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Croc 2 (Windows, PlayStation)/Internal Names
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This is a sub-page of Croc 2 (Windows, PlayStation).
The level WADs include the names for various objects and enemies found throughout the game. In some cases, these names are the only way to identify the enemy names properly.
These titles are sorted by the first level they appear in.
These are found in most levels.
Camera CameraPC WalkingCroc Croc Splash Key Smash Box Smash Box Cave Smash Box Snow Balloon Image BalloonSlide Zap Dantini DanSquashDeath DanHitDeath DanDeathEyes
crystal GGEffect Golden Gobbo GGWaitForCroc bonusroomwarp bcrysound bonus crystal Special Golden Gobbo CWG P power surface = ClockworkGobbo JigsawPiece JellyPointController Me = Blue Jump Gummi Green Jump Gummi Red Jump Gummi bong ! GongGonger Gong Disk GONG
Swap Meet Pete
SMP Croc Check Fade Done SMP Camera Croc Nexttribe heart pot heart smpflag = SMPNewWorld = SMPNewWorld = NEXT TRIBE
(Source: Gobbos)
Sailor Village
Distressed Gobbo EmptyBoat forcing door (2) setting level flag Smash Box toolbox Clipboard Gobbo level_flag = Reward Gobbo Topdialog off trampoline tramp collider Trampoline Gobbo Gobbo King 2 Throwable Gobbo Pickup Bubbles CBKDoorTrigger wattack = catt= Gobbo Says Hub 1 Heart Pot
(Source: Gobbos)
Find the Key! Save the Gobbo!
Talking Gobbo BambooCage Swinging Rope Balloon Image BalloonSlide CameraPC GooSteamer Goo Steam 1 Hippo Bottom HeartEffect HeartFountain Heart Zap Dantini Rope Swinging Dantini Swinging Dantini Vanilla Dantini Hippo Head Hippo Platform BackToHubSign Crumbling Bits cave Crumbling Platform cave JungleBridgeColl1 JungleBridgeColl2 bong
(Source: Gobbos)
Find 5 Lost Treasure Chests
seesaw invisibox Seesawpushgobbo Seesawgobbo ChestPush entering loop SeeSaw Spot Camera Camerastart pushbox = SeeSaw Camtarget SeeSaw Chest Count Chest Count level complete ! MineCartFlat MineCartCam MineCartCam2 MineCartLift MineCartShaft MineCartShaft2 MineCartDoorCollider MineCartDoor MineCartCollapser Lava Bubbles Rock Stomper Rock Pusher LiftZap_Lift Zapper Roller Rope Swinging Dantini Rop Left dantini dead Swinging Dantini Rope Left Roller Swinging Rope Sinking Tnt
HEY! He Stole my Lunch!
Rickety Crate Spawned Falling Cave Platform SMP Gong Disk SMPGongGonger SMP GONG normal butterfly CrowSandwich crowdead JungleBridgeColl1 JungleBridgeColl2 Silent Shockwave Silent Big Explosion throwable gobbo 2 TGCamera Spawned TGCamera Exiting Thrown Gobbo Gobbo bonus crystal
Croc VS Dantini Boat Race
WaterFall Sound Dantini In a Boat - Body Boat Dantini Croc In a Boat - Body Croc In a Boat CrocBoatCam
Save the Bird from the Thief
Thief Dantini SMP Gong Disk Quiet SMP GONG Heart Pot active Grabbed!!! heart pot heart
Soveena the Squid
Soveena af_Tentaclespade af_Tentaclefence InkGenerator Tentacle WaveBase ThrownBarrel Ink af Barrel TNT Crate.SquidDoor SquidDoorColl PushingGobboTalk Pushing Gobbo Big Splash SoveenaCamera
Cannon Boat Keith
DanSquashDeath DanHitDeath DanDeathEyes CBK_nearsound CBKJetty CBKCannon CBKCannonBall CBK Falling CBK Hat CBK Bird CBKHimself CrocCannonBall CrocCannonCamera CrocCannon portcullissmoke collider on Portcullis CBK_PortcullisCam pcamdolly CBK TNTBoxGobbo CBKCannonBallLand CBKCannonTrigger
