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Diablo (Windows, Mac OS Classic)/Cut Monsters

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This is a sub-page of Diablo (Windows, Mac OS Classic).

Most of these monsters, with the exception of Wyrms and Incinerators, wound up making their way into Hellfire.

Unused Base Monsters

NOTE: dlvl here refers to the dungeon level that the monster would be encountered in. The values that appear this table are used in a formula: "15 * dlvl / 30 + 1". LVL refers to the monster's level, which factors into certain calculations. AC refers to the monster's armor class, which factors into how often the player will miss their attacks against that kind of monster. XP refers to the amount of experience granted upon killing that monster.


The graphics for this monster are reused in Hellfire for the "The Shredded" enemy, which takes up the same monster slot as the Unraveler.

It is hooked up to use Acid Spitter sound effects.

Both of the broken animations are included in Hellfire in a correct format.

Animation Type Attack Death Get-Hit Idle Spell-Cast Walk
Filename monsters/unrav/unrava.cl2 monsters/unrav/unravd.cl2 monsters/unrav/unravh.cl2 monsters/unrav/unravn.cl2 monsters/unrav/unravs.cl2 monsters/unrav/unravw.cel
Animation Diablo (Windows) - Unrava.gif Diablo (Windows) - Unravd.gif Diablo (Windows) - Unravh.gif Diablo (Windows) - Unravn.gif Diablo (Windows) - Unravs.gif
Notes Partially corrupt. Totally corrupt; won't load.
Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes

The Shredded (Hellfire)

Undead 26-28

32-35 (Hellfire)


23 (Hellfire)




70-90 (Hellfire)


70 (Hellfire)

Immune (Diablo) Resistant Resistant The name is reused in Diablo II for another monster.
Hollow One Undead 28-30

34-37 (Hellfire)

27 4374 135-240 75 Immune Immune Resistant The name is reused in Diablo II for another monster.
Pain Master Undead 27-30

36-39 (Hellfire)

29 5147 110-200 80 Immune Immune Resistant
Reality Weaver Undead 28-30

38-39 (Hellfire)

30 5925 135-240 85 Resistant Immune Immune

Devil Kin Brute

This monster appears in Hellfire, but data and graphics for it exist in the base game.

Animation Type Attack Death Get-Hit Idle Walk
File Name monsters/bigfall/fallga.cl2 monsters/bigfall/fallgd.cl2 monsters/bigfall/fallgh.cl2 monsters/bigfall/fallgn.cl2 monsters/bigfall/fallgw.cl2
Animation Diablo (Windows) - Fallga.gif Diablo (Windows) - Fallgd.gif Diablo (Windows) - Fallgh.gif Diablo (Windows) - Fallgn.gif Diablo (Windows) - Fallgw.gif
Sound Type File Name 1 File Name 2 Audio 1 Audio 2
Attack monsters/bigfall/bfala1.wav monsters/bigfall/bfala2.wav
Death monsters/bigfall/bfald1.wav monsters/bigfall/bfald2.wav
Get-Hit monsters/bigfall/bfalh1.wav monsters/bigfall/bfalh2.wav
Special monsters/bigfall/bfals1.wav monsters/bigfall/bfals2.wav
Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes
Devil Kin Brute Animal 20

40-43 (Hellfire)


27 (Hellfire)


2400 (Hellfire)


120-160 (Hellfire)


70 (Hellfire)

Resistant (Hell only) Resistant Can open doors, will search for the player Has no resistances in Hellfire.

Lord Sayter

Some kind of boss Goatman, with wings. This monster appears in Hellfire as "Satyr Lord."

