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Darklight Conflict (PlayStation, Sega Saturn)/Commented-Out Strings/Missions

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This is a sub-page of Darklight Conflict (PlayStation, Sega Saturn)/Commented-Out Strings.


# message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Good launch pilot!"
#message "Use the GREEN arrow on your HUD to locate hyperspace portal"
#message "HYPERSPACE"
#message "Hyperspace jump completed. Locate and dock with Kampuss"
#message "Again use the GREEN arrow on your HUD to locate Kampuss"
#message "Dock with Kampuss"
#message "Aim for the hangar"
#message "Adjust your heading now"
#message "Prepare to dock with Kampuss"


# Hero Pod...

#	create hero master gunpost "reppod02"

#message "14 Feb 97" pause 15
#message "We are ready to release drone craft Human"

#	create "drone with engine"
#		task
#			cloak
#			then decloak
#			then
#			orbit 0 150 0 relative to "hero"
#				radius 450
#				heading 20 0 0
#				up -1 0 3
#				start angle 60
#				speed 0.25

#message "All drones destroyed!"
#message "We will despatch a bomber to tractor you back to Kampuss"


#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Enter the near-by hyperspace portal"
#message "Now locate and destroy all training drones"
#message "Good shooting pilot!"

#message "Engage and destroy remaining drones"
#pause 120

#message "Training drones destroyed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Armed training drones dead ahead, engage and destroy"
#message "Armed training drones destroyed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Destroy all computer controlled fighters"
#message "Fighters destroyed!"

# back to kampuss...

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "Locate and dock with Kampuss"
#message "Prepare to dock with Kampuss"


#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Enter the near-by hyperspace portal"
#message "Engage and destroy drones using plasma cannon only"
#message "Drones destroyed"
#message "Engage and destroy drones using laser cannon only"
#message "Drones destroyed"
#message "Engage and destroy drones using fragment cannon only"
#message "All drones destroyed!"
# back to kampuss...
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate and dock with Kampuss"
#message "Prepare to dock with Kampuss"


#message "24 Feb 97"
#message "Enter the near-by hyperspace portal"
#message "Engage and destroy fighters using drive seeking missiles only"
# 24/2/97
#message "Engage and destroy fighter using screamers only"
#message "Engage and destroy fighters using widow makers only"
#message "All fighters destroyed" # back to kampuss...
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate and dock with Kampuss"
#message "Prepare to dock with Kampuss"


#The two virus barges and the two "bomb trainers" have to be created before
#they are mentioned in the instructors task list.

#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Engage and destroy barges using escort missiles only"
#message "Barges destroyed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Infect barges using virus bombs only"
#message "Barges infected, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate and bomb the barges using rector bombs only"
#message "Well done, barges destroyed!"

# back to kampuss sector...

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "Move away from hyperspace portal"


#The two cube barges have to be created before
#they are mentioned in the instructors task list.

#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Before attacking the barges, try out your cloaking device"
#message "Notice the cloaking device drains your energy"
#message "Locate and destroy barges using cubes only"
#message "Both barges destroyed!"
# back to kampus...
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate and destroy barges using cubes only"
#message "Barges destroyed!"


create hero "repftr02"
# position 500 0 0 relative to "campus"

#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Follow me to training sector via hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate cargo pod then attach tractor beam"
#message "Now locate and enter hyperspace portal with the cargo pod"
#message "Move away from hyperspace portal and disengage tractor beam"
#message "You have clearance to dock"


#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Incoming fighters, engage and destroy"
#message "More incoming craft"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal."
#message "You have clearance to dock with Kampuss."


#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace"
# space traffic...

#in sector 7
#	create "reptran"
#	position 2500 -2500 4500
#	heading 0 0 -1 up 0 1 0
#	task
#		patrol path
#			2500 -2500 4000
#			0 0 1000
#		end of path

#message "Kampuss passing command to War Drum"
#message "We have command, locate and enter hyperspace pilot"
# wave 1...
#message "We have multiple incoming Ovon fighters. Engage and destroy."
#message "This is not a training mission!"
# wave 2...
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "25 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# first wave (scout with 2 wingmen)...
#message "We have detected multiple incoming Ovon claw squadrons,"
#message "engage and destroy."
# second wave (3 fighters trying to attack hero from rear)...

in sector 3

			#JMthen go to 0 0 -2000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 300
			#JMthen go to 0 0 -2000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 400
			#JMthen go to 0 0 -2000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero"

# third wave (3 fighters with synced breakoffs)...

in sector 3

			#JMthen go to 2500 -2500 3000
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 300
			#JMthen go to 2500 0 3000
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 300
			#JMthen go to 0 0 3000
			#JMthen attack "hero"

#pause 2
#message "Sector cleansed."

