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Crypt of the NecroDancer/Synchrony

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This is a sub-page of Crypt of the NecroDancer.

This page details content that is unused in current versions of the game (3.0 and newer). Content is sorted into groups based on which part of the game it's in. The Base Game section covers content within NecroDancer.wsp, Assets from Legacy covers stuff in Legacy (Current version uses Legacy's assets for a lot of things), and the rest are for the various mods bundled with the game (called Feature Packs or DLCs).

To do:

Like, everything.

  • Version history for this update in particular.
  • The mention of Hatsune Miku DLC's codename.
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
Notes: Lots of image needs to be uploaded.
<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!

Base Game

To do:
check if theres (more) unused stuff in here


This section's for stuff you can re-activate via mods, editing the game's code, tweaking the config files, etc.

"dev" Flag

I won't be explaining how to enable this, as it causes the game to bypass some of its integrity checks for leaderboards, and the NecroDancer community really cares about leaderboards.
From what I can tell, its full effects are:

  • Allows using unpackaged versions of the game's built-in mods without disabling leaderboards
  • Un-hides the Leaderdoard Options section in Misc Options
  • Allows using the F4 debug console without disabling leaderboards
  • Allows F1 and F4 debug keys to be used without holding shift
  • Enables the following additional debug keys:
    • F6: If Shift is held, does a performance test, seemingly of rollback, and prints the results to the game's log file.
    • F10: If Shift is held, starts the LuaJIT profiler. Otherwise, starts the regular profiler.
      • This appears to just freeze the game.
    • F11: If Shift is held, stops the LuaJIT profiler. Otherwise, stops the regular profiler.
  • Shows the Lag Log, Light and Sprite tabs in the F1 debug menu.
  • Allows errors to be blocking during gameStateReset (i think?)
  • Allows pressing tab on leaderboard entries to log some info
  • Allows watching replays from older versions
  • Prevents mod load locations with "dev" set to false from being used
  • Allows the player to see while the game is paused with the "Multiplayer Pause" key
  • Allows statistics to be tracked while doing anything that would normally prevent them from being tracked (like playing modded)
  • Grants access to the "Test" gamemode

Leaderboard Options

To access:

menu.open("settings", {
    prefix = "misc.leaderboard",


Credits Menu

Was used in pre-3.x versions of Synchrony, but is no longer used.
To access: menu.open("credits")

Gameplay Options Menu

Possibly a leftover from an earlier version before custom rules were implemented.
To access: menu.open("optionsGame")


Early Seasonal Title Screens

Don't think I need to say anything about these.

Halloween Early Halloween Final
CryptOfTheNecroDancer-TEMP SeasonalEvent Halloween TitleScreen.png CryptOfTheNecroDancer-SeasonalEvent Halloween TitleScreen.png
Christmas Early Christmas Final
CryptOfTheNecroDancer-TEMP SeasonalEvent Christmas TitleScreen.png CryptOfTheNecroDancer-SeasonalEvent Christmas TitleScreen.png

Other Files


This file was added in Synchrony v0.5 (the same version that renamed the project from NecroNecro to Synchrony) and hasn't changed since then (afaik).

# Synchrony

Reimplementation of Crypt of the NecroDancer with online multiplayer support and advanced modding capabilities.

Powered by C++ and Lua. Work in progress.



