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Development:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire/Concept Art/Graphic Mockups

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire/Concept Art.


Throughout HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt\ポケモン_ルビー・サファイア\ポケモン_ルビー・サファイア\ are Photoshop documents of gameplay mockup images.

Filename/Date Image Notes

April 10th, 2001

PKMNRS 控えポケモン画面.png


The folder name translates to "battle image screen".


To do:
These documents have hidden layers to explore when opened in Photoshop.

Three battle screen mockups with Blastoise, Camerupt and Lugia.

Filename/Date Image Notes

May 2nd, 2001

PKMNRS 戦闘画面ゲージサンプル.png The Blastoise is edited from its Generation II back sprite, and Camerupt appears to have hairs on its chin.

June 18th, 2001

PKMNRS 戦闘画面イメージ.png

August 3rd, 2001

PKMNRS 戦闘画面ゲージサンプル2vs2.png Blastoise and Lugia's sprites are lifted straight from Pokémon Gold.


Four battle mockup images using a crude sketch of Entei and Ken Sugimori illustration of Pichu. All are dated July 14th, 2001.

Filename Image Notes
戦闘00_7_14 PKMNRS 戦闘00 7 14.png Text: "Oh! A wild Pichu appeared!"
戦闘00_7_14-2 PKMNRS 戦闘00 7 14-2.png Text: "The opposing Pichu used Defense Curl!"
Entei is blurry.
戦闘00_7_14-3 PKMNRS 戦闘00 7 14-3.png Text: "Entei used Flamethrower!"
Pichu is blurry.
戦闘001004 PKMNRS 戦闘001004.png 戦闘00_7_14-2 with a grassy background added.