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Sector 8 - portal bracing unit.
#message "The next hyperspace portal has been locked by an Ovon bracing unit."
#pause 120
#message "You must destroy the bracing unit"
#pause 80
#message "before entering the hyperspace portal."

#message "Bracing unit destroyed, enter the hyperspace portal"
# Sector 5 - asteroids
#message "You have just entered the asteroid sector"
#message "Start destroying the asteroids and await further orders."
#message "Pathway cleared, return to War Drum."
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Sector 3 - fight going back
# first wave (string of 4 fighters)
#message "We have detected multiple incoming Ovon claw squadrons,"
#message "engage and destroy."
# second wave (bait for ambush)
# third wave (ambush)...
#message "Sector cleansed"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


in sector 1
#create hero master gunpost "reppod02"

#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Ovon forces are entering War Drum's sector. Prepare for battle."
# first wave attacking pods and hero
# sequence coming through portal attacking pods and hero

in sector 2
#"plasma cannon"

# second wave attacking hero and pods
# launch wingmen from mothership
# third wave attacking pods and hero
# another sequence coming through portal
# launch second wave of wingmen from mothership
# wave of craft travelling directly at hero
#message "All Ovons destroyed, mission complete."


#message "14 Feb 97" pause 10 #pause is only to see the date
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# launch wingmen
#wait until distance between "wing 1" and element "hangar 1" of "mothership" > 300

#in sector 1
#	create "vulftr01"
#		label "wing 2"
#		launch left from "hangar 1" of "mothership"
#		task
#			go to 0 0 900 relative to portal 1.1
#			then go to 0 0 800 relative to portal 1.1
#			then enter portal 1.1
#			then go to 400 200 100 relative to portal 10.1
#			then defend "hero"

#This is the ore asteroid
# a few baddies to add flavour... yummy

in sector 10
# then attack "wing 2"

#message "Ovon craft engaging"
#message "All ovon craft destroyed"
#message "Use your cannons to fragment the asteroid"

create "ore2" / create "ore3" / create "ore4"
# tractorable

#message "Use tractor beam to pick-up asteroid fragment"
#message "Ore captured, return to mothership via hyperspace portal"
#message "Drop the ore outside War Drum"
#message "Disengage tractor beam"


#			orbit 20000 0 0
#				radius 2500
#				heading 0 0 1
#				up -1 1 0
#				start angle 180
#				speed 0.03

#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Locate Al tar 7"
# Repton Base...
# Pods around base...
# Repton fighters...
#message "Base under attack by Ovon forces"
# wave 1...
#message "Another wave of Ovons detected"
#message "Defend Base"
# wave 3...
# wave 4...

create "ovftr03"

			#JMthen go to 0 0 -1000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 200
			#JMthen go to 0 0 -1000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 200
			#JMthen go to 0 0 -1000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero" for 200
			#JMthen go to 0 0 -1000 object relative to "hero"
			#JMthen attack "hero"
			#JMthen hunt

#message "All Ovon forces destroyed"


#message "24 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#pause 50
#message "Four comets are closing on War Drum"

#message "Locate and destroy the comet's engine units"
#message "Engine Destroyed. Three more comets are closing on War Drum"
#message "Ovon bombers are emerging from the portal!"
#message "All comet engines destroyed"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


# aka "portal raiders"
# note early creation because no forward references
#message "14 Feb 97"
#message "Follow squadron to Sector 3"
#message "Head towards waypoint"
#message "New portal activated"

in sector 2
#armed with "plasma cannon"

#message "Escort transporters to sector 1"
#message "Ovon raiders emerging from new portal!"
#message "Prepare for combat!"
#message "Defend transporters at all costs!"
# wild card...

in sector 3
#armed with "laser cannon"

#message "Transporters nearing portal"
#message "Transporters jumping to hyperspace"
# final baddy
#message "Transporters are safe"
#message "Return to mothership"
#message "Dock with mothership"
#message "Prepare to dock"


#message "17 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Sector 8 - the first fight.
# bombers and escorts
# attacking hero...
#message "Incoming Ovons"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Sector 7
#message "Scanners have detected the mining robot"
#message "Use tractor beam on mining robot"
#message "Incoming Ovon attack!"
#message "Drop mining robot and engage hostiles"
#message "Re-engage mining robot and continue mission"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#There is no suitable message at the moment.
#message "NOT TRANSLATED Drop mining robot outside War Drum"
# John re-engage.....

