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Amico Home

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Title Screen

Amico Home

Developer: Intellivision Entertainment
Publisher: Intellivision Entertainment
Platforms: Android, iOS
Released internationally: December 13, 2023

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.

Remember the Intellivision Amico's reveal in October 2018, and all the Kickstarters surrounding it?

The console still isn't out.

Instead, we have this app that requires another device with a separate app just to even use it. Great...

Unused Image

This primate is a beast and he walks through unused data for 10 minutes like it's nothing.

Found in the files is sample.jpg, which is a stock photo of a mandrill's face.

Unused Video

Found inside AmicoHome/com.intellivision.default.uxbundle.zip are files for a placeholder menu. One of these files is a video called Movie_01.mp4.