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Crazy Penguin Catapult (Windows)

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Title Screen

Crazy Penguin Catapult

Developers: Sumea, Jynx Playware
Publisher: Digital Chocolate
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: 2008

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Development Text/Leftovers

Inside the executable are 3 files in the BIN directory. The first file is essentially an executable containing things related to Adobe Flash Player 9 (which possibly confirms that the game is simply a Flash game in an .EXE shell). The second file is a file which contains several development-related text strings, as well as errors and other stuff:

global mdm mdminit SYNC initppsv & split length = \ \\ unescape join __parent __object __isInstance ASSetPropFlags __global __OS System capabilities os substring ASYNC async formid !}id}! __initcmd Win xppres initSO xppcmd __cmdcounter __sendcmd Mac HN1DI06 s000000000000  Math round / SharedObject getLocal data is toString 0 s 000000000 substr flush __retcmd HN1DI02 clear __server XMLSocket onData !}}^{}! onConnect status Connected! __finalInit Error connecting onClose Disconnected __port 12345!formmport!63281 !formmport! connect c !}}v{}! f shift p o . lastIndexOf _root function _root. _global. apply __callFunction addProperty __resolve m this a arguments l dlm !}}^ ^{}! esc string @amp@ @dq@ " @co@ , isAPI pop unique params <{zinc}> "," Date getTime <{zincp}> __hasEI returnval flash external ExternalInterface call mdm.Application.createForm Forms __deserialize cbEnabled n x toLowerCase saveutf8 binaryfile_setdata swf_getheader getfileattribs getresolution getsize getposition getjpgsize getmouseposition FSCommand: arr i _root.mdm.__tmpV push fncCB v concat t __tmp __lastFS isNaN _root.mdm. splice indexOf   mdm.__global. !}}^c^{}! send prototype __objectPath constructor initforms __initialise [Subclass resolver]  ___id unshift __serialize object number boolean Array [ ] XML <*> </*> # undefined : { } null isFinite charAt � 
 	 \b \f \n \r \t charCodeAt \u00 floor ch at text next * Unterminated comment error Syntax error @q@ b r u parseInt String fromCharCode Bad string white value Bad array Bad object - 9 Bad number < e array date xml word __createProperty getset:  getset , propName:  propName ppsv getl ___ __createObject parent name __instances __params -1 .create isLoaded __proto__ __constructor__ dispatchQueue dispatchEvent addEventListener removeEventListener __initialiseObject <{!!z!!}> <{!z!}> <{z}> objNames @ hasOwnProperty slice get set integer Boolean __initialiseForm thisForm <{!z!!}> __dispatchEvent target mdm. objName evtObj type evtName instId teststr __q_ movieclip handleEvent Handler on toUpperCase queueName __init __pause clearInterval eiReturn mdm.hasEI initialise __tempPath file:// _level0 _url Application path tempPath .dat onEnterFrame resourcePath ~swd .jpg –+  scriptLimits recursion 2000 timeout 65535

The third file is another executable, but this time, the third file (executable)'s string table data mentions a DLL file called dwlgina2.dll (a file related to dWinlock):

  65520, 	"could not install dwlgina2.dll"
  65521, 	"To disable Ctrl+Alt+Del you must install dwlgina2.dll.\n\rDo you want to install this DLL now ?"
  65522, 	"you must have administration rights to install a new GINA"
  65523, 	"dWinlock"
  65524, 	"dwlgina2.dll was successfully installed.\n\rThe installation become only effective after reboot.\n\rDo you want to reboot Windows now ?"
  65525, 	"Do you want to uninstall dwlgina2.dll ?"
  65526, 	"dwlgina2.dll was successfully uninstalled.\n\rThe uninstallation become only effective after reboot.\n\rDo you want to reboot Windows now ?"
  65527, 	"you must have administration rights to uninstall dwlgina2.dll"
  65528, 	"dwlgina2.dll is not installed"

Unused Icon


The game's icon group (the 96x96, 128x128 and 256x256 icons) contains an icon of a gear in a blue circle. It's possibly a leftover from a development program or a converter of sorts.