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Proto:Banana (NES)

From The Cutting Room Floor
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This page details one or more prototype versions of Banana (NES).

Graphical Differences

Title Screen

Early proto June 30 proto Final
BananaProtoTitleEarly.png BananaProtoTitleJune30.png Banana Title.png

The early prototype has a title screen with only the logo, with the heart being a static decoration rather than a flashing menu cursor. It also gives a copyright credit to Coconuts 21.

The June 30 build's title screen is mostly the same as the final, but the font is white instead of an off-yellowish color.

Other Details of the June 30 Build

To do:
Rip the altered graphics.
  • No attract mode at the title screen. Instead, the characters loop the animation sequence.
  • No "game over" screen.
  • Cheats are missing.
  • Text is white instead of off-yellow.
  • Some graphics are altered.
  • Select screen lacks a stage counter.
(Source: CoinCollector (Hidden Palace.org))