Development:Duke Nukem Forever/1999 Asset CD/1997-1998 Era Files
This is a sub-page of Development:Duke Nukem Forever/1999 Asset CD.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
To do:
Some quick notes
One of the major from the CD was 5 early models. The five are stored .ucx models however mdx versions of the Bombshell and Alien Ship models are present.
Duke Nukem
Swat Cop
A previously unknown model by the name of "swatcop". No prerelease media featuring this model was ever released.
Its very likely that this a very early version of what become the EDF soldiers in later builds, considering that the EDF possessing a SWAT-like design in the 2001 prototypes.
Alien Ship
The model processes no animations.
The model can be seen many times in the 1998 E3 trailer.
The .mdx version refers to the model as Dalienship3.
The following three sections are found in the bright/outgoing/DP folder.
Console Backgrounds
Various background graphics for the console, from idTech 2 iterations of the game. Both conback and conback2 appear to feature a very early mock-up of a logo. The more interesting of these is conold.pcx, which appears to have been based on a mock-up for box-art.
Unreal Texture (?)
To do: Can any Epic MegaFans of Unreal confirm if this is from that game? Thanks! - Mantis. |
An image simply called unreal.pcx.
An image called dawn.pcx of the eponymous comic book character, what purpose the image was meant to serve is unclear.
An image called GONG6.LBM depicting a dragon presumably taken from a gong dated to June 1997. Purpose unknown.
Early Map
Download kslab3.unr (Restored)
File: (149 KB) (info)
To do:
An early map can be found in the bright folder called kslab3.unr. The map is dated to October 21st, 1998, making it one of the earliest maps made after the switch to Unreal Engine in June 1998. The map can't be loaded into the 2001 prototypes due to them using a custom map extension (.dnf) rather than the default Unreal one (.unr).
A fixed and converted version of the map by Mighty Foot Productions can be downloaded above.
UnrealEd Source Code
Found in bright folder is UnEdFact.cpp, source code for the Unreal Engine's editor. The file is dated June 12th, 1998, which was only three days before 3D Realms announced the switch to Unreal.
/*============================================================================= UnEdFact.cpp: Editor class factories. Copyright 1997 Epic MegaGames, Inc. This software is a trade secret. =============================================================================*/ #include "EditorPrivate.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UClassFactory implementation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UClassFactory::UClassFactory() { guard(UClassFactory::UClassFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = UClass::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("uc;Unreal class definitions"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } UObject* UClassFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* Type, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(UClassFactory::Create); const char* InBuffer=Buffer; char StrLine[256], ClassName[32]="", BaseClassName[32]=""; // Validate format. if( Class != UClass::StaticClass ) { Warn->Warnf( "Can only import classes", Type ); return NULL; } if( appStricmp(Type,"UC")!=0 ) { Warn->Warnf( "Can't import classes from files of type '%s'", Type ); return NULL; } // Import the script text. UTextBuffer* ScriptText = new UTextBuffer; UTextBuffer* DefaultPropText = new UTextBuffer; while( ParseLine(&Buffer,StrLine,ARRAY_COUNT(StrLine),1) ) { const char* Str = &StrLine[0], *Temp; if( ParseCommand(&Str,"defaultproperties") ) { // Get default properties text. while( ParseLine(&Buffer,StrLine,256,1) ) { Str = &StrLine[0]; ParseNext( &Str ); if( *Str=='}' ) break; DefaultPropText->Logf( "%s\r\n", StrLine ); } } else { // Get script text. ScriptText->Logf( "%s\r\n", StrLine ); // Stub out the comments. if( appStrstr(StrLine, "//") ) *appStrstr(StrLine, "//") = 0; // Get class name. if( !ClassName[0] && (Temp=appStrfind(Str, "class"))!