Clover Heart's: Looking for Happiness
Clover Heart's: Looking for Happiness |
Developer: HuneX
One of the many Japanese-exclusive dating simulation games for the PlayStation 2.
Debug Information
A simple debug display can be enabled with the below code. It will show total CPU usage, the current number of frames passed since boot, and the total time passed since boot. This also appears in a few of HuneX's other PlayStation 2 games.
SLPS_253.90 code: Enable Debug Information 2016B574 00000000
Debug Logging
Within the game is a stubbed printf function which would have logged various background information to a debug unit. This logs information such as files loaded and memory information. It would also report errors if any occurred. To re-enable this mode, apply the below code:
Re-enable Debug printf Messages 201B4EB0 0806AF78 201B4EB4 00000000
If you are playing the game on a regular PlayStation 2, you will need to use a TOOL, RDB, or a debug version of OPL to view the logs. If you are playing on an emulator, you can see this information by enabling the option "Show Console". Below is an example of what type of information gets logged.
(in MemAlloc)(iNo: 1)iSize: 2048, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 2)iSize: 131072, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 0)iSize: 1114112, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 3)iSize: 1622016, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 4)iSize: 71680, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 5)iSize: 1072, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 6)iSize: 12083200, m_pBuff: x (in MemAlloc)(iNo: 7)iSize: 2609152, m_pBuff: x CSaveLoadCtrl コンストラクタ 冒頭 CSpriteMgr::Create IS CALLED. CSpriteMgr::ClearAllSprBuff CALLED CSpriteMgr::Create IS ENDED. sceSifInitIopHeap を実行 (in Create)before Initialize: IOP Free Mem=0x136600byte (1241 KB) (in Reset)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) CStream::SetFileMap IS CALLED. filenum: 47 CStream::Create Ends. (in CMemCardMgr::Create 冒頭) (in CLoadCtrl::LoadHeader 冒頭)(pFileHeadbuffer: x)(szFilename: (null))(iLoadSize: 2638000) 読み込み実行 0(time: 0) cdrom0:¥JYOCHU¥MEMDAT.BIN;1 22c190 0 2048 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 0(time: 0) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) (in CMemCardMgr::LoadIconData)FAILURE(iIconNo: 0)(rHfu2.GetTblNum(): 1) (in CMemCardMgr::LoadIconData)(iIconNo: 0)(iSize: 69024) (iIconSizeMax: 0)(iIconSize: 207072)(iIcon: 0) (in CMemCardMgr::LoadIconData)FAILURE(iIconNo: 1)(rHfu2.GetTblNum(): 1) (in CMemCardMgr::LoadIconData)FAILURE(iIconNo: 1)(rHfu2.GetTblNum(): 1) (iIconSizeMax: 69024)(iIconSize: 0)(iIcon: 1) 読み込み実行 0(time: 0) cdrom0:¥JYOCHU¥MEMDAT.BIN;1 999f70 800 69024 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 0(time: 0) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み実行 1(time: 0) cdrom0:¥MOVIE¥SE.MSH;1 9ab780 0 2048 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 1(time: 0) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) (in CStream::RegistSpotFX)spuaddr: x (in RegistSpotFX)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) (in SetSpotFX 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) (in SetSpotFX 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み実行 1(time: 0) cdrom0:¥MOVIE¥SE.MSB;1 a5010 0 38912 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 1(time: 0) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) ::UserInit を実行します UserInit IS CALLED. IS CALLED. ttexWk get = x ロード(完了復帰)pFilename: PARTS.HED, texwk_id_ld: 600 読み込み実行 2(time: 0) cdrom0:¥PARTS.HED;1 9abc00 0 63488 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 12) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) ttexWk get = x ロード(完了復帰)pFilename: BG.HED, texwk_id_ld: 605 読み込み実行 2(time: 13) cdrom0:¥BG.HED;1 9bbc00 0 18432 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 25) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) ttexWk get = x ロード(完了復帰)pFilename: BU.HED, texwk_id_ld: 606 読み込み実行 2(time: 26) cdrom0:¥BU.HED;1 9c3c00 0 45056 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 38) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) ttexWk get = x IS CALLED. mode: 2 禁則コードをセットします CPseDCTask::TaskMake CALLED デフォルトのフォントを読み込みます RR_FontLoad IS CALLED nFontNo(1)を読み込みます 読み込み実行 2(time: 40) cdrom0:¥JYOCHU¥PVRGOTFG.BIN;1 6fdf50 0 1083392 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 92) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) (in PseDCLoadFile_Block)(filename: JYOCHU/FUKI.BIN)(アロケート ID: 3) (in PseDCLoadFile_Block)(filename: JYOCHU/FUKI.BIN)(アロケート ID: 3 = アドレス x に突っ込む) 読み込み実行 2(time: 93) cdrom0:¥JYOCHU¥FUKI.BIN;1 80df60 0 1622016 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 165) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) PseDCMakeOptSelBar IS CALLED. PseDCMakeOptSelBar IS CALLED. 読み込み実行 2(time: 166) cdrom0:¥SCRADR.BIN;1 228d80 0 12288 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 183) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み実行 2(time: 184) cdrom0:¥SCR.BIN;1 225d80 0 12288 (in FileUpdate 00)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) 読み込み完了 2(time: 196) (in FileUpdate 01)IOP Free Mem=0x55200byte (340 KB) IS CALLED. nSLMD: 3 SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK_NOCANCEL にセットしました GetGameDataSize 24768 GetSystemDataSize 1968 GetSaveSize終了 GetGameDataSize 24768 GetSystemDataSize 1968 GetSaveSize終了 メッセージウィンドウ枠表示へ BGM を終了します. scr_bgm_ch(0) を - 1 に SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK_NOCANCEL SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK にセットしました SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK GetGameDataSize 24768 GetSystemDataSize 1968 GetSaveSize終了 PseDCMessFlush終了 MessageDispCode終了 SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK (m_iResult: 1) SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK MC_RESULT_READY SAVELOAD_MEMCHEK MC_RESULT_READY ファイルチェックでファイルなし SAVELOAD_NOGAMEDATA にセットしました SAVELOAD_NOGAMEDATA SAVELOAD_ERROR_END にセットしました nLoopState: 1
Progressive Display Mode (640x480p)
Holding Triangle + X when the game is first starting up will allow you to turn on progressive mode.
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by HuneX
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Interchannel
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2004
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August
Games > Games by release date > Games released in August > Games released on August 26