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Development:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Development:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Title Screen

This alternate game title design, located in data\shape2\zelda_mag and called zelda_mag_ura along with its copyright texture called g_title_cpr_ura, is when the dev team was considering putting the planned 64DD dungeon expansion on a cartridge.
It is not possible to replace the title screen actor as all 64DD functions are loaded after the file select menu.

OoT-title ura.png
OoT-cpr ura.png


Early Equipment Screen and Medal Icons

There are some early equipment subscreen icons that were found in the files of Majora's Mask, located in z_majora\data\shape\TEXTURE\DMA_MAKE\ICON_ITEM\others\rgb.

We can barely see them in photographs of Shigeru Miyamoto taken during Spaceworld '97.

ZeldaOoT-Prerelease Cart EGMmag.jpg
Filename Texture
MM h ep 0.png
MM h ep 1.png
MM h ep 2.png
MM h ep 3.png
MM h mb 0.png

Triforce Icon

MM-h 32 seal 7.png
OoT-Quest Status (All Medallions).png

A separate Triforce icon for the Quest Status screen can be found in the Majora's Mask's source code, located in the two folders z_majora\data\shape\TEXTURE\DMA_MAKE\ICON_ITEM\collect_item\ia z_majora\data\shape\cube_MJ_TEXTURE2\JAPAN\ICON_ITEM2\collect_item\ia

It'd fit right in the center of the medallions and might've existed to give the Triforce a yellow color.

(Source: MrCheeze)

64DD Tag

OoT-H file 64dd.png

A Disk Drive icon which would have been part of the file select screen, possibly under File 3.

Fishing Lure

A hard-coded image in unused code within z_fishing.c at line 9327.

Test rua lure txt.png

Map Files


The file contains early scene data, which includes unused textures visible in an old screenshot released in April 1997.

OoT-April Interface NPS.jpg
OoT zelda tool rom 0.png
OoT zelda tool rom 1.png
OoT zelda tool rom 2.png


Dungeon Minimaps

The file dd_map_48x85 contains the textures for the dungeon map subscreen of the 64DD Test Dungeons. Each texture is split into "l_" and "r_" files, so the images below show them stitched together.

The file dd_map_i contains the textures for the on-screen dungeon minimap of the 64DD Test Dungeons.

Both files also include textures for the regular Ice Cavern, which are not included in the list below.

Inside the Deku Tree

Filename Texture
OoT Dd ydan 1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_ydan_00_txt OoT dd ydan 00 txt.png

Dodongo's Cavern

Filename Texture
Dd ddan 1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_ddan_00_txt OoT dd ddan 00 txt.png
dd_ddan_01_txt OoT dd ddan 01 txt.png
dd_ddan_02_txt OoT dd ddan 02 txt.png

Jabu-Jabu's Belly

Filename Texture
OoT Dd bdan 1 txt4 0.png
OoT Dd bdan b1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_bdan_00_txt OoT dd bdan 00 txt.png
dd_bdan_01_txt OoT dd bdan 01 txt.png
dd_bdan_02_txt OoT dd bdan 02 txt.png
dd_bdan_03_b1_txt OoT dd bdan 03 b1 txt.png
dd_bdan_03_txt OoT dd bdan 03 txt.png

Forest Temple

Filename Texture
OoT Dd Bmori 1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_Bmori_00_txt OoT dd Bmori 00 txt.png
dd_Bmori_01_txt OoT dd Bmori 01 txt.png
dd_Bmori_02_txt OoT dd Bmori 02 txt.png

Fire Temple

Filename Texture
OoT Dd HIDAN 1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_HIDAN_00_txt OoT dd HIDAN 00 txt.png
dd_HIDAN_01_txt OoT dd HIDAN 01 txt.png
dd_HIDAN_02_txt OoT dd HIDAN 02 txt.png