(Z1 floor)
Skeleton = "Xylobones"
Bat = "Fangdango"
Ghoul = "Spiritoso"
Ghost = "Backbeat"
Slime = "Boogie"
Monkey = "Chimptune"
Zombie = "Zombeat"
Trapchest = "Claptrap"
Shopkeeper = "Freddy\nMerchantry"
(switch to Z2 floor)
Mushroom = "Shiitake Shake"
Tarmonster = "Sitar"
Armadillo = "Ariamadillo"
Armoredskeleton = "Bone Thug"
Skeletonmage2 = "Woodwind"
Golem = "Hard Rock"
Clone = "Echo"
Mole = "Fortissimole" (unburrows on middle tile)
Skeletonknight3 = "Boogie Knight"
(switch to Z3 floor... yes this happens one enemy too late)
Hellhound = "Hotdog"
Beetle = "Jitterbug"
Yeti = "Klappa"
Fireelemental = "Accapellemental"
Shovemonster = "Spinto"
Goblin = "Backup Dancer"
ShopkeeperGhost = "Phantom of the Shopera"
(switch to Z4 floor)
Spider = "8-Legato"
Warlock = "Transposer"
Lich = "Gillespie"
Blademaster2 = "Counterpoint"
Gargoyle = "Gwargoyle"
Harpy = "Harpie"
GoblinBomber = "Pop Star"
SleepingGoblin = "Yawni"
Pixie = "Whistlin’ Pixie"
Mummy = "Young MC"
(switch to boss floor)
BatMiniboss = "Fang you.\nFang you very much"
Dragon3 = "Major Scale"
Minotaur = "Head Lyreicist"
Banshee = "Siouxsie"
Nightmare = "No Name"
Mommy = "Old School\nWrapper"
Ogre = "Trollolo"
(switch to Z5 floor)
Devil = "Deviled Egg" (unshells on middle tile)
Gorgon = "Classical Rocker"
ElectricMage = "Fran Zappa"
Orc = "Orchestrator"
Skull = "Head Banger"
Evileye = "EyeTUNES"
ZombieElectric = "The Wire Dept."
Metrognome = "Walk the Tock"
(bosses use more complex scenes, not just one enemy walking through)
"King Conga"
"Death Metal"
"Deep Blues"
"Coral Riff"
"Dead Ringer" / "???"
"The NecroDancer" / "???"
"The Golen Lute" / "???"
"Frankensteinway" / "???"
"The Conductor" / "???"


A Perl script that was used to generate the game's .lipmap files.



use v5.016;
use warnings;

# Sample rate used by the intermediate .wav file.
# Higher values give more accurate results, at the cost of more processing time.
# 8000 is probably more than enough.
my $SAMPLE_RATE = 8000;

# Number of samples to use per bit of output.
# Each bit of output corresponds to ($INTERVAL / $SAMPLE_RATE) seconds of audio.
my $INTERVAL = 128;

# The coefficient for the exponentially weighted moving average.
# Lower values make the output smoother and less sensible to noise.
my $ALPHA = 0.01;

# Sound intensity threshold above which to emit lipflaps (on a scale of 0-127).
# Higher values mean the singer will keep its mouth closed more often.
my $THRESHOLD = 8;

sub slurp {
	open my $fh, pop;
	binmode $fh;
	local $/;

slurp('<../config.cfg') =~ /"path":\s*"([^"]+)"/;

for my $ogg (<"$1"/data/sounds_streaming/*_{shopkeeper,vocal}.ogg>) {
	$_ = slurp qq(ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -i "$ogg" -ac 1 -ar "$SAMPLE_RATE" -c:a pcm_u8 -f wav -|);

	my ($name, $size, @samples) = unpack "x40L/xa4LC*";
	die "Unexpected tag: $name" unless $name eq "data";

	my $ewma = 0;
	my $output = "";

	for my $i (0 .. $#samples) {
		$ewma *= 1 - $ALPHA;
		$ewma += abs($samples[$i] - 128) * $ALPHA;
		vec($output, $i / $INTERVAL, 1) = $ewma > $THRESHOLD if ($i + 1) % $INTERVAL == 0;

	$ogg =~ /(zone\d|boss)_\d/;
	say "$&: OK";
	open my $fh_out, '>', "$&.lipmap";
	print $fh_out $output =~ s/\0*$//r;

now everyone can appreciate my leet Perl hacker skills

— Grimmy


To do:
check if theres (more) unused stuff in this content pack


To do:
check if theres (more) unused stuff in this content pack


To do:
add the final version of ability_eject.png for comparison purposes
maybe dont cram this all into a table?
Image File Name Notes
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Synchrony-empty.png empty.png
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Synchrony-ability eject.png ability_eject.png Likely an early version of the icon for ejecting from a possessed enemy when using the lantern.

Balance Tweaks (3.x only)

Balance Tweaks was a feature pack that contained various options to adjust the balance of the game. While it was used in older versions of the game, it went unused for the rest of v3. It was removed completely in v4. According to Marukyu, Balance Tweaks was never completed.

that menu was part of the "Balance" mod/feature pack, which was never actually finished (many of the options simply did nothing).

