Developer: Z-Axis
BMX XXX, featuring Vin Diesel on a push bike.
Unused Music
Present in the Xbox version are 8 unused songs that are unreferenced by music.zsd.
Filename | Song | Notes |
3IsTheMagicNumber.WMA | De La Soul - The Magic Number | A duplicate of MagicNumber.WMA, but is quieter and with a longer fadeout. |
JustaGirl.WMA | No Doubt - Just A Girl | |
KnowtheLedge.WMA | Know The Ledge - Eric B. & Rakim | |
LooksThatKill.WMA | Looks That Kill - Mötley Crüe | |
MotleyCrue.WMA | Looks That Kill - Mötley Crüe | Duplicate of LooksThatKill.WMA but with a later fadeout. |
NERD.WMA | Nerd - Project Pluto | |
Quarashi.WMA | Stick 'Em Up - Quarashi | This song was featured in some games, like ATV Offroad Fury 2 and Test Drive Off-Road Wide Open. |
WhiteStripes.WMA | Fell in Love with a Girl - The White Stripes |
Unused Credits
Present in the Xbox version, the file copy.tmp is an early version of the credits file from when the game was known as "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX XXX". This was from before Dave Mirra sued to remove his name from the game. It seems to have been mostly recycled from the previous game, Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2, most notable with the music list near the end.
#RGB{55 180 26}Z-Axis #RGB{192 192 192}PROJECT MANAGEMENT#RGB{192 192 192} Glen Egan #RGB{192 192 192}GAME DESIGN#RGB{192 192 192} Tin Guerrero Ray Yeomans #RGB{192 192 192}LEAD ENGINEER#RGB{192 192 192} David Grace #RGB{192 192 192}GAME ENGINEERING#RGB{192 192 192} Chris March Mathieu Mazarolle #RGB{192 192 192}PROJECT ART LEAD#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}CHARACTER ANIMATION#RGB{192 192 192} Andrew Guevara Bob Jeffery Fred Carbral ? #RGB{192 192 192}CHARACTER ARTIST#RGB{192 192 192} Matt Hale Chrissy Jean Juan Ortiz ? #RGB{192 192 192}LEVEL ARTISTS#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}PARK EDITOR ARTISTS#RGB{192 192 192} Ray Yeomans ? #RGB{192 192 192}INTERFACE ARTIST#RGB{192 192 192} Sunny Lee #RGB{192 192 192}CONCEPTUAL ART#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}GAME ENGINE#RGB{192 192 192} Paul Murray ? #RGB{192 192 192}PARK EDITOR ENGINEERING#RGB{192 192 192} Mark Billington Jonathan Mercier #RGB{192 192 192}INTERFACE ENGINEER#RGB{192 192 192} Chris March #RGB{192 192 192}SKELETAL DYNAMICS SYSTEM#RGB{192 192 192} #RGB{192 192 192}MAM D TECHNOLOGY#RGB{192 192 192} #RGB{192 192 192}ANIMATION SYSTEM#RGB{192 192 192} Nick Torkos #RGB{192 192 192}AUDIO ENGINEERING#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}TOOLS ENGINEERS#RGB{192 192 192} Brian Hall ? #RGB{192 192 192}ADDITIONAL ART#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}VIDEO EDITING#RGB{192 192 192} Sunny Lee #RGB{192 192 192}ADDITIONAL GAME DESIGN#RGB{192 192 192} Shawn David Rosen #RGB{192 192 192}MOTION CAPTURE TALENT#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}BMX CONSULTANTS#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}Z-AXIS VIDEO SOUND#RGB{192 192 192} ? #RGB{192 192 192}EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT#RGB{192 192 192} David Luntz Reagan Luntz #RGB{192 192 192}SPECIAL THANKS TO:#RGB{192 192 192} Rowena Policar Irving and Margie Luntz John and Lois Penner Alex and Jaye Luntz Mary Guerrero and Mojo Soccer, the beautiful game The Grace Family CanyonStrafers Mo, Anthony, Anik and Tim The Torkos Family Iraj Dhindar The Carthen Family Sean, Brad and