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This is a sub-page of Development:Portal.

To do:
  • Upload more interesting textures
  • Resize and reorganize
  • There should be more textures to upload

There's a surprising amount of leaked textures throughout Portal's development. These textures were originally in the game's files, but were soon cut later in development.


Throughout a majority of Portal's development, the crosshair featured an appearance similar to one seen in Half-Life 2, though in the portal color scheme that is very detailed when it comes to firing portals. The left-most and right-most parts of the crosshair would go up depending on which portal was fired. It also measured how long it would take for one portal to fire and give a cooldown animation as the portal was firing and when it opened (signified when the left-most and right-most parts of the crosshair would go down and up respectivly, indicating a new one can be fired. This was changed in the very end of 2007, just before the game was finished.

2005 - E3 Late 2007 - Final Game
Portal-Early-Crosshair.png Portal-Final-Crosshair.png

Test Chamber Textures

Portal-concrete modular wall002.png


A Test Chamber wall texture that was cut from the final game. This texture was heavily used in maps from the end of 2006. It looks like a standard wall texture but with a faint mark on it that possibly resembles a hand or something.

Portal-concrete modular wall001i.png


Another Test Chamber wall texture that was also cut from the final game. This texture was barely used in maps from the end of 2006.


P1 2005 diagram.png Decal equations.png Decal graph.png

decals_drawing, decals_equation and decal_graph resable tattered paper and was a unique asset to the game when it had a Half-Life 2 aesthetic that would later be cut. All three were referenced in early development map zoo_lab as every asset featured has a text box in front of detail the file location. Seen in intro_lvl1 and zoo_lab.

Early Test Chamber Signs

Some signs made for test chambers in the first year of Portal's development in 2005 that were likely used in the Test Chambers from that point in time and in areas in the lab_lvl3a map.

P1 2005 common room.png


A sign for a common room that appears in lab_lvl3a but was positioned too far into the wall it was placed on, making it hidden.

P1 2005 go back.png


A sign telling the player to go back.

P1 2005 office wing.png


A sign for an office wing that appears in lab_lvl3a.

P1 2005 observation.png


A sign outside of the observation wing in lab_lvl3a.

P1 2005 orange arrow down.png P1 2005 orange arrow up.png P1 2005 orange arrow left.png P1 2005 orange arrow right.png

Arrows in several directions.

P1 2005 secure offices.png


Another offices sign that would have likely appeared in one of the escape areas.

Portal-decal box dispenser.png P1 2005 stickman caution box.png P1 2005 stickman rm4 001.png P1 2005 stickman rm4 002.png P1 2005 stickman rm5 001.png P1 2005 stickman rm5 002.png P1 2005 stickman rm5a 001.png P1 2005 stickman rm5a 002.png

Several test chamber signs that would have appeared in the 2005 versions of the Test Chambers.

P1 2005 to surface.png


A sign used at the exit in lab_lvl3a.

P1 2005 utility closet.png


A utility closet sign in lab_lvl3a.