=0 ) { Temp+=6; ParseToken( Temp, ClassName, ARRAY_COUNT(ClassName), 0 ); } if( !BaseClassName[0] && (Temp=appStrfind(Str, "expands"))!=0 ) { Temp+=7; ParseToken( Temp, BaseClassName, ARRAY_COUNT(BaseClassName), 0 ); int c = appStrlen(BaseClassName); while( c>0 && BaseClassName[c-1]==';' ) c--; BaseClassName[c] = 0; } } } // Handle failure. if( !ClassName[0] || (!BaseClassName[0] && !appStricmp(ClassName,"Object")) ) { Warn->Warnf( "Bad class definition '%s'/'%s'/%i/%i", ClassName, BaseClassName, BufferEnd-InBuffer, appStrlen(InBuffer) ); if( ScriptText ) delete ScriptText; return NULL; } else if( appStricmp(ClassName,*Name)!=0 ) { Warn->Warnf( "Script vs. class name mismatch (%s/%s)", *Name, ClassName ); } UClass* ResultClass = FindObject<UClass>( InParent, ClassName ); if( ResultClass && (ResultClass->GetFlags() & RF_Intrinsic) ) { // Gracefully update an existing hardcoded class. debugf( NAME_Log, "Updated intrinsic class '%s'", ResultClass->GetFullName() ); ResultClass->ClassFlags &= ~(CLASS_Parsed | CLASS_Compiled); } else { // Create new class. ResultClass = new( InParent, ClassName, RF_Public | RF_Standalone )UClass( NULL ); // Find or forward-declare base class. ResultClass->SuperField = FindObject<UClass>( InParent, BaseClassName ); if( !ResultClass->SuperField ) ResultClass->SuperField = FindObject<UClass>( ANY_PACKAGE, BaseClassName ); if( !ResultClass->SuperField ) ResultClass->SuperField = new( InParent, BaseClassName )UClass( ResultClass ); debugf( NAME_Log, "Imported: %s", ResultClass->GetFullName() ); } // Set this class's properties. ResultClass->DefaultPropText = DefaultPropText; ResultClass->ScriptText = new( ResultClass->GetParent(), NAME_None, RF_NotForClient | RF_NotForServer )UTextBuffer; ResultClass->ScriptText->Text = ScriptText->Text; delete ScriptText; return ResultClass; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(UClassFactory); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ULevelFactory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ForceValid( ULevel* Level, UStruct* Struct, BYTE* Data ) { guard(ForceValid); for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(Struct); It; ++It ) { for( INT i=0; i<It->ArrayDim; i++ ) { BYTE* Value = Data + It->Offset + i*It->GetElementSize(); if( It->IsA(UObjectProperty::StaticClass) ) { UObject*& Obj = *(UObject**)Value; if( Obj && Obj->IsA(AActor::StaticClass) ) { for( INT j=0; j<Level->Num(); j++ ) if( Level->Actors(j)==Obj ) break; if( j==Level->Num() ) { debugf( NAME_Log, "Usurped %s", Obj->GetClassName() ); Obj = NULL; } } } else if( It->IsA(UStructProperty::StaticClass) ) { ForceValid( Level, ((UStructProperty*)*It)->Struct, Value ); } } } unguard; } ULevelFactory::ULevelFactory() { guard(ULevelFactory::ULevelFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = ULevel::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("t3d;Unreal level text"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } UObject* ULevelFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* Type, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(ULevelFactory::Create); TMap<AActor*,FString> Map; // Create (or replace) the level object. ULevel* Level = GEditor->Level; Level->CompactActors(); check(Level->Num()>1); check(Cast<ALevelInfo>(Level->Actors(0))); check(Cast<ABrush>(Level->Actors(1))); // Init actors. for( INT i=0; i<Level->Num(); i++ ) { if( Level->Actors(i) ) { Level->Actors(i)->bTempEditor = 1; Level->Actors(i)->bSelected = 0; } } // Assumes data is being imported over top of a new, valid map. ParseNext( &Buffer ); if( !GetBEGIN( &Buffer, "MAP") ) return Level; // Import everything. int ImportedActive=appStricmp(Type,"paste")==0; char StrLine[256]; while( ParseLine( &Buffer, StrLine, 