Campbell Helena Donnie, a good bowler and a good man Angela Marie Lentini Baby and Tigger the Cats Sophie Wiggletail Helen, for loving support Sofa Junkie, for keeping me sane Nicole Clayton The Brimstone Society TEAM CUTE 16volt Sari Kawas for her support and patience. Monica, and Rita, Riana, Alyssia, Lazaro Arellano for their love and support Conor, Amber, & Roy Tenya, Don, Debbie, Cindy, Jessica, & Justin Watt Mel Wickten, Mom, Sake, Nikita, Sniffles, & Jillaroo any other Watt not mentioned Stacey Giotto Izzy, Brian, Alan, and the other Hayward Videogame Clerks The Emergency Gall Bladder Removal Squad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #RGB{55 180 26}ACCLAIM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT#RGB{192 192 192} #RGB{192 192 192}Executive Producer #RGB{192 192 192} Shawn David Rosen #RGB{192 192 192}MARKETING #RGB{192 192 192}Sr Director of #RGB{192 192 192}Brand Management#RGB{192 192 192} Steve Felsen #RGB{192 192 192}Brand Manager Max Sports #RGB{192 192 192} Ben Fischbach #RGB{192 192 192}Marketing Coordinator#RGB{192 192 192} Zach Smith #RGB{192 192 192}Senior Media Editor#RGB{192 192 192} Jack Scalici #RGB{192 192 192}ACCLAIM UK MARKETING/PR TEAM #RGB{192 192 192}International PR Manager#RGB{192 192 192} Simon Smith-Wright #RGB{192 192 192}Marketing Manager#RGB{192 192 192} Ned Browning #RGB{192 192 192}International Online Manager#RGB{192 192 192} James Sheahan #RGB{192 192 192}Acclaim UK PR#RGB{192 192 192} Jeremy Chubb #RGB{192 192 192}PUBLIC RELATIONS #RGB{192 192 192}Director of Public Relations#RGB{192 192 192} Alan B. Lewis #RGB{192 192 192}PR Intern#RGB{192 192 192} Matthew Schlosberg #RGB{192 192 192}CHO Highwater Group#RGB{192 192 192} Dan Harnett Tara Blanco #RGB{192 192 192}QUALITY ASSURANCE #RGB{192 192 192}MANAGER #RGB{192 192 192} Brian Regan #RGB{192 192 192}SUPERVISORS#RGB{192 192 192} Bill Handworth Matt Canonico #RGB{192 192 192}SENIOR LEAD ANALYSTS#RGB{192 192 192} Bonchi Martinez Martin Glantz #RGB{192 192 192}LEAD ANALYSTS#RGB{192 192 192} James Dima Jennifer Simone #RGB{192 192 192}PROJECT LEADS#RGB{192 192 192} Sean Stephen Sharp Maurice Philips #RGB{192 192 192}TESTERS#RGB{192 192 192} Brian Alcazar Jason Brown James Bonti Charles Beck Brian Geary Brett Golub Christian Johnson Chris Knowles James Orr Diana Wu Michael Zacconi #RGB{192 192 192}ACCLAIM MOTION CAPTURE #RGB{192 192 192}STUDIO #RGB{192 192 192}Motion Production Manager #RGB{192 192 192}Andy Acquilino #RGB{192 192 192}Mocap Shoot Crew#RGB{192 192 192} Rich Nelson Sean Ludlam #RGB{192 192 192}Mocap manager Post #RGB{192 192 192} production group Hajime Ogata #RGB{192 192 192}Data Processing Crew#RGB{192 192 192} Scott Douglas Mike Passuello Chris Peacock Nicole Dicarlo Cynthia D'ambrosio Jon Squitieri Christine Squitieri John Meehan Anthony M. Mazzola Dave Voci KSM #RGB{192 192 192}Mocap Studio Services#RGB{192 192 192} Christine Lutz Jean-Frank Dorvil #RGB{55 180 26}ACCLAIM ONLINE#RGB{192 192 192} #RGB{192 192 192}Director Internet Properties#RGB{192 192 192} Ben Fischbach #RGB{192 192 192}Web Designer#RGB{192 192 192} Jarrett Brilliant #RGB{192 192 192}Assistant Webmaster#RGB{192 192 192} Mark Demofsky #RGB{192 192 192}Internet Architect#RGB{192 192 192} Bobby Saha #RGB{192 192 192}CREATIVE SERVICES #RGB{192 192 192}CS Director #RGB{192 192 192}Scott Jenkins #RGB{192 192 192}Traffic Manager#RGB{192 192 192} Lisa Koch #RGB{192 