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Saturday Night Slam Masters (SNES)

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Title Screen

Saturday Night Slam Masters

Also known as: Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion (JP)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: March 30, 1994
Released in US: June 1994
Released in EU: September 1994
Released in AU: 1994

TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

A home console port of the arcade game of the same name. Notable for featuring Mike Haggar as one of the playable wrestlers.

Unused Text

Grater's second loop ending (if you didn't use continues, that is) abruptly cuts off the text. There is a line afterward, inside the ROM.


Hold on there Ol'hoss, I ain't
never wrestled a dry Piece of
Beef Jerky before!

I can't grind ya so
I's gotta chew ya apart!
(Discovery: ReyVGM)

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Muscle Bomber Saturday Night Slam Masters (US) Saturday Night Slam Masters (Europe)
SaturdayNightSlammasters Japan Boot.png SaturdayNightSlammasters Boot.png SaturdayNightSlammasters Europe Boot.png

The game was known as Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion in Japan, so a few portions of the game received a facelift to accommodate for the name change. The main logo of the game during the boot sequence was redrawn in Saturday Night Slam Masters, and also had some palette changes, too.

Muscle Bomber Saturday Night Slam Masters
SaturdayNightSlammasters Japan Title.png Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA)000.png

The guy on the title screen stays there after the logo appears, complete with lightning effects in the back. This was removed in the Saturday Night Slam Masters localization.

Error Messages

Region Error

SaturdayNightSlammasters RegionLockout.png

Attempting to play the US version of the game on a PAL console throws up the above error message on boot. Like most Capcom games with region lockout-based errors, it will eventually fade out and the game will start as normal. This region lockout check is not present in the Japanese and European versions of the game, and they will load the game normally if loaded on a PAL or NTSC console, respectively.

Multitap Error

Muscle Bomber Saturday Night Slam Masters
SaturdayNightSlammasters Japan MultitapError.png SaturdayNightSlammasters MultitapError.png

If you connect a Multitap adapter to controller port 1, the game throws the above error message, complete with Mike Haggar posing after the message finishes printing. The Muscle Bomber release includes a header on the error message and also has Mike's Japanese name on the signature.

Bad Controller Error

Muscle Bomber Saturday Night Slam Masters
SaturdayNightSlammasters Japan BadController.png SaturdayNightSlammasters BadController.png

Same changes made as above. This error appears if the game detects anything but a Gamepad or Multitap adapter connected to any of the controller ports.