#message "NOT TRANSLATED Disengage tractor beam"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


# four patterns of eight
# these never die so test for 32 instead of 0 ovons

# decloaking sequence is as follows
# 0123456789

# Front group...
# 0123456789

# Back group...
# 0123456789

# Left group...
# 0123456789

# these fuck off at the end

# Right group...
# 0123456789

# 0123456789

# here we go...

# wave 0 from front
#set waypoint to 0 0 2000

# wave 1 from left
#set waypoint to -2000 0 0

# wave 2 from right
#set waypoint to 2000 0 0

# wave 3 from back
#set waypoint to 0 0 -2000

# wave 4 from right
#set waypoint to 2000 0 0

# wave 5 from front
#set waypoint to 0 0 2000

# wave 6 from back
#set waypoint to 0 0 -2000

# wave 7 from right
#set waypoint to 2000 0 0

# wave 8 from right again
#set waypoint to 2000 0 0

# wave 9 from left
#set waypoint to -2000 0 0

#message "Mission complete"
#pause 80
#message "We will despatch a bomber to retrieve your gun pod"


#message "18 Feb 97" #message "...Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Let's begin this patrol! Follow my lead, locate and enter hyperspace portal"

# Sector 14 - the first fight.

create "ovftr1" (1, 2) / create "ovftr4" (1, 2) / create "ovftr02" (1, 3)
# then attack "wingman 2"

create "ovftr1" (3) / create "ovftr02" (2, 4)
# then attack "wingman 2"
# then attack "wingman 1"

# break off group...

create "ovftr04" (3)
# then attack "hero"
# then attack "wingman 1"
# then attack "wingman 2"

#message "Engage and destroy all Ovon fighters"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Sector 8 - battleship
#message "Scanners indicate an Ovon battleship within this sector"
#message "engage and destroy"
#but fail if out of "escort missile"
#message "Ovon Battleship destroyed! Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# sector 3
#message "We've got multiple incoming Ovon fighters"
#message "Death to the Repton cause!"
#message "The next hyperspace portal has been locked by an Ovon bracing unit."
#pause 80
#message "You must destroy the bracing unit"
#pause 60
#message "before entering the hyperspace portal."
#pause 60
#message ""

#message "Bracing unit destroyed, enter the hyperspace portal"
# sector 7 - gun pods
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal" #message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#	create "repbomb"
#		label "bomber 3"
#		armed with
#			"laser cannon"
#			"rector bomb"
#				at -12.5 3.5 6
#				at 12.5 3.5 6
#				at -12.5 -3.5 6
#				at 12.5 -3.5 6
#		position 90 50 -470 relative to portal 1.1
#		task
#			wait until "bomber 2" not in sector 1
#			then enter portal 1.1
#			then go to -300 300 -2100 relative to portal 7.2
#			then go to -300 100 -1700 relative to portal 7.2
#			then go to -300 80 -1500 relative to portal 7.2
#			then wait until "hero" not in sector 7
#			then wait until "bomber 1" not in sector 7
#			then wait until "bomber 2" not in sector 7
#			then go to 10 30 -1000 relative to portal 7.2
#			then go to 10 30 -500 relative to portal 7.2
#			then enter portal 7.2
#			then attack "iris 1"
#			then hunt

#message "All fighters enter hyperspace portal"
#pause 80
#message ""
#pause 5
#message "All bomber squadrons, locate and enter hyperspace"

#message "All bomber squadrons locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# ambush bomber 2
#wait until number of "ovons" in sector 2 < 5 #including iris
#message "All bomber squadrons attack Ovon sector base with rector bombs"
#cancel waypoint
#message "Ovon sector base destroyed"
#message "Enagage remaining ovon forces"
#message "Sector cleansed"


#then hunt until number of "ovons" > 0
#then hunt until number of "ovons" = 0

#then defend "wingman 1" until number of "ovons" > 0
#then defend "wingman 1" until number of "ovons" = 0

#message "18 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Incoming Ovon attack"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# string of bombers and transporters...

