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Luigi's Mansion (GameCube)/Unused Areas

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This is a sub-page of Luigi's Mansion (GameCube).

To do:
  • Look more into the files within map0’s path folder and figure out what they do.
  • Get Action Replay codes for map7 and map8 in the North American and Japanese versions.
  • Swap this map modifier code for a variant without bugs (see Gallery door issues)

Test Map (map0)

General Overview

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
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There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

The following Action Replay codes spawn Luigi in this map upon loading a save file:

Version Encrypted Decrypted
044D80C8 00000000
044C578C 00000000

map0, commonly referred to as the test room, is perhaps the most interesting unused map in Luigi's Mansion. The map contains a total of four rooms: the main room Luigi spawns in and three rooms adjacent to it. All of these rooms are separated by doors despite the fact that Luigi can simply walk through the doors due to the lack of collision (though they still can be opened like normal). Attempting to scan the heart of either portrait ghost in the map will result in a softlock due to the scan event not being present here.

In the main room is the painting of Mario after Bowser and King Boo are defeated and Toad (which do nothing), Shivers the Butler (if you haven't already captured him on the save file you're using), King Boo without his crown, submerged into the floor, and Luigi's arm used for the grabbing Mario's painting cutscene after beating the final boss. The fire near Luigi can be put out with water element shots (use an element modifier code since there are no water elements around), as it's the same fire used to block the Boneyard door in the Kitchen. Shivers can also be captured through use of the fire element, as his candle is still "present" on his hand; the visible submerged candle is not strapped to him.

The left room is big yet empty, but Mr. Whirlinda can be found dancing about, although missing his partner. His behavior plays the Whirlindas theme through code, and it will continue to play until the player quits out of the map entirely. He functions as usual, except for the fact that he never exposes his heart due to the missing rotating dance object--thus making him impossible to suck up on this map. He will also not be present if played on a file he was already captured on. The existence of similarly named "dance" paths in map0.szp could suggest this room was last used to test his dance movements.

The back room is full of circular and rectangular tables that lack collision everywhere except their legs. That is all the room has visually, but it also contains an invisible generator. Among the entries of the generatorinfo JMP is an entry named "goldrat1" which, as the name implies, is a spawn point for a golden rat. This spawn point is located in the middle of this room and can be activated by fixing the activation event present in the room (event95), which attempts to activate the wrong generator. Doing so reveals that the rat traverses a path through the tables' legs.

The room on the right contains another copy of the Foyer stairs with two ladders leading up to the center platform. These ladders are fully functional and can be climbed from the top and the bottom. It also contains another crownless King Boo in the center of the room albeit this one is above ground. Getting too close to the King Boo or interacting with it in any way causes the game to crash because the cutscene's event forces Luigi out of bounds. This cutscene, King Boo's confrontation, forces Luigi's position to the coordinates X 2293, Y -550, Z -6027, which are normally in the mansion's Secret Altar, but since these coordinates are out of bounds in this map (and because this conflicts with the game forcing Luigi to stay in bounds), the game crashes.

Early Gallery Maps

Three earlier versions of the Gallery still exist within the game's files.

Leftover Early Gallery (map5)

Early Gallery

The following Action Replay code spawns Luigi in this map upon loading a save file (works on NA):

Version Encrypted Decrypted
044D80C8 00000005
044C578C 00000005

This map is without any illuminating lights. One of the main differences clearly evident with this map is the unicorn statues, which look almost exactly the same as the ones on the Balcony. However, their horns are smaller than those of the statues in the final. The room where King Boo's picture hangs is much duller and bland, compared to the final. Unlike the regular Gallery, this one appears shorter than the final version's Gallery.

If the final gallery is replaced with this one, there will be a few missing ghosts. They are the Clockwork Soldiers, Biff Atlas, Slim Bankshot, Sir Weston, Bogmire, Uncle Grimmly, Vincent Van Gore and Boolossus.

Leftover Early Gallery #2 (Map7)

Longer Early Gallery

This map can be accessed by an Action Replay code (see below). This looks relatively similar to the other early gallery, except the hallways are much longer. B-roll footage from E3 2001 suggests that not only would boss ghosts have portraits, but regular ghosts like the Gold Ghost would too. The hallways being longer in both this map and Map8 is the last remaining evidence of this idea.

