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Cookie Run: OvenBreak/Unreleased Invocation Cards Content

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This is a sub-page of Cookie Run: OvenBreak.

Invocation Cards, an addition included with the Season 6 update, were planned to be regularly updated. However, the update was infamously panned upon release and later had many of the changes introduced with the update were effectively reversed (e.g. Invocation Cards being restricted to very few modes, refunding all resources spent on Invocation Cards, etc.) and no more invocation cards were ever released.

As such, a variety of content related to Invocation Cards was left unused in the files.

Unused Invocation Cards

Dummy Placeholders

Cookie Run OvenBreak Purple Yam Card Large.png CROB Cards Dummy.png CROB Cards Dummy Pressed.png

A set of placeholders were created as anti-leak measures. They consist of a generic card image depicting Purple Yam Cookie during a cutscene from the Guild Adventures update from March 2019, and buttons depicting the Invocation Card insignia.

Ninja Cookie Invocation Card

CROB Cards Ninja.png CROB Cards Ninja Pressed.png CROB Cards Ninja Effect.png

Buttons for a Rare Invocation Card featuring Ninja Cookie throwing shurikens. No actual card image exists.

Lemon Cookie Invocation Card

CROB Cards Lemon.png CROB Cards Lemon Pressed.png CROB Cards Lemon Effect 1.png CROB Cards Lemon Effect 2.png

Buttons for an Epic Invocation Cookie featuring Lemon Cookie blasting with his electrified shield. No actual card image was published.

Interestingly, it seems as though the card was to be the first card released after the initial launch of Invocation Cards, but due to the heavy backlash of the update, no further cards were released. A few advertisement videos promoting Season 6 feature a proper image of the card that was never published to the game's files.

Arcane Mirrors

CROB Cards Mirror Orange.pngCROB Cards Mirror White.png

While these cards were released, they were relatively obscure and essentially deemed useless and were essentially withdrawn, making them a honorable mention. The Rare! Arcane Mirror and Epic! Arcane Mirror cards respectively were only able to be obtained via in-app purchases and were not listed in the in-game Invocation Card Index. Their function was that they would be able to be used to promote invocation cards without needing a duplicate, and cannot be equipped. However, negative feedback of the update quickly followed regarding the Invocation Cards and the rule was changed to any card of the same rarity can be used to promote an invocation card. Additionally, refunds and compensation were issued to players who purchased any Invocation Card related packages, and the packages were eventually removed from the in-game store. They can still be used, but their function has been made superior by every other card and can no longer be obtained, and essentially exist as an embarrassing footnote.

Legendary Invocation Cards

A potentially highly controversial addition, Legendary Invocation Cards, were planned and have complete graphics.

Due to heavy use of transparency effects in some animations, some of the images are presented as animated PNGs, or APNGs instead of GIFs. Not all browsers may correctly display the images.

Legendary Draw Background

CROB Cards Legendary Background.png CROB Cards Legendary Table.png

Legendary Draw Symbols

CROB Cards Legendary Pattern 1.png CROB Cards Legendary Pattern 2.png CROB Cards Legendary Pattern 3.png

Legendary Invocation Card Back

CROB Cards Legendary Card.png

Legendary Invocation Card Static Effects

CROB Cards Legendary Flash.png CROB Cards Legendary Glow.png CROB Cards Legendary Shine.png CROB Cards Legendary Shadow.png CROB Cards Legendary Wave 1.png CROB Cards Legendary Wave 2.png CROB Cards Legendary Wave 3.png

Legendary Draw Animated Effects

CROB Cards Legendary Flame.png CROB Cards Legendary Splash.png CROB Cards Legendary Lightning 1.png CROB Cards Legendary Lightning 2.png CROB Cards Legendary 3.png CROB Cards Legendary 4.png