256 ) ) { const char* Str = StrLine; if( GetEND(&Str,"MAP") ) { // End of brush polys. break; } else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,"BRUSH") ) { GSystem->StatusUpdatef( 0, 0, "%s", "Importing Brushes" ); char BrushName[NAME_SIZE]; if( Parse(Str,"NAME=",BrushName,NAME_SIZE) ) { ABrush* Actor; if( !ImportedActive ) { // Parse the active brush, which has already been allocated. Actor = Level->Brush(); ImportedActive = 1; } else { // Parse a new brush which has not yet been allocated. Actor = Level->SpawnBrush(); Actor->bSelected = 1; Actor->Brush = new( InParent, NAME_None, RF_NotForClient|RF_NotForServer )UModel( NULL ); } // Import. Actor->SetFlags ( RF_NotForClient | RF_NotForServer ); Actor->Brush->SetFlags( RF_NotForClient | RF_NotForServer ); TObjectIterator<UModelFactory> It; check(*It); Actor->Brush = (UModel*)It->Create(UModel::StaticClass,InParent,Actor->Brush->GetFName(),Actor,Type,Buffer,BufferEnd); check(Actor->Brush); if( (Actor->PolyFlags&PF_Portal) && !(Actor->PolyFlags&PF_Translucent) ) Actor->PolyFlags |= PF_Invisible; } } else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,"ACTOR") ) { UClass* TempClass; if( ParseObject<UClass>( Str, "CLASS=", TempClass, ANY_PACKAGE ) ) { // Get actor name. FName ActorName(NAME_None); Parse( Str, "NAME=", ActorName ); // Make sure this name is unique. AActor* Found=NULL; if( ActorName!=NAME_None ) Found = FindObject<AActor>( InParent, *ActorName ); if( Found ) Found->Rename(); // Import it. AActor* Actor = Level->SpawnActor( TempClass, ActorName, NULL, NULL, FVector(0,0,0), FRotator(0,0,0), NULL, 0, 1 ); // Get property text. FString PropText; char StrLine[256]; while ( GetEND( &Buffer, "ACTOR" )==0 && ParseLine( &Buffer, StrLine, 256 ) ) PropText.Appendf( "%s\r\n", StrLine ); Map.Add( Actor, PropText ); // Handle class. if( Actor->IsA(ALevelInfo::StaticClass) ) { // Copy the one LevelInfo the position #0. check(Level->Num()>0); INT iActor=0; Level->FindItem( Actor, iActor ); Level->Actors(0) = Actor; Level->Actors(iActor) = NULL; } else if( Actor->GetClass()==ABrush::StaticClass && !ImportedActive ) { // Copy the active brush the position #0. INT iActor=0; Level->FindItem( Actor, iActor ); Level->Actors(1) = Actor; Level->Actors(iActor) = NULL; ImportedActive = 1; } } } } // Import actor properties. // We do this after creating all actors so that actor references can be matched up. guard(Finishing); check(Cast<ALevelInfo>(Level->Actors(0))); for( int i=0; i<Level->Num(); i++ ) { AActor* Actor = Level->Actors(i); if( Actor ) { Actor->bSelected = !Actor->bTempEditor; FString PropText; if( Map.Find(Actor,PropText) ) { guard(ImportActorProperties); ImportProperties( Actor->GetClass(), (BYTE*)Actor, Level, *PropText, InParent ); unguard; } guard(FixupActor); Actor->Level = (ALevelInfo*)Level->Actors(0); Actor->Region = FPointRegion( (ALevelInfo*)Level->Actors(0) ); ForceValid( Level, Actor->GetClass(), (BYTE*)Actor ); unguard; } } unguard; return Level; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(ULevelFactory); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPolysFactory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UPolysFactory::UPolysFactory() { guard(UPolysFactory::UPolysFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = UPolys::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("t3d;Unreal brush text"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } UObject* UPolysFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* Type, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(UPolysFactory::Create); // Create polys. UPolys* Polys = Context ? CastChecked<UPolys>(Context) : new(InParent,Name)UPolys; // Eat up if present. GetBEGIN( &Buffer, "POLYLIST" ); // Parse all stuff. int First=1, GotBase=0; char StrLine[256], ExtraLine[256]; FPoly Poly; while( ParseLine( &Buffer, StrLine, 256 ) ) { const char* Str = StrLine; if( GetEND(&Str,"POLYLIST") ) { // End of brush polys. break; } else if( appStrstr(Str,"ENTITIES") && First ) { // Autocad .DXF file. debugf(NAME_Log,"Reading Autocad DXF file"); INT Started=0, NumPts=0, IsFace=0; FVector PointPool[4096]; FPoly NewPoly; NewPoly.Init(); while ( ParseLine( &Buffer, StrLine, 256, 1 ) && ParseLine( &Buffer, ExtraLine, 256, 1 ) ) { // Handle the line. Str = ExtraLine; INT Code = appAtoi(StrLine); //debugf("DXF: %i: %s",Code,ExtraLine); if( Code==0 ) { // Finish up current poly. if( Started ) { if( NewPoly.NumVertices == 0 ) { // Got a vertex definition. NumPts++; //debugf("DXF: Added vertex %i",NewPoly.NumVertices); } else if( NewPoly.NumVertices>=3 && NewPoly.NumVertices<FPoly::MAX_VERTICES ) { // Got a poly definition. if( IsFace ) NewPoly.Reverse(); NewPoly.Base = NewPoly.Vertex[0]; NewPoly.Finalize(0); Polys->AddItem(NewPoly); //debugf("DXF: Added poly %i",Num); } else { // Bad. Warn->Warnf( "DXF: Bad vertex count %i", NewPoly.NumVertices ); } // Prepare for next. NewPoly.Init(); } Started=0; if( ParseCommand(&Str,"VERTEX") ) { // Start of new vertex. //debugf("DXF: Vertex"); PointPool[NumPts] = FVector(0,0,0); Started = 1; IsFace = 0; } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"3DFACE") ) { // Start of 3d face definition. //debugf("DXF: 3DFace"); Started = 1; IsFace = 1; } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"SEQEND") ) { // End of sequence. //debugf("DXF: SEQEND"); NumPts=0; } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"EOF") ) { // End of file. //debugf("DXF: End"); break; } } else if( Started ) { // Replace commas with periods to handle european dxf's. for( char* Stupid = appStrchr(ExtraLine,','); Stupid; Stupid=appStrchr(Stupid,',') ) *Stupid = '.'; // Handle codes. if( Code>=10 && Code<=19 ) { // X coordinate. if( IsFace && Code-10==NewPoly.NumVertices ) { //debugf("DXF: NewVertex %i",NewPoly.NumVertices); NewPoly.Vertex[NewPoly.NumVertices++] = FVector(0,0,0); } NewPoly.Vertex[Code-10].X = PointPool[NumPts].X = appAtof(ExtraLine); } else if( Code>=20 && Code<=29 ) { // Y coordinate. NewPoly.Vertex[Code-20].Y = PointPool[NumPts].Y = appAtof(ExtraLine); } else if( Code>=30 && Code<=39 ) { // Z coordinate. NewPoly.Vertex[Code-30].Z = PointPool[NumPts].Z = appAtof(ExtraLine); } else if( Code>=71 && Code<=79 && (Code-71)==NewPoly.NumVertices ) { INT iPoint = Abs(appAtoi(ExtraLine)); if( iPoint>0 && iPoint<=NumPts ) NewPoly.Vertex[NewPoly.NumVertices++] = PointPool[iPoint-1]; else debugf( NAME_Warning, "DXF: Invalid point index %i/%i", iPoint, NumPts ); } } } } else if( appStrstr(Str,"Tri-mesh,") && First ) { // 3DS .ASC file. debugf( NAME_Log, "Reading 3D Studio ASC file" ); FVector PointPool[4096]; AscReloop: int NumVerts = 0, TempNumPolys=0, TempVerts=0; while( ParseLine( &Buffer, StrLine, 256 ) ) { Str=StrLine; char VertText[256],FaceText[256]; appSprintf(VertText,"Vertex %i:",NumVerts); appSprintf(FaceText,"Face %i:",TempNumPolys); if( appStrstr(Str,VertText) ) { PointPool[NumVerts].X = appAtof(appStrstr(Str,"X:")+2); PointPool[NumVerts].Y = appAtof(appStrstr(Str,"Y:")+2); PointPool[NumVerts].Z = appAtof(appStrstr(Str,"Z:")+2); NumVerts++; TempVerts++; } else if( appStrstr(Str,FaceText) ) { Poly.Init(); Poly.NumVertices=3; Poly.Vertex[0] = PointPool[appAtoi(appStrstr(Str,"A:")+2)]; Poly.Vertex[1] = PointPool[appAtoi(appStrstr(Str,"B:")+2)]; Poly.Vertex[2] = PointPool[appAtoi(appStrstr(Str,"C:")+2)]; Poly.Base = Poly.Vertex[0]; Poly.Finalize(0); Polys->AddItem(Poly); TempNumPolys++; } else if( appStrstr(Str,"Tri-mesh,") ) goto AscReloop; } debugf( NAME_Log, "Imported %i vertices, %i faces", TempVerts, Polys->Num() ); } else if( GetBEGIN(&Str,"POLYGON") ) // Unreal .t3d file. { // Init to defaults and get group/item and texture. Poly.Init(); Parse( Str, "LINK=", Poly.iLink ); Parse( Str, "ITEM=", Poly.ItemName ); ParseObject<UTexture>( Str, "TEXTURE=", Poly.Texture, ANY_PACKAGE ); Parse( Str, "FLAGS=", Poly.PolyFlags ); Poly.PolyFlags &= ~PF_NoImport; } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"PAN") ) { Parse( Str, "U=", Poly.PanU ); Parse( Str, "V=", Poly.PanV ); } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"ORIGIN") ) { GotBase=1; GetFVECTOR( Str, Poly.Base ); } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"VERTEX") ) { if( Poly.NumVertices < FPoly::MAX_VERTICES ) { GetFVECTOR( Str, Poly.Vertex[Poly.NumVertices] ); Poly.NumVertices++; } } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"TEXTUREU") ) { GetFVECTOR( Str, Poly.TextureU ); } else if( ParseCommand(&Str,"TEXTUREV") ) { GetFVECTOR( Str, Poly.TextureV ); } else if( GetEND(&Str,"POLYGON") ) { if( !GotBase ) Poly.Base = Poly.Vertex[0]; if( Poly.Finalize(1)==0 ) Polys->AddItem(Poly); GotBase=0; } } // Success. return Polys; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(UPolysFactory); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UModelFactory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UModelFactory::UModelFactory() { guard(UModelFactory::UModelFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = UModel::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("t3d;Unreal model text"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } UObject* UModelFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* Type, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(UModelFactory::Create); ABrush* TempOwner = (ABrush*)Context; UModel* Model = new( InParent, Name )UModel( TempOwner, 1 ); const char* StrPtr; char StrLine[256]; if( TempOwner ) { TempOwner->InitPosRotScale(); TempOwner->bSelected = 0; TempOwner->bTempEditor = 0; } while( ParseLine( &Buffer, StrLine, 256 ) ) { StrPtr = StrLine; if( GetEND(&StrPtr,"BRUSH") ) { break; } else if( GetBEGIN (&StrPtr,"POLYLIST") ) { UFactory* PolysFactory=NULL; for( TObjectIterator<UFactory> It; It; ++It ) if( appStricmp(It->GetClassName(),"PolysFactory")==0 ) PolysFactory = *It; check(PolysFactory); Model->Polys = (UPolys*)PolysFactory->Create(UPolys::StaticClass,InParent,NAME_None,NULL,Type,Buffer,BufferEnd); check(Model->Polys); } if( TempOwner ) { if (ParseCommand(&StrPtr,"PREPIVOT" )) GetFVECTOR (StrPtr,TempOwner->PrePivot); else if (ParseCommand(&StrPtr,"SCALE" )) GetFSCALE (StrPtr,TempOwner->MainScale); else if (ParseCommand(&StrPtr,"POSTSCALE" )) GetFSCALE (StrPtr,TempOwner->PostScale); else if (ParseCommand(&StrPtr,"LOCATION" )) GetFVECTOR (StrPtr,TempOwner->Location); else if (ParseCommand(&StrPtr,"ROTATION" )) GetFROTATOR (StrPtr,TempOwner->Rotation,1); if( ParseCommand(&StrPtr,"SETTINGS") ) { Parse( StrPtr, "CSG=", TempOwner->CsgOper ); Parse( StrPtr, "POLYFLAGS=", TempOwner->PolyFlags ); } } } if( GEditor ) GEditor->bspValidateBrush( Model, 1, 0 ); return Model; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(UModelFactory); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USoundFactory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ USoundFactory::USoundFactory() { guard(USoundFactory::USoundFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = USound::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("wav;Wave audio files"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } UObject* USoundFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* FileType, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(USoundFactory::Create); USound* Sound=NULL; if( appStricmp(FileType, "WAV")==0 ) { // Wave file. USound* Sound = new(InParent,Name)USound; Sound->FileType = FName("WAV"); Sound->Data.Add( BufferEnd-Buffer ); appMemcpy( &Sound->Data(0), Buffer, Sound->Data.Num() ); return Sound; } else if( appStricmp(FileType, "UFX")==0 ) { // Ancient ufx file containing (hopefully one) Wave file. Warn->Warnf( "Invalid old-format sound %s", *Name ); return NULL; } else { // Unrecognized. Warn->Warnf( "Unrecognized sound format '%s' in %s", FileType, *Name ); return NULL; } unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(USoundFactory); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UMusicFactory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UMusicFactory::UMusicFactory() { guard(UMusicFactory::UMusicFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = UMusic::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("mod;Amiga modules;s3m;Scream Tracker 3"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } UObject* UMusicFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* FileType, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(UMusicFactory::Create); UMusic* Music = new( InParent, Name )UMusic; Music->FileType = FName(FileType); Music->Data.Add( BufferEnd - Buffer ); appMemcpy( &Music->Data(0), Buffer, Music->Data.Num() ); return Music; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(UMusicFactory); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTextureFactory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // // 128-byte header found at the beginning of a ".PCX" file. // class FPCXFileHeader { public: BYTE Manufacturer; // Always 10. BYTE Version; // PCX file version. BYTE Encoding; // 1=run-length, 0=none. BYTE BitsPerPixel; // 1,2,4, or 8. _WORD XMin; // Dimensions of the image. _WORD YMin; // Dimensions of the image. _WORD XMax; // Dimensions of the image. _WORD YMax; // Dimensions of the image. _WORD hdpi; // Horizontal printer resolution. _WORD vdpi; // Vertical printer resolution. BYTE OldColorMap[48]; // Old colormap info data. BYTE Reserved1; // Must be 0. BYTE NumPlanes; // Number of color planes (1, 3, 4, etc). _WORD BytesPerLine; // Number of bytes per scanline. _WORD PaletteType; // How to interpret palette: 1=color, 2=gray. _WORD HScreenSize; // Horizontal monitor size. _WORD VScreenSize; // Vertical monitor size. BYTE Reserved2[54]; // Must be 0. }; // Headers found at the beginning of a ".BMP" file. #pragma pack(push,1) struct FBitmapFileHeader { _WORD bfType; DWORD bfSize; _WORD bfReserved1; _WORD bfReserved2; DWORD bfOffBits; }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push,1) struct FBitmapInfoHeader { DWORD biSize; DWORD biWidth; DWORD biHeight; _WORD biPlanes; _WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; DWORD biXPelsPerMeter; DWORD biYPelsPerMeter; DWORD biClrUsed; DWORD biClrImportant; }; #pragma pack(pop) UTextureFactory::UTextureFactory() { guard(UTextureFactory::UTextureFactory); // Init UFactory properties. SupportedClass = UTexture::StaticClass; new(Formats)FString("bmp;Bitmap files;pcx;PC Painbrush files"); bCreateNew = 0; unguard; } char* GFile=NULL; UObject* UTextureFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* Type, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(UTextureFactory::Create); UTexture* Texture = NULL; const FPCXFileHeader* PCX = (FPCXFileHeader *)Buffer; const FBitmapFileHeader* bmf = (FBitmapFileHeader *)(Buffer + 0); const FBitmapInfoHeader* bmhdr = (FBitmapInfoHeader *)(Buffer + sizeof(FBitmapFileHeader)); // Validate it. int Length = BufferEnd - Buffer; if( Length < sizeof(FPCXFileHeader) ) { // Doesn't contain valid header. Warn->Warnf( "Texture: Invalid header" ); return NULL; } else if( Buffer[0]=='B' && Buffer[1]=='M' ) { // This is a .bmp type data stream. if( bmhdr->biPlanes!=1 || bmhdr->biBitCount!