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Bugs:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt/Dialogues and Chats/Side Quest Dialogues and Chats

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This is a sub-page of Bugs:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt/Dialogues and Chats.


Quest: Contract: Devil by the Well

Commentary from Geralt when examining the dead dog near the well during the Contract: Devil by the Well quest.

This commentary from Geralt does not play when examining the dead dog in the final game as the game checks for a nonexistent fact before attempting to play it.

Geralt: Body's dried to a crisp. Signs of burns.


One-liner from Odolan's daughter when Geralt visits the home for the first time

This dialogues does not play in the final due to an improperly set-up trigger.

Verden Girl 02: It hurts…


Quest: Fool's Gold

Villagers recognize if Geralt brought all 9 piggies safely back to the Hog Hut

The following line does not play in the final game if Geralt successfully brings all 9 pigs to hog hut. As result of some faulty logic, the line that is supposed to play when 7-8 pigs are brought back safely plays instead.

Verden Peasant 01: We's all here! Well… 'cept for Yagoda.


Quest: Return to Crookbag Bog

Conversation with Crow's Perch sergeant when returning to Crow's Perch after quest

This conversation plays upon returning to crows perch after the quest and having gotten into a fight with the Baron's men at the Inn at the Crossroads earlier. It does not work in the final game due to the quest incorrectly setting a fact.

Sergeant: Where'd you learn to twirl a sword like that?

Geralt: Someplace far away.

Sergeant: You know I can't let it lie.

Geralt: Don't think I care.


Quest: A Greedy God

Additional dialogue choice with the Allgod during the A Greedy God quest

The following dialogue option is not available when speaking to the Allgod as the game does not correctly check for the appropriate fact before activating the option.

Geralt choice: Who the hell are you?

Geralt: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

Allgod: The local peasant folk call me the Allgod.

Geralt: Can think of quite a few other, more fitting nicknames.

Allgod: Now you listen to me, witcher. Have you no other duties, missions? Swamp's dangerous, got its share of true terrors. Tend to them, I harm no one.


Second part of the conversation between peasants at the beginning of the quest

This segment of the conversation does not play in the final game due to improper scene flow.

Verden Peasant 02: First terror, an uproar, now quiet as a winter morn. I've no doubt the Allgod's grown angry and left.

Verden Peasant 04: Didn't I tell ye we can't cut corners with 'im?! Didn't I say we'd better take from our young 'uns' mouths than not give to him?!


Quest: Witcher Wannabe

One-liner from the pretender

This dialogue does not play in the final game due to an improperly set trigger.

Verden Peasant 04: Hide! Monsters out there!


Quest: Highwayman's Cache

Geralt says the incorrect line when choosing to kill the bandits

Geralt actually says the correct line here in all versions of the game from 1.0 to 1.32 non-GOTY. In the 2016 GOG GOTY release this line went completely missing from the game. In the game's next-gen update(Patch 4.0+), the line was replaced by a line used in a similar context in another quest. The original line is no longer present in the gamefiles.

Geralt choice: Go ahead. Try to take my coin.

Geralt: Tell you what. Give you a chance to earn something. Anything you take off me, you get to keep.


Quest: Stranger's in the Night

Dialogue choice during Strangers in the Night if Geralt has any strong alcohol in his inventory

The following dialogue option does not appear in the final game regardless if Geralt has any strong alcohol or not. This bug is a result of the developers putting placeholder text in the inventory check block.

Geralt choice: Turns out I have something to drink.

Geralt: Kind of you to let me join you. And it just so happens I've got something to warm us up.

Novigrad Rich Man 03: Well! The kind of guest I like! I shall find some mugs.

Redanian Townsman 03: Day full of surprises, truly.

Redanian Soldier 03: You saved us - we'd just drained our last bottle. What do they call you?


Quest: Empty Coop

Comments from Geralt during the Empty Coop quest while investigating the tracks

The following comments from Geralt do not play while following the tracks in the current version of the game. The previously did play in the launch version but were broken in an update.