#	create "ovbomber"
#		task
#			orbit 0 -300 -198000
#				radius 200500
#				heading 0 0 1
#				up 0.1 1 0
#				start angle 91
#				speed 0.0005

# supporting craft for ovtrans 1
# supporting craft for ovtrans 2
# supporting craft for ovtrans 3
#message "Convoy destroyed! Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "18 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# ovon bait
# "ovon hider 1 inside garage"
# "ovon hider 2 inside garage"
# "ovon hider 3 inside garage"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# "ovon hider B1 inside garage"
# other baddies
# wingmen rendezvous

#	create "vulftr01"
#		label "wingman 4"
#		position -2500 0 1000
#		pointing at "hero"
#		armed with
#			"laser cannon"
#			"drive seeker"
#				at -4 -3 0
#				at 4 -3 0
#		task cloak
#			then decloak
#			then hunt

#message "NOT TRANSLATED Rendezvous with wingmen"

create "ovftr04"
# then attack "wingman 4"

#message "Sector objective complete"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have permission to dock"


in sector 6
#create hero master gunpost "reppod02"

#message "26 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Pirates attacking"

# wild card
#message "Mission objective complete"
#local message "24"
#speech 24
#pause 80
#message "We will despatch a bomber to retrieve your gun pod"


# 27/2/97

#message "27 Feb" pause 10
#message " Alert! Hyperspace missiles closing on War Drum!"

#message "locate hyperspace"
# first time in sector 9
# second wave of hyper missiles

in sector 9

#	create "ovon hyper missile"
#	position 0 0 350 relative to portal 9.2
#	pointing at portal 9.2
#	task enter portal 9.2
#	then home in on "mothership"

#	create "ovon hyper missile"
#	position 0 0 500 relative to portal 9.2
#	pointing at portal 9.2
#	task enter portal 9.2
#	then home in on "mothership"

#message "We have detected a hyperspace missile"
#pause 100
#message "which has locked onto the War Drum, engage and destroy"

# back in sector 6
#message "Hyperspace missiles closing on War Drum!"
#message "Sector cleansed. Locate hyperspace portal"
# second time in sector 9
#message "Destroy ovon mothership"
#but fail if out of "judgement cube"
#message "Ovon mothership destroyed,"
# second wave of hyper missiles
#message "but hyperspace missiles were launched"
#pause 40
#message "before it's destruction!"
#pause 80
#message "Locate and destroy all hyperspace missiles"

# finally back home
#message "Hyperspace missile has lock on Wardrum"
#message "Mission objective complete"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "Scanners have detected some Ovon fighters left over from the last attack!"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# gun pod field
#This is the ore asteroid
#message "We have entered the sector containing the asteroid field"
# JM set waypoint to "ore asteroid"
#message "Start mining for ore, Human"
#message "Now use your tractor beam to pick-up ore fragment"
#wait until any "ore" tractored
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Drop ore fragment under the War Drum"
#message "NOT TRANSLATED Disengage tractor beam"


#message "26 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "OK. Pilots locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "I heard these pirates are pretty mean when it comes to space combat"
#message "We have a clear sector"
#pause 100
#message "We heard that these space pirates have cloaking devices"

#message "We have multiple incoming pirate fighters, break and attack"
#message "Sector Cleansed. Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Surrender your ships or die!"
#message "Pirate fighters uncloaking dead ahead, engage and destroy all craft"
#message "This is your final warning, surrender your ships or die!"
#message "Suck vacuum!"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#Pirates heading towards Nirvana 12
#message "We have visual contact with Nirvana 12"
#message "We have detected pirate fighters"
#pause 100
#message "emerging from portal 13, please assist"

#pause 40
#message "You heard the man, engage and destroy all pirate fighters"

#message "This time we will scavenge you and your craft"
#Jam all Repton ship's primary weapons.
#message "We have jammed all your primary weapons!"
#message "It's true, we have lost all power to primary weapons systems,"
#pause 120
#message "we only have standard cannon."