192 192}European Co-Ordinator#RGB{192 192 192} Tammi Willis #RGB{192 192 192}Designer#RGB{192 192 192} Colleen Caraher #RGB{192 192 192}Manual#RGB{192 192 192} Bill Dickson #RGB{192 192 192}STRATEGY GUIDE #RGB{192 192 192}WRITER #RGB{192 192 192}Brian Geary #RGB{192 192 192}PUBLISHER, EDITOR#RGB{192 192 192} Walter Black #RGB{192 192 192}DESIGNERS#RGB{192 192 192} Colleen Caraher Marina Rujevic Omar Pardon #RGB{192 192 192}CONSUMER SERVICE #RGB{192 192 192} Consumer Service Manager Tara Schiraldi #RGB{192 192 192}Game Counselors #RGB{192 192 192} Brennen Vega William Teel James Giambrone #RGB{192 192 192}ACCLAIM AUDIO#RGB{192 192 192} #RGB{192 192 192}Executive Audio Director #RGB{192 192 192}Rick Fox #RGB{192 192 192}Executive Assistant#RGB{192 192 192} Christie Atkins #RGB{192 192 192}Audio Producer#RGB{192 192 192} Mike Tekulve #RGB{192 192 192}INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT #RGB{192 192 192}Manager #RGB{192 192 192}Chris Maher #RGB{192 192 192}Technicians#RGB{192 192 192} Leigh Busch Chris Rappo Josh Rodgers #RGB{192 192 192}SPECIAL THANKS #RGB{192 192 192} Brett Gow Eric Hendrickson Howard Perlman James Cradock Dan Garcia Jennie Racanelli Robin Rosen Travis Rosen Zach Rosen Bailey Rosen Dave Mirra Ryan Nyquist Mike Laird Kenan Harkin Leigh Ramsdell Joey Garcia Troy McMurray Tim Mirra Colin MacKay Luc-E Rick Moliterno Scott Wirch Todd Lyons Zach Shaw Mark Eaton "Bang Pictures" Stin Anderson "Dog on a Bike Films" Steve Olpin "Dog on a Bike Films" #RGB{192 192 192}Woodward Camp #RGB{132 132 132}{192 192 192} Gary Ream Ed Isabelle Chris Hallman Steve Hass Sharon Meyers #RGB{55 180 26}Haro Bikes #RGB{192 192 192}Pete Demos #RGB{55 180 26}Nirve Bikes #RGB{192 192 192}Doug Martin #RGB{55 180 26}S & M Bikes #RGB{192 192 192}Chris Moeller #RGB{55 180 26}Specialized #RGB{192 192 192}Allison Hunt and Ben Capron #RGB{55 180 26}Eastern Bikes #RGB{192 192 192}John Byers #RGB{55 180 26}Standard Bykes #RGB{192 192 192}Rick Moliterno #RGB{55 180 26}Huffy #RGB{192 192 192}Rich Vitiello #RGB{55 180 26}Mongoose #RGB{192 192 192}Erick Marcheschi #RGB{55 180 26}Amanda Harmon #RGB{192 192 192}Travis Chiprey #RGB{55 180 26}Wethepeople #RGB{55 180 26}Base Brooklyn #RGB{55 180 26}UGP #RGB{192 192 192}Ron Bonner Jr. #RGB{55 180 26}FOX #RGB{192 192 192}Anna Fox, Lance Langston #RGB{55 180 26}TSA Clothing #RGB{192 192 192}Angel Cabada #RGB{55 180 26}Airwalk Shoes #RGB{192 192 192}Shannon Hoffman #RGB{55 180 26}DC Shoe Co. #RGB{192 192 192}Pam Zam #RGB{55 180 26}Osiris Shoes #RGB{192 192 192}Derric Swinfard #RGB{55 180 26}Adidas #RGB{192 192 192}Molly Ruscoe #RGB{55 180 26}Duffs #RGB{192 192 192}RP Bess #RGB{55 180 26}Split #RGB{192 192 192}Mark Sperling #RGB{55 180 26}TSG/NHS #RGB{192 192 192}Jeff Kendall #RGB{55 180 26}NO FEAR #RGB{192 192 192}Jeff Surwall #RGB{55 180 26}Pro-tec #RGB{192 192 192}Chip Crittenden, Chris Archer #RGB{55 180 26}Slim Jim #RGB{192 192 192}Shannon Wright, Tina Larsen #RGB{55 180 26}Troy Lee Designs #RGB{192 192 192}Dan Dilkey #RGB{55 180 26}PUMA #RGB{192 192 192}Nick Vlcek #RGB{55 180 26}Arnette #RGB{192 192 192}Gary Siskar #RGB{55 180 26}Speed Stick #RGB{192 192 192}Erick Marcheschi #RGB{55 180 26}Hyundai #RGB{192 192 192}Erick Marcheschi #RGB{55 180 26}Oakley #RGB{192 192 192}Mark Action Scurto #RGB{55 180 26}The Familie #RGB{192 192 192}Steve Astephen, Markus Paulsen, Michelle Lindsay #RGB{55 180 26}Useless Clothing #RGB{192 