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Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex/Debugging Features

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This is a sub-page of Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex.

To do:
Codes for all Xbox versions and Japanese GameCube version (if they exist).

At least four separate debug menus of varying functionality can be accessed via one of the following Action Replay codes in the GameCube version.


The following codes activate the debug menu for a varying number of PS2 versions, respective to the region and game version. Hold the corresponding button while paused to activate the menu:

NA NA Greatest Hits EU EU Platinum
Main Menu: (R2)
E0020001 0064684C
D1D56642 0000FDFF
205ADC2C FF090A00

Cutscene Debugger: (L1)
E0020001 0064684C
D1D56642 0000FBFF
205ADC2C FF0D0400

Draw Settings: (L2)
E0020001 0064684C
D1D56642 0000FEFF
205ADC2C FF0A0A00

Memory Information: (R1)
E0020001 0064684C
D1D56642 0000F7FF
205ADC2C FF0B0A00
Main Menu: (R2)
E0020001 0063E764
D1D4F5C2 0000FDFF
205A43DC FF0A0A00

Cutscene Debugger: (L1)
E0020001 0063E764
D1D4F5C2 0000FBFF
205A43DC FF0E0400

Draw Settings: (L2)
E0020001 0063E764
D1D4F5C2 0000FEFF
205A43DC FF0B0A00

Memory Information: (R1)
E0020001 0063E764
D1D4F5C2 0000F7FF
205A43DC FF0C0A00
Main Menu: (R2)
E0020001 0062FB4C
20591FDC FF090A00

Cutscene Debugger: (L1)
E0020001 0062FB4C
20591FDC FF0D0400

Draw Settings: (L2)
E0020001 0062FB4C
20591FDC FF0A0A00

Memory Information: (R1)
E0020001 0062FB4C
20591FDC FF0B0A00
Main Menu: (R2)
E0020001 0063235C
D1D43302 0000FDFF
2059340C FF0A0A00

Cutscene Debugger: (L1)
E0020001 0063235C
D1D43302 0000FBFF
2059340C FF0E0400

Draw Settings: (L2)
E0020001 0063235C
D1D43302 0000FEFF
2059340C FF0B0A00

Memory Information: (R1)
E0020001 0063235C
D1D43302 0000F7FF
2059340C FF0C0A00
(Source: Hacc/LXShadow Cheat List)

Main Menu

Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex Debug Main.png

Press R2 in the pause menu. The menu consists of the typical options one may expect in a platformer, and was likely used extensively during testing. Any option labelled in bold can be toggled on or off.

Name Function
RESTART LEVEL Warps you to the beginning of a level.
RESET LEVEL Contrary to its description, this option doesn't reset the level itself, but instead resets your box count to 0.
GOTO LEVEL Brings you to a rather neatly organized screen that allows you to warp to any level in the game. Curiously, Lo-Lo's levels are classed as "Weather" as opposed to the "Wind" moniker used elsewhere in the game, and the Game Over screen is actually classed as its own level alongside the 5 unlockable "Bonus" levels.
INVINCIBILITY Does exactly what you think it would do. When turned on, a small "Invincible" notice flashes at the top of the screen.
GOTO NEXT CHECKPOINT Sends you to the next Checkpoint Crate in a level. It does not however send you to the end of the level if you use it at the final Checkpoint Crate.
GOTO LAST CHECKPOINT Sends you to the previous Checkpoint Crate in a level.
OPEN GAME Instantly maxes out all of the Crystal, Gem, and Relic totals, granting you 106% and consequently completing the game. This function is identical to the hidden "WOMBAT" cheat that is in the Xbox and GameCube versions but absent from the PS2 one.
LIFT PLAYER Predictably, allows you to moon jump by holding the Triangle button down.
PLAYER COORDINATE Displays your current XYZ coordinates. This option differentiates itself from most other coordinate tests by constantly tracking your character's movement as opposed to remaining static.
EXTRA MOVES When activated, gives you all of the post-boss "Power-Ups", including the Super Belly Flop which can only be found in a gem path.
RESET GAME The polar opposite of the "Open Game" function above, this option resets your progress back to 0%.

Cutscene Debugger

Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex Cutscene Debug.png

Press L1 in the main menu.

As the name implies, this "menu" tests the "cutscenes" which play in the game. Note that this isn't a comprehensive list, as it omits any "vortex conversations" with the Elemental Masks and Crunch, in addition to the hologram conversations which play upon defeating a boss or starting a new game.

Name Function
LOGOS Displays all of the developer logos. Riveting stuff. Since the Universal and Traveller's Tales credits are directly linked to the title screen, it also serves as a warp to the title screen.
INTRO1 Plays the intro cutscene. Despite being labelled as "INTRO1", this actually plays the full cutscene with no interruptions.
INTRO2 The second half of the intro. Selecting this in the PS2 version will simply warp Crash back to the Hub.
OUTRO1 Plays the regular ending.
OUTRO2 Plays the 100% ending, obtained by collecting all of the Gems and Relics.

Draw Settings

Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex Draw Settings.png

Press L2 in the pause menu.

Presumably controls the draw settings in the game.

FOG NEAR: %i/%i
FOG FAR: %i/%i
FOG RED: %i/255
FOG GREEN: %i/255
FOG BLUE: %i/255
HAZE RED: %i/255
HAZE GREEN: %i/255
HAZE BLUE: %i/255

Memory Information

Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex Memory Info.png

Press R1 in the pause menu.

Shows how much memory is being used up by the game at a current moment in time, relative to the presumed limit.

(Source: Ralf @ gc-forever (codes))