Geralt: Wolf prints, and small footprints next to them. But no signs of struggle… Geralt: Now just little footprints. Not your typical werewolves - if that's what this is.


Quest: A Matter of Life and Death

Last three parts of a conversation between noblewomen in the ball during "A Matter of Life and Death" quest

The last three part of this conversation do not play in the final game due to an improperly set trigger.

[First Part]

Novigrad Noblewoman 02: Does no one truly know who she is?

Novigrad Noblewoman 03: She behaves like a princess of the blood, but in my view…

Novigrad Noblewoman 03: Well, you can see for yourself. At the ball's end all shall remove their masks.

[Second Part]

Novigrad Noblewoman 02: Phwar! See the one in the tight tunic? The one who arrived with the red-headed bitch?

Novigrad Noblewoman 03: Well, well. You called Vegelbud an old stick-in-the-mud, yet here she's hired a male stripper!

Novigrad Noblewoman 02: But why did he come with a woman?

Novigrad Noblewoman 03: Perhaps she hands him his props.

[Third Part]

Novigrad Noblewoman 03: Can you imagine? He failed to recognize her in that mask!

Novigrad Noblewoman 02: His own wife? Seems rather unlikely…

Novigrad Noblewoman 03: Teehehe! Well, he was quite drunk at the time.


Quest: Haunted House

Conversation between four witch hunters near the house

This dialogue cannot be heard in the game as the witch hunters spawn on the opposite side of the house from where the trigger area is located.

Witch Hunter 01: They were right! The place is haunted!

Witch Hunter 02: Cowards! Illusions left by mages, that's all!

Witch Hunter 02: Captain! Permission to conduct an inspection.

Witch Hunter 01: Inspect your arsehole! I'll not go in there without reinforcements!

Witch Hunter 01: Move out!


Quest: Now or Never

Line from Triss when looking over the rat pit

This line does not play in the final game due to an improperly set trigger.

Triss: Dammit… That's a lot.


Conversation between Dijkstra and mages in the hideout under Kingfisher Inn

This conversation does not play in the final game as Dijkstra fail to spawn in before the cutscene starts.

Mage 03: I swear it, I'll drop magic for good… if I can only bloody get out alive.

Mage 01: You can't, you won't. You've got Radovid and the Church against you. They want magic to vanish, us along with it.

Dijkstra: Your friend's right. Shouldn't let them intimidate you.

Mage 01: What can you know? Your life here's a walk in the park.

Dijkstra: But there was a time I fled, assassins on my tail. To the Blue Mountains and beyond.

Dijkstra: I could've stayed there. Disappeared. It would've been comfortable, safe… and cowardly.


Quest: Cabaret

Dialogue with Priscilla where Geralt asks about the play

This dialogue is not accessible in the final game as Priscilla's default dialog is not available during the quest.

Geralt choice: Irina Renarde and her troupe managing all right?

Geralt: So, Irina's troupe managing all right?

Priscilla: They continue to stage our play. Benedict Kumbrabone plays the witcher now, but all agree it's just not the same.


Quest: In Wolf's Clothing

Small conversation with Morkvarg after the first time Geralt kills him

This dialogue does not play in the final game as the game checks for a nonexistent fact prior to attempting to play it.

[Dialogue to be added]


One-liners from Morkvarg in his werewolf form

These one-liners do not play in the final game due to improperly set triggers.

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrrr you've beat me… but… I will rrrrreturrrrn hrrr… unless you help hrrr…

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrrr I tirrrrre… of this hrrr… You werrre… to help… hrrr you bloody prrrrick… hrrrrr hrrrrr!

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrrr the longerrr… you wait… the harrrderrrr… forrrr me to speak… hrrrraaaarrr!

Morkvarg Warewolf: Help me… hrrr I'll rrrrewarrrd you… hrrrrr…

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrrr will come a time… you will lose hrrrr… Free--frrree me… hrrrr live… hrrrrr…

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrr frrree meee… hrrr I will go hrrrr…

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrr come closerrrr… skin me aliiiiiive… line yourrrrr boots with my furrrrr… hrrr hrrr!