192 192}Leigh Ramsdell #RGB{55 180 26}Spred Clothing #RGB{192 192 192}Kevin McBride #RGB{55 180 26}East Coast Destruction #RGB{55 180 26}Ridgeline Designs #RGB{192 192 192}Luke Ackerman #RGB{55 180 26}Plugg Jeans #RGB{192 192 192}Erick Marcheschi #RGB{55 180 26}Knucklebone #RGB{192 192 192}Spencer Thompson #RGB{55 180 26}ODI Ornate Designs #RGB{192 192 192}Bill Grad #RGB{55 180 26}Sun Rims #RGB{192 192 192}Greg Demopoulous #RGB{55 180 26}EVS Speed Protection Pro Gear #RGB{192 192 192}Todd Lentz #RGB{55 180 26}Rampage Indoor Skatepark #RGB{192 192 192}Rick Moliterno #RGB{55 180 26}Goodtimes #RGB{192 192 192}Rick Moliterno #RGB{55 180 26}Kenda Tires #RGB{192 192 192}Jim Wannamaker #RGB{55 180 26}AXO #RGB{55 180 26}SixSixOne #RGB{55 180 26}Jiffy Market #RGB{55 180 26}Extreme Sports Channel #RGB{55 180 26}Skatelite #RGB{55 180 26}Miracle Boy and Nyquist #RGB{132 132 132} #RGB{55 180 26}Big Worms #RGB{192 192 192}Bear "replicant" Powell Mark Aviles Sean Manchee Stephen Noyes Danny Anderson Cassidy McAuliffe Photographer Carl Hyndman #RGB{55 180 26}Fenchurch #RGB{55 180 26}High Five Productions Some of the Mirra 2 video footage provided and presented by Josh Harrington AND Jon Reed @ High Five Productions. We would like to thank Josh Harrington, Bruce Crisman and Jon Reed for the additional filming: footage assembly and coordination by Jon Reed. Brad 'Grannelbark' Ball The entire Virtual Tailwhip crew #RGB{55 180 26}BMX SOUNDTRACK #RGB{192 192 192}"Doin' Time" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}Sublime #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Gasoline Alley / MCA Records #RGB{192 192 192}"Hypocritical" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}Methods of Mayhem #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}MCA Records #RGB{192 192 192}"Moment of Truth" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}Gang Starr #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Virgin Records America, Inc. #RGB{192 192 192}"She Sells Sanctuary" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}The Cult #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Beggars Banquet #RGB{192 192 192}Records Limited #RGB{192 192 192}"Wake Up" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}Rage Against The Machine #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Epic Records and #RGB{192 192 192}Sony New Media Licensing #RGB{192 192 192}"Awake" #RGB{192 192 192}Preformed by #RGB{192 192 192}Godsmack #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Republic Records #RGB{192 192 192}"Paranoid" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}Ozzy Osbourne #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. #RGB{192 192 192}"Makes No Difference" #RGB{192 192 192}Preformed by #RGB{192 192 192}Sum 41 #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}The Island #RGB{192 192 192}Def Jam Music Group #RGB{192 192 192}"All My Fault" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}Fenix TX #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}MCA Records #RGB{192 192 192}"Buggin' Out" #RGB{192 192 192}Performed by #RGB{192 192 192}A Tribe Called Quest #RGB{192 192 192}Courtesy of #RGB{192 192 192}Jive Records #RGB{255 255 255}THANK YOU FOR PLAYING #RGB{255 255 255}DAVE MIRRA FREESTYLE BMX XXX
Developer Text
To do: Level .txt files. |
Present in all versions is Scene.txt, seemingly leftover from development.