#message "Sector cleansed, power has returned to primary weapons"
#message "You have clearance to dock with Nirvana 12"
#wait until distance between "hero" and waypoint < 200
#message "Welcome to Nirvana 12"


#message "26 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Good luck pilots"

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

in sector 8 (1) / in sector 7
#create "ovftr03"

#message "We have detected an Ovon mothership with armed escort"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

in sector 8 (2)
#launch down from "hangar 1" of "ovmother"

#portal 7.1 at 0 0 0 portal 7.2 at 2500 -2500 5000
# parked craft
# launchers
#message "We have visual contact with the Ovon ship yard"
#message "All Repton craft attack the Ovon ship yard"
#message "sector objective complete"
#message "The War Drum is one sector away, locate and enter hyperspace"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "27 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "We have multiple incoming Ovon fighters, engage and destroy"
#message "Human, locate and tractor Ovon fighter"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#JM wait until distance between "hero" and portal 7.2 < 3000
#message "Not so fast, human"
#message "Drop fighter and engage ovons"
#message "Locate and re-engage Ovon fighter"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#but fail if "hero" in hyperspace 13 # 27/2/97
#message "Pick up the Ovon fighter with the tractor beam"
#message "Drop the Ovon fighter near to the War Drum"
#message "NOT TRANSLATED Disengage tractor beam"


#message "26 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "This is the first section of the mine field"
#message "Let's burn and clean this sector up"
#message "Mine field cleared!"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "This is the second section of the mine field"
#message "Search and destroy all mines"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Return to War Drum"


#message "27 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Engage ovon forces"
#message "We have visual contact with Iris II"
#message "Iris II destroyed! Well done, mission success!"


in sector 1 (1)
#create hero master gunpost "reppod02"

#message "27 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "We have detected an Ovon mothership decloaking nearby"

in sector 1 (2, 3, 4, 13, 16)
#task go to 0 -200 0 relative to "front hen"

in sector 1 (3, 10, 13)
#launch down from "hangar 1" of "front hen"

in sector 1 (6, 9)
#launch down from "hangar 1" of "left hen"

in sector 1 (6, 9, 17)
#task go to 0 -200 0 relative to "left hen"

in sector 1 (8)
#launch down from "hangar 1" of "back hen"
#then go to 0 -200 0 relative to "back hen"

in sector 1 (12, 14)
#launch down from "hangar 1" of "right hen"
#then go to 0 -200 0 relative to "right hen"

in sector 1 (15, 19)
#task go to 0 -200 0 relative to "back hen"

in sector 1 (18)
#task go to 0 -200 0 relative to "right hen"

#message "Mission objective complete"
#local message "24"
#speech 24


# was 33
#message "27 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "OK pilots be aware! Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

# Bombers...
# create "ovbomber"
# position 200 0 200 relative to "bomber1"
# heading 0 0 -1 up 0 1 0

# create "ovbomber"
# position 200 0 200 relative to "bomber2"
# heading 0 0 -1 up 0 1 0

# create "ovbomber"
# position 400 0 400 relative to "bomber2"
# heading 0 0 -1 up 0 1 0

# fighter support
#message "We have detected Ovon bombers in this sector"
#pause 100
#message "Engage and destroy"

#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Mines...
# on exit...
# on entry...
# sheet
#message "Begin clearing mine field"
#message "The next hyperspace portal has been locked by an Ovon bracing unit"
#message "Bracing unit destroyed, enter the hyperspace portal"
# Pirates..
# guards...
#message "We have multiple incoming craft, engage and destroy"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Empty sector
#message "Sector clear, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Asteroids...
#message "Sector clear, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Alien Artifact...
#message "We have detected a strange object within this sector"
#message "It definitely looks alien, commencing particle scan, standby"
#message "Use weapons to push artifact through hyperspace portal"
#message "Enter hyperspace portal"
# Al-Tar...


# was 32
#message "27 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

# Stealth...
# just you dare!

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Reverse controls...
#message "We have a problem with the fly-by-wire system"
#message "All controls have been reversed,"
#message "this could be due to the Magnat virus transmitter!"

#in sector 14
#	create "ovftr01"
#		position -500 1000 1200
#		task cloak
#		then decloak
#		then hunt

#in sector 14
#	create "ovftr01"
#		position 1200 -1000 4000
#		task cloak
#		then decloak
#		then hunt

#	create "ovftr01"
#		position 1400 1000 4000
#		task cloak
#		then decloak
#		then hunt

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# Destroyer & escape pod
#message "The virus was only active in the last sector, controls now normal"
#message "Sensors have detected the Ovon Destroyer within this sector"
#message "Alert! We have detected an escape pod, engage and destroy"
#message "Sector objective complete"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"