— Marukyu

Details about Balance Tweaks

To do:
document the entirety of the balance tweaks content pack here
it has a backport of sync's charm effect so thats something
organise things the way it is in-game

Unused content within Balance Tweaks


A document detailing various ideas for the Balance Tweaks mod. A few of these were added as proper balance changes in the Synchrony DLC.


- Playable characters
	- All
		- Innate wall vision
		- Innate light source
		- Starting bomb count: 0, 1, 2, 3
		- Cursed hearts take damage first
	- Melody
		- Starting health: 2 hearts, 3 hearts
	- Aria
		- Enemy pool: default, scrambled
		- Zone order: reverse, normal
		- Starting health: 0.5 hearts, 1 heart
	- Monk
		- Starting health: 2 hearts, 3 hearts
		- Start with Nazar Charm
		- Vow of Poverty damage: lethal, near-lethal, 0.5 hearts per coin, 1 heart, 0.5 heart, curse health, none
		- Vow of Poverty recoil (1 coin in boss can be picked up still)
		- Vow of Poverty respects potion
	- Coda
		- Vow of Poverty damage: lethal, near-lethal, 0.5 hearts per coin, 1 heart, 0.5 heart, curse health, none
		- Vow of Poverty recoil
		- Vow of Poverty respects potion
	- Bard
		- Starting health: 2 hearts, 3 hearts
	- Mary
		- Sheep damage: grieve, transfer 1x, transfer 2x
		- Sheep affected by Luck items
		- Sheep drinks potions
		- Mary leaps to protect sheep
- Items
	- Item Pools
		- Bomb Charm: fully removed, removed, default, zone 4 boss chest, (pawnbroker)
		- Boots of Leaping
		- Boots of Lunging
		- Charm of Strength
		- Map
		- Monkey's Paw
		- Ring of Courage
		- Shovel of Courage
		- Axe (basic)
		- Axe (blood)
		- Axe (glass)
		- Axe (gold)
		- Axe (titanium)
		- Axe (obsidian)
	- Action items
		- Cursed Potion activation: manual, automatic
		- Cursed Potion bonus health: 0
		- War Drum dig strength boost
		- Magic food overheal hearts: full, cursed, empty
		- Magic food overheal rounding: up, off, down
		- Magic cookie stack size: 6
		- Stack any food
	- Armor
		- Heavy Glass knockback immunity: always, 3 hits only, never
		- Karate Gi damage boost: +1, +2, x2
		- Karate Gi vulnerability: none, +1 damage, x2 damage
	- Charms
		- Frost Charm: greater freeze, freeze
		- Bomb Charm explosion size: small, large
		- Bomb Charm bonus damage: 0, +2, ∞
		- Bomb Charm doubles bomb count
		- Bomb Charm grants bomb vision
		- Bomb Charm generates one bomb per floor
		- Grenade Charm bonus bombs: 0, 1, 2, 3
		- Grenade Charm bomb damage: 0, +2, ∞
		- Grenade Charm replaced by consumable
		- Map aggro range: 0, 1, 2, 3
		- Monkey's Paw: freeze monkeys, charm monkeys, shield 3 grabs, Goof
		- Monkey's Paw affects Tar Monsters
		- Monkey's Paw affects Shovemonsters
		- Monkey's Paw toggleable
		- Potion multi-pickup
	- Bags
		- Holster auto-switch on shatter
		- Holster auto-switch on throw
	- Headgear
		- Blast Helm bonus bombs: 0, 1, 2, 3
		- Telepathy spirits: manifest, reveal, ignore
		- Monocle spirits: manifest, reveal, ignore
	- Footwear
		- Boots of Leaping off penalty: none, drop groove chain, 0.5 damage
		- Boots of Lunging off penalty: none, drop groove chain, 0.5 damage
		- Winged Boots: always on, toggleable, toggleable with damage, destructible
	- Weapons
		- Axe sweep limited to single target
		- Axe sweep limited to 1 damage
		- Whip penetration: default, piercing far, piercing near, piercing always
	- Rings