Water Temple

Filename Texture
OoT Dd MIZUsin 1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_MIZUsin_00_txt OoT dd MIZUsin 00 txt.png
dd_MIZUsin_01_txt OoT dd MIZUsin 01 txt.png
dd_MIZUsin_02_txt OoT dd MIZUsin 02 txt.png

Spirit Temple

Filename Texture
OoT Dd jyasinzou 1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_jyasinzou_00_txt OoT dd jyasinzou 00 txt.png
dd_jyasinzou_01_txt OoT dd jyasinzou 01 txt.png
dd_jyasinzou_02_txt OoT dd jyasinzou 02 txt.png

Bottom of the Well

Filename Texture
Dd hakadan ch b1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_hakadan_ch_00_txt OoT dd hakadan ch 00 txt.png
dd_hakadan_ch_01_txt OoT dd hakadan ch 01 txt.png

Shadow Temple

Filename Texture
OoT Dd hakadan b1 txt4 0.png
Filename Texture
dd_hakadan_00_txt OoT dd hakadan 00 txt.png
dd_hakadan_01_txt OoT dd hakadan 01 txt.png
dd_hakadan_02_txt OoT dd hakadan 02 txt.png

Overworld Minimaps

To do:
Compare differences.

The file map_grand.o contains old versions of the overworld minimaps seen in pre-release screenshots. They seem to be based on renders of the map and drawn over by hand. The playable area appears to be outlined in black.

Hyrule Field

Early Final
OoT-Hyrule-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Hyrule Minimap Final.png

The early minimap is missing the overhangs near the entrances to Kakariko and Gerudo Valley, which also exhibits other missing terrain features that can be seen in the final version.

Kakariko Village

Early Final
OoT-Kakariko-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Kakariko Village.png
  • The gate to Death Mountain Trail is absent.
  • The well is next to the Potion Shop instead of in front of the windmill.
  • The windmill shows no playable area behind it.
  • There is no visible fencing where the Cucco Lady would be and in the area between the Bazaar and Potion Shop.


Early Final
OoT-Graveyard-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Graveyard (Shadow Temple explored).png

There seem to be two additional small fences besides the path to the Royal Family's Tomb.

Zora's River

Early Final
OoT-River-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Zora's River.png

The shortcut to the Lost Woods seems to be missing.

Kokiri Forest

Early Final
OoT-Kokiri-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Kokiri Forest.png
  • The maze where you get the Kokiri Sword is missing.
  • There is a house where the Kokiri Training Area is in the final.
  • There is no trace of the small pond in front of the passage that leads to the Deku Tree.
  • The pillars connected by small bridges near Saria's house are missing.

Sacred Forest Meadow

Early Final Minimap
OoT-Meadow-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Sacred Forest Meadow.png
  • The entrance area is slightly larger.
  • The maze seems to be missing.

Lake Hylia

Early Final
OoT-Lake-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Lake Hylia.png

The fishing pond is not yet present, as is the island where Link gets the Fire Arrows in the final.

Zora's Domain

Early Final
OoT-ZoraDomain-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Zora's Domain.png
OoT-Zora Pillar NCL.jpg
  • The spiral ramp that leads up to King Zora's chamber is completely surrounded by water, whereas in the final version it's connected with one path to the entrance and another one leading around the structure to the Zora Shop.
  • The platform in front of King Zora is shaped differently and the hallway leading to Zora's Fountain heads to the right, instead of to the left in the final version. The small isle and the pillar in the water also seem to be missing.

Zora's Fountain

Early Final
OoT-ZoraFountain-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Zora's Fountain.png
  • There is a longer pathway coming from the entrance which leads to the place where Jabu-Jabu would be on the left side and to a longer passage on the right side.
  • The top of the map shows a larger area where the entrance to the Ice Cavern would be, and it looks like the trees in the water are located in front of that area instead of at the bottom of the map.

