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1000 Bornes: Coups-Fourrés et Courses Folles!

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Title Screen

1000 Bornes: Coups-Fourrés et Courses Folles!

Developer: Mad Monkey Studio
Publisher: Mindscape
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in EU: November 14, 2008

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

1000 Bornes: Coups-Fourrés et Courses Folles!, also known as 1000 Bornes, is a DS exclusive based on the French card game of the same name. The game is only playable in French.

Unused Translation

In root/data/Loc/txt/ are folders for both FR and EN. The files in the EN folder are duplicates of the FR folder, except for the file Common.txt, which is shown below.

FR Text EN Text

[Hello] Salut


[Hello] Hi!

The FR textfile also contains french explanations for other commands such as [LOTCHECK], [BUTTONS] and [POWERDOWN], but the above is all that was included in the EN textfile. It is unknown if the game was planned to have an English translation.

Development Text

File script.txt in /root/data/Sound/ has a small resource file about song sets.

# quality level

# songset 1

# songset 2

# sfxset 1

# sfxset 2