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrrr come… let's talk… witcherrr… to monsterrrrrr… hrrrrar hrrrrraaar! Hrrr…

Morkvarg Warewolf: Hrrrr you cannot hide your stench… hrrr mmmm... rrrrrefrrrreshing… hrrr hrrrr…


Quest: Fists of Fury: Skellige

Comment from bookie during "Fists of Fury: Skellige" Grim fight if Geralt chose to accept glory for killing the ice giant

The following line does not play in the final game if Geralt chooses to take the glory for killing the ice giant as the game checks for a non-existent fact when selecting which lines to play.

Skellige Bandit 02: You joined Hjalmar's crew, went and killed the giant of Undvik!


Quest: King's Gambit

Draig Bon-Dhu sings the incorrect version of his song if Geralt chooses to accept the glory for killing the ice giant during the banquet in King's Gambit quest

The following verse does not play in the final game if Geralt chooses to take the glory for killing the ice giant as the game checks for a non-existent fact when selecting which lines to play. The version of the verse that play assumes Hjalmar took the glory for killing the ice giant regardless of what Geralt chose.

Skellige Bard 01: Till Hjalmar and Geralt, heroes brave,

Skellige Bard 01: Cut him down in his icy cave!


Quest: The Tower Outta Nowheres

Ability to examine How to Live and Die Happily in the library during The Tower Outta Nowheres quest with a unique comment from Geralt

Geralt is unable to examine and comment on this book in the tower library as it does not properly spawn in.

Geralt: "How to Live and Die Happily: A Modern Exegesis of Lebioda" - what the hell's this doing here?



Book Spawn:


Unique dialogue from Geralt when entering the tower during "The Tower Outta Nowheres" quest

This comment does not play in the final game as the game checks for a non existent fact prior to playing it.

Geralt: Hmm… Looked smaller from the outside.


Unique dialogue from Geralt when entering the laboratory during "The Tower Outta Nowheres" quest

This comment does not play in the final game as the game checks for a non existent fact prior to playing it.

Geralt: What a pigsty. Be hard to find anything here.


Unique dialogue from Geralt when entering the library during "The Tower Outta Nowheres" quest

This comment does not play in the final game as the game checks for a non existent fact prior to playing it.

Geralt: Damn tower wants to gas me.


Quest: Contract: Missing Son

Comment from Geralt when looting a treasure chest under Kaer Nyseen ruins

This dialogue does not play in the final game as orens and ballise fruit do not spawn properly into containers in Novigrad and Skellige.

[Dialogue to be added]

Quest:In the Heart of the Woods

One-liners from Geralt during investigation of the forest

This dialogue does not play in the game due to improperly set triggers.

Geralt: Long claws. Downright impressive.

Geralt: Strangled its prey. Then started feeding.

Geralt: A strangler. Strange - didn't consume its prey.

Geralt: Smashed bones. Damn, it was strong.

Geralt: Bruises. Beaten to death. No sign of fangs or claws.

Geralt: No cuts, no bite marks. Just bruises.

Geralt: Long, sharp claws, this one…

Geralt: Rips apart its prey like a striga.

Geralt: Damn. Ripped to shreds.

Geralt: Hair turned completely gray. Scared witless, probably.


Quest: Contract: Strange Beast

Comment from Geralt when looting a treasure chest under Kaer Nyseen ruins

This dialogue does not play in the final game as the game checks for a nonexistent fact prior to playing it.

Geralt: Tracks - a nekker… A big one.

Geralt: An ambush… average nekker's too dumb to set one… maybe this is no average nekker.

Geralt: Nekker nest. Nothing left of it, but it could be connected to a bigger one.

Geralt: Pops mold. Can't go in without an antidote.

Geralt: Pops mold. Dijkstra's antidote should come in handy.