// *---------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Z-Axis Gaming Environment // * Copyright (C) 2000, Z-Axis, LTD. All rights reserved. // * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // * // * File: Scene.Txt // * Description: Scene definition for the BMX2 game. // * Created by: Mathieu Mazerolle Dec 07, 2000. // * // * $Header: /bmx2/assets/com/Scene.txt 1 7/12/00 9:02a Mat $ // * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // // * Overview:This file consists of:- // 1. A 'SCENE_COMMON' section, this describes assets which // may be used by all scenes. // 2. Multiple 'SCENE' sections, for scene specific assets // // This script doesn't necessarily mean that the assets will be loaded, it merely defines // working sets of assets. Eg. You may define 10 player models in the SCENE_COMMON section, but // chose one of them from a menu at run-time. // // Variables may be defined and used as follows:- // #define TypePlayer 0 // #define TypeBadGuy 1 // #define TypePlayerBoy 0 // #define TypePlayerGirl 1 // // TYPE $ClassPlayer // SUBTYPE $TypePlayerBoy // // // SCENE { // NAME "scene id name" - Name of scene - Used by app. to reference the scene // // FILE "file name" - File name of the scene definition file // // [ANIM { - Define an animation library // NAME "anim id name" - Identifier name of the animation library. Used by the app // to identify this library // FILE "anim file name" - The filename of the library. If a .ZAL file, the id name is // hashed to create th asset id // } ] // // [MODEL { - Define a model definition // NAME "model id name" - Identifier name of the model. Used by the app // to identify this model // FILE "model file name" - The filename of the model. If a .ZAL file, the id name is // hashed to create th asset id // TYPE typeID - App specific type identifier (Eg. Player, BadGuy etc) // SUBTYPE subTypeID - App specific sub type identifier (Eg. PlayerGirl/PlayerBoy Player etc) // [ANIM {..}] - Define an animation for this model // [ANIM {..}] // } ] // } // *----------------------------------------------------------------------* #define kModelTypePlayer 0 // Is a player #define kModelTypeBike 1 // Is a bike #define kModelTypeMisc 2 // Miscellaneous type // Common to all scenes SCENE_COMMON { MODEL { NAME "skeleton" TYPE 0 SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\create\skeleton.zal" } // bike models MODEL { NAME "bike.Dirty.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Dirty.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Dirty.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Dirty.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Dirty.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Softcore.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Softcore.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Softcore.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Softcore.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Softcore.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.SoulPatrol.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.SoulPatrol.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.SoulPatrol.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.SoulPatrol.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.SoulPatrol.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Simian.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Simian.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Simian.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Simian.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Simian.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Scat.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Scat.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Scat.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Scat.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Scat.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.GString.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.GString.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.GString.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.GString.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.GString.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Amish.01" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Amish.02" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Amish.03" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Amish.04" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "bike.Amish.05" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } // NPR's MODEL { NAME "NPR.Rider00" TYPE $kModelTypePlayer SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } // NPR bikes MODEL { NAME "NPR.Bike00" TYPE $kModelTypeBike SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } // NPC icons MODEL { NAME "icon.NPR_Available" TYPE $kModelTypeMisc SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } MODEL { NAME "icon.Checkpoint" TYPE $kModelTypeMisc SUBTYPE 0 FILE "assets\models.zal" } } // local levels SCENE { NAME "local.CHL_MULY" FILE "assets\levels\CHL_MULY\CHL_MULY.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CHL_DAM" FILE "assets\levels\CHL_DAM\CHL_DAM.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CHL_SHEP" FILE "assets\levels\CHL_SHEP\CHL_SHEP.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CHL_SYRA" FILE "assets\levels\CHL_SYRA\CHL_SYRA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CHL_MNCO" FILE "assets\levels\CHL_MNCO\CHL_MNCO.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CHL_NASA" FILE "assets\levels\CHL_NASA\CHL_NASA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CMP_RMPG" FILE "assets\levels\CMP_RMPG\CMP_RMPG.