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Bugs:Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)

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This page details bugs of Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Cactus feels all lost and stuff.
This page documents Doom 2 bugs only.
Bugs from Ultimate Doom also apply here, but specific bugs from new features in Doom 2 will be shown here only.
To do:
  • Same deal with Ultimate Doom's page, document bugs listed from the Doom Wiki and Decino's 'Analysis' playlist.
    • From the playlist, Decino points out the SSG is buggy in two ways. One being that slot 3 in the "ARMS" tab isn't highlighted upon pickup, and that the muzzle flash frame bleeds over to the next frame (that being the first reload frame) within a few game ticks due to a difference in those two frames' ticks and that difference causes an oversight within how many tics they should be shown.

Doom 2 continues the buggy hell that was from the Ultimate Doom.

Ghost Monsters

One of the Arch-Viles main abilities is to resurrect monsters if it identifies there is a corpse near itself. Monsters that have been killed in any form leave a corpse and have a raise state function (that is also used on Nightmare difficulty, but we're disregarding this function used by the mode until later on) that can be used by the Arch-Vile to resurrect that monster if within range. Monsters killed and gibbed by crushers all have raise states that are used by the Arch-Vile to resurrect that monster. Some monsters that can be killed such as Lost Souls and Pain Elementals are removed from the map upon death and do not leave a corpse, but they can be crushed. If a Pain Elemental or Lost Soul were to be crushed while in their death animation, they leave a gib puddle, and thus can be resurrected from Arch-Viles. This also means that if a barrel (which has monster AI used) were to be crushed, they too can also leave a gib puddle corpse behind and can be resurrected. Very strange phenomenon. However, this resurrection after being crushed also leaves a nasty side effect similar to another bug from Ultimate Doom, that the height of zero is retained on the revived monster, and thus turns into what the community calls a "ghost" monster. These ghost monsters can pass through walls and floors, cannot be killed by all weapons except by rocket blast (splash) damage from the player, or the Cyberdemon, and monsters with melee attacks such as Pinky Demons can also harm the ghost monster. Some source ports have options to toggle ghost monsters, and some disallow this glaring bug entirely.

Skull Cube Monsters Respawning Out of Bounds on MAP 30

The Icon of Sin has two different entities associated to function as the singular beast. We have John Romero himself, and an invisible eye. John Romero serves as the hitbox, while the invisible eye serves as the entity that spawn the skull cubes. Skulls cubes can have dedicated areas that map makers can place to have the cube land on. On Nightmare difficulty, a problem is caused when its conditions have been met. Monsters on Nightmare still spawn on where a skull cube lands, but because the enemies can respawn, monsters start respawning at coordinates (0,0). Why does this happen? Well, monsters that respawn on Nightmare that isn't on MAP 30 are placed by the map maker, and respawn on their dedicated coordinates of where they were placed. MAP 30's slot is reserved for the Icon of Sin, and the monsters that are spawned from the skull cubes are not placed by the map maker, so they respawn out of bounds since there is no dedicated area for the monster to respawn, so they respawn at (0,0).

Sloppy Arch-Vile Flames

(Time stamp 4:20) There is a small graphical bug within the game that the Arch-Vile will check the player's position to initiate its devil magic attack. If the player cowers behind a wall at a certain distance, the Arch-Vile's distance check will be performed again and the X position will be checked twice, and causes the Y value to be shifted to have a flame appear away from the player. There is also another bug related to the player's position with the Arch-Vile if you were to save and reload the game. Once reloaded, the game didn't save where the Arch-Vile had targeted (in this case the player), so no attack will be caused and no damage will be taken. Most source ports have fixed the save bug.

Lost Souls Out of Bounds

(Time stamp 6:49) When a Pain Elemental dies, three Lost Souls spawn out. If a Pain Elemental dies on a wall, however, one or more Lost Souls can get behind the wall and get out of bounds. This is likely related to the projectile no-clipping as Lost Souls become their own projectiles as they charge at you. Most Boom compatible source ports have fixed this bug, and PrBoom+ allows you to toggle this.

Blazing Doors Repeat Closing Sound

(Time stamp 7:07) Blazing doors have a very small oversight after you open the door, and their closing sound is played twice. No one noticeably sees this as a bug, but it is very minimal.