Geralt: If I follow them, I bet they'll lead me to the nest. Should be able to hear where they run…

Geralt: Red clay and the tracks of an exceptionally large nekker. Definitely a warrior.

Geralt: Must be around…

Geralt: Sverre and his crew were attacked here. Should look around.

Geralt: Here's the nest…

Geralt: Hm, a nekker hunting alone? You rarely see that.

Geralt: Seems the nekkers've developed an immunity to the toxin. Now the poison protects their nest. Clever.


Quest: Contract: The White Lady

Comment by Geralt when examining one of the bodies

This comment does not play in the final game the comment that Geralt makes when examining the dead dog from Contract: Devil by the Well plays instead.

Geralt: Pale skin, but no blood loss. This is no vampire.


Quest: Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear

Two conversation between a grandfather and his grandkids sitting down by the fire in Urialla Harbor

These conversation do not play properly in the final game due to an improperly set-up trigger area.

[First Conversation]

Skellige Old Man 04: And 'midst Torgeir the Red's crew there was even… a warrior from the Continent!

Skellige Boy 03: Whoa! Really?

Skellige Old Man 04: Ye better believe it. Gerd was his name. Swifter in battle than a snow leopard!

Skellige Old Man 04: Scorned the axe, he did, severin' heads with two swords.

Skellige Old Man 04: Died at Castle Tuirseach when the Black Ones o'erran An Skellig.

[Second Conversation]

Skellige Girl 03: Grandda, tell us another tale o' Gerd!

Skellige Old Man 04: They say he had a sword made o' moon steel. Or silver, don't rightly remember…

Skellige Old Man 04: He'd go off huntin' trolls, and they say sirens fled at the sight of 'im.

Skellige Old Man 04: He stuck true by the jarl. Lamentable the day when he breathed his last 'neath a pile of rubble…

Skellige Old Man 04: Stead o' dyin' in battle, as befits a warrior of his ilk!


Conversation between two fishermen in Urialla Harbor after Geralt explores the castle ruins

The following conversation does not play in the final game as the trigger is improperly set.

Skellige Fisherman 04: Some whoreson's plundered the castle!

Skellige Fisherman 04: Disturbed our ghostly forefathers' slumber.

Skellige Fisherman 05: Treasure huntin', must've been! Filthy thief.

Skellige Fisherman 05: Fenrir the Wolf devour the bugger!


Conversation between a man and a woman in Urialla Harbor inn after Geralt explores the castle ruins

The following conversation does not play in the final game as the trigger is improperly set.

Skellige Villager 02: Old castle's haunted, methinks…

Skellige Villager 02: Saw flashes 'midst the ruins th'other day!

Skellige Villager 02: And heard screams and poundin'!

Skellige Woman 05: Ye got pissed on mead! 'Twas your own thick skull poundin'!


Quest: The Lord of Undvik

Geralt's comment about a guy impaled on a tree

This dialogue does not play in the final game due to an improperly set up trigger.

Geralt: Impaled him on a tree…


Geralt's comment after finding Hjalmar's boat on the beach

This dialogue does not play in the final game due to an improperly set up trigger.

Geralt: Clan an Craite emblem. Must be Hjalmar's longboat.


Geralt's comments after finding shackles

These dialogues do not play in the final game due to an improperly set up trigger.

Geralt: Rusty shackles. No good to me.

Geralt: Rust-eaten, all of it…


Geralt's comment after seeing rotfiends in the caves

This dialogue does not play in the final game due to an improperly set up trigger.

Geralt: Damn corpse-eaters.


Geralt's comment after stepping into Urksar

This dialogue does not play in the final game due to an improperly set up trigger.

Geralt: The Undvik Massacre, they call it - no exaggeration there.


Geralt's comments when picking up the Hornwall horn

These dialogues do not play in the final game due to an improperly set up trigger.

[If Geralt knows what it the Hornwall horn is used for]

Geralt: The horn to drive away the sirens. Might come in handy.

