Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex/Debugging Features
This is a sub-page of Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex.
To do: Codes for all Xbox versions and Japanese GameCube version (if they exist). |
At least four separate debug menus of varying functionality can be accessed via one of the following Action Replay codes in the GameCube version.
NA | EU |
The following codes activate the debug menu for a varying number of PS2 versions, respective to the region and game version. Hold the corresponding button while paused to activate the menu:
NA | NA Greatest Hits | EU | EU Platinum |
Main Menu: (R2) E0020001 0064684C D1D56642 0000FDFF 205ADC2C FF090A00 Cutscene Debugger: (L1) E0020001 0064684C D1D56642 0000FBFF 205ADC2C FF0D0400 Draw Settings: (L2) E0020001 0064684C D1D56642 0000FEFF 205ADC2C FF0A0A00 Memory Information: (R1) E0020001 0064684C D1D56642 0000F7FF 205ADC2C FF0B0A00 |
Main Menu: (R2) E0020001 0063E764 D1D4F5C2 0000FDFF 205A43DC FF0A0A00 Cutscene Debugger: (L1) E0020001 0063E764 D1D4F5C2 0000FBFF 205A43DC FF0E0400 Draw Settings: (L2) E0020001 0063E764 D1D4F5C2 0000FEFF 205A43DC FF0B0A00 Memory Information: (R1) E0020001 0063E764 D1D4F5C2 0000F7FF 205A43DC FF0C0A00 |
Main Menu: (R2) E0020001 0062FB4C D1D3FDAA 0000FDFF 20591FDC FF090A00 Cutscene Debugger: (L1) E0020001 0062FB4C D1D3FDAA 0000FBFF 20591FDC FF0D0400 Draw Settings: (L2) E0020001 0062FB4C D1D3FDAA 0000FEFF 20591FDC FF0A0A00 Memory Information: (R1) E0020001 0062FB4C D1D3FDAA 0000F7FF 20591FDC FF0B0A00 |
Main Menu: (R2) E0020001 0063235C D1D43302 0000FDFF 2059340C FF0A0A00 Cutscene Debugger: (L1) E0020001 0063235C D1D43302 0000FBFF 2059340C FF0E0400 Draw Settings: (L2) E0020001 0063235C D1D43302 0000FEFF 2059340C FF0B0A00 Memory Information: (R1) E0020001 0063235C D1D43302 0000F7FF 2059340C FF0C0A00 |
Main Menu
Press R2 in the pause menu. The menu consists of the typical options one may expect in a platformer, and was likely used extensively during testing. Any option labelled in bold can be toggled on or off.
Name | Function |
RESTART LEVEL | Warps you to the beginning of a level. |
RESET LEVEL | Contrary to its description, this option doesn't reset the level itself, but instead resets your box count to 0. |
GOTO LEVEL | Brings you to a rather neatly organized screen that allows you to warp to any level in the game. Curiously, Lo-Lo's levels are classed as "Weather" as opposed to the "Wind" moniker used elsewhere in the game, and the Game Over screen is actually classed as its own level alongside the 5 unlockable "Bonus" levels. |
INVINCIBILITY | Does exactly what you think it would do. When turned on, a small "Invincible" notice flashes at the top of the screen. |
GOTO NEXT CHECKPOINT | Sends you to the next Checkpoint Crate in a level. It does not however send you to the end of the level if you use it at the final Checkpoint Crate. |
GOTO LAST CHECKPOINT | Sends you to the previous Checkpoint Crate in a level. |
OPEN GAME | Instantly maxes out all of the Crystal, Gem, and Relic totals, granting you 106% and consequently completing the game. This function is identical to the hidden "WOMBAT" cheat that is in the Xbox and GameCube versions but absent from the PS2 one. |
LIFT PLAYER | Predictably, allows you to moon jump by holding the Triangle button down. |
PLAYER COORDINATE | Displays your current XYZ coordinates. This option differentiates itself from most other coordinate tests by constantly tracking your character's movement as opposed to remaining static. |
EXTRA MOVES | When activated, gives you all of the post-boss "Power-Ups", including the Super Belly Flop which can only be found in a gem path. |
RESET GAME | The polar opposite of the "Open Game" function above, this option resets your progress back to 0%. |
Cutscene Debugger
Press L1 in the main menu.
As the name implies, this "menu" tests the "cutscenes" which play in the game. Note that this isn't a comprehensive list, as it omits any "vortex conversations" with the Elemental Masks and Crunch, in addition to the hologram conversations which play upon defeating a boss or starting a new game.
Name | Function |
LOGOS | Displays all of the developer logos. Riveting stuff. Since the Universal and Traveller's Tales credits are directly linked to the title screen, it also serves as a warp to the title screen. |
INTRO1 | Plays the intro cutscene. Despite being labelled as "INTRO1", this actually plays the full cutscene with no interruptions. |
INTRO2 | The second half of the intro. Selecting this in the PS2 version will simply warp Crash back to the Hub. |
OUTRO1 | Plays the regular ending. |
OUTRO2 | Plays the 100% ending, obtained by collecting all of the Gems and Relics. |
Draw Settings
Press L2 in the pause menu.
Presumably controls the draw settings in the game.
DRAW DISTANCE: %i/%i FOG NEAR: %i/%i FOG FAR: %i/%i FOG RED: %i/255 FOG GREEN: %i/255 FOG BLUE: %i/255 FOG OPACITY: %i/127 HAZE RED: %i/255 HAZE GREEN: %i/255 HAZE BLUE: %i/255 HAZE WOBBLE: %i/255
Memory Information
Press R1 in the pause menu.
Shows how much memory is being used up by the game at a current moment in time, relative to the presumed limit.