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Beaterator (PlayStation Portable)

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Title Screen


Developer: Rockstar Leeds[1]
Publisher: Rockstar Games[1]
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Released in US: September 29, 2009[2][3]
Released in EU: October 2, 2009[3]
Released in AU: October 2, 2009

CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

A music maker game/software for the PlayStation Portable. Brought to you by Timbaland!


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Text

The directories within SYSTEM\BOOTSTAR\LANGUAGE contain text strings for each of the game's five available languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish). Within them, the file STRINGS\BROWSER.BST contains the strings seen in the Studio. Curiously, some earlier, commented-out versions of these strings, as well as completely unused ones, can also be found, as noted below:


Unused Used
stUploadSucceededBody Song uploaded successfully. Returning to Beaterator. Song uploaded successfully.
stNoFilesBody No Song files found to extract. Returning to Beaterator. No Song files found to unpack.
stUnpackFinishedBody Downloaded Songs were successfully unpacked. Returning to Beaterator. Downloaded Songs were successfully unpacked.
stNotEnoughSpaceBody Not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. Need %0 KB to unpack this Song. N/A
stNotEnoughSpaceBody Not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. Need %0 KB more space to unpack this Song. Do you wish to delete save data from your Memory Stick™? N/A
stOverwriteMessage1 You already have a Song of this name uploaded. You already have a Song of this name uploaded. Overwrite with this version?
stOverwriteCancelledMessage The new Song was not uploaded. Returning to Beaterator. The new Song was not uploaded.
stOptOk OK Yes
stOptCancel Cancel No
ioerr_Inval Specified value of whence is invalid N/A
stNoDownloadsMessage1 No Songs were queued to be downloaded. Your Rockstar Social Club queue is empty.
stDownloadCompleteMessage1 The files queued from the Social Club were downloaded and extracted. The Songs were successfully downloaded from the Rockstar Social Club Queue.
stSkipDownload Beaterator-triangle.png SKIP DOWNLOAD Beaterator-triangle.png SKIP SONG
stCancel Beaterator-circle.png RETURN TO BEATERATOR Beaterator-circle.png CANCEL
stReset The operation failed during suspend/resume. Do you want to retry? The operation was aborted because Beaterator entered and exited sleep mode. Do you want to retry?
stRegister Visit www.rockstarsocialclub.com to create a Social Club account. Visit www.rockstarsocialclub.com to create a Social Club account or retrieve a lost password.
stLoginFailedRequestXMLError Login request failed.
The response from the authentication server could not be parsed.
Login request failed.
Unable to communicate with the authentication server. Would you like to try again?


Unused Used
stNotEnoughSpaceBody Espace insuffisant sur le Memory Stick™. Décompresser ce morceau requiert %0 KB. Voulez-vous effacer des données de votre Memory Stick™ ? N/A
ioerr_Inval Emplacement spécifié invalide. N/A
stRegister Rendez-vous sur www.rockstarsocialclub.com pour créer un compte Social Club." Créez un compte Social Club ou récupérez un mot de passe perdu sur www.rockstarsocialclub.com.


Unused Used
stNotEnoughSpaceBody Nicht genügend freier Speicherplatz auf dem Memory Stick™. Zum Entpacken dieses Songs werden mindestens %0 KB benötigt. Möchtest du gespeicherte Daten löschen? N/A
ioerr_Inval Der Wert der Ortsangabe ist ungültig N/A
stRegister Visit www.rockstarsocialclub.com to create a Social Club account. Besuche www.rockstarsocialclub.com, um ein Social Club-Konto zu erstellen oder ein verlorenes Passwort wiederherzustellen.


stNotEnoughSpaceBody Spazio libero insufficiente sul Memory Stick™. Per la decompressione del brano sono necessari %0 KB. Elimina dei dati salvati dal tuo Memory Stick™?
ioerr_Inval Il valore di provenienza specificato non è corretto


stNotEnoughSpaceBody Espacio insuficiente en el Memory Stick™. Se necesitan %0 KB para descomprimir esta canción. ¿Deseas borrar datos guardados?
ioerr_Inval El origen del valor especificado no es válido.

Hidden Developer Credit

In addition to the earlier text strings, the aforementioned BROWSER.BST files also contain hidden credits, often structured like the following examples:

// SteveW 07/08/09

// SteveW new strings for new GUI 01/04/09

SteveW is Steve Wilson, who is credited in this game under Programming.