		- Ring of Gold pickup range boost: 0, +1, +2, ∞
		- Ring of Gold auto-collect on descent
		- Ring of Luck quantum superposition
		- Ring of Mana innate spell: none, spark
	- Spells
		- Cooldowns for all spells
		- Greater Bomb bonus damage: 0, +2, ∞
		- Greater Bomb radius: small, large
		- Greater Bomb only harms enemies
		- Pulse radius: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, infinite
		- Pulse damage: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, infinite
		- Pulse collision: stop at walls, pierce walls, attack into walls
		- Greater Pulse radius: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, infinite
		- Greater Pulse damage: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, infinite
		- Greater Pulse collision: stop at walls, pierce walls, attack into walls
		- Bomb dig strength: Shop, Catacomb, Stone, Dirt, None
		- Greater Fireball shape: horizontal line, surround, extra-wide, cross
	- Shovels
		- Battle Shovel dig strength: Shop, Catacomb, Stone, Dirt, None
		- Pickaxe insta-digs with Blood Drum
		- Shovel of Courage dig strength: Shop, Catacomb, Stone, Dirt, None
		- Shovel of Courage available to Monk/Coda
		- Shovel of Strength damage boost
		- Shovel of Strength dig strength
		- Shovel of Strength dig radius
	- Torches
		- Bright Torch aggro range: 2
		- Luminous Torch aggro range: 3
- NPCs
	- Pawnbroker
		- Item purchase price multiplier: 0x, 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x
		- Special offer: none, match sold slot, random slot
		- Special offer repeatable: off, once, infinite
		- Special offer allow reselling ("no refunds")
		- Special offer count: 1, 2, 3
		- Special offer price multiplier: 0.125x, 0.25x, 0.375x, 0.5x ..., 1x
		- Special offer single choice
- Shrines
	- Glass Shrine grants Heavy Glass Armor
	- Shrine of Pain drops contain food
	- Shrine of Pain basic reward threshold: 0.5 hearts
	- Shrine of Pain special reward threshold: 2 hearts
- Enemies
	- Activation radius
		- Zone 1 range: 3
		- Zone 2 range: 5
		- Zone 3 range: 7
		- Zone 4 range: 3
		- Zone 5 range: 3
		- Skeleton Knight range limit: 7
	- Damage (maybe generalize?)
		- Purple Goblin damage
		- Grey Goblin damage
		- Black Skeleton damage
		- Black Armored Skeleton damage
		- Black Skeleton Knight damage
	- Spirits
		- Wraith effect: attack, attack and despawn, curse all hearts, weaken, horrify, corrode, blind, shadow, expose, confuse
		- Wight effect
		- Ghast effect
		- Ghoul effect
		- Cursed wraith effect
- Zones
	- Zone 5: At the start, After Zone 1, After Zone 2, After Zone 3, After Zone 4
- Boss fights
	- Death Metal
		- Zone 1 spawn limit
		- Zone 1 spawn wave minimum
		- Zone 1 spawn wave maximum
		- Zone 3 Skeleton Knight parity: random, aligned
	- Coral Riff
		- Black Tentacles protective shell
		- Fewer Black Tentacles
	- Deep Blues
		- Red Pieces protective shell
		- Deep Blues 2 Red Pieces: Random, Knights, Bishops + Knight, Rooks + Knight
	- NecroDancer
		- Stage immune to explosions
		- Stage immune to high-tier shovels
	- The Conductor
		- Enemy spawn limit
		- Enemy spawns per wave: 4
		- Enemy spawn minimum distance
		- Battery health
		- Batteries immune to explosions
		- Batteries extra damage on kill
		- Batteries drained by Conductor spells
		- Battery wire works while levitating
		- Battery wire works while transformed