Gerudo Valley (Child)

Early Final

Gerudo Valley (Adult, bridge broken)

Early Final
OoT-ValleyBridgeless-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Gerudo Valley (broken bridge).png

Gerudo Valley (Adult, bridge repaired)

Early Minimap Final Minimap
OoT-ValleyAdultBridge-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Gerudo Valley.png

Desert Colossus

Early Final
OoT-Colossus-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Desert Colossus.png

Gerudo's Fortress

Early Final
OoT-Fortress-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Gerudo's Fortress (Horseback area explored).png
  • The guarded gate in the path to the Haunted Wasteland seems to be missing.
  • It appears that the stairs to your right coming into the fortress are not present.

Hyrule Castle

Early Final
OoT-CastleOutside-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Hyrule Castle Exterior.png

There is no walkable terrain where Link would climb up the vines to sneak around the gatekeeper and the soldiers in front of Hyrule Castle.

Ganon's Castle (no bridge)

Early Final
OoT-GanonCastleOutside-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Ganon's Castle Exterior.png

Ganon's Castle (with bridge)

Early Final

Death Mountain Trail

Early Final
OoT-MountainTrail-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Death Mountain Trail.png

Death Mountain Crater

Early Final
OoT-Crater-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Death Mountain Crater.png
  • The central area where the warp pedestal is located has a slightly different shape, and the bridge leading to it is not broken.
  • There seems to be an alcove on the bottom-left which cannot be seen in the final map.
  • Only two platforms are visible in the lava area. The third one is missing.

Goron City

Early Final
OoT-GoronCity-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Goron City.png
  • The large side rooms are missing, as are Medigoron's room and the shortcut to the Lost Woods.
  • The hallway to Darunia's room is much longer.

Lon Lon Ranch

Early Final
OoT-LonLon-OLD-Minimap.png OoT-Minimap-Lon Lon Ranch.png

The storage tower is not visible in the early minimap.

Object Files


The file of this unused object can be found in data/shape2. It features an unused texture:

Filename Texture
OoT m F fire1 txt.png


The file of this unused object can be found in data/shape2. It features two unused textures:

Filename Texture
OoT-stone txt.png
OoT-stree kusa txt.png

Debug Textures

To do:
"hiral_demo.c,v" is apparently an old copy in original format dating from January 9, 1998 of the map "hiral_demo". Try converting this map.

Debug Shape


Filename Texture
OOT camera txt.png
OOT hiral demo txt.png

The upper texture is vertically mirrored and says "大津TV 0.02Hz". It also appears to have a little logo in the bottom right corner. The significance of the text, which reads "Otsu TV", is unclear. Otsu is a Japanese last name, as well as the name of a place.

OOT camera txt 2.png

Debug Texture


Filename Texture
n0-9_txt - no_txt - np_txt - nt_txt - nx_txt
OOT ndebug txt.png
(Source: Dark Linkaël)

Keep textures

To do:
These textures are not present in the Ocarina of Time source code, but they are in the Animal Crossing source code.

G Blast


Filename Texture
OOT g blast.png



Filename Texture
OOT light.png



Filename Texture
OOT tex.png

(Source: Dark Linkaël)

Place Names

z_ocarina/data/shape2 contains a file called zelda_scene_name, and another called zelda_scene_name2. While both hold location name textures, the former is an earlier version of the latter.

First off, zelda_scene_name contains g_pn_01 to g_pn_45, while zelda_scene_name2 contains g_pn_01 to g_pn_57. The former is missing location text for the following places:

Royal Family's Tomb
Fairy's Fountain
Fishing Pond
Bombchu Bowling Alley
Thieves' Hideout
Happy Mask Shop
Treasure Box Shop
Sacred Forest Meadow
Gerudo's Fortress
Bottom of the Well
Desert Colossus
Bombchu Shop

(The "?" is used in the windmill and Dampé's grave.)

Because the mini-game locations were some of the last areas added during development, it is not surprising that their names are among the textures missing from the earlier version of the file. However, as spots like the Sacred Forest Meadow, Gerudo's Fortress, and Desert Colossus existed for a large part of the game's development, their absence is more curious.