Animation Type Attack Death Get-Hit Idle Walk
File Name monsters/goatlord/goatla.cl2 monsters/goatlord/goatld.cl2 monsters/goatlord/goatlh.cl2 monsters/goatlord/goatln.cl2 monsters/goatlord/goatlw.cl2
Animation Diablo (Windows) - Goatla.gif Diablo (Windows) - Goatld.gif Diablo (Windows) - Goatlh.gif Diablo (Windows) - Goatln.gif Diablo (Windows) - Goatlw.gif
Sound Type File Name 1 File Name 2 Audio 1 Audio 2
Attack monsters/goatlord/goatla1.wav monsters/goatlord/goatla2.wav
Death monsters/goatlord/goatld1.wav monsters/goatlord/goatld2.wav
Get-Hit monsters/goatlord/goatlh1.wav monsters/goatlord/goatlh2.wav
Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes
Lord Sayter (Diablo)

Satyr Lord (Hellfire)

Demon (Diablo)

Animal (Hellfire)


40-43 (Hellfire)


28 (Hellfire)


2800 (Hellfire)


160-200 (Hellfire)


70 (Hellfire)

Resistant (Hell only)

Resistant (Hellfire)

Resistant (Normal/Nightmare)

Immune (Hell, Diablo only)

Resistant (Diablo, Normal/Nightmare)

Immune (Hell, Diablo only)

Will search for the player.

Invisible Lord

A boss version of the Hidden. The graphics and sounds are reused for Felltwin monsters in Hellfire.

Animation Type Attack Death Get-Hit Idle Walk
File Name monsters/tsneak/tsneaka.cl2 monsters/tsneak/tsneakd.cl2 monsters/tsneak/tsneakh.cl2 monsters/tsneak/tsneakn.cl2 monsters/tsneak/tsneakw.cl2
Animation Diablo (Windows) - Tsneaka.gif Diablo (Windows) - Tsneakd.gif Diablo (Windows) - Tsneakh.gif Diablo (Windows) - Tsneakn.gif Diablo (Windows) - Tsneakw.gif
Sound Type File Name 1 File Name 2 Audio 1 Audio 2
Attack monsters/tsneak/sneakla1.wav monsters/tsneak/sneakla2.wav
Death monsters/tsneak/sneakld1.wav monsters/tsneak/sneakld2.wav
Get-Hit monsters/tsneak/sneaklh1.wav monsters/tsneak/sneaklh2.wav
Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes
Invisible Lord Demon 14

36-39 (Hellfire)

14 2000 278 60 Resistant Resistant Resistant Searches for the player; will open doors in Hellfire


This monster would've appeared as part of the Lair of the Worms cut quest, but entries exist for other similar monsters of this type as well.

Unfortunately only sound effects exist for this monster.

Sound Type File Name 1 File Name 2 Audio 1 Audio 2
Attack monsters/worm/worma1.wav monsters/worm/worma2.wav
Death monsters/worm/wormd1.wav monsters/worm/wormd2.wav
Get-Hit monsters/worm/wormh1.wav monsters/worm/wormh2.wav
Special monsters/worm/worms1.wav monsters/worm/worms2.wav
Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes
Wyrm Animal 9-13 11 660 60-90 25 Resistant
Cave Slug Animal 11-15 13 994 75-110 30 Resistant
Devil Wyrm Animal 13-17 15 1320 100-140 30 Resistant Resistant
Devourer Animal 15-19 17 1827 125-200 35 Resistant Resistant

Bone Demon

A skeleton with wings. There are a few code entries for similar monsters of this type. This monster is called oldboned (sic) in Hellfire, but it goes unused there as well.

This monster is rigged up to use the snake demon sound effects.

