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Talk:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Unused scene setups

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This is the talk page for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Unused scene setups.
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Ocarina of Time 3D warping stuff

It's possible to enter most of these scene setups in the 3D version by using a glitch called Death Hole Wrong Warp. This can be used to obtain the 2 "hidden" piece of hearts and other stuff. Should we mention it here or create a page for OoT3D? --PPLToast 07:02, 18 March 2013 (EDT)

I think it's worth a new article. --Dr.MarioX 13:07, 18 March 2013 (EDT)

Whoa, what is this? I'm interested. Could you explain the glitch? As for mentioning it, I wouldn't make a huge deal out of it. At best, say at the top of the page that the unused scenes still exist in the 3DS version and can be reached using this glitch. But please, how does this glitch work? (You would've thought they'd clean up the game just a bit.) WhoIAm 13:17, 18 March 2013 (EDT)
They did a pretty shitty job with fixing stuff, TBH they made it even worse...as for the glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvCOKaV2FQM You can see more stuff from the channel. If you're interested about more glitches and stuff visit ZeldaSpeedRuns.com --PPLToast 14:13, 18 March 2013 (EDT)
They excused themselves by saying "they left glitches in on purpose". Heh, I don't think so. In any case, I'm interested to see what else the game has, once 3DS games get cracked. Thanks for the page. Come to think of it, you should probably list any differences the 3DS version of these scenes have compared to the N64. For example, is the Ocarina pedestal texture updated, or is it still the same? WhoIAm 16:11, 18 March 2013 (EDT)
Sadly that's one of the ones that can't be accessed even with the tent warp, it crashes like most other warps. I don't think the 3DS version has any differences either :( I hope 3DS games get cracked soon, I'm expecting to see the old menu icons from the first demo there and hopefully other stuff. --PPLToast 17:01, 18 March 2013 (EDT)
So not even the 3DS can handle the six Jabu-Jabus? Weak specs or just the engine's fault? Oh and in early screenshots of OOT3D the touch screen uses slightly different icons (for example the tabs for the map, gear, and items looks wooden, but not in the final game, and the icons at the corners have larger borders), perhaps they'll still be sitting around somewhere in the final game. WhoIAm 18:40, 18 March 2013 (EDT)
Yea I meant the old HUD, as for the warp, it's not that the system can't handle it, but the whole game crashes before it warps you to the location. You get a white screen like seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlC8PS8Suws --PPLToast 19:23, 18 March 2013 (EDT)


The Gerudo's Fortress section should make it clear that Nintendo didn't intend people to clear the desert this way. (And I didn't know it worked both ways - I knew you could go to the Desert Colossus, but I had no idea it worked the way back as well.)

Also, maybe the Kokiri Forest's ending setup needs mentioning? One half can be seen in the ending as the camera flies by, but I think the other half remains unseen. As well, what you wouldn't know from the ending is that there are at least three copies of the carpet merchant sign scattered across the forest. (I wonder why - was that some other message in an earlier version of the game?) -- Sheeza 09:13, 8 July 2013 (EDT)

Moving this from the main page...

Written by another user, but the uncertainty of the wording leads me to think it'd be better off here until it can be confirmed. -WarioBarker (talk) 19:33, 7 April 2014 (EDT)

==Spirit Temple==
Currently being investigated. The header for the Spirit Temple lacks a table for which to point to other scene setups (and thus inaccessible from the level select menu), but there exists at least two alternate scene setups (probably Cutscene 00 and 01) within the files for the Spirit Temple. Both appear to play the Farore's portion of the Deku Tree Creation cutscene.

I do not understand anything, can show images?--Porcino (talk) 20:03, 7 April 2014 (EDT)
I'm slightly confused: are you asking me for images? If so, I'm sorry but I can't (even if I did understand what I moved over here, I'm not a hacker by any means and my computer doesn't get along well with N64 emulators). Mzxrules was the one who added the section, so your best bet is to ask him/her. -WarioBarker (talk) 00:01, 8 April 2014 (EDT)

There is no uncertainty of it's existence. A complete printout of an unmodified OoT NTSC v1.0 Spirit Temple produced my own custom program can be found here http://pastebin.com/cAM2NxLJ It lists the "beta" cutscene setups as being cutscene 0 and 1 respectively because the entrance table suggest that at one point there were two cutscenes in spirit, and would follow the pattern of other scenes. The reason the alternate setups cannot be accessed is because there is no 18 command (which would point to the other headers) found in setup 0, meaning that the different scene setups can't be explored without hacking the rom. I haven't 100% confirmed it but just by eyeballing the data, cutscene setups 0 and 1 appear to essentially be identical.

There exist some notable differences in the both the structure of the header commands, and the layout of the actors.