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CMP_ROOT" FILE "assets\levels\CMP_ROOT\CMP_ROOT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.CMP_SCRT" FILE "assets\levels\CMP_SCRT\CMP_SCRT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.TST_FLAT" FILE "assets\levels\TST_FLAT\TST_FLAT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.TST_GRND" FILE "assets\levels\TST_GRND\TST_GRND.zit" } SCENE { NAME "local.TST_VERT" FILE "assets\levels\TST_VERT\TST_VERT.zit" } // server - A levels (ArtViewer only) SCENE { NAME "A.CHL_MULY" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CHL_MULY\CHL_MULY.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CHL_DAM" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CHL_DAM\CHL_DAM.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CHL_SHEP" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CHL_SHEP\CHL_SHEP.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CHL_SYRA" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CHL_SYRA\CHL_SYRA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CHL_MNCO" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CHL_MNCO\CHL_MNCO.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CHL_NASA" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CHL_NASA\CHL_NASA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CMP_RMPG" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CMP_RMPG\CMP_RMPG.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CMP_ROOT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CMP_ROOT\CMP_ROOT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.CMP_SCRT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\CMP_SCRT\CMP_SCRT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.TST_FLAT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\TST_FLAT\TST_FLAT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.TST_GRND" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\TST_GRND\TST_GRND.zit" } SCENE { NAME "A.TST_VERT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\A\TST_VERT\TST_VERT.zit" } // server - B levels (ArtViewer only) SCENE { NAME "B.CHL_MULY" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CHL_MULY\CHL_MULY.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CHL_DAM" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CHL_DAM\CHL_DAM.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CHL_SHEP" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CHL_SHEP\CHL_SHEP.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CHL_SYRA" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CHL_SYRA\CHL_SYRA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CHL_MNCO" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CHL_MNCO\CHL_MNCO.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CHL_NASA" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CHL_NASA\CHL_NASA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CMP_RMPG" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CMP_RMPG\CMP_RMPG.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CMP_ROOT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CMP_ROOT\CMP_ROOT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.CMP_SCRT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\CMP_SCRT\CMP_SCRT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.TST_FLAT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\TST_FLAT\TST_FLAT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.TST_GRND" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\TST_GRND\TST_GRND.zit" } SCENE { NAME "B.TST_VERT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\B\TST_VERT\TST_VERT.zit" } // server - C levels (ArtViewer only) SCENE { NAME "C.CHL_MULY" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CHL_MULY\CHL_MULY.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CHL_DAM" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CHL_DAM\CHL_DAM.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CHL_SHEP" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CHL_SHEP\CHL_SHEP.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CHL_SYRA" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CHL_SYRA\CHL_SYRA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CHL_MNCO" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CHL_MNCO\CHL_MNCO.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CHL_NASA" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CHL_NASA\CHL_NASA.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CMP_RMPG" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CMP_RMPG\CMP_RMPG.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CMP_ROOT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CMP_ROOT\CMP_ROOT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.CMP_SCRT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\CMP_SCRT\CMP_SCRT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.TST_FLAT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\TST_FLAT\TST_FLAT.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.TST_GRND" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\TST_GRND\TST_GRND.zit" } SCENE { NAME "C.TST_VERT" FILE "S:\bmx3\Art_In_Progress\Level_Exports\C\TST_VERT\TST_VERT.zit" } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARK EDITOR OBJECTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCENE { NAME "PEObjects" FILE "assets\editor\objects\objects.zit" } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARK EDITOR THEMES ////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCENE { NAME "PEMullaly" FILE "assets\editor\Mullaly\mullaly.ZIT" } SCENE { NAME "PEUGP" FILE "assets\editor\UGP\UGP.ZIT" } SCENE { NAME "PEZAxis" FILE "assets\editor\ZAxis\ZAxis.ZIT" } SCENE { NAME "PERampage" FILE "assets\editor\rampage\rampage.ZIT" } END
Present only in the GameCube version is responseFile.txt.