=8 ) { // Not a 256 color .bmp image. Warn->Warnf( "BMP is not 8-bit color! planes=%i bits=%i", bmhdr->biPlanes, bmhdr->biBitCount ); return NULL; } if( (bmhdr->biWidth&(bmhdr->biWidth-1)) || (bmhdr->biHeight&(bmhdr->biHeight-1)) ) { Warn->Warnf( "Texture dimensions are not powers of two" ); return NULL; } // Set texture properties. Texture = CastChecked<UTexture>(GObj.ConstructObject( Class, InParent, Name ) ); Texture->Init( bmhdr->biWidth, bmhdr->biHeight ); Texture->PostLoad(); // Import it. //old: Buffer += sizeof(FBitmapFileHeader); // Skip 1st bmp header. //old: Buffer += sizeof(FBitmapInfoHeader); // Skip 2nd bmp header. //old: Buffer += 4 * 256; // Skip palette data. //old: Buffer += 4 * (bmhdr->biClrUsed ? bmhdr->biClrUsed : 256); const BYTE* Ptr = (BYTE*)Buffer + bmf->bfOffBits; // Copy upside-down scanlines. for( INT y=0; y<(INT)bmhdr->biHeight; y++ ) appMemcpy ( &Texture->Mips(0).DataArray((bmhdr->biHeight - 1 - y) * bmhdr->biWidth), &Ptr[y * Align(bmhdr->biWidth,4)], bmhdr->biWidth ); // Do palette. UPalette* Palette = new( InParent )UPalette; Palette->SetFlags( RF_Public ); const BYTE* bmpal = (BYTE*)Buffer + sizeof(FBitmapFileHeader) + sizeof(FBitmapInfoHeader); Palette->Colors.Empty(); Palette->Colors.Add( NUM_PAL_COLORS ); for( INT i=0; i<NUM_PAL_COLORS; i++ ) { Palette->Colors(i).B = *bmpal++; Palette->Colors(i).G = *bmpal++; Palette->Colors(i).R = *bmpal++; *bmpal++; } Texture->Palette = Palette->ReplaceWithExisting(); } else if( PCX->Manufacturer == 10 ) { // This is a .PCX. if( PCX->BitsPerPixel!=8 || PCX->NumPlanes!=1 ) { // Bad format, must have 8 bits per pixel, 1 plane. Warn->Warnf("PCX: Bad header (%i/%i)", PCX->BitsPerPixel, PCX->NumPlanes ); return NULL; } int NewU = PCX->XMax + 1 - PCX->XMin; int NewV = PCX->YMax + 1 - PCX->YMin; if( (NewU&(NewU-1)) || (NewV&(NewV-1)) ) { Warn->Warnf( "Texture dimensions are not powers of two" ); return NULL; } // Set texture properties. Texture = CastChecked<UTexture>(GObj.ConstructObject( Class, InParent, Name ) ); Texture->Init( NewU, NewV ); Texture->PostLoad(); // Import it. BYTE* DestPtr = &Texture->Mips(0).DataArray(0); BYTE* DestEnd = DestPtr + Texture->Mips(0).DataArray.Num(); Buffer += 128; while( DestPtr < DestEnd ) { BYTE Color = *Buffer++; if( (Color & 0xc0) == 0xc0 ) { INT RunLength = Color & 0x3f; Color = *Buffer++; appMemset( DestPtr, Color, Min(RunLength,(int)(DestEnd - DestPtr)) ); DestPtr += RunLength; } else *DestPtr++ = Color; } // Do the palette. UPalette* Palette = new( InParent )UPalette; Palette->SetFlags( RF_Public ); BYTE* PCXPalette = (BYTE *)(BufferEnd - NUM_PAL_COLORS * 3); Palette->Colors.Empty(); Palette->Colors.Add( NUM_PAL_COLORS ); for( int i=0; i<NUM_PAL_COLORS; i++ ) { Palette->Colors(i).R = *PCXPalette++; Palette->Colors(i).G = *PCXPalette++; Palette->Colors(i).B = *PCXPalette++; } Texture->Palette = Palette->ReplaceWithExisting(); } else { // Unknown format. Warn->Warnf( "Bad image format for texture import" ); return NULL; } // See if part of an animation sequence. check(Texture); if( appStrlen(Texture->GetName())>=4 ) { char Temp[256]; appStrcpy( Temp, Texture->GetName() ); char* End = Temp + appStrlen(Temp) - 4; if( End[0]=='_' && appToUpper(End[1])=='A' && appIsDigit(End[2]) && appIsDigit(End[3]) ) { int i = appAtoi( End+2 ); debugf( NAME_Log, "Texture animation frame %i: %s", i, Texture->GetName() ); if( i>0 ) { appSprintf( End+2, "%02i", i-1 ); UTexture* Other = FindObject<UTexture>( Texture->GetParent(), Temp ); if( Other ) { Other->AnimNext = Texture; debugf( NAME_Log, " Linked to previous: %s", Other->GetName() ); } } if( i<99 ) { appSprintf( End+2, "%02i", i+1 ); UTexture* Other = FindObject<UTexture>( Texture->GetParent(), Temp ); if( Other ) { Texture->AnimNext = Other; debugf( NAME_Log, " Linked to next: %s", Other->GetName() ); } } } } #if 0 // Handle bumps. if( 1 ) { FMemMark Mark(GMem); INT U = Texture->USize; INT V = Texture->VSize; FColor* Colors = &Texture->Palette->Colors(0); BYTE* Data = &Texture->Mips(0).DataArray(0); FVector* Grad = new(GMem)FVector[U*V]; for( INT i=0,ii=V-1; i<V; ii=i++ ) { for( INT j=0,jj=U-1; j<U; jj=j++ ) { FVector A(0,0,Colors[Data[i * U + j ]].FBrightness()); FVector B(1,0,Colors[Data[i * U + jj ]].FBrightness()); FVector C(0,1,Colors[Data[ii * U + j ]].FBrightness()); Grad[i*U+j] = (((A-B) ^ (C-A)) * FVector(32,32,1)).UnsafeNormal(); } } for( i=0,ii=V-1; i<V; ii=i++ ) for( INT j=0,jj=U-1; j<U; jj=j++ ) Grad[i*U+j] = (Grad[i*U+j]+Grad[ii*U+j]+Grad[i*U+jj]+Grad[ii*U+jj]).SafeNormal(); GFile[appStrlen(GFile)-3]='b'; GFile[appStrlen(GFile)-2]='m'; GFile[appStrlen(GFile)-1]='p'; FILE* F = appFopen( GFile, "w+b" ); if( F ) { FBitmapFileHeader FH; FBitmapInfoHeader IH; FH.bfType = 'B' + 256*'M'; FH.bfSize = sizeof(FH) + sizeof(IH) + 3 * U * V; FH.bfReserved1 = 0; FH.bfReserved2 = 0; FH.bfOffBits = sizeof(FH) + sizeof(IH); appFwrite( &FH, sizeof(FH), 1, F ); IH.biSize = sizeof(IH); IH.biWidth = U; IH.biHeight = V; IH.biPlanes = 1; IH.biBitCount = 24; IH.biCompression = 0; //BI_RGB IH.biSizeImage = U * V * 3; IH.