Bugs:Chicken Run (PlayStation, Windows, Dreamcast)
This page details bugs of Chicken Run (PlayStation, Windows, Dreamcast).
Pie Machine collision
The collision in the Pie Machine is not perfect.
- The last conveyor belt roller can be walked through at the very sides, so long as the player is moving at the correct diagonal angle.
- The second conveyor belt extends further than the graphics do at the start; as such the player gets pulled along it even when standing on seemingly "normal" ground.
- Occasionally when jumping into the dough at the correct angle, the player will fall through and out of bounds before being classed as "knocked out".
By placing Nick very close to (but not entirely up against) a corner, and then having Fetcher double-jump into the gap between Nick and the corner, a "rat stack" can be created. In this state Fetcher runs perpetually runs in place at higher than ground-level, and a jump/double-jump can be performed if timed well, allowing access to slightly higher areas.
- This can be used in the Act 3 Kitchen and Lounge to collect mandatory plan items without completing the otherwise required environment puzzles.
- This can be used in the Act 3 Pie Barn by the crate near the Pie Machine to get out-of-bounds behind the machine. Walking to the other side of the room from here results in being caught by Mr. Tweedy.
Out of bounds in Acts 2/3 Egg Room
In the Act 3 Egg Room, by pushing all 3 blue shelves to the side of the room with the Pie Barn access vent, and then jumping/falling/sliding from a higher one to a lower one whilst maintaining momentum at the right angle, the player can occasionally fall through the floor, resulting in a level reload.
Out of bounds in At 3 Toolshed
There are 2 methods to get out of bounds in the Act 3 Toolshed.
- Place one rat close to the gap that the chain-block slides into (but not inside the gap, or they'll run out when it moves). Use the other rat to pull the lever to make it slide from the tractor to the gap, and then switch back and run into the gap before the chain-block slides there. Whilst trapped inside, the player can jump out of bounds, resulting in a level reload.
- Make one rat jump over the enter/exit trapdoor, but switch to the other rat before hitting the exit trigger. The first rat is now out of bounds - switching to them results in a level reload.
Wrong camera position in "The Bunty Eggs-press"
By pausing and restarting the Sub-Game "The Bunty Eggs-press" whilst the camera is panning between two of the chute points, the camera can become mispositioned once the restart occurs. Changing chute station afterwards or pausing and restarting again will correct the issue from then onwards.
Sprout overflow
The game does not put a limit on how many sprouts the player can hold at once. Although relatively slow, sprout boxes can consistently be re-spawned and re-collected by going to Hut 1 and restarting the Act via Level Select. As a signed 32-bit integer is used to store the sprout count, a maximum of 2,147,483,647 sprouts can be held before an overflow occurs and the player has a negative sprout count starting at -2,147,483,648. The game displays and processes these states without error otherwise.