#message "27 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#This is the ore asteroid
#message "We have entered the sector containing the asteroid field"
#set waypoint to "ore asteroid"
#message "Start mining for ore, Human"
#message "Now use your tractor beam to pick-up ore fragment"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Incoming Ovon craft, disengage ore fragment and engage enemy craft"
#message "Ovon forces destroyed"
#message "Locate ore fragment and use tractor beam"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Incoming Ovon craft, disengage ore fragment and engage enemy craft"
#message "Sector cleansed"
#message "Locate ore fragment and use tractor beam"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Collect the ore fragment with your tractor beam"
#message "Drop ore fragment under the War Drum"
#message "NOT TRANSLATED Disengage tractor beam"


#	create "vulftr01"
#		label "wingman 1"
#		position -50 -50 -800 relative to "mothership"
#		armed with
#			"laser cannon"
#			"widow maker"
#				at -12.5 1.5 -3
#				at 12.5 1.5 -3
#				#at -12.5 -1.5 -3
#				#at 12.5 -1.5 -3
#		task defend "hero"

#message "28 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "NOT TRANSLATED All fighters maintain escort station"

#message "We have multiple incoming Ovon craft, engage and destroy"

in sector 2
#"rector bomb"

in sector 4
#create "ovbomber"

#in sector 35
#	create "ovdestroyer"
#		label "destroyer"
#		task
#			orbit 0 0 0
#				radius 1200
#				heading 0 1 1
#				up 1 1 0
#				start angle 0
#				speed 0.01

#message "An Ovon destroyer has decloaked near the War Drum, engage and destroy"
#message "Sector cleansed! Locate and dock with War Drum"


#message "28 Feb 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

# portal 2
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

in sector 31 (1)
#position 20 0 700 object relative to "hero"

in sector 31 (2)
#position 20 60 800 object relative to "hero"

#message "We have entered the gun pod sector,"
#message "locate and destroy the power stations"
#message "All generators destroyed"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


# note ovfarm in ovons2 group
#message "28 Feb 97"
#message "All Bombers locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Ok pilots, let's head for the command center"
#message "Command center destroyed, now attack the solar power fields"
#message "Head for the next command center"
#message "Command center destroyed, now attack the solar power fields"
#message "Engage remaining ovon forces"
#message "Objective completed"
#message "War drum decloaking"


# was 43
#message "27 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#		create "ovracer"
#			label "racer1"
#			track position 0.6 800

#		create "ovracer"
#			label "racer2"
#			track position 0.3 0

#message "This is the race meeting, break and attack"
#message "Now attack the race craft"
#message "Commanders race craft destroyed"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Ovon destroyer dead ahead"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


# "Capture the Enemy"
# Retrieve Repton Commander's Escape Pod


in sector 1 (2)
#"judgement cube"

# Delete next four lines to remove my crap
#message "27 Feb 96"
#pause 70
#message ""
#pause 5

#message "Let's get the Commander back"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Ovon gun pods, engage and destroy"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Incoming Ovon craft, engage and destroy"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Two Ovon Destroyers at battle stations, engage and destroy"
#but fail if out of "judgement cube"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Incoming Ovon Fighters, engage and destroy"
#pause 5
#message "Die Human"
#pause 70
#message ""

#message "We have located the escape pod"
#message "Now use the tractor beam on the Commanders Escape Pod"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Drop escape pod. Incoming enemy fighters"
#message "Relocate the Commanders escape pod and use tractor beam"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Drop the Commanders escape pod under the War Drum"
#message "Disengage tractor beam"


# feeder links
#message "28 Feb 97"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# feeders...
# brace and static defences...

#	create "mine"
#		position -150 0 150 relative to portal 26.2
#	create "mine"
#		position -100 150 150 relative to portal 26.2
#	create "mine"
#		position -100 -150 150 relative to portal 26.2

#message "The next hyperspace portal has been locked by an Ovon bracing unit."
#pause 120
#message "You must destroy the bracing unit"
#pause 80
#message "before entering the hyperspace portal."