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; IH.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; IH.biClrUsed = 0; IH.biClrImportant = 0; appFwrite( &IH, sizeof(IH), 1, F ); for( INT i=V-1; i>=0; i-- ) { for( INT j=0; j<U; j++ ) { struct {BYTE B,G,R,A;} C; C.R = Clamp( appFloor(128+Grad[i*U+j].Y*127), 0, 255 ); C.B = Clamp( appFloor(128+Grad[i*U+j].X*127), 0, 255 ); C.G = Clamp( appFloor(128+Grad[i*U+j].Z*127), 0, 255 ); appFwrite( &C, 3, 1, F ); } } appFclose( F ); } Mark.Pop(); } #endif return Texture; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(UTextureFactory); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UFontFactory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // // Fast pixel-lookup. // static inline BYTE AT( BYTE* Screen, int SXL, int X, int Y ) { return Screen[X+Y*SXL]; } // // Find the border around a font character that starts at x,y (it's upper // left hand corner). If it finds a character box, it returns 0 and the // character's length (xl,yl). Otherwise returns -1. // static int UFont_ScanFontBox( UTexture* Texture, INT X, INT Y, INT& XL, INT& YL ) { guard(UFont_ScanFontBox); BYTE* Data = &Texture->GetMip(0)->DataArray(0); INT FontXL = Texture->USize; // Find x-length. INT NewXL = 1; while ( AT(Data,FontXL,X+NewXL,Y)==255 && AT(Data,FontXL,X+NewXL,Y+1)!=255 ) NewXL++; if( AT(Data,FontXL,X+NewXL,Y)!=255 ) return -1; // Find y-length. INT NewYL = 1; while( AT(Data,FontXL,X,Y+NewYL)==255 && AT(Data,FontXL,X+1,Y+NewYL)!=255 ) NewYL++; if( AT(Data,FontXL,X,Y+NewYL)!=255 ) return -1; XL = NewXL - 1; YL = NewYL - 1; return 0; unguard; } UFontFactory::UFontFactory() { guard(UFontFactory::UFontFactory); // Use UTextureFactory properties. SupportedClass = UFont::StaticClass; unguard; } UObject* UFontFactory::Create ( UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, UObject* Context, const char* Type, const char*& Buffer, const char* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn ) { guard(UFontFactory::Create); UFont* Font = (UFont*)UTextureFactory::Create( Class, InParent, Name, Context, Type, Buffer, BufferEnd, Warn ); if( Font ) { // Init. BYTE* TextureData = &Font->GetMip(0)->DataArray(0); Font->Characters.Add( UFont::NUM_FONT_CHARS ); for( int i=0; i<Font->Characters.Num(); i++ ) { Font->Characters(i).StartU = 0; Font->Characters(i).USize = 0; Font->Characters(i).StartV = 0; Font->Characters(i).VSize = 0; } // Scan in all fonts, starting at character 32. i = 32; int Y = 0; do { int X = 0; while( AT(TextureData,Font->USize,X,Y)!=255 && Y<Font->VSize ) { X++; if( X >= Font->USize ) { X = 0; if( ++Y >= Font->VSize ) break; } } // Scan all characters in this row. if( Y < Font->VSize ) { int XL=0, YL=0, MaxYL=0; while( i<Font->Characters.Num() && UFont_ScanFontBox(Font,X,Y,XL,YL)==0 ) { Font->Characters(i).StartU = X+1; Font->Characters(i).StartV = Y+1; Font->Characters(i).USize = XL; Font->Characters(i).VSize = YL; X += XL + 1; i++; if( YL > MaxYL ) MaxYL = YL; } Y += MaxYL + 1; } } while( i<Font->Characters.Num() && Y<Font->VSize ); // Cleanup font data. for( i=0; i<Font->Mips.Num(); i++ ) for( INT j=0; j<Font->Mips(i).DataArray.Num(); j++ ) if( Font->Mips(i).DataArray(j)==255 ) Font->Mips(i).DataArray(j) = 0; } return Font; unguard; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(UFontFactory); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/