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Atari: 80 Classic Games in One!

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Title Screen

Atari: 80 Classic Games in One!

Also known as: Atari: The 80 Classic Games (title screen)
Developer: Digital Eclipse
Publisher: Atari, SA
Platform: Windows
Released in US: November 11, 2003
Released in EU: June 10, 2005

MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Atari: 80 Classic Games in One! is just one of the many compilations of Atari games that have been released over the years. Not to be confused with Atari Anthology which had similar cover art and most of the same games.

Unused Games

Within the folder containing all the Atari 2600 ROMs are two unused files: Colours.bin and Sound.bin. These are files created for testing (see unused text below) that can be played by renaming them to game files that are used.

The files tai01.bin (an edited version of Combat called Tank AI) and temp2600.BIN (Tempest prototype) are not unused, but they are only accessible as somewhat hard-to-notice Easter eggs and are not advertised as being included in the game. To play them, open the Images section of the Bonus Material screen and click on their respective thumbnails.

Unused Text

The file containing all the information and instructions for the Atari 2600 games, Sheets.txt, also includes the text meant to go with the aforementioned unused test files near the very end of it.

\What is this?
This ROM was created as part of the development 
process for ^RAtari 80 Classic Games^0.  This ROM
was transferred into a genuine first generation 
Atari 2600 (bought by the lead programmer's 
family back in 1977!) via a Cuttlecart.  It cycles
through all the available colours in the Atari 
2600 palette, displaying the colour's number as a 
binary "bar code" at the top.  The output of the 
Atari 2600 was hooked up to a video capture card, 
and each frame was digitised and its colour ID 
determined by reading the bar code on the image.
All frames of the same colour were then averaged 
together to get an average "RGB" colour value for
that number.  This process was used to get accu-
rate colour matches with the original Atari 2600.
\What is this?
This ROM was created as part of the development 
process for ^RAtari 80 Classic Games^0.  This 
ROM was transferred into a genuine first gener-
ation Atari 2600 (bought by the lead programmer's
family back in 1977!) via a Cuttlecart.  It plays
a sound sequence consisting of a one second low-
volume beep, 1 second of silence, and then 4 
seconds of a particular Atari 2600 "voice", 
followed by another 1 second of silence.  Each of
the available voices is played in turn at a 
preset frequency.  (Once all voices were played, 
the frequency would change and the process would 
repeat.)  The output was captured via a PC's 

\Page 2

sound card and a program found the sound's 
fundamental pattern.  These captures were used 
to generate accurate sound matches with the 
Atari 2600.

Note: The left difficulty must be in the B 
position for the sounds to start.