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Development:Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (SNES)

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This page details development materials of Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (SNES).

Deluxe Paint Graphics

To do:
Comparisons with final counterparts, if necessary.

On October 3, 2022, lead programmer Kevin Edwards posted four raw Deluxe Paint files to his Twitter.

Later that month, on October 22, he'd post four more.

Unused Music

According to an interview, Tim Follin originally created songs with a very cheesy style, but an external client requested to tone it down.[1] On his Twitter, Kevin Edwardson shared faxes of game feedback which had been sent by Paul Provenzano of Acclaim in July 1992, which included comments of confusion about the ending theme.[2][3]

On his now-defunct online portfolio, Tim included samples of his previous work, and for this game he released some earlier drafts of the soundtrack.[4]

Early Final

A cheesier rendition of the high score tune.

A completely unused track, called "Loop" in its file name and "Swing!" on the portfolio site.