"C:\bmx3\build\GC\BMX3.elf" /countsMask 83 /profileDir "C:\bmx3\build\GC" /bblockCounter /additionalArgruments "" /retainProfiles 3 /cpu PPC_750 /atomToolData "C:\bmx3\build\GC" # project dir "C:\bmx3\build\GC\BMX3_hiprof.elf" # run application name "" # run arguments "C:\bmx3\build\GC" # run working directory 1 # number of DLLs "C:\bmx3\build\GC\BMX3.elf" 1 10949640 1295617936 29523845 1
Differences Between Ports
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. |
In a shocking twist the PlayStation 2 version is the only version where the topless nudity is censored, except for the European version whereby the nudity is fully uncensored like on all other consoles. Sony even went as far to have the devs remove the breast size slider.
Music Credits
In each version, the music credits were slightly updated.
Xbox | PlayStation 2 |
Basketcase - Greenday Bout That Time - Large Professor Click Click Boom - Saliva Crackling & Evil Twin - Alien Breed Cute Minus 'E' (Cut From The Team) - Taking Back Sunday Date Rape - Sublime Down - 311 Downfall - TRUSTCompany Girls, Girls, Girls - Motley Crue Judgement Day & SPP - Brand New Sin Juice (Know The Ledge) - Eric B & Rakim Lapdance - N.E.R.D. My Friends Over You - New Found Glory Plastic & Giving Gravity A Hand - Ten Foot Pole Step Into A World (Raptures Delight) - KRS One The Energy - Audiovent The Magic Number - De La Soul |
Basket Case - Greenday Bout That Time - Large Professor Click Click Boom - Saliva Crackling & Evil Twin - Alien Breed Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From The Team) - Taking Back Sunday Date Rape - Sublime Down - 311 Downfall - TRUSTCompany Girls, Girls, Girls - Motley Crue Judgement Day & SPP - Brand New Sin Juice (Know The Ledge) - Eric B & Rakim Lapdance - N.E.R.D. My Friends Over You - New Found Glory Plastic & Giving Gravity A Hand - Ten Foot Pole Step Into A World (Rapture's Delight) - KRS-One The Energy - Audiovent The Magic Number - De La Soul |
GameCube | |
Basket Case - Green Day Bout That Time - Large Professor Click Click Boom - Saliva Crackling & Evil Twin - Alien Breed Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From The Team) - Taking Back Sunday Down - 311 Downfall - TRUSTCompany Girls, Girls, Girls - Motley Crue Judgement Day & SPP - Brand New Sin Juice (Know The Ledge) - Eric B & Rakim Lapdance - N.E.R.D. My Friends Over You - New Found Glory Plastic & Giving Gravity A Hand - Ten Foot Pole Step Into A World (Rapture's Delight) - KRS-One The Energy - Audiovent The Magic Number - De La Soul |
In the PlayStation 2 version, "Basketcase" was corrected to "Basket Case", "Cute Minus 'E' (Cut From The Team)" was corrected to "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From The Team)" and "Step Into A World (Raptures Delight)" by "KRS One" was corrected to "Step Into A World (Rapture's Delight)" by "KRS-One". The GameCube version omits Date Rape, and further corrects "Greenday" to "Green Day".
The Dave Mirra series
| |
Game Boy Color | Freestyle BMX |
PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox | Freestyle BMX 2 |
Spin-offs / Related | |
GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox | BMX XXX |
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- Games developed by Z-Axis
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- Games published by Acclaim Entertainment
- Xbox games
- PlayStation 2 games
- GameCube games
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- Games released in 2002
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 10
- Games released on November 16
- Games released on November 24
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 6
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused music
- Games with revisional differences
- To do
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- Dave Mirra series
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Z-Axis
Games > Games by platform > GameCube games
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Throwback Entertainment > Games published by Acclaim Entertainment
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2002
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 6
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 10
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 16
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 24
Games > Games by series > Dave Mirra series