[If Geralt does not know what it the Hornwall horn is used for]

Geralt: Sailors sound this in fog, to warn their crews about rocks they spot.


Geralt's comment on dead warriors under a bridge

[to be added]

Geralt's comments when going through the cave before Urskar and seeing the lake in front of him

[to be added]

Geralt's comments when examining a corpse in Urskar

[to be added]

Folan's comments about the dead warrior near the harpy nest in the caves

[to be added]

Folan's comments when Geralt approaches the trolls cooking him

[to be added]

Quest: The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund

Unique one-liners from opponents depending whether on race was won or lost


Skellige Woman 05: Wanna chat, go to a tavern.

Skellige Woman 05: You on the Continent have not got our speed. You fear it.

Skellige Woman 05: Gray hair, pale mug, ugly as shite… but ye sure can ride, witcher.


Skellige Warrior 01: You've not spent much time in the saddle, have ye? Your legs're too straight.

Skellige Warrior 01: You lost. What's there to say?

Skellige Warrior 01: I've raced since I was a lad… But I've never seen nothin' like that. Sure showed us.

Quest: The Heroes Pursuits: Fyresdal

Unique one-liners from opponents depending whether on race was won or lost


Skellige Fisherman 04: Racin's like fishin' and love makin'. The less you jabber, the better y'are at it.

Skellige Fisherman 04: Next time squeeze your mount 'tween your knees and hold the reins short. Horse's gotta feel who's in charge.

Skellige Fisherman 04: You rode well. Much better'n I did. Thinkin' I should stick to fishin', leave horses to others…


Skellige Warrior 02: Stead o' chattin', pray to the goddess. Ask her to grant ye victory… or at least let ye survive.

Skellige Warrior 02: Freya smiled upon another today. Not surprisin'… she rarely looks kind on outlanders.

Skellige Warrior 02: Make Freya an offerin' in gratitude. A black mare'd be best. Or a foal with a blaze on its muzzle.

Quest: The Heroes Pursuits: Kaer Trolde

Unique one-liners from opponents depending whether on race was won or lost

Skellige Warrior 03: Twas as ye said it would be. Ye won. Glory's yours… as is the prize.

Skellige Warrior 03: And if it's not enough for ye, these three victories… there's always the Great Race on Hindarsfjall. But winnin' there's a tall order.

Skellige Warrior 03: Huh, didn't win after all… Not so easy, eh? Maybe next time.

Quest: The Heroes Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory

Unique one-liners from opponents depending whether on race was won or lost


Skellige Villager 06: Speedy Osvald they call me. 'Cause I'm quick. Clever, eh?

Skellige Villager 06: Ye rode well… But well's just not good enough in Skellige.

Skellige Villager 06: Ye out sped Speedy Osvald. Not many can brag o' that.

Quest: The Bastion

Commentary from Geralt when he finds the boy's remains

This dialogue does not play in the final game due to an improperly set trigger.

Geralt: A boy, twelve or so, no signs of mutation… They got him just like they got the others.


Quest: Rose on a Red Field

One-liner when Geralt enters Bowden

This comment does not play in the game due to an improperly set trigger.

Geralt: Something bad happened here…


Quest: Till Death Do You Part

Comment on a grave by Geralt in Beauclair catacombs

This comment does not play in the game due to an improperly set trigger.

Geralt: "Micheline Belrose." This is it.


Quest: Turn and Face the Strange

Commentary from Geralt when acquiring the albumen

Geralt: Sorry. Need your eggs.


Quest: Wine Wars: Deus in the Machina

One-liner when Geralt closes in toward the warehouse

This comment does not play in the game due to an improperly set trigger.

Geralt: Place mentioned in the note. Archespore saplings are somewhere around here.


Quest: Amidst the Mill's Grist

Comment from Geralt when finding Count de la Croix's mill

This comment does not play in the game due to an improperly set trigger.

Geralt: Could find some evidence here, shed more light on what happened.