Using another replacement code to replace the original with this gallery, all ghosts are present.

Version Encrypted Decrypted
EU K9WM-N4B1-B973A
00725EC9 18000000
00000000 803089D0
00000037 0004001C
00000000 803089D5
00000035 0004001C
044C578C 00000005

Even Earlier Gallery (Map8)

Unused Early Gallery

This is perhaps the earliest version of the Gallery leftover on the disc, even earlier-looking than the other early galleries accessible via Action Replay, or "Map7". The textures are massively different. This gallery is a slight bit longer than Map7's gallery, and no statues are present in the room, unlike the Boolossus unicorn statues that are in the two previous leftover gallery maps.

E. Gadd appears on this map, but you can't talk to him, as he does nothing. The doors are in the same position as the last two maps, and the room with the King Boo painting is the same from its appearance in the other galleries (map7 and map5). Because of the lanterns and the texture of the wall, this map might originally have been intended to have more of a crude and 'underground' look, rather than structured and visually looking concrete. Some of the textures, such as the brown dirt wall, can be found in the training room. During that time, the training room was compiled 18 days after this map was created. The model of the holes with dirt inside them, not shown in the photo, is also found in the training room.

Strangely, the map's eventinfo contains a setup to load event 14, which is Lydia noticing the window's open by saying, "Oh dear... Such a draft..."
You can access this map through the Dolphin emulator but you have to disable MMU so it doesn't crash.

Version Encrypted Decrypted
NA 044D80C8 00000008
EU 044C578C 00000008

Alternatively, using another replacement code to replace the original with this gallery without disabling MMU, the ghosts Vincent Van Gore and Boolossus are not present.

Version Encrypted Decrypted
EU 9E9Q-3356-9PDKQ
00726ABD 18000000
00000000 803089D0
00000038 0004001C
00000000 803089D5
00000036 0004001C
044C578C 00000005

Early/Leftover Rooms


Robotic arms are evil.
  • Found in Iwamoto\map1\h_01.bin.

This is an unused version of E. Gadd's lab main room. There is no difference besides one stand used for one of the robotic arms. It was used in the E3 2001 build.

(Source: luigim1 (Discovery), Arookas (Demolisher BIN Viewer)])
/h_01.bin/1.3/Fri Apr 27 01:22:00 2001/-kb/

Portrificationizer Room

Unused Ghost Portificanizer
  • Found in Iwamoto\map1\h_02.bin.

This is an earlier version of the Ghost Portrificationizer Room, predating the E3 2001 build. There is a "door bump", indicating that the room may have been accessible instead of warping there. A ball of dirt is in place of the door leading to the Gallery. It was last modified on March 9th at around 1 AM, two months before E3 2001.

(Source: luigim1 (Discovery), Arookas (Demolisher BIN Viewer)])
/h_02.bin/1.2/Fri Mar  9 01:00:08 2001/-kb/


Unused Room
  • Found in Iwamoto\map2\room01A.bin.

This map only fits as either an early version of the mansion's Secret Room, or as another test room. It reuses textures from the Foyer, and the rug to the right indicates that a door originally went in place there.

/room01A.bin/1.4/Wed Feb 21 07:44:20 2001/-kb/
(Source: Catley (Discovery), Arookas (Demolisher BIN Viewer)])

Breaker Room

Unused Room.
  • Found in Iwamoto\map2\room̜_67\b1_c_67.bin.

An older version of the Breaker Room. In comparison to the final room; this version has the door on the left wall rather than the front wall, and is generally less detailed (i.e. the frame of the mirror is missing, and the wall has a sloppier UV map). The doorframe has no texture, but uses the same geometry as the final doorframe.

(Source: Waschpenner)

Duplicate 1F Hallway

  • Found in Iwamoto\map2\room_07\room..bin.

A simple duplicate hallway; identical to the one that gets loaded.

(Source: Catley)

Duplicate Foyer Hallway

  • Found in Iwamoto\map2\room_30\room..bin.

Another duplicate hallway. However, the UV mapping of the textures on the end of the roof's support beams are better aligned horizontally than the final hallway.

Unused Used
LM-FoyerHallUnused.png LM-FoyerHallUsed.png
(Source: Inkstar)