled for Modern Warfare 2.



A forest with varied terrain and a river with pink water due to a missing texture. Only the minimap image remains.


Only a csv remains.



A multiplayer port of Heat. Only the loadscreen image and a script file remain.



Planned for the Variety Map Pack but was recycled for Modern Warfare 2. Only a loadscreen image and minimap image remain.



A small map centered around a single building. Likely cut because it sucked. Only text strings and the minimap image remain.


Only a csv remains.



Only text strings and the minimap image remain.



A road dividing two streets with lots of buildings for a snipefest. Very small! Only text strings and the minimap image remain.



A town with oddly-shaped buildings. Only the minimap image remains.

(Source: Call of Duty Wiki)


Only a csv remains.

War Palace

Only a csv remains.


Broadcast Changes

Early Load Screen Final Load Screen
COD4-BroadcastLoadScreen-Early.png COD4-BroadcastLoadScreen-Final.png

Some differences can be seen between the early and final load screens for the map Broadcast. Such changes included the black ceiling in the early one and the load screen showing a lobby in contrast to the final which has a white ceiling and shows the newsroom. On a related note, Broadcast has an early minimap as well.

Early Broadcast minimap.