In addition to these missing textures, zelda_scene_name features some alternate titles or spellings for location names that exist in zelda_scene_name2.

zelda_scene_name zelda_scene_name2 Notes
Filename Texture Filename Texture
g_pn_15 OoT Leak-zsn g pn 15.png g_pn_15 OoT Leak-zsn2 g pn 15.png The former literally translates to "Target Shooting Place", while the latter literally translates to "Target Hitting Shop".
g_pn_27 OoT Leak-zsn g pn 27.png g_pn_25 OoT Leak-zsn2 g pn 25.png The former leaves off the optional and assumed hiragana character "ri" in the word "hakamori" (gravekeeper).
g_pn_33 OoT Leak-zsn g pn 33.png g_pn_31 OoT Leak-zsn2 g pn 31.png The former translates to "Kokiri Village", while the latter is the familiar "Kokiri Forest".

Finally, and of most interest, zelda_scene_name contains a few location names that aren't in the final game at all!

Filename Texture Translation Notes
g_pn_19 OoT Leak-zsn g pn 19.png My House This texture reads "bokunchi", a cute and childish way of saying "boku no uchi", which translates to "My House".
Link's House has no location text in the final game.
g_pn_23 OoT Leak-zsn g pn 23.png Talon's Shop Location text for the removed shop at Lon Lon Ranch.
g_pn_24 OoT Leak-zsn g pn 24.png Adult Shop Location text which may have been used for the Adult version of the Bazaar once it has relocated from the Market to Kakariko Village,
which uses a separate object set rather than a separate map in the final game.


The iQue leak includes several earlier and unused skybox textures. Based on the earlier versions, it seems like the skybox once utilized full-sized textures for every plane, whereas the side planes in the final version only use textures for the upper part and mirrors them to fill the lower part, while the bottom plane is unused, the only exception being vr_holy_static.

Early Skybox Final Skybox
OoT Skybox Comparison Old.png OoT Skybox Comparison Final.png


Earlier versions of the textures from the vr_cloud*_static files.

Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_cloud0_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud0_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 f txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud0_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud0_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 b txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud0_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud0_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 l txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud0_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud0_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 r txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud0_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud0_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 t txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud0_u_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud0 u txt 0 back.png
OoT cloud back in 0.png
OoT cloud in 0.png
Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_cloud1_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud1_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 f txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud1_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud1_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 b txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud1_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud1_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 l txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud1_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud1_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 r txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud1_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud1_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 t txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud1_u_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud1 u txt 0 back.png
OoT cloud back in 1.png
OoT cloud in 1.png
Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_cloud2_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud2_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 f txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud2_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud2_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 b txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud2_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud2_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 l txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud2_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud2_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 r txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud2_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud2_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 t txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud2_u_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud2 u txt 0 back.png
OoT cloud back in 2.png
OoT cloud in 2.png
Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_cloud3_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud3_f_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 f txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud3_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud3_b_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 b txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud3_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud3_l_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 l txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud3_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud3_r_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 r txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud3_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_cloud3_t_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 t txt 0.png
h_bg_cloud3_u_txt_0 OoT h bg cloud3 u txt 0 back.png
OoT cloud back in 3.png
OoT cloud in 3.png

Stitched Images


This skybox, labeled "Night", is commented out in the spec.segment file. It includes vr_end_static and vr_end_pal_static, which have no equivalent files in the final game.

Filename Texture
h_bg_end0_f_txt_0 OoT h bg end0 f txt 0.png
h_bg_end0_b_txt_0 OoT h bg end0 b txt 0.png
h_bg_end0_l_txt_0 OoT h bg end0 l txt 0.png
h_bg_end0_r_txt_0 OoT h bg end0 r txt 0.png
h_bg_end0_t_txt_0 OoT h bg end0 t txt 0.png
h_bg_end0_u_txt_0 OoT h bg end0 u txt 0.png


This prerender is mentioned in the commit logs of z_ocarina2/src/sys_segment.h and z_ocarina2/src/spec. It was added to the game on 1997/05/22 by main programmer Yasunari Soejima.