Cossack Village
hub2 normal door level_flag = level flag 2 was set Gobbo King 2 Hub Snowball Kids Hub2 kid snowball Hub Snowman Kids Hub2Snowmanarm arm fading Hub2SnowmanCarrot Hub2SnowmanHat Talking Gobbo 2b1 221 231 271 251 261 lcomp = LLLTreeDoor lll open lll not open iFlavioBalloon
Save the Ice Trapped Gobbos
Rickety Crate Swinging Rope PushableIceBlock P Block Switch SwingBridge ITGBridge2 ITGBridge2Collider ITGBridge1Collider ITGBridgeTrackChange ITGMineLift ITGGongGonger ITG GONG Choppable Tree fastchop = ITGAxeMan GState5 = grabgobbo2 ITGTreeChanger Rotating Bridge ITC TNT Crate ITGBridgeGobbo Spawned Falling Cave Platform wood creak effect ice falling smash switch Spawned Falling ice Platform Big Explosion Crumbling Bits ice Crumbling Platform ice
Chase the Choo Choo Train
Ghost Freezer Choo Choo Train Choo waiting choopoints!!! end of track kill level ! Choo waiting ChooChooTrigger Choo Choo Coach Coach waiting Coach waiting Choo Choo Gong choochoogong ChooChooDoor switch CCCSwitch ChooEndGobbo ChooEndGobbo2 choo watcher Rock Stomper ice falling smash switch Spawned Falling ice Platform ring of crystals DanSquashDeath DanHitDeath DanDeathEyes Big Explosion
It's just Snowball Madness!
Croconasnowball SnowballCollider SnowballColliderL SnowballColliderR Croc Snowball SnowballCam CroconasnowballPC SnowballColliderPC SnowballColliderLPC SnowballColliderRPC Croc Snowball PC play heart sound SnowballCamPC Snowballcam 2 Snowball Carrier DantiniSnowballBasher Ski Jump Dantini SnowGong SnowGongBalloon Snowballfixedcam SnowballCutScene Snow Smash Box (Snowball) Snow Zap Dantini Snow Heart SnowDanSquashDeath SnowDanHitDeath SnowDanDeathEyes
Hang Glider Valley
HGCamera HangGlider HangGlider PC outside just better best HGThermal GobboMountaineer1 GobboMountaineer2 GobboMountaineer3 GobboMountaineer4 CrystalHoop Lava Fall Sound
KaBooom! It's Roger Red Ant
Rolling Barrel swinging fireball RRA Monkeybarstraight RRA MonkeybarCorner RRAZapTraiL RRAZapbolt Red Zap Dantini TimedTNT RRARubble RogerFadeinout RogerViewPoint Roger Text Roger Ending RogerViewPoint2 RRAEndGobbo RRA TNTBoxGobbo RRA TNTBarrelGobbo RRA TNTRocketGobbo Swinger Master RRASequenceStarter sequence started RRA Big Timed TNT TNT Made safe ! RRA timer Smash Switch RRA timer Smash Switch Base RRA Dangerous TNT RRA Totally Dangerous TNT RRA Fuse RRATNTCrate
Flavio the Thermal Fish
FlavioCroc Flavio Cam FlavioSandBag FlavioFish FlavioTalkingIceCube FlavioIceCube FlavioSpit FlavioWaterball FlavioSmoke FlavioWater
Lava Lamp Larry
LavaLampMonster LLLSmoke Fridge IceCube LavaLampGen
Caveman Village
hub3 venus door Talking Gobbo Gong Info Gobbo Gobbo King 3 WitchDoctorGobbo Hub3SugarBox Hub3GingerRoot Hub3FizzBox Hub3Bucket Bonfire hub3 normal door hub3 normal door hub3 rock door hub3 gold rock door opening hub3 normal door Lava Fall Sound
Caveman Intro
Film Zapper Film Zapper 2 Bubbles Film butterfly
Find the Wheels in the Jungle!
Wheel DinoLiftLR Spawned Cave Platform Cave Flavour Dantini CaveJungleDoorLocked object_activated =
Find the Wheels in the Mine!
