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Bugs:The Krion Conquest

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This page details bugs of The Krion Conquest.

Select Button Glitches

For whatever reason, pressing or holding Select in certain situations can cause various glitches despite the button never being used for any actions in the game.

Wall Clipping

The glitch being used on the first screen with a wall.

The most major glitch is wall clipping. If the player touches the side of a wall (either on the ground or in mid-air), then holds Select and very briefly taps the opposite direction on the D-Pad, Francesca will turn around and stand inside of the wall as long as Select is held. Here, the player can repeatedly jump to scale the wall. The player will be ejected from the wall when they let go of Select, but if the wall is too thick, the player will likely be stuck, requiring the game to be reset.

Select + A

A much more minor bug. Trying to jump while holding Select will cause Francesca to do an extremely small hop, only rising a few pixels off the ground (or sometimes none). Doing this small hop will not cause the Broom to disappear if the player is riding it, like a normal jump would. It does cause Francesca to get pushed back a small amount, possibly causing her to fall off.

Ice Physics

Slippery ice physics in Stage 2 can be halted by pressing Up or Down. Simply pressing either of these buttons will cause Francesca to stop dead in her tracks, and she will resume sliding when the button is released.

Boss Skip

If the player precisely touches the end of the level and takes fatal damage at the same time, the level will be completed as normal, but Francesca will immediately die when the next level shows up. If this trick is performed before a boss fight, Francesca will be shown dying in the boss arena, but then the game will think that the boss is defeated for whatever reason, thus moving on to the next stage. The "Stage Clear" message will not play, either.

Note that this cannot be used to skip Thunder Knight or the Stage 5 bosses.

Graphical Errors

Stage 1-1 Color Change

The very beginning of 1-1 has a red brick wall in the background. When scrolling downward to the next screen, the brick wall will turn yellow, due to the red palette being overwritten by the rest of the level's "cave" palette.

Normal Scrolling Down

Freeze Projectile

Frame 1 Frame 2 Glitched Frame 4
KrionConquest-FreezeProjectile1.png KrionConquest-FreezeProjectile2.png KrionConquest-GlitchedFreezeProjectile.png

The charged Freeze projectile flips between two sprites and changes every other frame. If the projectile is shot to the right, every 4th frame will appear bugged. This does not occur when it is shot to the left or upwards.

Astro Guard

Astro Guard has several incorrect/duplicated tiles, but only when she is facing a certain direction. The first sprite below is used when she lands on an upper platform when facing left, and the second is used when she is facing right in the air.

In-Game Fixed
KrionConquestBoss5-leftglitch.png KrionConquestBoss5-leftfix.png
KrionConquestBoss5-rightglitch.png KrionConquestBoss5-rightfix.png

She also has a charging animation where she holds out a fireball in her hand. The fireball itself is one tile, mirrored to make a 2×2 shape. It cycles between three frames, but the first frame incorrectly uses a tile from Kijintei's leg. However, there is a third fire tile in the graphics bank.

In-Game Fixed
KrionConquestBoss5-chargeglitch.pngKrionConquestBoss5-ChargeAnimationInGame.gif KrionConquestBoss5-chargefix.pngKrionConquestBoss5-ChargeAnimationFixedMockup.gif

Stage 5 Boss 2

The boss' sprite used for the middle of its teleport animation has one tile incorrectly flipped when facing left.

In-Game Fixed
KrionConquestBoss6-IncorrectLeftSprite.png KrionConquestBoss6-FixedLeftSprite.png

Stage 5 Explosion

The explosion used for all the bosses in Stage 5 is heavily glitched for two of its sprites, using tiles from Francesca's arm and hat.
