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Rez (Dreamcast)

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Title Screen


Developer: United Game Artists
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Dreamcast
Released in JP: November 22, 2001
Released in EU: January 11, 2002

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

To do:
Document the K-Project prototype.

Rez was a game developed late in the Dreamcast's life by United Game Artists, one of the last games before they were merged into Sonic Team.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Textures

Several textures exist in the Test folder of the game, and go unused in normal gameplay. These textures do not fit in stylistically with any of the textures that do get used in the final game, and seem to be leftovers from early versions of the game before UGA went with the cyberspace theme.

Unused Enemies

Rez UnusedBallEnemy.png

It is possible to spawn what seems to be a test enemy in the Venus boss battle, using the KODE debug mode. Interestingly, this enemy is the only one that actually has collision with the environment.

Unused Sounds

A sample from Underworld's song "Rez" exists in the files for Area 1. Most likely a remnant from when the game was going to use Underworld's music for this level.

Debug Mode


Sega's Gindows debug system can be accessed in the final version of the game. The byte at 0x8C28E08D is part of the system flags (2C instead of 8C for Demul with Cheat Engine). This byte, when set to C5, enables the debug mode. This gives access to almost all debugging features of the prototype, with the exception of the Nindows debug mode.

A Japanese keyboard is recommended (slot 4). It is advised to use a Dreamcast mouse (slot 2), but you can use a regular controller instead. A is left click and B is right click, and you can use both the thumbstick and D-Pad to move the cursor.

Keyboard Commands

Key Function
Tilde Console
F1 Performance Window
F2 Memory Window
F3 Mainflow Editor
F4 GameInfo Window
F5 Camera Window
F6 Frame Stabilizer On/Off
F7 Variable Editor
F8 Free Camera
F9 System Window
F11 Reset Mainflow, Passflow and Gameflow Count
F12 Hides/Displays Debug Mode
Alt+F11 Loads Next Phase (In levels)
Print Screen Debug Info
Scroll Lock Advance Game by One Frame when Paused
Pause/Break Pause Game
Alt+Tab Switch Windows
Ctrl+1 Auto Stabilizer 1 [Smooth, Heavy Performance]
Ctrl+2 Auto Stabilizer 2
Ctrl+3 Auto Stabilizer 3
Ctrl+4 Auto Stabilizer 4
Ctrl+5 Auto Stabilizer 5 [Skips Frames, Lightest Performance]
P [In Level Select] Unlock All Levels


Accessible from the right click menu or by pressing the button under Escape, is a console menu. This prints very little information to the screen compared to the prototype.

Console Commands

Command Function
Help Gives a list of commands [Some are in Japanese]
CD Change directory
Coloredit Execute color edit window
Dumpwin Execute memory dump window
Fullrange 'OK! OK!' Appears, Japanese when typed again
Heap_map HeapMap view
Heap_overrun Heap overrun check
Heapb_map HeapBaseMap view
LS List directory
Maxieditor Draws grid on screen, saves Maxidat[Number] files to VMU
Palwin Execute palette window
Play_log Prints your play log from the flash memory
R_load Replay load
R_save Replay save
Varlist Displays a list of variables and some descriptions
Varsearch Search for variables
Varset Set variables

Mainflow Editor

The Mainflow editor can be used to place enemies and edit the events in a level, and these can be saved to a VMU. If a valid Mainflow file is found on the VMU, this will be loaded instead of the file on disc.

Mainflow Keyboard Commands

Key Function
N New Command
K Kill Selected Command
C Mainflow Count Change
S Save to VMU
D Delete selected enemy
Page Up/Down Change the Type of Command
Enter Edit Command's Settings

Command Editor Keyboard Commands

Key Function
V Vector to Angle
A Angle to Vector
C Camera to Target
Shift+C Target to Camera
M Make
P Disp On/Off
Ctrl+U Undo
Ctrl+C Copy to Buffer
CTRL+V Copy from Buffer

Free Camera

Uses Player 1's Controller.

Button Function
L+R Camera Movement Speed [1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 0.1]
Thumbstick Rotates Camera Clockwise/Anti-Clockwise
A Lower Camera
X Raise Camera
B Rotate Camera Downwards
Y Rotate Camera Upwards
D-Pad Up Move Camera Forwards
D-Pad Down Move Camera Backwards
D-Pad Left Move Camera Left
D-Pad Right Move Camera Right
Home Reset Camera to 0,0,0

Variable Editor

The Variable Editor enables you to edit variables. This menu opens in Japanese but can be switched to English by clicking the HELP button. It can also be switched to a transparent mode by clicking on TRANS. You can save the current variables and load them from VMU using the Save_Variable and Load_Variable options respectively.

Regional Differences

In the Japanese version of the game, the 'Travelling' mode is called 'Easy Rez'.


Pressing F12 on a Dreamcast keyboard without enabling the debug mode will save the game. In both the prototype and final, the debug level select refers to a 'STG50'. This is missing in both versions.