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Buddy's Gem Hunt

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Title Screen

Buddy's Gem Hunt

Publisher: PBS Kids
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2011

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Developer Text

In the xml file that is loaded with the game, some developer text can be seen.

<!--  Any files that need to be preloaded, add them here  -->

 crystalCaveAssets is built from CrystalCavesSecondaryAssets.fla and is loaded in the background while level 1 is played 

<!--  only change for debugging. This should be 6  -->

 Each level is divided into phases. The phases are each unlocked by performance.
			 If a child struggles to find the correct answer, the phase will decrease.
			 phases determine what is allowed to be spawned. Each phase also has goal parameters
			 indicating what the child is meant to find. Phases should be listed in order from easiest
			 to hardest. The simplest phase is hard coded: where all crystals are the goal
			 Additional level fields will be added later to direct the VO script.
			 It might be good to code a string parser by comma delineation for multiple kudos
			 Do we want ramping oops hints? or is it random? If ramping, we can use the order they are entered.
			 random - randomly selects from the nongoals, excluding the current goal parameter
			 same - uses the current goal
			 similar - uses the current goal some of the time, otherwise random
			 any - uses any nongoal value

		 These phases are obsolete until level 3, since size is consistent