#message "Bracing unit destroyed, enter the hyperspace portal"
#message "All craft attack Iris III!"
# feeding into portal 24.2...
#message "Great work! Recon area and we will set course for your sector"
#pause 300


#message "3 Mar 97" pause 10
#message "Incoming Ovon fighters, engage and destroy"
# stealth...
#create "ovdestroyer"
# position 300 200 -1000 relative to portal 3.2
# pointing at 0 0 -300 relative to portal 3.2

# Asteroids...
# asteroids and deluxe gunship...
#message "Sensors have detected a strange craft signature within this sector"
#wait until number of "ovons" in sector 7 = 0
#message "We got more unidentified Ovon fighters incoming"
#message "Locate and enter hysperspace portal"
# listening post...
# Asteroids...
#message "Located Ovon early warning station, locate and destroy"
#pause 150
#message ""

#message "Station destroyed, now engage and destroy satellite dishes"
#pause 150
#message ""

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "4 Mar 97"
#message "Let's take out those Ovon cannon"
#pause 50

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace"
#message "We've run into an Ovon gun pod field."
#message "Engage and destroy all gun pods"
#message "Gun pods destroyed, incoming craft"
#message "Locate and destroy hyperspace bracing unit"
#message "Sector contains planetary cannon, locate and destroy"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "We have located more planetary cannon"
#message "Locate and destroy"
#pause 50

#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# final fire fight and brace
#message "We've got multiple incoming Ovon craft"
#message "Engage and destroy"
##message "Burn human burn"
#local message "291"
#speech 291

#message "locate and destroy bracing unit"
#message "You have permission to dock"


#message "4 Mar 97" pause 20
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

create "ovdestroyer" (1)
# orbit portal 3.1
# radius 3000
# heading 0 1 1
# up -1 -1 0
# start angle 90
# speed 0

create "ovdestroyer" (2)
# orbit portal 3.2
# radius 3000
# heading -1 -1 -1
# up 1 1 0
# start angle 270
# speed 0

#message "Located battleship"
#message "Engage and destroy"
#but fail if out of "rector bomb"

create "ovhen"
# orbit portal 7.2
# radius 2000
# heading -1 1 1
# up 1 1 0
# start angle 90
# speed 0

#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "You have permission to dock"


#message "4 Mar 97" pause 10
#message "Ovon craft emerging from hyperspace"
#message "Sector cleansed, loacte and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "We have detected the first detatchment of missile launchers"
#message "Locate and destroy"
#message "We have detected the second line of Ovon missile launchers"
#message "Locate and destroy"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "We have detected the third line of Ovon missile launchers"
#pause 100
#message "Locate and destroy"
#pause 100
#message ""

#message "We have detected the fourth line of Ovon missile launchers"
#message "Enagage and destroy"
#message "Sector cleansed, locate and enter hyperspcae portal"
#message "you have clearance to dock"
#pause 100
#message ""


#message "5 Mar 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#message "This sector contains the NET"
#message "Engage and destroy linking units"
#pause 100

#message "Sector objective complete"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace"
#message "This sector contains the NET"
#message "Engage and destroy linking units"
#pause 100

#message "Sector objective complete"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace"
#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "5 Mar 97" pause 10
#message "Locate and enter portal"

#two V formations closing fast!
#message "Ovons detected within this sector"
#message "Make for the hyperspace portal"
#message "We have run into an Ovon gun pod field"
#message "Make for the hyperspace portal"
#message "Ovon mothership located"
#message "Ovon mothership located"
#message "Sector objective complete"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# create "mine"
# position 0 0 -100 relative to portal 11.2
# create "mine"
# position 0 0 100 relative to portal 11.2

#message "Ovon mothership located"
#message "Ovon fighters closing for attack"

in sector 11 create "ovsuit"
#launch down from "hangar 1" of "mama1"

#message "Alert! We have detected an escape pod, engage and destroy"
#message "Sector objective complete"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"


		#	orbit 20000 0 0
		#		radius 10
		#		heading 0 0 1
		#		up -1 1 0
		#		start angle 40
		#		speed 0

	#create hero "repftr02"
	#	launch left from "hangar 1" of "mothership"
	#	armed with
	#		"tractor beam"
	#			at -15 -8 0	 	 	 #	1

#message "6 Mar 97" pause 10
#message "Incoming enemy fighters"
# for fun
#message "We have visual contact with the Excel"
#message "locate and bomb excel with asteroid"
#wait until distance between "goliath" and "hero" < 3500

#in sector 1
#	create "mine"
#	position 0 0 800 object relative to "hero"
#	create "mine"
#	position 200 0 800 object relative to "hero"
#	create "mine"
#	position -200 0 800 object relative to "hero"
#	create "mine"
#	position 0 200 800 object relative to "hero"
#	create "mine"
#	position 0 -200 800 object relative to "hero"

#message "excel destroyed"


#	create "fourmum"
#		label "mothership"
#		mission critical
#		task
#			orbit 0 0 0
#				radius 9000
#				heading 0 0 1
#				up -1 1 0
#				start angle 45
#				speed 0

