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Bikkuriman Daijikai

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Title Screen

Bikkuriman Daijikai

Developer: Mutech
Publisher: Hudson Soft
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released in JP: December 23, 1988

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.

Source Code

Fragments of source code and makefiles are found throughout track 02 and track 73.

(Source: High Risk Revolution)
ODIR = .
SDIR = .
RDIR = Rels
DDIR = ../../defs

COMMON = ../../rels/common.o

HEADER = $(DDIR)/c62.h $(DDIR)/macro.h $(DDIR)/bikkuri.h $(DDIR)/taskc62.h \
		 $(DDIR)/signal.h $(DDIR)/backgnd.h $(DDIR)/sector.h

LFLAGS = -v -m -oivent3.bx

OBJS =	ivent3.bin \
		i3bg.bin i3sp.bin


make.dat : $(OBJS)
	touch $<

# コントロール・プログラム

RELS  =	$(RDIR)/ivent3.o $(RDIR)/chktime.o $(RDIR)/fade.o \
		$(RDIR)/i3bat.o $(RDIR)/i3col.o
LFILE =	linkfile

ivent3.bin : $(RELS) $(LFILE) $(COMMON)
	lk $(LFLAGS) @$(LFILE)
	cv $*.bx $<
	del $*.bx
	hdwrite -u $< event

# メインプログラム
$(RDIR)/ivent3.o : ivent3.s $(HEADER) i3.h
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/ivent3.o ivent3.s

# 時間のチェク
$(RDIR)/chktime.o : chktime.s i3.h
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/chktime.o chktime.s

# フェードイン/フェードアウト
$(RDIR)/fade.o : fade.s i3.h
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/fade.o fade.s

$(RDIR)/i3bat.o : i3bat.s
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/i3bat.o i3bat.s

# BG カラーデータ
$(RDIR)/i3col.o : i3col.s
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/i3col.o i3col.s

# BG/SPのCGデータ

# BG
i3bg.bin : $(RDIR)/i3bg.o
	lk -v -m /cseg:0:0 $(RDIR)/$*.o -o$*.bx
	cv $*.bx $<
	del $*.bx
	hdwrite -u $< event

$(RDIR)/i3bg.o : i3bg.bg
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/i3bg.o i3bg.bg

# SP
i3sp.bin : $(RDIR)/i3sp.o
	lk -v -m /cseg:0:0 $(RDIR)/$*.o -o$*.bx
	cv $*.bx $<
	del $*.bx
	hdwrite -u $< event

$(RDIR)/i3sp.o : i3sp.sp
	as $(AFLAGS) -o$(RDIR)/i3sp.o i3sp.sp

ODIR = .
SDIR = .
RDIR = ../Rels

HEADER = ../..\DEFS\c62.h ../..\DEFS\macro.h ../..\DEFS\bikkuri.h \
		../..\DEFS\taskc62.h ../..\DEFS\sector.h
LFILE  = linkfile

LFLAGS = -v -m -oivent1.bx

OBJS = rels/ivent1.o rels/fadesub.o ../../rels/common.o
BINBG = ibg1.bin
BINSP = isp1.bin


ivent1.bin : $(OBJS) $(LFILE)
	lk $(LFLAGS) @$(LFILE)
	cv $*.bx $<
	hdwrite -u $(BINBG) event
	hdwrite -u $(BINSP) event
 	hdwrite -u $< event

rels/ivent1.o : ivent1.s $(HEADER)
	as $(AFLAGS) -orels/ivent1.o ivent1.s

rels/fadesub.o : fadesub.s
	as $(AFLAGS) -orels/fadesub.o fadesub.s
	as  $<

HEADER	= mscmac.h
OBJS	= psgdata.o mscdat.o\
		wavedata.o envdata.o fmdata.o pedata.o pcdata.o\
		P1.O P2.O P3.O P4.O P5.O P6.O P7.O\
		SE8_0.O SE8_1.O SE8_2.O\
		SE1_0.O SE1_1.O SE2_0.O SE2_1.O SE2_2.O SE2_3.O\
		SE3_0.O SE4_0.O SE6_0.O SE7_0.O SE9_0.O\
		SE13_0.O SE14_0.O SE15_0.O SE16_0.O SE17_0.O

psgdata.bin : $(OBJS) linkfile makefile addfile
	lk  -m -o$*.bx @linkfile
	cv	$*.bx tt.bin
	del	$*.bx
	addbin -i=addfile -o=$<
	del tt.bin 
	hdwrite -u $< psg

;*														*
;*	C62 system Constant Header							*
;*			by K.Hasegawa	'88.06.04					*
;*														*

;*	c6270; (7up)										*

;* I/0 address
c6270_stat	equ	$0000		; status register 
REG7UP		equ	$0000		;select 7up register
LOW7UP		equ	$0002		;low byte to 7up
HI7UP		equ	$0003		;high byte to 7up

;* 7up register numbers
MAWR		equ	0
MARR		equ	1
VWR			equ	2
VRR			equ	2
CTAR		equ	3
CTR			equ	4
CR			equ	5
RCR			equ	6
BXR			equ	7
BYR			equ	8
MWR			equ	9
HSR			equ	10
HDR			equ	11
VPR			equ	12
VDR			equ	13
VCR			equ	14
DCR			equ	15
SOUR		equ	16
DISR		equ	17
LENR		equ	18
DVSSR		equ	19

;* c6270 status register bit position
SR7UP_CR	equ		%0000_0001
SR7UP_OR	equ		%0000_0010
SR7UP_RR	equ		%0000_0100		; laster interrupt
SR7UP_DS	equ		%0000_1000
SR7UP_DV	equ		%0001_0000
SR7UP_VD	equ		%0010_0000		; V_sync
SR7UP_BSY	equ		%0100_0000

;*	c6280												*

;*	joy card I/O address
JOYIO		equ	$1000		;read joy card

;*	interrupt I/O address
TIMERIPORT	equ	$0c00
TIMERPORT	equ	$0c01
INTPORT		equ	$1402
INTRPORT	equ	$1403

;*	joy card bit position
JOYLEFT		equ		$80
JOYDOWN		equ		$40
JOYRIGHT	equ		$20
JOYUP		equ		$10
JOYSTART	equ		$08
JOYSELECT	equ		$04
JOYB		equ		$02
JOYA		equ		$01

;	c6260; (Tekkannon)									*

;*	I/O address
c6260_ctrl	equ	$0400		; control register
c6260_adrl	equ	$0402		; low  address register
c6260_adrh	equ	$0403		; high address register
c6260_datl	equ	$0404		; low  data register
c6260_dath	equ	$0405		; high data register