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Development:Team Fortress 2/April 21st, 2020 Codebase Leak/Condition Flags

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This is a sub-page of Development:Team Fortress 2/April 21st, 2020 Codebase Leak.

To do:
Think about external resources links, such as GitHub, because usually this kind of things might be not appreciated. Maybe they should be reworked as source code links and just provide one link to GitHub code archive at a whole for anyone willing to search for it?

Speed Pad Speed Boost

First up we have TF_COND_NO_COMBAT_SPEED_BOOST, labelled with a dev comment as STAGING_ENGY. This is a condition that was used for the experimental Speed Pad building upgrade. This condition is removed when the player is attacking [1] or being hit[2].

Tranq Gun Boost & Marked

Next we have TF_COND_TRANQ_SPY_BOOST, a condition for the revived Tranquilizer Gun and/or DNA Gun (which itself is a new version of the Tranq Gun). When applied to the player, this condition seems to apply a weapon deployment speed increase to the attacker.

Sticking with the Tranquilizer Gun, we have TF_COND_TRANQ_MARKED up next. This condition is permanently applied to the player being attacked until they die. The target's movement speed is also momentarily slowed and a small amount of viewpunch is used to simulate flinching.

Space Gravity

Up next, TF_COND_SPACE_GRAVITY. This is a remnant from the early development of rd_asteroid when the map was planned to have low gravity in the exterior areas, but normal gravity within the interiors of the bases. It can be determined that this was for rd_asteroid as the internal name for the sound to transition between low and normal gravity is listed as RD.SpaceGravityTransition. This condition is commented out, and most code related to it in other files is also commented out. For example, this block of code within the CTFPlayer::TFPlayerThink function has been commented out. This block of code seems to show the initial functionality of the jetpack where players could seemingly just jump and be jetpacked, using some of their "space jump charge". This block of code also shows the names of several cut convars for controlling aspects of the jetpacking;

  • tf_space_thrust_use_rate - Controls the minimum % of charge required to thrust.
  • tf_space_thrust_recharge_rate - Controls the rate at which the thrust charge recharges.
  • tf_space_thrust_scout - Controls the upward thrust velocity for this class. Same goes for the rest of the convars in this list.
  • tf_space_thrust_sniper
  • tf_space_thrust_soldier
  • tf_space_thrust_demo
  • tf_space_thrust_medic
  • tf_space_thrust_heavy
  • tf_space_thrust_pyro
  • tf_space_thrust_spy
  • tf_space_thrust_engy

The jetpack from this early state of rd_asteroid was later repurposed into the Thermal Thruster jetpack for the Pyro. However, of note is the original HUD icon for the Thermal Thruster was based on an entirely different jetpack model called the Furious Flyer. It would appear that this jetpack could have been considered to be the model used for the generic all-class jetpack before it was changed and a new model was picked. The HUD icon was later updated to properly reflect the chosen model.

Concussion Grenade v2 - Self Conc

Next, we have TF_COND_SELF_CONC. Pretty obvious what this condition was for. But it's commented out. When given the condition after being hit by your own Concussion Grenade, it would have given you "phase attachments" which are attachments used for the Scout after drinking Bonk! Atomic Punch and Demoman during charging with a shield. This was done to make you more visible to enemies as a penalty, according to this bit of code in the CTFProjectile_ConcGrenade::Explode function.

Phase Cloaking Watch - Phase Stealthed

Next, we have TF_COND_STEALTHED_PHASE. This was a condition used for the experimental Phase Cloaking Watch for the Spy. According to some staging code found in the CTraceFilterObject::ShouldHitEntity function, the Phase Cloaking Watch's cloak allowed the Spy to walk through any object or other player. If you uncloaked while inside an object, you would be telefragged. Phase cloaking also gave the player a slight speed boost and a screen overlay of some variety.

Clip Overload

Next, we have TF_COND_CLIP_OVERLOAD. According to the code, this condition would give players 1000 primary and secondary ammo, 1000 metal, and 1000 GRENADES1, GRENADES2 and GRENADES3 ammo. It also would refill weapon clips. It is very similar with standart refill action from supply lockers, Mann vs Machine Ammo Refill canteen or inpulse 101 command, though it's unclear whether it's the same effect.

DNA Gun - Class Steal

Finally, we have TF_COND_SPY_CLASS_STEAL. This condition was meant for the second attempt to revive the Tranquilizer Gun, under the name "DNA Gun". The condition is added to the attacker as part of the DNA Gun's body-stealing gimmick.

  1. game/shared/tf/tf_weaponbase_gun.cpp, line 207
  2. game/server/tf/tf_player.cpp, line 9335