Bouncing Barrels Bouncing Barrel Pushable Wheel Block wp = 9 PushBoxWheel Wheel Box TNT BoneDantiniCart Bone Dantini Switch BoneDantiniSwitch Bone Dantini Switch BoneDanLiftSwitch BoneMineDanLift BoneMineDanShaft BoneMineDanShaft2 Dan Cart Wheel Block DanWheelBlock wheel spawned DanBoxWheel Guidable Platform (cave) Smoke bonedebris Medium Explosion
Race Day at Goldrock
Dantini In a Car - Body Car Dantini Croc In a Car - Wheel Croc In a Car - Body at - Croc In a Car Distance from player Distance Y
Climb The Devil's Tower
Bonfire Vertical Steamer Horizontal Steamer ring of crystals LR Platform (rock) BabyMamothRunning Crumbling Bits rock Crumbling Platform rock UpDown Platform rock CWG P power surface = ClockworkGobbo endlevel pd = BabyMamothWaiting UngaBungaStack UngaDoor1 UngaBungaStack2 UngaDoor2 PoleColl
Save 50 Trapped Gobbos!
Swinger Master ForestFireGobboCheck Forest Fire Setup FFFSplash FFRefill Forest Fire Flame FFWallofFire FFCircleOfFire FFSemiCircleOfFire Flame Thrower Dantini FF Dan Flame F-Fire gobbo F-Fire rescue me gobbo
Venus Fly Von-Trappe
VenusSwinger Skeleton Dantini VenusVonFlyTrappe VenusTongue Venus Big Rock Small Rock VenusTentacle VenusClaw VenusBurrow VenusEarth
The Village Masher
VMTalkingBucket VMBucket VMGates VMGate (Left) VMGate (Right) VMMonster VMFlameThrower VMFlame VMFireParent VMFire VMFireSmall VMGobbo VMCamera Bone Cloud Bone Skull Bone Death
Inca Village
Gobbo King 4 Mummy & Baby Gobbo BurpingGobbo Hub4Bowl hub4 normal door IncaDoorTrigger lcomp = otherpiece
Save 30 Gobbo babies!
inca baby dan IncaDanBabyChain inca throwing baby Inca Pot.inca baby Inca Baby Bouncer inca baby model IncaBubbleGenerator IncaSafetyMarker IncaCageMarker simple ball ball model IncaCarousel IncaCarouselSwing IncaCarouselBaby Inca Dantini Pushing Carousel IncaBabySwing IncaSwingBaby inca swing dan Inca Flavour Dantini IncaZapTrail Inca Zap Dantini buildingblockstack buildingblockstack2 Building Block Inca Dantini with Baby Gobbo Baby Cage Switch SwingColl
Up the Waterfall
Blowpipe Dantini IncaRaft IncaRaftDoor door up door down Crumbling Bits Waterfall Crumbling Platform waterfall PoisonFrog Lilly WF Water Wheel WF Chimney WF Button WFCutSceneCam af_rain af_rain left af_rain right rainswitch WaterFall Sound Snake Rope Swinging Dantini
Bride of the Dungeon of Defright
DOD Large Cage DOD TNT Crate DODSequenceButton DODSequencer DODSequenceColumn DODGlassCage2 DODFloorTurner Exploding Push Block DODGlassCage1 DODPumpPlatform DODPump Talking Gobbo 1 Talking Gobbo 2 DODCutSceneCamera DODDoor DODDoorL DODDoorR DOD Inventor Gobbo DODPlatform DODPlatform Bonfire Guidable Platform (cave)
Goo Man Chu's Tower
GooManShoo Camera GooCameraON GooStopper GooCameraOFF OFF camera GMCGoo GMCPlatformCurve GMCPlatformStraight GMCGooLift GMCPlatformInOut GMCWholeCorner GMCWholeCornerRev GMCPartCorner GMCPartCornerRev GMCLongCorner GMCLongCornerRev GMCCircle GMCFinalValve Splotch SplotchHitDeath GMCTowerDoor GMCTowerDoor
Dante's Peak
DPPlane DPCamera DPDante DPNearsound DPFireball DPBombController DPBomb DPExplosion
Dante's Final Fight
DFDante DFFireball DFSmoke DFInventor DFDantini DFCrystal DFLaser
Secret World
SMPLockedDoor1a SMPLockedDoor SMPLockedDoor 3 secret bcrysound leveldone = 1 ending level secret bonus crystal SecretBonusCage secretbonusegg