According to z_ocarina2/src/spec, "Fairy Fountain (256x256)" was added by Soejima on 1997/07/08, suggesting that Fairy Fountains were once prerenders rather than 3D maps.


Earlier versions of the textures from the vr_fine*_static files.

Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_fine0_f_txt_0 H bg fine0 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine0_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine0 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_b_txt_0 H bg fine0 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine0_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine0 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_l_txt_0 H bg fine0 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine0_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine0 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_r_txt_0 H bg fine0 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine0_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine0 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_t_txt_0 H bg fine0 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine0_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine0 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_u_txt_0 H bg fine0 u txt 0 back.png
Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_fine1_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine1_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine1_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine1_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine1_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine1_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine1 u txt 0 back.png
Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_fine2_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine2_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine2_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine2_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine2_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine2_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine2 u txt 0 back.png
Pre-release Final
Filename Texture Filename Texture
h_bg_fine3_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 f txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine3_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 b txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine3_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 l txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine3_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 r txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine3_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 t txt 0 back.png h_bg_fine3_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine3 u txt 0 back.png

Stitched Images


There is no vr_fine9_static file in the final game, but the filenames of the textures within match the textures in the vr_fine*_static files.

They would have been presumably used after sunset, for a more gradual transition into the night sky.

Filename Texture
h_bg_fine0_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 0 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 0 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 0 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 0 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 0 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine0_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 0 u txt 0.png
OoT fine9 in 0.png
Filename Texture
h_bg_fine1_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 1 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 1 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 1 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 1 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 1 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine1_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 1 u txt 0.png
OoT fine9 in 1.png
Filename Texture
h_bg_fine2_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 2 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 2 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 2 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 2 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 2 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine2_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 2 u txt 0.png
OoT fine9 in 2.png
Filename Texture
h_bg_fine3_f_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 3 f txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_b_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 3 b txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_l_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 3 l txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_r_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 3 r txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_t_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 3 t txt 0.png
h_bg_fine3_u_txt_0 OoT h bg fine9 3 u txt 0.png
OoT fine9 in 3.png

Stitched Images


This prerender is mentioned in the commit logs of z_ocarina2/src/sys_segment.h. It was added to the game on 1997/05/30 by Soejima.


To do:
Add more info.
Filename Texture
h_bg_night_f_txt_0 OoT h bg night f txt 0.png
h_bg_night_b_txt_0 OoT h bg night b txt 0.png
h_bg_night_l_txt_0 OoT h bg night l txt 0.png
h_bg_night_r_txt_0 OoT h bg night r txt 0.png
h_bg_night_t_txt_0 OoT h bg night t txt 0.png
h_bg_night_u_txt_0 OoT h bg night u txt 0.png


This skybox, labeled "Lost Woods", is commented out in the spec.segment file. It includes vr_bg_woods_static and vr_bg_woods_pal_static, which have no equivalent files in the final game.

According to z_ocarina2/src/spec, "Lost Woods" was added by Soejima on 1997/07/18.

Filename Texture
g_bg_woods_f_txt_0 OoT g bg woods f txt 0.png
g_bg_woods_b_txt_0 OoT g bg woods b txt 0.png
g_bg_woods_l_txt_0 OoT g bg woods l txt 0.png
g_bg_woods_r_txt_0 OoT g bg woods r txt 0.png
g_bg_woods_t_txt_0 OoT g bg woods t txt 0.png
g_bg_woods_u_txt_0 OoT g bg woods u txt 0.png
OoT woods in 0.png

Stitched Image