#	create "vulftr01"
#		label "wingman 3"
#		position -100 -200 1200 relative to "mothership"
#		armed with
#			"laser cannon"
#			"drive seeker"
#				at -4 -3 0
#				at 4 -3 0
#				at -5 -3 0
#				at 5 -3 0
#				at -6 -3 0
#				at 6 -3 0
#		task	enter portal 1.1
#		task	defend "mothership" until "hero" in hyperspace 1
#		then	enter portal 1.1
#		then 	go to 400 -250 700 relative to portal 3.1
#		then	hunt until "hero" in hyperspace 9
#		then	enter portal 3.2
#		then 	go to 400 -250 700 relative to portal 7.1
#		then	enter portal 7.2
#		then	defend  "mothership"

#	create "ovbomber"
#		position 300 1000 3000 relative to portal 1.1
#		task	cloak
#		then	decloak
#		then	attack "mothership"

#	create "ovsuit"
#		position 1200 0 3000 relative to portal 1.1
#		task	cloak
#		then	decloak
#		then	attack "mothership"

#	create "ovsuit"
#		position 1300 1000 3000 relative to portal 1.1
#		task	cloak
#		then	decloak
#		then	attack "mothership"

#	create "ovftr01"
#		position 2300 1000 3000 relative to portal 1.1
#		task	cloak
#		then	decloak
#		then	attack "mothership"

#	create "ovbomber"
#		position 4200 0 3000 relative to portal 1.1
#		task	cloak
#		then	decloak
#		then	attack "mothership"

#message "6 Mar 97" pause 10
#message "Full scale attack in progress"

#message "Defend the War Drum!"
#message "Multiple incoming Ovon craft all classes"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "We have run into an asteroid field full of Ovon craft"
#message "Engage and destroy"
#pause 100

#message "Sector cleansed"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "We have detected incoming tanks"
#message "Engage and destroy"
#pause 100

#message "Sector cleansed"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"

#	create "vulftr01"
#		launch left from "hangar 1" of "mothership2"
#		task
#			attack "head"
#			then hunt

#message "You have clearance to dock with War Drum"


#message "locate and enter hyperspace portal"

in sector 33

#	create "reppod02"
#		position 0 0 -200 relative to "cannon"
#		heading 1 0 0 up 0 0 -1

#	create "repsupply"
#		task
#			orbit 0 0 -4000 relative to "cannon"
#				radius 30
#				heading 1 0 0
#				up 0 1 0
#				start angle 0
#				speed 0

#	create "vulftr01"
#		label "defender1"
#		position 500 -200 -500 relative to "cannon"
#		armed with "plasma cannon"
#		task defend "cannon" offset 500 -200 -500

#message "Downloading pulse cannon location"
#message "Continue on heading human"
#local message "260"
#speech 260
#pause 50

#message "We are currently at 30% power"
#local message "261"
#speech 261
#pause 100

#message "We are currently at 50% power"
#local message "262"
#speech 262

#message "Pulse cannon under attack!"
#message "We are now at 90% power"
#message "Pulse cannon now at 98%"
#pause 100
#message "99%"
#pause 100
#message "100%"
#pause 100
#message "Firing first shots now"

#message "Enter hyperspace portal and attack Ovon navy"
# the first ovon fleet

#	create "ovftr02"
#		position 100 200 1500 relative to portal 34.1
#		pointing at "hero"
#		armed with "laser cannon"
#		task attack "hero"

#message "Every craft the Ovons have left are in this sector"
#local message "265"
#speech 265
#pause 30

#message "Engage and destroy"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
#message "Pulse cannon under attack!"
# stop hero getting back here later (from 34)
#message "Engage and destroy Ovon craft attacking pulse cannon"
#message "sector cleansed"
#message "Locate and enter hyperspace portal"
# in case already in 34
#message "This is the final push all Repton craft attack"
# extra wingman
#message "Pin-pointing major Ovon cities and firing"
#message "We have destroyed 50% of Ovon cities"
#local message "270"
#speech 270

#message "We have destroyed 85% of Ovon cities"
#local message "271"
#speech 271

#message "We have destroyed 95% of Ovon cities"
#local message "272"
#speech 272

#message "All Ovon cities destroyed"
#local message "273"
#speech 273
#pause 40
#message ""


#message "8 Mar 97" pause 10
# Mines...
# on exit...
# ultra short one
# Asteroids...
#local message "277"
#speech 277