Character Skins

To do:
check if theres (more) unused stuff in this content pack

Dynamic Characters

To do:
check if theres (more) unused stuff in this content pack

Level Editor

To do:
this section


Yes, quirks is spelled with a lowercase q. Except in change logs. Sometimes.

To do:
i feel like there might not be much unused stuff in here. maybe i can include the comments in the script or smth?

Versus mode

To do:
check if theres (more) unused stuff in this content pack


A document detailing various ideas for the halloween event.


- Lobby shrines
	- Last One Dancing (Shrine of Glass)
	- Deathmatch (Boss Shrine)
	- Trick or Treat (Shrine of the Feast)
	- Toggle Raveyard generator (Shrine of Space)

- Mechanics
	- All enemies drop candy in addition to gold
		- Candy drops are based on the enemy's natural gold drop amount
		- No coin multiplier is applied when candy is dropped
- Objects
	- Jumpscare chests
		- Some chests do not contain items, but enemies, minibosses or even bosses
	- Spooky barrels
		- Some barrels start rolling themselves at any (non-adjacent) approaching player
	- Sarcophagi as player spawn points
		- Players respawn from a random sarcophagus (instead of at a random point on the floor), replacing the next enemy
		- Walking in any direction frees the player from the sarcophagus, even if the direction is obstructed
	- Mountain of Candy
		- Dropped by bosses, attackable like a crate
		- Yields candy multiple times per hit: 30, 20, 10, 5
		- If multiple players hit it in the same beat, all players get the full amount of candy
- Enemies
	- Skeleton Tombkeeper
		- Periodically picks up the sarcophagus it spawned from, and carries it in a random direction by a few tiles
	- Goblin Trapper
		- When within 3 tiles of a player, leaves behind a trail of traps
	- Pink Leprechaun
		- Spawns when a candy pile of 25 or more is left alone for 7 beats
		- Steals all candy on hit, then disappears
		- Leaves behind a trail of 5 candy per tile, with the same rules as the regular Leprechaun
		- Drops the Candy Magnet on death, on top of a pile of 30 candy pieces
		- Can spawn once per floor
- Events
	- Candy Leak
		- All players leave behind a trail of candy
		- Players can only pick up the candy trails left behind by other players
- Items
	- Goodie Bag
		- Permanent backpack slot item, replaces the default holster in Halloween mode
		- Contains collected candy and allows eating 10 candy to regain half a heart
	- Pumpkin Crown
		- Slotless
		- Indicates top-score, automatically travels to the highest-scoring player using a visual animation
	- Candy Magnet
		- Dagger-range melee weapon
		- Steal 1 candy per non-shielded hit against players or enemies
		- First extra candy is free, further stolen candy is deducted from the monster's natural drops
	- Ghost Costume
		- Armor slot
		- Restricts vision like Ring of Shadows
		- When killed while wearing it, no candy is dropped, and the Ghost Costume is passed on to the killer
		- Disintegrates when wearer is killed by an enemy
	- Shovel of Shove
		- Pushes walls instead of digging them
		- All walls in a row are pushed simultaneously
		- When a wall is pushed into an obstacle (Shop wall or level border), the furthest wall in the row disintegrates
		- When a wall is pushed into a player or enemy, damage is dealt based on the wall's dig strength
	- Infernal Boots
		- Leaves behind a short-lived trail of hot coals
		- Grants immunity to hot coals (both permanent and temporary)
- Spells
	- Possession spell (looks like a lantern)
		- Temporarily take control of a monster or player
	- Ethereal spell (looks like a wraith)
		- Temporarily phase through walls for 8 or 16 beats
		- Can be extended by staying in the wall, but starts dealing suffocation damage until leaving the wall
	- Necromancy spell (looks like a skull)
		- Undead enemies (skeletons, zombies) leave behind bone piles, which can be resurrected
		- The spell resurrects bone piles in a Ring-of-Shadows-like radius around the player
		- Resurrecting a bone pile creates a Red Skeleton, which mirrors the player's movement and drops no candy/gold
	- Invisibility spell
		- Temporarily become invisible for 4 beats
		- No longer targeted by enemies or visible to other players
		- Visibility is broken upon being hit or upon digging
		- It is not possible to attack or use items during invisibility
		- Last beat of invisibility is telegraphed
	- Projection spell
		- Creates fake, non-colliding ghost copies of the player that mirror the player's movement
		- To the caster, they appear semi-transparent and can be walked through
		- To other players, they appear as exact copies of the player and can be attacked
		- To monsters, they appear as a valid target
		- They despawn when hit, when bumping into an obstacle, or automatically after a few beats
	- Curse spell (looks like a weird Transmute Spell)
		- Curses nearby entities on adjacent tiles in various ways
		- Cursing an enemy causes it to split into two copies of itself upon death
		- Cursing a mushroom light causes it to turn into an angry giant mushroom light on the next hit
		- Cursing a shopkeeper causes them to start chasing players without attacking
		- Cursing an item causes it to disintegrate on pickup, forcing the player to step off and pick up the old item
		- Cursing a bomb turns it into what seems like a normal bomb item, which immediately drops a lit bomb on pickup
		- Cursing a chest causes it to spawn an enemy or miniboss instead of an item
		- Cursing an urn causes it to spawn two minibosses and a boss instead of three items
		- Cursing a wall causes it to spawn a skeleton when dug
		- Cursing a trap causes it to stick to the first player to step on it, leaving behind a trail of traps
		- Cursing a travel rune causes it to teleport players to a random location on the floor
		- Cursing a player causes them to get teleported to a random location on the floor
	- Levitation spell
		- Grants temporary levitation for 16 beats