Animation Type Attack Death Get-Hit Idle Spell-Cast Walk
File Name monsters/demskel/demskla.cl2 monsters/demskel/demskld.cl2 monsters/demskel/demsklh.cl2 monsters/demskel/demskln.cl2 monsters/demskel/demskls.cl2 monsters/demskel/demsklw.cl2
Animation Diablo (Windows) - Demskla.gif Diablo (Windows) - Demskld.gif Diablo (Windows) - Demsklh.gif Diablo (Windows) - Demskln.gif Diablo (Windows) - Demskls.gif Diablo (Windows) - Demsklw.gif
Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes
Bone Demon

oldboned (Hellfire)

Demon 10-14

46-47 (Hellfire)

12 1344 70 50 Immune
Red Death Demon 14-18 16 2168 96 60 Immune Immune
Litch Demon Demon 16-20 18 2736 110 45 Immune Immune
Undead Balrog Demon 20-24 22 3575 130 65 Immune Resistant Resistant


A man engulfed in flame. The graphics for this monster are similar to ones used for the Elemental spell. This monster type has its own unique AI code type which goes unused also.

The monster is rigged up to use Acid Spitter sound effects.

Animation Type Attack Death Get-Hit Idle Spell-Cast Walk
File Name monsters/fireman/firema.cl2 monsters/fireman/firemd.cl2 monsters/fireman/firemh.cl2 monsters/fireman/firemn.cl2 monsters/fireman/firems.cl2 monsters/fireman/firemw.cl2
Animation Diablo (Windows) - Firema.gif Diablo (Windows) - Firemd.gif Diablo (Windows) - Firemh.gif Diablo (Windows) - Firemn.gif Diablo (Windows) - Firems.gif Diablo (Windows) - Firemw.gif
Notes Corrupt. Has three frames that are misaligned.

Name Type DLVL LVL XP HP AC Magic Fire Lightning Special Notes
Incinerator Demon 14-18

40-43 (Hellfire)

16 1888 30-45 25 Immune Immune
Flame Lord Demon 16-20

42-45 (Hellfire)

18 2250 40-55 25 Immune Immune
Doom Fire Demon 18-22

44-47 (Hellfire)

20 2740 50-65 30 Immune Immune Resistant
Hell Burner Demon 20-24

46-47 (Hellfire)

22 3355 60-80 30 Immune Immune Resistant

Unused Unique Monsters

Due to either their base type monster type not existing, or invalid values in the unique monster table, a number of unique monsters don't appear in the game.

Unlike the previous tables of monsters, the dungeon level here refers to the real dungeon level. That is, if a dungeon level here is reported as "13", it actually is level 13 in the game.

Anything in italics explains why the monster doesn't appear; either its monster type doesn't appear or it has an invalid dungeon level.

Name Monster Type Dungeon Level Magic Fire Lightning Notes
Blightstone the Weak Lord Sayter 4 Immune Resistant
Hazeshifter Unseen 5 Immune Unseen cannot spawn on level 5, so this goes unused.
Warmaggot the Mad Wyrm 6 Resistant
Glasskull the Jagged Red Storm 7 Immune Immune Red Storms cannot spawn on level 7, so this goes unused.
Doomgrin the Rotting Red Death 8 Immune Resistant Resistant
Wrathfire the Doomed Incinerator 8 Immune Resistant Resistant
Madburner Flame Lord 9 Immune Immune Immune
Devilskull Sharpbone Red Death 9 Immune
Bonesaw the Litch Litch Demon 9 Immune Resistant Resistant
Stormbane Storm Rider 9 Immune Storm Riders cannot spawn on level 9, so this goes unused.
Warpfire Hellspawn Hell Burner 11 Resistant Immune
Festerskull Undead Balrog 11 Immune
Soulslash Unraveler/The Shredded 12 Immune Resistant
Blacktongue Counselor 12 Resistant Counselors cannot spawn on level 12, so this goes unused.
Howlingire the Shade Hollow One 13 Resistant Resistant
Bloodmoon Soulfire Pain Master 13 Immune Resistant Resistant
Lord of the Pit Azure Drake 13 Resistant Azure Drakes cannot spawn on level 13, so this goes unused.
Zamphir Reality Weaver 15 Immune Resistant Resistant
Grimspike Obsidian Lord 19 Immune Resistant Related to Horazon's Sanctuary.
Doomlock Storm Lord 28 Immune Resistant Resistant