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Antonblast/Unused Sprites/Unused Backgrounds/Boiler City

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This is a sub-page of Antonblast/Unused Sprites/Unused Backgrounds.

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It should be noted that all of the unused Boiler City backgrounds have it be much more in line with how it appears in Antonball Deluxe. The reason for its redesign is not known.

Kickstarter Boiler City Backgrounds

ANTONBLASTboilerCityKickstarterLayer1.png ANTONBLASTboilerCityKickstarterLayer2.png ANTONBLASTboilerCityKickstarterLayer3.png

The original Boiler City backgrounds used in the Kickstarter demo. Layer 2 and 3 would get updated in the Dynamite Demo.


A strange variation on the sky background for the Kickstarter Boiler City. It's 800 pixels high, compared to the 218 pixels of the used one.

ANTONBLAST Boilercitysewerplace.png

The original background for Boiler City's underground. This would be phased out in the Dynamite Demo.

ANTONBLASTboilerCityplaceholder.png ANTONBLASTboilerCityKickstarterplaceholderClouds.png

Placeholder backgrounds of the aforementioned Boiler City backgrounds. Interestingly, the clouds would be baked into the sky background before being a separate background starting in the One Blast Demo, when Boiler City was redesigned.

Dynamite Demo Backgrounds


The Dynamite Demo revisions of Layer 2 and Layer 3 Boiler City.