Assets from Legacy

3.x pulls most of its assets (music, sounds, sprites) from the Legacy version. Most of the unused assets from Legacy also go unused in 3.x.


To do:
somehow auto-gen a more comprehensive list? also upload the empty cursed heart sprite
Image File Name Notes
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-cursed heart empty.png cursed_heart_empty.png While this was used in Legacy (albeit only when save editing is involved), it goes unused in 3.x due to differences in how cursed health (and health rendering) is implemented.


Here's a list of sounds from Legacy that aren't used in 3.x. This list was auto-generated by listing all sound files in the game that aren't in any sound groups.

To do:
Upload all of the ones that aren't duplicates or completely silent. Add notes for the ones that need it. Maybe make this table collapsable somehow?
Audio File Name Notes
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-TEMP silence.ogg TEMP_silence.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en bat miniboss attack.ogg en_bat_miniboss_attack.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en bat miniboss death.ogg en_bat_miniboss_death.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en bat miniboss hit.ogg en_bat_miniboss_hit.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en dragon hit.ogg en_dragon_hit.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en goblin away.ogg en_goblin_away.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en goblin digfail.ogg en_goblin_digfail.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en goblin sleep.ogg en_goblin_sleep.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en goblin toward.ogg en_goblin_toward.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en mimic chase.ogg en_mimic_chase.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en minotaur hit.ogg en_minotaur_hit.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en monkey death.ogg en_monkey_death.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en skel head.ogg en_skel_head.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en skel hit 01.ogg en_skel_hit_01.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en skel hit 02.ogg en_skel_hit_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en skel hit 03.ogg en_skel_hit_03.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en slime death 01.ogg en_slime_death_01.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en slime death 02.ogg en_slime_death_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en slime death 03.ogg en_slime_death_03.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en slime hit 01.ogg en_slime_hit_01.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en slime hit 02.ogg en_slime_hit_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en slime hit 03.ogg en_slime_hit_03.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en tarmonster hit.ogg en_tarmonster_hit.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-en wallmonster chase.ogg en_wallmonster_chase.ogg
vo_announcer_fortissimole_lol.ogg Get it? He's a strong mole!
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo blt hello 06 homeslice.ogg vo_blt_hello_06_homeslice.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo cad heal 01.ogg vo_cad_heal_01.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo cad heal 02.ogg vo_cad_heal_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo cad roar 01.ogg vo_cad_roar_01.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo cad roar 02.ogg vo_cad_roar_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo mel yeah 03.ogg vo_mel_yeah_03.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo mel yeah 05.ogg vo_mel_yeah_05.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo nec att v1 01.ogg vo_nec_att_v1_01.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo nec att v1 02.ogg vo_nec_att_v1_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo nec att v1 03.ogg vo_nec_att_v1_03.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-vo nec hurt 02.ogg vo_nec_hurt_02.ogg
File:CryptOfTheNecroDancer-Legacy-wep blunderbuss fire.ogg wep_blunderbuss_fire.ogg

Interestingly, these two unused sounds are assigned to sound groups:

Audio File Name Sound Group
sfx_countin_other.ogg countinOther
sfx_countin_beat1.ogg countinBeat1

These may have been intended for something similar to 3.x's unpause count-in.