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Bugs:Waterworld (Virtual Boy)

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This page details bugs of Waterworld (Virtual Boy).


The game is an endless shooter with no "kill screen" (it continues without issue until Round 65,535, then rolls over to Round 0 and repeats) and progressively gets harder by spawning more enemies with every round. Unfortunately, the game was programmed without any bounds or sanity checks, as going past the point normal humans were meant to reach (the best known run of the game lasted until Round 16) results in the game throwing out some absolutely ridiculous requirements - the amount of enemies keeps increasing linearly until Round 16,399, where the total enemy count is 32,784 (and then it rolls over to just 18 enemies on the round after), all while a maximum of 10 enemies can be loaded into the play area at any given time.

In another form of ridiculousness, Rounds 57,340 through 65,532 have no enemies whatsoever and are instant wins.

(Source: Noxxa)

Bonus Calculation Issue

The total end-of-round bonus is stored as a 16-bit signed integer value, then applied. At 21 Atollers and all bonuses with the maximum multiplier (8×), the intended award of 32,800 ends up being processed as -32,736 and deducts from your score.

(Source: Noxxa)