  • In the scene file, the header for the cutscene setups references a list of actors to load, instead of in the room files. I only know of one other scene header does this and loading the scene setup didn't load the proper actor to my knowledge so I'm not entirely sure if there's a way to force the game to load these actors without moving them into a room file.
  • In the various room files, there exists a command to load actors in many of the the cutscene setups, but most (if not all) actors will fail to spawn because the headers lack a command that references to a list of object files (graphic assets) to load.
  • None of the doors are locked, suggesting that Nintendo might not have fully planned out how the player would complete the dungeon yet
  • The positions of the doors is off around when you get to the Adult side of the dungeon that leads up to the Iron Knuckle fight (for Mirror Shield). If I'm thinking correctly, I believe the east side of the dungeon didn't extend out as far as it does now.
  • There is an extra door on the adult side on the first floor. The first floor on the child and adult sides is set up such that you have three doors that can be entered, with the middle door leading up to the second floor. On the child side the left door and right door rooms connect to form a loop; this extra door does the same for the adult side.
  • There are only two spawn points instead of four
  • Only three of the four exits are defined, and the boss room isn't linked properly

One of the two cutscenes can be triggered via the following code (at least on pj64 1.6, I've had issues with codes on 1.7). The cutscene triggered is part of the story told by the Great Deku Tree before he dies about the goddesses, specifically the portion that introduces Farore. It is similar but not identical to the cutscene stored in Kokiri Forest. http://imgur.com/mJL76rM

NTSC V1.0 code

//Sets the cutscene pointer
811CA208 8038
811CA20A 16A0

//Takes you to spirit temple when touching a loading zone, plays cutscene pointed to by the cutscene pointer.
//Disable once cutscene starts, otherwise the wrong followup cutscene will be triggered
8111A5D2 0082
8111B9E2 FFF0

Mzxrules (talk) 18:03, 16 April 2014 (EDT)

Using these codes, 811CA208 8038 811CA20A 16A0 I can get this configuration? Just need to bypass the cutscene?--Porcino (talk) 17:20, 18 April 2014 (EDT)
No, it's merely to play one of the two identical cutscenes, more as proof of existence of the two scene setups. I'm working on a mod that replaces the normal header with the header for cutscene 0 as it's the easiest way. I could write a dirty code that adds the 18 command to the scene header but it'd be cleaner to just make a patch of some sort. Mzxrules (talk) 17:37, 18 April 2014 (EDT)
Mzxrules, I have several maps with odd configurations, including take a look at Shadow Temple, is the most seen actors out of place. I have not gotten a conclusion of what I'm seeing. Trying to see the Utility of Time it will freeze. For example, I found an actor to door in the center of the first room. I do not know what exactly. http://s27.postimg.org/t6maqlzwh/Untitled_2.png --Porcino (talk) 16:20, 23 April 2014 (EDT)

"it's possible to cross the Haunted Wasteland backwards and end up at the Gerudo Fortress."

It's possible to cross the Haunted Wasteland (as a child) backwards and end up at the Gerudo Fortress my foot. I've been seeing this on websites for years and was always a bit skeptical of it, thus I tried to do so today on a 1.2 cartridge. Coming from Colossus Desert to the midpoint of the Haunted Wasteland seems doable, but extremely difficult - I say this because I went to the building via the levitation Gameshark code, used the Lense of Truth, and the Poe appeared and I followed it, thus nothing was altered for the child-version of the map (i.e. it's the exact same map) to make crossing outright impossible, the path still exists.

Anyway, let's say you do go through this section backwards via some intense memorization, arrive at the building, then follow the flags back to the Gerudo Fortress. I did this and... ran right into the quicksand near the boxes. Tried again, and realized hey, you kinda need the Hookshot to get across, which you can't use as a child. I went to the left of the quicksand pit, went back to the start. Went to the right of the quicksand pit, back to the start. I don't think there's any way to actually get across it as a child without the levitation code or some other form of trickery that goes outside the means of normal gameplay.

Have I maybe missed something? I know there's a guard on the other side, which seems like a "covering our ass just in case some freak incident occurs that allows the player to make it across", but other than that, it just doesn't seem like it was intended to actually be able to be crossed. Thoughts? Runnersdialzero (talk) 11:41, 20 January 2015 (EST)

I think you could bombchu-hover across the gap, but that's a pretty obscure bug. Doesn't seem worth mentioning when the cucco method is so much more common and straightforward. ColdPie (talk) 11:58, 20 January 2015 (EST)
Oh, I guess you can just backwalk across the river: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNtUYnNWToY ColdPie (talk) 12:02, 20 January 2015 (EST)
Beh. Didn't even think to check YouTube. From what I can gather in the comments, the backwalking needs to be done in a specific spot and can be pretty tricky to pull off. Regardless, I guess it can technically be done, right? Thanks for the response. Runnersdialzero (talk) 20:59, 20 January 2015 (EST)
When I learned the way back to the fortress, it became evident that the poe path is unnecessarily lengthened. Then, when it came to crossing the quicksand, the video I watched had the player step on top of one of the boxes right in front of it and then Link was able to cross fairly easily. It's tricky at first but once you get the hang of it it's easy.
Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi2LIa4a8fo. You go straight for a little bit until you can see a hill to the left, then go to the hill. Once at the top of the hill (this was the trickiest part for me) you make your way to the halfway fortress in an indirect sort of way. Follow the flags back to the start, get on the box, walk backwards off, no problem.--Spiritix (talk) 19:13, 21 January 2015 (EST)