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Development:Sonic Robo Blast 2

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This page details development materials of Sonic Robo Blast 2.

To do:
Document Devpacks 1 and 2.

Scrapped Zone Transition Cutscenes

SRB2 was originally planned to have animated cutscenes between zones.

Unfinished Doomship to Egg Rock Transition Cutscene

In the files of SRB2XmasCD, there are remnants of an unfinished Doomship to Egg Rock transition cutscene.

Original Storyboards

A concept version of the opening.

SRB2 Storyboard1.jpg SRB2 Storyboard2.jpg SRB2 Storyboard3.jpg SRB2 Storyboard4.jpg

Early Title Screen Concepts

Early ideas for the title screen made by SSNTails. The most similar to the final one is the sketch labelled "Proclaiming", with slight differences to the final version. The sketch labelled "Sonic 1" was used for the title screen of Demo 1.

SRB2 EarlyTtitleScreenConcepts.png

Pre-Halloween Sprites

To do:
  • Add Knuckles' sprites.
  • Turn these into GIFs.

Old player sprites dated July 1999 (that were seen in these screenshots).

Wood Zone

Download.png Download Sonic Robo Blast 2 Wood Zone Map
File: Sonic_Robo_Blast_2_Wood_Zone.zip (0.18 MB) (info)

One of the first known maps made for Sonic Robo Blast 2.

Devpack 1 & 2

These packs are from 1998 to 2003, contains characters, prototype maps and so much unused maps/concept maps

1998-2001 Development Maps

Download.png Download Sonic Robo Blast 2 1998-2001 Development Maps
File: Sonic_Robo_Blast_2_1998-2001_Development_Maps.zip (1.05 MB) (info)

This is a zip containing all of the SRB2 levels as they were in Demo 2.

It was given to the winners of a contest in 2001, but most of the maps are from the very early days of SRB2's development.

Most of these levels are very different from their modern counterparts, and only a few parts of the level designs have made it to Version 2.2.

Techno Hill Zone

Techno Hill Zone Act 2 is completely different from its Demo 4-era development versions, being more boxed in and much harder to navigate.

SRB2 Demo1THZ2.png

Act 3 is also completely different to every subsequent version, taking place outside instead of inside the factory. This would be kept until the arena was redone for Final Demo.

SRB2 TH3Demo12.png SRB2 THZ3Demo11.png

Deep Sea Zone

To do:
Redo the Deep Sea Zone screenshots once the Early 2000 build comes out, more accurate textures were found there.

Act 1's opening area was reused for the start of Deep Sea Zone Act 2 in Version 2.0, being one of the few pieces of level design to stay until the current version.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 DSZDemo11.png Sonic Robo Blast 2 DSZDemo12.png

Red Volcano Zone

To do:
Add comparisons between this version and the Final Demo version.

Unused Old Super Sonic Sprites

To do:
Turn these into gifs and/or sprites like in section 5

Although this former Super Sonic was quickly replaced, several sprites were created during the game's development.

Deep Sea Demo Era Concept

Download.png Download Sonic Robo Blast 2 Deep Sea Demo Concept
File: Sonic_Robo_Blast_2_Deep_Sea_Demo_Concept.zip (0.21 kb) (info)

During the development of the demos, a concept of Deep Sea Zone was created that would later be reused for an area of Castle Eggman Zone.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Deepseazone concept.png

Dark City 2.0 Era

Download.png Download Sonic Robo Blast 2 Dark City Zone 2.0 Beta
File: SRB2_DarkCityZone2008.zip (0.54 kb) (info)

A later version of Dark City zone created for 2.0 with a design more similar to a destroyed city.
This cannot be completed normally with Sonic and contains many untextured parts or Greenflower Zone textures.

SRB2 DCZ12001.png SRB2 DCZ12002.png

Egg Rock Zone Act 1 2.0 Betas

To do:
  • Documents the most notable differences between each WAD.

Download.png Download Sonic Robo Blast 2 Egg Rock Act 1 Betas
File: Sonic_Robo_Blast_2_Egg_Rock_Act1_Betas.zip (2.69 mb) (info)

SSNTails uploaded some Egg Rock Act 1 betas from 2.0. These contain slight differences with the final version except the ERZ-recolored-b5.wad which is the one shown in the 2.0 beta Trailer.







Unused Ringslinger Animation

To do:
Turn this into a gif and/or sprites as indicated in sections 5 and 9

An unfinished animation of Sonic launching something that would presumably be used for the Ringslinger.