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Angel's Feather: Kuro no Zanei

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Title Screen

Angel's Feather: Kuro no Zanei

Developer: HuneX
Publisher: GN Software
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: June 30, 2005

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Menu

Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu1.png

Enabling the below codes will start the game into a debug menu. The first ten options are regular menus.

Enable Debug Text
201C12C0 00000001

Boot to Debug Menu
101006D0 000001C0

To enable another unrelated debug display, apply the below code.

Enable H3D Version Display
201004D4 24050001

(Source: Original TCRF research)


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu2.png

Allows viewing of events.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu3.png

Allows testing battles.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu4.png

Font test screen.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu5.png

Tests fade in / outs.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu7.png Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu8.png

Allows viewing of maps.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu9.png

Controller vibration settings.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu10.png

Allows playing of effects.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu11.png

Tests image cut-ins.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu12.png

Tests enemy images.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu13.png

Sound player.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu14.png

Movie player.


Angel's Feather Kuro no Zanei - Debugmenu15.png

Allows setting of party members and maxing their stats.

Unused Unlock All CGs

An unused function can be ran while in the CG gallery menu. This will unlock all images for viewing.

Unlock All CG (Unused Debug Function)
001582B0 0000003C
001582C0 0000003C
(Source: Original TCRF research)